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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12509693 No.12509693[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>table for one?
>right this way, sir

>> No.12510161

>read a book while waiting on food
>food arrives
>contemplate how i'm going to spend the day on my own terms
>enjoy my food at my own pace deep in my own thoughts
>leave restaurant
>find a comfy place to park in the shade
>decide to read the book until sunset
>watch the sunset
>drive back home grabbing some tacos on the way
>get back inside
>no annoying women or kids
>eat while listening to some chill tunes
>take a hot shower
>drink some beers
>eat some god-tier snacks like honey graham crackers with peanut butter
>pass out with entire bed to yourself

being a loner is top-tier comfy

>> No.12510178

At least it is for a while. Loneliness can be a motherfucker after several years.

>> No.12510181

>being a loner means accomplishing nothing in total silence while you shove junk food into your face all day

>> No.12510185
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>the ahegao table, please

>> No.12510191

Which book are you reading, fellow /lit/fag?

>yfw this is now a thinly veiled /lit/ thread

>> No.12510193

Being alone can be addicting. After a few years you become a junkie

>> No.12510211

Indeed. You speak the truth. The longer you roll solo the more awkward it is to socialize again. If anyone is like this I recommend getting a pet that requires a decent amount of effort to care for. Statistically speaking, you're less likely to lose your fucking mind.

>> No.12510222

Bro that’s so f*cking epic

>> No.12510239

I see affirmative action isn’t working out for you, Jamal.

>> No.12510255
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>Being a grammar nazi on a russian nesting doll discussion forum
Autism level at an all time high

>> No.12510259

Inability to socialise and no motivation to do so. No-one to cook for.

>> No.12510265
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>calling out autism on 4channel

>> No.12510270

I choose to believe ops is the shopped image in order to be more appealing to normies

>> No.12510400

>be alone
>buy a pet to leave at home while you work all day

>> No.12510412


>> No.12510413

>table for one?
>I'm sorry sir but if you'll refer yourself to the door you'll see posted our strict policy against serving incels
>you have 15 seconds to exit the premises before we're by law obligated to notify the police

>> No.12510425

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.12510456

life doesnt have a purpose

>> No.12510512

Being alone can comfy as hell, but being lonely is something else entirely. Being lonely is about having no connections with people, no emotional comfort, nobody to share anything with, and it's cripplingly depressing.

>> No.12510575

>Goes out to eat
>Gets takeout on the way back

Fucking hell anon.

>> No.12510583

>Not even doing intermittent bumps, shots and cigs
Why live alone?

>> No.12510584

You could end up spending your spare time shitposting on 4channel just to muster the illusion of companionship.

>> No.12510589
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Blurb on the back was quite appealing. Decided to go ahead and purchase it.

>> No.12510592

Saved for future /ck/ use

>> No.12510608


>> No.12510707

>all the comfy of a booth without having to listen to people in front of you
I would unironically eat there.

>> No.12510723
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to real anon... to real

>> No.12510947

This but with bong rips every hour

>> No.12510958

You are a fucking brainlet.

>> No.12510972

Fuck off tweaker

>> No.12510974

Since I became single I really don’t mind solo dining. Japan does it better than anywhere though, even some three Michelin star restaurants have counter top tables where you don’t look like a sad lonely bastard.

>> No.12510985

It would be home alone all day even if you are in a relationship, assuming you both work.

>> No.12510990

You know he was trolling you, right?

>> No.12511003


>> No.12511007

in the second paragraph,
>has taken over
Shouldn't it be "have" ?

>> No.12511010
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Uh, yeah. That's what I said.

>> No.12511014
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There's pros and cons to being alone and to being in a relationship.

An ideal life for me would be being in a relationship where we live away from each other. Far enough where we can't see each other on work days, but close enough where we can spend our days off together.

>work 4 days a week
>enjoy my alone time and space
>3 days spent with girlfriend
>enjoy my pussy and human contact
>soon as the lonliness starts to kick in, bam, girlfriends back
>soon as I start getting sick of my girlfriend, bam, she or I am leaving to go back home

>> No.12511016
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>> No.12511023

Long distance relationships are awful

>> No.12511024

That table can clearly seat 2 people. 3 if you cram.

>> No.12511028
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Why can’t there be more balance with these kinds of things, anon? I broke up with my oneitis because I got fed up with all the bullshit she put me through. No one ever told me dating is a fucking drag. What gives?

>> No.12511035

It's not really long distance if she lives like an hour or two away

Im currently in an actual LDR and i fucking hate it. It's like the worst parts of being si gle and the worst parts of being in an relationship all rolled into one

>> No.12511045

Get out now. She's gonna cheat on you. It's too easy these days to find other people with the internet. Unless she's in some small town.

>> No.12511048

Why do you think you need to live far away from each other to do this? My girlfriend lives 14 minutes away and we only see each other 3-4 days a week.

>> No.12511143

This would be great, unfortunately women in my experience crave more contact, time and attention. My last relationship was perfect until we moved in together.

>> No.12511154

>My last relationship was perfect until we moved in together.

Yikes. Care to expound, my guy?

>> No.12511172
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Why do people actually eat inside of a fast food place?
What's the purpose?

Just Eat in your car
Go home and eat

What is the appeal of sitting in a smelly booth

>> No.12511184

Honestly I cringed at this entire post

>> No.12511209

the first meal was breakfast, the second meal after sunset

>> No.12511219

It was just too crowded. Never had any fucking time to myself and she was very emotionally demanding. I was an only child, I’ll never get used to constant company.

>> No.12511268

No chance of getting your car dirty. Inside is probably cooler if its summer/warmer if its winter. No chance of homeless people coming up and knocking on your window to ask for change while you are eating.

>> No.12511282

It's because you've got food to eat and there is a spot to sit and it's the closest spot and your characterization of the booth as "smelly" is fallacious. Also, if I'm driving I'd probably just go somewhere else. I'd usually only go there because of proximity when walking.

>> No.12511287

>he was just pretending to be retarded
Nice samefag!

>> No.12511293
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But how do you deal with the fact that everyone in the "restaurant" is watching you eat?

>> No.12511322

By not being mentally ill and thinking everyone is watching me.

>> No.12511333

They're watching you when you sit in your car as well.

>> No.12511336

Shut the fuck up, retard.

>> No.12511340

not op but i just bought horus rising without much prior knowledge of wh40k. Did i choose a right starting point?

>> No.12511347

If anything I would conciser it more strange that someone is sitting in the parking lot in their car eating instead of just going inside.

>> No.12511349
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I have tinted windows anon

>> No.12511354

Get two cats who can hang out with each other.

>> No.12511435

I've lived alone for about eight years now. I agree with it being addictive, because I don't particularly enjoy socializing in person most of the time, but it never really got weird. Have had casual gfs during this time but no live-ins or anything. Can't imagine living with another person ever.