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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 93 KB, 650x975, DSC_1306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12502802 No.12502802 [Reply] [Original]

*salsa dances in your freezer*
How are you celebrating pride month? I made these sweet rainbow popsicles.

>> No.12502816

What’s with all the poofterposting on /ck/ lately?
GB2 >/lgbt/ with the rest of the shit diddlers, carpet munchers and glen or Glenda fruit loaves.

>> No.12502817

I'm not out of the closet irl yet.

>> No.12502822

In my game I instavotekick anybody that dropped homophobic slurs and unsurprisingly it usually passes

Thats about it, i dont drink

>> No.12502825

I don’t celebrate anything except my wife’s birthday, the day Jesus brought presents to poor kids, and the fourth of july

>> No.12502829

What a fucking snitch ass faggot.

>> No.12502844
File: 262 KB, 1001x1600, stock-photo-big-baby-infant-adult-man-in-diaper-working-at-the-computer-while-sitting-isolated-on-white-152103677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12502852 [DELETED] 

absolutely based, fuck fags

>> No.12502857

>80 year old posting on a mongolian subterranean snorkling website
Go to bed, grandpa.

>> No.12502862

I put several different fruits in my butt.

>> No.12502864

Why not, anon?

>> No.12502867

Can you get AIDS from wearing a mans dirty diaper? This is very important.

>> No.12502874

Mix of being single and homophobic parents (I'm an adult though). Sometimes I tell myself I'm not homosexual because homosexuals disgust me but then I jerk off to gay porn.

>> No.12502880

Have you ever kissed a man?

>> No.12502884

Besides watching my favorite LGBTQ+ movies and shows, and supporting my friends and family who are LGBTQ+, I haven't done anything special. I really wanted to go to Drag Bingo this month, but I didn't have the time unfortunately, because I bet it was a good one this month. They only do it on the first Thursday of every month. I also missed all the local pride parades afaik. Those are fun for everybody, whether you're LBGTQ+ or not.

>> No.12502889

When I was a younger I would playfight other kids for kisses but that doesn't count because that was a long time ago.

>> No.12502891

Ever taken part in a fag drag?

>> No.12502900

>beating other boys and then forcibly kissing them
Absolutely based

>> No.12502903

With this fabulous dish. Faggots everywhere.


>> No.12502905

Well, sounds like you need to explore yourself some more. You shouldn't be afraid of your sexuality, anon. Maybe you're bisexual, maybe you're gay. The important thing is that you love yourself for who you are, and realize that whether you like men or women or both, it's okay. For every bigot, there's a hundred other people who would be your friend and ally. I'm a hetero, and I know I'm a hetero, know what I mean? But I have lots of friends and family who are gay, or lesbian, or bisexual, who also KNOW they are who they are. Be kind to yourself, and live your life, and be happy.

>> No.12502911

Off topic, take it to /lgbt/.

>> No.12502926
File: 489 KB, 2500x1736, rainbow dip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me, but rainbow foods are exactly for /ck/.

>> No.12502931

As much as plugging bloody tampon

>> No.12502939

Why are you afraid to have kids? Is that related to your parents?

>> No.12502940

Gays not welcome.


>> No.12502945

Most of this thread is about faggots fagging, faggot. You have a containment board, go burp sperm there.

>> No.12502977
File: 184 KB, 720x544, inquisition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to go back.

>> No.12503005

I have kids I just didn’t think the joke would be as funny if I listed like 10 things

>> No.12503012

Go away breeder. Let us have at least one thread.

>> No.12503018
File: 228 KB, 1456x1092, wpG5uzvr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made trans pride flag cookies and came out to everyone with them <3

>> No.12503025

You have an entire board but yeah fag it up I don’t care. These kind of threads are always more interesting than the usual spam

>> No.12503035

Neat. What flavor were they?

>> No.12503040

>I don't care
Your rageposting says otherwise

>> No.12503048

This is why we need a whole board. Because mouthbreeders are always inserting themselves in queer spaces.

>> No.12503054

there's already an entire board for fags

>> No.12503056

Quit projecting fag

>> No.12503156

They were sugar cookies with lemon buttercream

>> No.12503351

>heightened degeneracy

>> No.12503354
File: 1.12 MB, 1500x1027, GayFear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to hell straight bigot.

>> No.12503355

>wAaahh wahhh we need a safe space on 4chan


>> No.12503613
File: 192 KB, 345x446, 1556069222708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12503803

I have no issues with homosexuality, but I really dislike faggots. A homosexual is someone with a specific sexual preference, a faggot is someone who makes that preference everyone else’s business.

>> No.12504676

Nobody cares dumb homo

>> No.12504717

> queer spaces
Hah. You hear that /ck/? You're all faggots.

>> No.12504764

>your sins are worse than my sins so you'll burn in hell while i go to heaven
Oops, like most rightwing xtians, you've never read the bible.

>> No.12504768

Why can't we just have pride year, fucking cisshits are holding us down

>> No.12504792

/ck/ isn't a queer space, though. It's a cook space. Why can't cooks have their own space without a Pride Float bulldozing through it?

>> No.12504803

>Why can't cooks have their own space without a Pride Float bulldozing through it?
Because everyone must "accept", by force if necessary. You are not allowed to disagree even a little, or you're ostracized and singled out as an enemy. Everyone must accept and conform, OR ELSE.

>> No.12504810

Good point, delete /lgbt/.

>> No.12504818

I remember back when I was a kid when we would tie the neighborhood fag behind our bikes and drag him all over the neighborhood. All the neighborhood dads would laugh and give us high fives. It was a better time.

>> No.12504841

Why do sodomites have to pozz everything up? Fuck’s sake.

>> No.12505103


>> No.12506400

only cookie cutters celebrate sodomite june.