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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 180 KB, 720x480, ratatouille1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12488194 No.12488194 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so few decent movies about cooking

>> No.12488196

Because the pleb gobbles up capeshit and lazy remakes without question, so no need to be creative or anything.

>> No.12488205


There are loads of movies about cooking, you've just never seen them, because >>12488196

>> No.12488207

Truly a shame. Have you seen Tampopo? I think it's the best film about food ever created.

>> No.12489197

hard to make a movie about a sensation like taste, and also the way food/chef culture and the kind of plots within them are usually such shit that it gets in the way of actually being about food and is just a drama about assholes IE: chef, that bradley cooper one

>> No.12489222

As soon as you start talking about food as something more than something to get stuffed with people will call you pretentious
You can make movies about paintings being more than pretty pictures, music being more that just sounding good, but try to talk about cooking as an art and you will be made fun of. A real shame since cooking is far older than any other artform

>> No.12490762

julie and julia was worth it solely for the parts about julia child herself
fuck that blogging roastie though, julia was 100% right about her

>> No.12490831

there's games about cooking:

>> No.12490841

When I saw that scene the first time I cried because it reminded me of the times my father cooked for me. Yes, I am a homo.

>> No.12490873

cooking does not make a smashing film.

>> No.12490930

Cooking isn't that visually interesting and the audience loses the sense of smell and taste which are the only two things that make cooking interesting.
Other than Ratatouille, The Princess and the Frog, Final Destination 5, and this one Dreamworks (live action) film about Indians in France, I can't think of any. Worse yet, I can't think of any I really enjoyed including the ones I just listed.

>> No.12490939

Because it's a faggot profession, but I like good food

>> No.12490955

Cooking and food is very personal, films by their nature need to have broad appeal. As other anons are mentioning, cooking doesn't have much visual appeal until plating.

What might be good is some sort of sordid tell all drama about Not!Gordon Ramsay, a type A high tension celebrity chef and their ruthless pursuit of those michellin stars

>> No.12490960

"Waiting" and "Still Waiting" may not be the best films about the restaurant industry, but they are the most accurate.

>> No.12490964

>What might be good is some sort of sordid tell all drama about Not!Gordon Ramsay, a type A high tension celebrity chef and their ruthless pursuit of those michellin stars
just watch Boiling Point if that's what you're after

>> No.12490972
File: 125 KB, 220x321, The_Hundred_Foot_Journey_(film)_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it. The Hundred-Foot Journey it was about Indians in France.
This film is almost exactly that except without the Ramsay character. Indian who likes cooking goes to France to become a Michelin chef. I didn't like it because of the crusty romance between the two elderly characters.

>> No.12491157

Ratatouille would be an 11/10 movie if talking animals were not included and the focus instead was on the kitchen crew.

>> No.12491163

>Ratatouille would be an 11/10 movie if if was a completely different movie
thanks for that insightful gem, retard-kun

>> No.12491199

Check out an older film called "Babette's Feast". It starts a little slow, but is a brilliant food film.

>> No.12491207

Nah man the talking animals are like the gargoyles in Notre Dame. Remy's story is much more interesting and I wanted to know more about the kitchen crew but they got shooed out in the third act and replaced with a horde of faceless rats.

>> No.12491240

Make Remi the black bastard child of gusteau in the 40s and you have atleast two free Oscars

>> No.12491356
File: 197 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ratatouille is the greatest animated film ever made.

>> No.12491730

This was a rare movie. The message was distinctly un-American. The whole idea that you can do better violates the dominant aesthetic in many parts of the country, including Appalachia, the Deep South, the Far West and even Yankeedom. Expecting a better aesthetic sense than your peers is seem as being pretentious and getting above yourself in most of the US. The only way the Left Coast and New Amsterdam monies could get this movie made was to set it in Paris. From a popular point of view it's practically anti-American shit.

>> No.12491742
File: 169 KB, 656x368, cook-up-a-storm-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get into asian film, they love that shit. as long as corny, borderline B movies are within your scope of 'decent'.

>> No.12491754

I'm afraid you've lost me
>Rising above your station is anti-American
Pretty sure that's not the case.

>> No.12491763

We're told that rising above your station is the ultimate goal, but we're discouraged and prevented from achieving it at every turn. Wake up, sheeple. We live in a society.

>> No.12491781

If you're prevented or discouraged from bettering yourself by a bunch of resentful cunts, you don't have what it takes.

>> No.12491785

I thought Ratatouille was just banking off Dreamwork's recipe of "'x' does 'y' even though 'x' normally doesn't do 'y'!"

>> No.12491792

Have you seen Chef?

>> No.12491794

Well if you don't have what it takes then the entire idea of rising above your station is a mute point.

>> No.12491801

At least it didn't look like ass which is already a massive improvement.

>> No.12491827

The Overman will naturally rise above his station, no matter what. Anyone who claims he'd have done better if it wasn't just so stifling , and because of his neighbors or society, is exactly the same as the people he blames for his failure.

>> No.12491831

so why haven't you risen above your station yet

>> No.12491832

>The whole idea that you can do better violates the dominant aesthetic
the hell are you talking about? that's basically "The American Dream" and it's the moral theme of 90% of movies about America.
Ratatouille was different because it had a hot take on the role of critics and criticism.

>> No.12491841

Who's to say I haven't? Who's to say I want to? Not everybody rises above their station, and not everybody should. What bothers me is when people are resentful at others, for either their own failure or the other's success.

>> No.12491848

welcome to the bottom of the pile

>> No.12491864

I was born at the bottom of the pile, desu. The fact that I'm not some ignorant, welfare-dependent drunk living in a trailer park or housing project is a sign that I've done better than I could have. I'm thankful for that.

>> No.12492852

You saw the "Dreamworks face" image on /tv/ too, huh?

>> No.12492861

Eat Drink Man Woman

>> No.12492865

This poster is absolutely right. It isn't that there aren't good movies about cooking, you just have a very surface-level appreciation for movies OP. This explains why your post was Ratatouille. Its not a bad thing OP, it just means you have the chance to learn and experience tons of cool things.

>> No.12493554


>> No.12493563

I don't use /tv/. I just used to binge DreamWorks films when I was a kid.

>> No.12493667
File: 230 KB, 796x823, 1509928505477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're willing to go the nip route, Shokugeki no Souma is a halfway decent cooking anime.

But yeah, its fucking weird.

>> No.12494159

You're describing the plot to 2015's Burnt with Bradley Cooper. It's not anything incredible but you have chefs shouting and smashing plates and cooking good food and stuff.

>> No.12494198
File: 44 KB, 480x480, 1560445548751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you anon. Take it ease.

>> No.12494316
File: 2.80 MB, 1280x536, Grilled Cheese.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best.

>> No.12494459

Same reason 99% sport films don't work, films about talent often fail in comparison to real stories of talent, as a rise from rags to riches in fiction feels cheep without some really great writing. It's also often hard to make visually exciting for more than a short montage as outright cooking isn't usually a spectator sport.

>> No.12494549

>which are the only two things that make cooking interesting.
confirmed pleb, I love cooking and I don't even enjoy eating.

>> No.12494553

ah yes, Asia, where literally any subject can be turned into a film, but the film will always boil down to a typical rivalry between an underdog and a more experienced opponent, making the setting ultimately irrelevant

>> No.12494556

what's a mute point?

>> No.12494557

>ctrl + f "jiro"
>no results
really makes me think

>> No.12494563

A documentary is not a movie, and also nobody cares about that old forced meme.

>> No.12494564

>sport films don't work
Except they do?

>> No.12494572


>> No.12494646

>outright ignoring important portions of the post

>> No.12494659

I think you just don't like sport movies, m8.
The Annie Oakley film, Shaolin Soccer, Rocky 1-3, Pulp Fiction, Secretariat, Space Jam, etc, everyone loves sports films. You just don't because you're lazy.

>> No.12494693

>outright ignoring important portions of the post

>> No.12494772

no you retard, he intentionally misspelled it to bait you. fucking idiot

>> No.12494809


ratatouille is based

>> No.12494862

misspelled what?

>> No.12496311

I rewatched this movie last week, fully aware that it is the best Pixar movie of all time and that I get emotional whenever I see it

I cried at the end again. was sobbing next to my girlfriend. she didn't really understand why

anyone else know this feel?

>> No.12496319

Because there are thousands of free TV shows about it

>> No.12496397

Jesus Christ Favreau its just grilled cheese