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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12489769 No.12489769 [Reply] [Original]

The absolute state of my roomate.

>ITT: roomate horror stories

This is the same woman who makes boxes of craft mac and cheese in the microwave and "meal preps them" then complains when I cook for my GF because "It smells so gross"

I was grilling porkchops outside.

>> No.12489785

>being room mate with a woman
>being such a terrible cook that your food smells worse than craft mac and cheese
>being such a beta pussy that you have complain about your woman room mate on 4chan
you're worse than her

>> No.12489792

>makes boxes of craft mac and cheese in the microwave
That's actually my favorite way to make it. Put pasta in bowl with 1 3/4 cups of hot water, stir, nuke for 8-10 minutes. Braindead easy and it comes out perfect every time.

>> No.12489801

I relentlessly give her shit for it and am getting her evicted at the end of the summer for unrelated weird shit

She's vegetarian and hates the smell of meat

>> No.12489810

You're a moron.

>> No.12489834

Next time have a long talk about food and kitchen sharing with any future roomies.

>> No.12489854

This is a good size-up of it

>> No.12489862


>> No.12489879

Why the fuck are you roomating with another woman when you have a gf? Any if this really isn't obvious to you, she's jelly of your gf and this is her way of lashing out.

>> No.12489883

*And if

>> No.12489886

>for unrelated weird shit
do tell
are you a guy?
if yes, why do you have a female roommate

>> No.12489947

Cum on her mac
Assert dominance

>> No.12489952

The fuck I do to you?

>> No.12490066

Did she drain the pasta and then put the colander in the fridge with plastic wrap over it instead of putting it in an actual storage container?

>> No.12490076

Are you gonna post pics of her panties or not?

>> No.12490143


>> No.12490745

And her complaints actually get through to you?
Sounds like youre a thin skinned bitch.

>> No.12490770

You masterbate using her panties tho, right?

>> No.12491515

We go to the same college and needed to get a place because dorms are fucking expensive. She's been stalking me and went though my phone to get dick pics.
This would make sense. Her and I hooked up a few times after moving in, shw got a bf and we we stopped then ever since I got a gf its been a lot of weird shit.

I just wanted to post about her cooking habits

>> No.12491524


>> No.12491526
File: 15 KB, 217x239, mfw AUTHENTIC mexican food made by REAL abuelas who don't speak english.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>craft mac and cheese

>> No.12491540
File: 195 KB, 500x689, distrust-you-i-do-elphaba-the-cynic-34508815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smell lies.

>> No.12491545

You should not own a microwave oven.

>> No.12491565


sounds hot, i hope she's decent good looking.

i currently share a flat with a guy and girl, the girl has alternately given me bedroom eyes and laughs at the stupidest shit i say, and been very shy. she's known the giga nigga guy flat mate for a fairly long time.

personally i l'd like to hook up but my brain is telling me not to hook up with someone in the same flat, because of literally what happened to you, and i'm a bit shy myself.

>> No.12491586

Tell us more, friendo. I need some entertainment

>> No.12491597

I honestly think that a ton of women room with dudes because they have "MTV Real World"-esque fantasies about fucking roommates. I lived with females at one point too and it was the same situation

>> No.12491605

Do you think soibois like hotdogs cut up in their mac and cheese with a squirt of ketchup? Soidogs, perhaps?

>> No.12491616

That's fucked up

>> No.12491636

I live with my older sister whose a nurse so we usually don't run on the same schedule. One day lined up that we'd both be home for dinner so I cooked her up a feast and laid out the table and all for the evening. She thought I was hitting on her and told me I had to find my own place. She hasn't talked to me in over 7 months now.

>> No.12491646

Why, because I know how to put it to good use? You know, they used to have the microwave directions right on the box. But that started disappearing around the same time they began selling those overpriced (((easy mac))) cups. But it still works just as well.

>> No.12491819

There is obviously more going on here than just a dinner.

>> No.12491860

Shut up retard have fun with your cold leftovers

>> No.12491867

This whole thing is a made up troll-thread, and we're all suckers for responding.

>> No.12491934

She's just an attention/drama whore that wants to watch men fight over her.

>> No.12492248

In b4 black dude cucks her by fucking your boipussi instead

>> No.12492256

Lol nope this is bullshit.

>> No.12492284

Kek she’s gonna wake up to the bull grunting as anon screams in delight

What a fag lol

>> No.12492313
File: 105 KB, 744x979, cute_link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living with girls
>not living with cute twinks

>> No.12492318

There's a board on 4chan just for your kind.

>> No.12492324

Yeah, I'm on it, you fucking faggot!

>> No.12492369

>8-10 minutes
So it's true, most people do eat soggy overcooked pasta

>> No.12492370

>what a pleb, i make my orange premade garbage a BETTER way then you. learn to cook newfag

>> No.12493027
File: 698 KB, 807x610, uncanny jessie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1st day of uni
>living with three flatmates: Biologist, Chemist, EngLit
>dinner time
>Chemist has a lot of problems included fucked-up organs and diet consists of fruit squash and pasta in tortilla wraps
>odd, but...ok
>Biologist is pretty normal, nothing of note to say about her cooking
>Englit thought it would be a good idea to eat a whole pack of mince
>this mf browned a whole pack of it
>no seasoning, sauces, pasta
>and this is...apparently fine????
>mfw he conquers meat mountain

thankfully since then he's learned how to use his brain

>> No.12493070

So it's true: you do love sucking dicks for free just because you like it so much.

>> No.12493110
File: 36 KB, 450x477, times up faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hooking up with your roommate
you fucked up there lad

>> No.12493114

boring story, kys

>> No.12493119


>> No.12493126
File: 488 KB, 284x210, 1496839433793.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is making me think about my hot little azn roommate in college. She always had a bf so I didn't touch her. She wanted the dick bad though. Even asked me to drive her to pick up her birth control once, who the fuck does that. So obvious. I would have pounded the fuck out of her too. Oh well, the joys of being young and principled I suppose.

>> No.12493130

yeah the bill for my time spent reading the is in the mail bud

>> No.12493131

Sounds like a cock tease lad.

>> No.12493132

than she*

>> No.12493147
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The tough thing was she actually was really fucking hot for a chink. Her bf was chill and always good to me though, so I reluctantly followed bro code. He's lucky he was or else I'd have absolutely murdered than puss puss. Bitch was always wearing tiny little shorts.

Ironically enough I still think about her for /ck/ related reasons occasionally. She was quite a good cook and showed me how to make some tasty chink shit.

>> No.12493297

I'm a grown man and I live alone.
Thank god for that, I had roommates once when I was younger and it was awful, never again.

>> No.12493347

Very bad job. Think twice before posting ever again

>> No.12493355

Oh shit, you're that guy that tells useless stories with no punchline.

>> No.12493416

Don't worry anon, I chuckled at
>Meat mountain

>> No.12493930

Not that anon but nah, it turns out a little underdone if anything, it's good

>> No.12493990

I had one roommate that would dump dirty plates of half finished food in the sink and just let them rot because she expected everyone else to do the dishes. She also left this passive aggressive note after I left a pan I used to make bechamel sauce for macaroni and cheese in the sink to soak one night.

>> No.12494000

what's up with all the people having female roomates? are you all women or fags?

>> No.12494184

Lmao, what the fuck is wrong with that bitch?

>> No.12494197

jesus christ college kids are literally the most degenerate humans on the planet

>> No.12494212
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unironically BASED

>> No.12494730

If it's any consolation... i liked the story

>> No.12495191

>She's just an attention/drama whore that wants to watch men fight over her.

i've considered that, and i purposely avoid giving her too much attention or talking with her too much. it's helps that i am genuinely tired and dont care for conversation much.

>I honestly think that a ton of women room with dudes because they have "MTV Real World"-esque fantasies about fucking roommates

everyone has fantasies of that, i've just seen and heard a fair amouht of shit about room mate relationships to know that those kinds of dreams can become nightmares.

i'll probably end up moving out and asking her out aftrrwards.