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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12486846 No.12486846 [Reply] [Original]

>healthy meals
>avoids rice, cooked green veggies, citrus fruits and legumes
Why do burgers have no concept of what's actually healthy?

>> No.12486853
File: 178 KB, 1280x720, SoyBish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12486856


>> No.12486861

I disliked it earlier today. That shit isn't healthy.

>> No.12486863

Let me guess, he ends up advocating for veganism at the end of the video

>> No.12486878

based soy editor

>> No.12486885

there's already a babby thread up you fucking spam nigger

>> No.12486916

>do Americans really?

>> No.12486945
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>> No.12486955

First one is a chicken salad and the third one is a turkey bacon BLT. It's mostly shilling cashew cream.

>> No.12487014

kek based

>> No.12487712


>> No.12487992

cooked greens are shit
raw every day

>> No.12487997
File: 242 KB, 968x1073, 1539551972515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do burgers have no concept of what's actually healthy?

>> No.12488168

Rice is super unhealthy.

>> No.12488191

Does he have the hiccups?

>> No.12488198

Is that why the japs live until they are a thousand years old while Americans with Japanese ancestry die in their 60's?

>> No.12488222


>> No.12488229

Source: your ass

>> No.12488250

Japs don't eat big meals covered in liquid fat on a daily basis. If you're referring to okinawans they mainly sweet potatoes and pork lmao.

>> No.12488258

Journalists do this to say they hate the person they are quoting.

>> No.12488269
File: 248 KB, 990x708, 13896009837_93f83daed3_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correction. Sweet potato and rice.

>> No.12488516

What the hell is a footy? Why can't Brits speak English?

>> No.12488544

I don't know why you have high expectations for a guy who evidently is not an expert on nutrition. I haven't watched the video but the only two possible flaws I can see are if the chicken salad has an excess of mayo or if the turkey bacon was fried in oil. These dishes are alright as long as you practice caloric restriction. Also, subscribe to some legit nutritional science channels that links their sources.

>> No.12488593

Just watched it. I laughed when he said "I'm cooking the turkey bacon in what looks like a lot of oil but it barely absorbs any of it." Yeah, I'm skeptical of his caloric estimations now as well. It's not an awful recipe, but if you want to be healthy then bake it rather than frying it.

>> No.12488611

Boomers taught them how to eat in order drag their children down to being fucking sugar-seeking, salt-licking fat whales themselves

>> No.12488617


This guy probably has an American college degree.

>> No.12488767

This picture causes "carbs are poison" ketards to scatter from any thread like cockroaches.

>> No.12488774

Hijacking thread, but if /ck/ tells me I'm not supposed to like any of the popular channels- who AM I supposed to like?

>> No.12488807

>Just watched it. I laughed when he said "I'm cooking the turkey bacon in what looks like a lot of oil but it barely absorbs any of it." Yeah, I'm skeptical of his caloric estimations now as well. It's not an awful recipe, but if you want to be healthy then bake it rather than frying it.
turkey bacon is made from dark meat, which is higher fat. It's not healthy, it's just not pork, and turkey bacon is a sub for people who avoid pork, not for any healthy reasons, unless they can't read labels. It would be better to do a homemade uncured sausage if it's a nitrite concern, or else a center cut bacon to remove the fat content at the sides of a pork belly.

This guy is a hack, and he's trying to make a career out of something someone finds appealing. I don't. I'm too old to think he has any good advice. I learned from better people that came before him, who don't have rolled up long sleeves past the elbow.

>> No.12488813

This sounds like it's supposed to be an insult on America, but all it does is highlight the fact that the US is #1 internationally in education and research and makes whatever country that you do not want to openly admit you're from look sad in comparison.

>> No.12488834

Okinawan's ate far more meat that Japanese and practically every dish involved pork.


>> No.12488847

Yes in general. That picture is based of what the centarians ate. Not all okinawans.

>> No.12488859

Yeah, some nutjob who has never been to Japan with a low quality webcam and 5,000 views is more valid than legitimate researchers who have actually interviewed and studied the Okinawans directly. Read the chart again. They aren't claiming the Okinawan's are vegans.

>> No.12488892

Did you see that he based his knowledge of the okinawan diet from watching a traveling show that visited okinawan restaurants? What a brilliant mind.

>> No.12488894

Watch the video and stop pretending you know about shit when you won't pay attention to counter arguments. There's research shown in the video from Japanese universities and studies.
They all show the Okinawan centenarians ate a shit tonne of pork and the life expectancy has started to decrease due to younger Okinawan's straying from their traditional diet. Pork is the absolute centre of all Okinawan cuisine.


Nearly every dish listed includes pork.

>> No.12488897

I linked at the wrong part. Watch it from the start.

>> No.12488910

Yes this is what the people who died before a hundred ate. The image with the chart shows what the centarians ate. Most centarians were dirt poor farmers who could afford very little luxuries. There's no vegan propaganda in that study man. Take of the tinfoil hat.

>> No.12488919

Watch the video. I know this guy is eccentric but he literally proves you wrong. There have been other studies done that disprove your study. Just watch the video.

>> No.12488936

>They all show the Okinawan centenarians ate a shit tonne of pork
You don't seem to have a source on this. Re-read the pie graph again. Read everything, this time.
I did actually watch the video as well. I was able to tolerate the endless amount of minutes of him ranting about "vegan propaganda" without mentioning anything insightful and stopped soon after he said "The Japanese will have the highest life expectancy until Fukushima kicks in." 90% of his video is ranting about some grand vegan conspiracy that doesn't exist and the other 10% is making claims that lack evidence. You and him both need to learn to distinguish between "The Okinawan diet" and the "Okinawan centennial diet," neither of which are vegan.

>> No.12488946

>watch the video! watch the video! he proves you wrong! watch the video!
Why don't you provide a source to whatever piece of evidence disproves the graph? A single article from 2008 that was deleted, probably because of the author's inaccuracy and inability to distinguish between "the okinawan diet" and "he okinawan centarian diet," isn't evidence.

>> No.12489164

>healthy meal
>cured meat
