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12486386 No.12486386 [Reply] [Original]

“It’s the governments fault I can’t afford a house” *crunch* “mmm, best $20 I’ll spend all day!”

>> No.12486391


>> No.12486407

I mean lefty coastie governments do constantly enact anti-market anti-construction policies like rent control and strict zoning preventing the building of large housing projects NIMBY bullshit so in a sense it is the government's fault your rent is so high

>> No.12486415

yeah man lets not eat avocado toast tthen ill be able to own a house and have no debt fuck yah why didn't I realize its so easy wow thanks op always a faggot

>> No.12486418

based huhposter

>> No.12486421

I get avocados for $1 a piece at Costco, usually 5 for $5 in a bag
ripen them all at once, scoop them, mash them, then freeze them in the little snack size Ziploc bags, that's enough avo for 3 or 4 days worth of toast
then I just defrost them and go through them one at a time
$5 for over 2 weeks worth of avocado toast
suck my fucking dick you overexaggerating redpill piece of piss

>> No.12486426

Save your money fuckface. I make 30k a year and have saved 110k. Just have the smallest amount of discipline you lefty fuck

>> No.12486429

Shut the fuck up, boomer

>> No.12486436

Go back to tik tok you zoomer piece of shit

>> No.12486472

Not OP, but shit adds up. Example: a former employee of mine kept begging for a pay raise. Her job performance was sub par and she was always late so she didn't, IMO, deserve one but she was so bad that she needed to be sacked, either.
Anyway, since I'm the one who signed her cheques, I know exactly how much she took home. She spent $15-$20 daily on coffee and lunch, so let's average that to $17.50. That amount × 5 days per week × 50 work weeks per year = $4375. Bringing coffee and lunch from home could have saved her $3500 annually, which is over double the raise she asked for. If her job performance were on the level, I wouldn't have bothered calculating how much money she wastes, but there you have it. Shit adds up.

>> No.12486477

>was so bad that she needed to be sacked
>wasn't so bad, rather

>> No.12486495

please return to your containment board


>> No.12486499

fucken gottem

>> No.12486510

You shouldn't have needed to calculate that either way
This isn't a question of controlling her personal spending habits for her, the only thing that you should have considered was her work habits--anything more is intrusive

I get this is 4chan, but please don't be weird to people IRL

>> No.12486518

theres nothing wrong with such little calculation

its the same as telling people that smoke how much they would.save if they stopped

>> No.12486519

Women have the minds of children. You have to think for them. The only thing he did wrong was not sitting her down and explaining that all to her

>> No.12486521

So this is what autism looks like

>> No.12486523

>theres nothing wrong with such little calculation
In real life, your employees personal spending habits aren't any of your concern unless it affects their work

otherwise you end up sounding like >>12486519

>> No.12486549

I didn't say it to her. I just noticed her spending after she insisted on 'needing' the pay raise. Instead, I gave her a flat out 'no.' When she persisted, I explained that her work record was poor and that her constant lateness didn't inspire confidence but were I to see a change in these behaviours, we might discuss pay raises at a later time.

I started to notice her spending habits soon after, figuring she doesn't really 'need' a pay raise. All she needed was to live within her means.

no u

>> No.12486640

I mean, maybe it's that, or maybe the neolibs and neocons opened the floodgates to global capital pouring in (and laundering money for mafiosos in the process) and crowded out local buyers. The global rich want to restrict supply because it inflates the value of their real estate holdings.

>> No.12486666 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 327x480, 22945103_p154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put sriracha on anything I can get away with, I've been addicted to the stuff for years.. Eggs for breakfast, can of beans or can of 'dines for a snack, any delivery, and most anything you'd cook for dinner. Salad? Sriracha is a 0 calorie salad dressing. If it's not sweet, I'll probably put some sriracha on it. (yes I know Sriracha is sweet itself, however I don't frost cakes with it) The stuff tends to lose flavor over time, I go through bottles fast enough mine do not.

If I had a purse I'd carry a bottle around with me.

>> No.12486674

>The global rich want to restrict supply because it inflates the value of their real estate holdings.
eh, kind of. Real estate is more valuable though if you can actually use it to build stuff on and collect rent. You cannot collect rent from an empty lot, and you can collect a lot less rent from a single family home than a large apartment building. The fact is that all of the cities with the biggest housing crises have been long dominated by some of the most leftist local governments in the country, most notably in San Fransisco

>> No.12486682
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>parents bought a house in the late 80s
>mom started eating avocado toast earlier this decade
>I can't afford a house
>I don't like avocados or guacamole

My nog started to jog

>> No.12486758

How old are you?

>> No.12486776

Wow congrats on pulling yourself up by the bootstraps. Someday you'll be up there with Jeff Bezos!

>> No.12486808

>the places where people want to live are run by lefties

>> No.12486815

This is the most retarded cuckold attitude possible.

Protip: if you're so DESPERATELY ENVIOUS of billionaires, then how about you try setting the stage so that you children can become one?

What's that?
Don't care if it doesn't benefit you personally?
Can't imagine thinking that far into the future?
Not a breeder?

Just more reasons why you're a fucking useless human being.

>> No.12486828

>willingly exposing a child to this backwards ass world full of niggers and disease and disaster

>> No.12486832

If you're that cowardly, its probably best that your line end with you.

>> No.12486857

Based and huh? Pilled

>> No.12486888

It's easy to save money when you never leave your mom's basement you turd.

>> No.12486900

Not that anon, but
>conflating responsible adults who save their money
>with the "basement dweller" meme
Its really pathetic how little connection to reality you have.

>> No.12486918

>I get avocados for $1 a piece at Costco

Really? Shit. They're like 60 cents each here.

>> No.12486962

All it takes is 10 years of saving along with a $100k inheritance from the rich uncle who felt bad about molesting you when you were eight.

>> No.12486971

Or you could just work hard and BE that uncle.

Shoot for the stars, anon!

>> No.12487047

>too busy eating avocado toast to be a child molester

>> No.12487065

Awesome. Just another ten years of hard work, rigorous saving, and inflation, and property will still be out of your reach.

>> No.12487084

Why are so many people afraid of a house payment? Is it just the debt or the fear of never paying it off?

>> No.12487095

I like peanut butter toast.

>> No.12487138

I'd honestly be depressed and wondering where my child's morals went or if I raised them wrong if they became billionaires

>> No.12487181

Who the fuck here has even seen avocado toast on a menu irl? I was born in SoCal, grew up in Hawaii, went to undergrad in PDX, went to grad school in NYC (lived a year in Brooklyn), spent a ton of summers in Minneapolis, 2 years in Chicago, and currently live in a suburb of Sacramento, and frequently visit the bay area. I've seen avocado toast on maybe two (2) menus in my entire life. I honestly do not, and never have, understood this meme. I know this predates drumpf, but I feel like it's just another retarded spin thing about immigrants and border walls and nonsense despite the fact that only drumpfkin tards drink shit like corona.

>> No.12487285


>> No.12487288

This x1000

Sadly you aren't allowed to tell workers to shape up thanks to unions...

>> No.12487293

>This isn't a question of controlling her personal spending habits for her

Sometimes people need a bit of a lesson.

>> No.12487296

governments need to subsidize multi family homes and make suburbs more self reliant and walkable, plus more public transport

>> No.12487582

I see it all the time. How have you never? Do you even go out?

>> No.12487586
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Fuck billionaires. All of them deserve the guillotine.
Hording wealth while people are dying in the streets because they can't afford insulin is objectively immoral.
Fuck bootlickers who defend them too.

>> No.12487588

Fuck off. What rich corporation is going to advocate lame shit like that? There's no profit in it.

>> No.12487590

Eggs cost like a buck fifty for a dozen. Are you retarded?

>> No.12487591

Governments shouldn't be about profit.
And corporations have no place in government (other than paying their fucking taxes, which they never do).
Governments need to focus on the wellbeing of their citizens. Making sure people have access to quality education, housing, food, and healthcare.
Governments that only care about continuous economic growth need to be torn down.

>> No.12487595

It sounds pretty, but you are going to fight hard for that ideal. There is no democratic system on this planet with successful parties that do not rely on interested advocates for funding when election campaigns come around. Who is going to set the rules to halt this?

>> No.12487619
File: 71 KB, 868x600, capitalist retirement plan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh, I used to be a fabian, thinking we could effect change gradually.
But after my best friend died because he couldn't afford to go to the hospital, I think I got radicalised.
Plus, we have a very small window to limit the damage from climate change. Most of the animals are already fucked, but at this rate a solid 60% of the planet will be completely unihabitable by 2050.
I'm starting to believe pic related is the only way.

>> No.12487668

Whoa cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.12487737

You either live with your parents and have zero financial responsibilities or you saved that amount over 20-30 years. I'm guessing the former.

>> No.12487859

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