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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 120 KB, 600x875, the-best-sauteed-mushrooms-recipe-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12482292 No.12482292 [Reply] [Original]

Mushrooms have to be without a doubt the most disgusting thing that people eat I can't stand it. I can't stand the texture of it. The sliminess, the fact that it's a goddamn fungus. It's just disgusting ever since I was a kid and watch the Super Mario Brothers movie I have had such a disgust when it comes to mushrooms. I don't mind the taste of sauteed mushrooms if it's liquefied or in a soup but having big chunks of it on my plate makes me recoil in disgust.

>> No.12482305

imagine eating mushrooms on pizza

>> No.12482395

you're really bad at food and tasting lol

>> No.12482399

kek based

>> No.12482403

imagine being autistic

>> No.12483050

*chews a mouth full of mushrooms slowley*

>> No.12483084

Good question. I eat mushrooms on pizza, because when I was a kid almost every drawing of a pizza had mushrooms, so I learned to like it in order to eat my ideal cartoon pizza

But really, you're right, it is a fungus....imagine eating athlete's foot or jock itch, that's what mushrooms are, fungus, living stink

>> No.12483103

>imagine eating athlete's foot or jock itch, that's what mushrooms are, fungus, living stink
you're as retarded as OP, that's like comparing two mammal's meat, bacon and human meat: one is good the other obviously absolutely Haram...

>> No.12483106

>lol i love eating fungus from a cow's asshole LOL

>> No.12483110

So the giant red fungal infection is different from the fungal infection that grows out of the dirt?

>> No.12483115

Fungal infection in my crotch, I meant.

>> No.12483118

Yeah, one is edible.

>> No.12483122

>It's just disgusting ever since I was a kid and watch the Super Mario Brothers movie
Try growing up.

>> No.12483140

If you want to eat out of my crotch, I'm not gonna stop you. Eat least I know what's been in there, and it was your mom's filthy cooter that give me this fungal infection.

>> No.12483164
File: 1.29 MB, 1951x1552, chicken of the woods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They taste good.
And you can grow them on a dead piece of wood. Or used coffee grounds.
They're basically the easiest thing to grow.
There's even a mushroom that tastes like fried chicken.

>> No.12483219

would you like some microwaved hot dogs little man! some spaghetti-O's will make that tummy wummy stop being grumpy.

>> No.12483237

That looks gross, like really bad genital warts

>> No.12483239

Eat mushrooms.

>> No.12483246

My mother is a saint, I had a filling breakfast, and Nostradamus predicted this joke back in 1356.

>> No.12483258

So does the inside of a tomato.
Or minced beef.
Or beans.
Or pickles.
A lot of foods look weird. Deal with it.
chicken of the woods is fucking delicious.

>> No.12483325

>How can people eat beef? Its animal meat, just like slugs are!

>> No.12483331

This is the wh*test thing I’ve read all day
Let me guess fish is icky and so is chicken unless it’s boneless and breaded?

>> No.12483342

Ive never seen an african american eat a mushroom .

>> No.12483434

I don't think you spend time around African Americans.

Basic and bluepilled

>> No.12483447

I'm an African American and I like shimeiji.

>> No.12483686
File: 55 KB, 479x361, 1550689358008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop eating garbage button/ portabella mushrooms they cause cancer and taste/texture like shit, mushrooms are literally the most bio diverse life form one the planet and retarded humans choose to eat one of the worst varieties

>> No.12483718

> fish is icky and so is chicken unless it’s boneless and breaded
yea basically, i completely agree with this statement

>> No.12483802

>Mushrooms have to be without a doubt the most disgusting thing that people eat I can't stand it.
You are seriously missing out. Not just on the pure deliciousness and flavor of mushrooms, but the health benefits. Mushrooms are easily one of if not the healthiest foods you can eat. They're full of adaptogens and complete amino acid profiles, and can quite literally help your immune system kill diseased cells, regulate your hormones, and host of other things.
I don't expect to change your mind, because since you started a thread about how much you hate them, you're beyond change, but I just want you to know that your quality of life is poorer for you not eating them. I eat mushrooms every. single. day.

>> No.12483817

And yet, you take medications that are made of fungus all the time. Not to mention that there are fungus all around you, all the time.
Lrn2 mycology.

>> No.12483827

Portabella mushrooms fight cancer, you tard

>> No.12483835

>citation needed

>> No.12483891

they are the easiest to mass produce to be an option in the grocery store you FUCKING MONGREL literally kys dumb faggot boomer

>> No.12483909

Paul Stamets mushroom guru that holds defense department contracts and 11 patents for his work on fungi. They contain contain agaritine & hydrazine. Other mushrooms fight cancer like Reishi and Maitake

>> No.12483919
File: 64 KB, 688x547, 1551223808644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kys dumb faggot boomer
says the boomer still eating button/ portabella mushrooms when actually health alternatives exist
>they are the easiest to mass produce
literally thee most boomer statement ever uttered, only caring about profit regardless of damages

>> No.12483941

the number of mushrooms you'd have to consume to increase your cancer risk is like a year's worth of mushrooms every day. Below that 300x portion, agaratine is shown to prevent cancer more than it causes it.

>> No.12483958

>Let me guess fish is icky and so is chicken unless it’s boneless and breaded
I hate fish with small grates yeah, but chicken is fine. I dont suck on the cartilage to get every piece of meat off though.

>> No.12484186
File: 119 KB, 500x442, 1560485165401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I fucking LOVE mushrooms
I don't understand people like you. I want to, but I don't

>> No.12484214

tapeworms and cows are both animals

>> No.12484279

I'm always amazed by the number of people who say that they hate mushrooms, but have only ever tried Agaricus (button, crimini and/or portobello). That's like saying you hate vegetables but have only ever tried water chestnuts.

>> No.12484381

cream of mushroom soup is pretty gross but every other application of mushroom tastes fine including raw.

>> No.12484443
File: 3.32 MB, 2035x3064, 20190614_143953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mmmmmmm. Gritty.

>> No.12484460

Don't bother trying to explain your dislike for mushrooms. Nobody cares. You're just a manchild, a picky eater. That's simple enough.

>> No.12484461

I never knew what a water chestnut was until I worked in a Chinese restaurant. Now I love 'em.

>> No.12484486

I'm not a fan, personally, but I felt it was a good comparison to Agaricus; not much flavor of their own, mostly an absorbant of other other flavors and for texture.

>> No.12484797

does anyone have any resources about mushroom foraging? Every time I get to a fungus thread it im late and it dies. there has to be a mega link with books or info graphics or something. I've been meaning to get into this for a while

>> No.12484851


You're going to die if you try to learn from books.

>> No.12484866

how do I learn then?

>> No.12484893

People who don't eat mushrooms shouldn't have full rights as citizens.

>> No.12484907


From your dad or your gramps , or some other old bloke who's been doing it for years. It's too easy to make mistakes with book learnin'. On the other hand, do what you like, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.12484916

Not him, but I've always been under the impression that the truly dangerous species can be easily avoided by following a few rules of thumb. I'm talking about North America. No idea where you or anon live.

>> No.12484935

ask a local mushroom forager/mycologist. If there's a university near you, go in there and ask them. The mushrooms that are safe to eat in one place look like the ones that are poisonous in another place, so local info is essential.

>> No.12484936

yeah Canada. I thought if I started slowly with easy ones like chicken of the woods I would be ok?

>> No.12484938

thank you!

>> No.12484967

Oh I don't have any business advising you, I just don't think most bad mushrooms here will kill you. Obviously learn to identify and avoid the Amanita genus, and like I think it's best for novices to avoid all small brown mushrooms because there are just too many that are difficult to distinguish. Get better info though. I'm just another retard on 4chan.

>> No.12484988

just make sure they have pores on the underside and not gills.

>> No.12484990

Oh and also just because you're avoiding the deadly shit doesn't mean that a bad ID on something else might not have you vomiting your guts out.

>> No.12484995


jesus ok I'll be careful. this seems more dangerous than I had originally thought

>> No.12485007


>chicken of the woods

And make sure you don't get the poison one that grows on certain types of trees (I forget which ones)

I'm with this guy here >>12484967 though you need better advice. What I said earlier about book learning being dangerous goes tenfold for anything you read here.

Also this >>12484990 And don't forget there's a bunch of others that will leave you tripping balls and talking to jeebers

>> No.12485018

I think the bottom line here is just to make sure you're properly prepared. I've always kind of wanted to learn mushroom hunting too, so I don't mean to discourage you. Is there any chance that there's a club or something nearby where you could get more expert pointers?

>> No.12485036

I'll look for one. I thought I could just study them and go out for a few hikes. But it's obvious to me now that I need to take a class or join a club. thanks for the advice anons

>> No.12485057

You might try asking /int/ about this during euro hours. The overall quality there is shit but I've seen wild mushrooms discussed there. Slavs have a strong tradition of foraging for them.

>> No.12485073

>Slavs have a strong tradition of foraging for them.

With the added fun of having to check if they're still polluted with Chernobyl radiation, depending on region. I was in Bavaria a few years ago and they still had warning signs in some places there.

>> No.12485083

Holy shit.

>> No.12485092

>vaginal yeast infection is half-baked bread

>> No.12485376

Quasimodo predicted all this.

>> No.12486012

I recommend you trying natto if you think mushrooms are slimy

>> No.12486646

this, i fell victim to this mentality but someone tricked me into eating decent mushrooms in a soup and i straight up thought they were meat, not slimy at all and the texture was spot on. Agaricus suck and give mushrooms a bad name

>> No.12486655

I don't understand this "mushrooms are slimy" meme.
What the fuck are you guys even talking about?

>> No.12486689

Sorry you've still got a baby's appetite. anon.

>> No.12486705

Probably canned mushrooms

>> No.12486714

What grocery chains sell a good variety of mushrooms. If I want to find a good variety I have to go out my way to visit Asian markets.

>> No.12486751
File: 3.01 MB, 367x490, 1558286986784.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the easiest way to tell if they are perfectly safe to eat is if they bruise purple, only edible mushrooms bruise purple

>> No.12487420

White people deserve their own inevitable extinction.

>> No.12487471

I want to try chicken of the woods but I don't want to die. Do articles blow eating a lookalike out of proportion?

>> No.12487516

Imagine eating fleah of other living beings.

Imagine eating stuff that grows in ground. Revolving

>> No.12488193

at least it's not foot fungus