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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 352 KB, 2048x1536, 7600FB33-BF9A-431B-8530-29AEBC4F6B87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12483869 No.12483869 [Reply] [Original]

it’s out. how to restore a cast iron pan

>> No.12483885

Fuck off.

>> No.12483896

I love you

>> No.12483928
File: 345 KB, 933x166, 9w7iErS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this?

>> No.12483940

the lazy irreverent everyman theme fell through so now he networks with and plays to bible belt evangelists

>> No.12483955

From the OP pic I actually thought he had finally lost some goddamn weight.
I was wrong.

>> No.12483960

he's absolutely confirmed to be joking right?
nobody can be this wrong for this long on purpose

>> No.12483970
File: 21 KB, 336x188, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just from the thumbnail you can tell the video is going to be pure jack kino

>> No.12484017
File: 393 KB, 640x360, 1556157328935.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck how do you fuck up this bad

>> No.12484025

he took steel wool attached to a drill to it

>> No.12484030

It's so fucking depressing hearing this idiot slurring because of his multiple cerebral strokes.
I just to give him so much shit in the comments but even if they were still enabled I don't think I'd want to these days.

>> No.12484086

This man should open a restaurant.

>> No.12484095

How can one man go this long without doing something correctly, even accidentally?

>> No.12484101

Just watched it, why didn't he stop instead of adding salt and going at it again? It looked usable at that point.

>> No.12484105

he's a showman first and a chef second

>> No.12484107

I dont get why a pan would rust in the first place, was it outside, did he find it in a dump?

>> No.12484117

LOL I don't even cook and this is some hilarious shit.
>Oil the whole pain. Inside, perimeter, the handle, the bottom... He has to be wondering how many people he's trolled into actually doing anything in this video. I bet he gets giddy just thinking about it.

>> No.12484263

is jack a soy boy?

>> No.12484376

no way, soys don't touch cast iron with a 10 foot pole

>> No.12484397

>comments disabled

>> No.12484413

No, he ate 15 burgers in 3 days. He's retarded but not soy

>> No.12484425

>no way, soys don't touch cast iron with a 10 foot pole
What is this, opposite day?
Cast Iron pans are the hipster shit of cookware. If a soyboy owns any piece of cookware at home, you can bet your ass it's a cast-iron pan.

>> No.12484432

oh my mistake

>> No.12484436

Now he just needs to restore his right arm.

>> No.12486129

I can't tell if hes retarded or what this is

>> No.12486139

He actually somehow managed to make it worse. The before isn't even that bad, it looks like it has a solid seasoning, it just needs to be cleaned and touched up a little.

>> No.12486140

He literally looks like he is retarded. If you just cropped the picture around his eyes, I swear they would be identical to retard eyes.

>> No.12486146

His mother was a drunk prostitute so he probably has FAS and possibly hiv

>> No.12486153

Well fuck, this got depressing quickly. I still hate the fucking retard, though.

>> No.12486157

I mean I'm just assuming

>> No.12486177

Thanks for wasting my time asshole.

>> No.12486178

2 gallons of vinegar were wasted for nothing.

>> No.12486190

What the fuck was he using vinegar for? At no point do you need vinegar to restore a cast iron. All you need to do is scrub it out with steel wool and then reseason it in the oven. That's literally it.

>> No.12486232
File: 28 KB, 447x572, cast_iron_master_race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All cast iron skillets should look shiny and grey.

>> No.12486344

just wait, some faggot mod will delete this thread because ja/ck/ino offends them, they cant stand a masculine white man trying to teach christianity and cooking skills to young men

>> No.12486348

>cooking skills
Yes because knowing how to mix a can of beans with a jar of mayonnaise is an essential skill every young man should know.

>> No.12486358

>knowing how to mix a can of beans with a jar of mayonnaise is an essential skill every young man should know

How is it not?

>> No.12486365

Ja/ck/ is a fisherman of men, but also he now has a fishing channel too. Best be careful cause even a doubting thomas like you could learn a thing or two from this man.

>> No.12486371
File: 7 KB, 245x205, frustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watch his right hand from 2:40-3:40

>> No.12487027

it looks like he's still having problems from his stroke or something.

>> No.12487035

Can he even get his arms like that anymore

>> No.12487040

Fishing with one arm?

>> No.12487043

>showman first and chef last
Fixed it for you boyo

>> No.12487110

Holy shit he's recovering boys!!

>> No.12487117

What happens if I lean on your boys?

>> No.12487147

It'd be a miracle if he could.

>> No.12487193


>> No.12487209

We don't fuck show you love like that.