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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12479806 No.12479806 [Reply] [Original]

wait.... IS breakfast the most important meal of the day?

>> No.12479807


>> No.12479812

no it's propaganda made by some big cereal company in the 40's or something

>> No.12479813

Yes. Buy more cereal and orange juice.

>> No.12479816
File: 58 KB, 385x456, 1474928976634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends which day it is.

On weekdays its breakfast.

On Saturday its the evening meal

On Sunday its all about the Lunch.

>> No.12479835

It depends what works for your body. You probably should listen to your body instead of cereal scientists.

>> No.12480008

Unironically based

>> No.12480025

If you're a farmer during the 1800s.

>> No.12480049


>If you can influence the leaders, either with or without their conscious cooperation, you automatically influence the group which they sway", he said. In order to promote sales of bacon, for example, he conducted research and found that the American public ate very light breakfast of coffee, maybe a roll and orange juice. He went to his physician and found that a heavy breakfast was sounder from the standpoint of health than a light breakfast because the body loses energy during the night and needs it during the day. He asked the physician if he would be willing, at no cost, to write to 5,000 physicians and ask them whether their judgment was the same as his—confirming his judgment. About 4,500 answered back, all concurring that a more significant breakfast was better for the health of the American people than a light breakfast. He arranged for this finding to be published in newspapers throughout the country with headlines like '4,500 physicians urge bigger breakfast' while other articles stated that bacon and eggs should be a central part of breakfast and, as a result of these actions, the sale of bacon went up.

>> No.12480085

The modern science says you should eat 1300 calories per day, preferably do intermittent fasting and eat only once per 2-3 days and only eat meat.

>> No.12480108

No. The fact people feel the need to repeatedly insist breakfast is important is exactly because it isn't.

>> No.12480119
File: 99 KB, 924x685, kellogcutting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breakfast is the most historically corrupt and disturbing meal by far. Reminder that literally 90% of American males get circumcised because of the corn flakes guy.

>> No.12480135

Everyone insists on getting a plumber for the toilet because it keeps overflowing, but I know it's not important. 10/10 logic.

>> No.12480142

>Everyone insists on getting a plumber for the toilet because it keeps overflowing
If your toilet is repeatedly overflowing you won't need anyone to tell you. Garbage analogy / 10.

>> No.12480161

Nah, he's right. Same as when people say "women are strong" or "black lives matter." It implies the opposite is the case and you're trying to convince people otherwise.

>> No.12480168

Samefag brainlet.

>> No.12481935

Funny how that didn’t stop jacking off at all. Goddamn lunatic.

>> No.12481945
File: 365 KB, 2048x1448, s1-003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these idiots arguing about if breakfast is or isn't the most important meal of the day

stop it. there's no rule that says you have to pick a side on every single issue

>> No.12481954

Team breakfast right here you wanna fight about it

>> No.12481957
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There's no rule that says you have to be a fence-sitting intellectual coward either.

>> No.12481962
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>> No.12481965
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radicals fear those who don't partake in their binary games

>> No.12481971

Think of it this way, how many animals get to eat as soon as they wake up? Babies, grubs and livestock. Everything else has to work for a meal. You don't meal for work unless you're a human buying into propaganda.

>> No.12481975

My body functions better if I eat something in the morning or have a protein shake. That's my body though I don't know what works for you.

>> No.12481976

Large amounts of people spend many years of their lives (sometimes every year of their lives) not bothering with breakfast and it hasn't caused some breakfast deprivation based premature death epidemic. If it were really that important you wouldn't need a gimmicky campaign to try to convince people it's "important." It's not that people aren't "aware" of breakfast, it's that people are correctly aware it isn't important and you can get by perfectly fine without it (maybe doing even better than the people who do eat it to boot).
Also go look at history of that phrase "breakfast is the most important meal of the day." It's literally just propaganda from fucking cereal company and restaurant lobbyists.
>Another reason why the marketing battle over breakfast is so fierce is that corporations have for decades seen it as the meal that offers the most opportunity to wring out more food spending from consumers. Why have fast food chains focused more on advertising egg McMuffins, waffles from White Castle, and Taco Bell breakfast burritos? As those working in the industry explained to Time, “throughout the fast food world, lunch and dinner sales have been flat for years, while breakfast sales have climbed steadily.” The same logic is at play in cereal makers’ 1944 marketing strategy—the one that coined the phrase “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” “Breakfast is the grocer's most promising target,” one ad man explained. “Lunch and dinner in the average American home are fairly well set.
You see that last line there?:
>Lunch and dinner in the average American home are fairly well set.
THOSE are the important meals. Breakfast was targeted specifically for its lack of importance which makes it a behavior you can change.

>> No.12481978

Not partaking would be not feeling the need to get involved in a conversation you supposedly couldn't care less about.
Feeling the need to pull a "MOMMY DADDY STOP FIGHTING" just shows how needy, attention starved and small you are.

>> No.12481988

when you deny them the right to set the rules of the game, they lash out with insults

>> No.12481990

This is some insane projection

>> No.12481994

I genuinely couldn't make breakfast important if you paid me. Food is unappealing to me before I've been up at least two hours, barring a bite of very watery fruit.

>> No.12482002

Ackshually that's just armchair psychology
Lurk moar until you know all your buzzwords newfag

>> No.12482003

Nobody fears people who don't even have a conviction to begin with. At absolute worst people of that sort are mildly annoying because they act like the concept of rejecting a false dichotomy is some profound breakthrough. It's just lazy more than anything else. Most of the time when two different opposing ideas are clashing they're not going to be equally valid.

>> No.12482013
File: 42 KB, 290x290, valedictiorian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still thinking ideas have "validity"

oh shit did the validation king make a decree

>> No.12482030

It's called reality. There are a trillion ways to TRY to make billions of computational devices and hook them up to handle telecommunications so you can make your shitposts and have them read on the other side of the planet. Almost all of them won't work. The ways that do work are called valid. Even your ability to look down on someone for disagreeing with you about validity is itself something which involves you implicitly assuming you know what is and isn't valid.

>> No.12482036
File: 462 KB, 728x546, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's called ReAliTY!

lel okay mister breakfast. look how easy you got sent into a tailspin once someone wouldn't play your silly game

>> No.12482040

>Losing the argument, better switch to pretending I don't care
High quality strategy.

>> No.12482045

sorry, winning and losing aren't real

>> No.12482048

I don't play your binary games

>> No.12482089

>do not
>Literally using a bitwise operator to try to deny binary
>winning and losing aren't real
Imagine being so wrong you have to start trying to convince people the fundamental concept of wrongness doesn't exist.
And to bring this back to topic, keep in mind you're actually trying to equate a psychotic faggot who promoted genital mutilation and bland, high fiber flakes of stale wheat in an attempt to eliminate masturbation, with regular non-psychotic people who have their first meal at noontime.

>> No.12482099
File: 364 KB, 500x375, bisexualanimegirl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And to bring this back to topic, keep in mind you're actually trying to equate a psychotic faggot who promoted genital mutilation and bland, high fiber flakes of stale wheat in an attempt to eliminate masturbation, with regular non-psychotic people who have their first meal at noontime.

no I'm not

because I don't play binary games

>> No.12482111

That's why I wrote "equate" and not "picking one side over the other."

>> No.12482124

i wrote binary games

to try make you understand that I don't play them

>> No.12482129

>do not
I don't think you understand what not playing binary games means.

>> No.12482146

it's simple

if a woman told me to have sex with her, I would say no

and if a woman told me not to have sex with her, I would say no

because I don't play binary games

>> No.12482165

That's still binary, it's just binary where you don't understand how to use it correctly.

>> No.12482178

this game has gotten too binary for my tastes

can't play with you anymore

>> No.12482183

I'm more productive when I go through the day eating nothing until I'm really hungry.

>> No.12482207

Fucking based

>> No.12482709

>breakfast the most important meal of the day
t. Kellogg's
t. bacon supplyers

>> No.12482788

do you play tertiary games?

>> No.12482813

Depends, some people can go witthout it, others cannot. I personally cannot. I work 10 hour days on my feet (concreter), then I training (boxing) for up to 2 hours after work, PLUS I have a fucking fast metabolism. If I don't eat breakfast I will literally not be able to function at work. Some people just require the energy needed from breakfast, perhaps if you're a deskcuck then you don't need the cals. I fucking cannot function without having 4 large meals a day