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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 640 KB, 614x696, 5EFDF7F6-6196-43CD-9B6F-7C2BF46F0E99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12480384 No.12480384 [Reply] [Original]

Why’s this allowed? They turned me into a fattycakes ree

>> No.12480396

>when your four tits are still smaller than your stomach

>> No.12480411

I can’t imagine paying a premium for fucking beans, rice, lettuce, grilled chicken and some cheap “add ons”. It’s a combination of some of the cheapest food available at the supermarket and can be made at home. Also have you ever paid attention to the restaurants themselves?
>half-finished, warehouse vibe to the restaurant
>minimal accommodations and a line out the door
>fountain soft drinks (how fucking sick)
You are all getting conned.

>> No.12480417

are there really people out there who think sustainable means healthy?

>> No.12480427

>paying a premium

Sometimes people are out and about and don't feel the need to go home to have every single meal

>> No.12480511

The price of bowls rarely stays at $6.75. Maybe if you want the most basic, bland one then go for it.

>> No.12480557

>eat more calories than you burn
>gain weight


>> No.12480725

How could we let this happen, coo/ck/s?

>> No.12480745

yeah well when the first two ingredients are 500 calories of tortilla and rice you're fuckin done son

>> No.12480759

The dipshits behind the ad

>> No.12480854

How is 3000 calories in a week going to make you fat? That's barely enough to survive unless you're like 50lbs. Maybe a dwarf with hypothyroidism?

>> No.12480872

I'm assuming they meant in addition to your regular diet.
3000*52/3500 is around 45 pounds gained.

>> No.12482469

I want. hot, big boye

>> No.12482477

>eating mostly fatty meat, rice, cheese and sour cream wrapped in more carbs is unhealthy
wow, what a fucking revelation, keep exposing dem corporations OP

>> No.12482480

sounds like McDonalds is mad at Chipotle or something, clearly a shill thread.

>> No.12483055

"sustainable" has nothing to do with how many calories are in the food

>> No.12483226

>he's not vegan
Heh. Cuck.

>> No.12483231
File: 41 KB, 604x453, 792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating a burrito the size of your stomach on dialy basis can make you fat


>> No.12483236

False. This is false. Eating 2 burritos a week for a year won't make you gain weight. You'd technically lose weight since 2 burritos a week, eating on 2/7 days is a huge caloric deficit.

>> No.12483241
File: 238 KB, 1024x1337, E1E18929-AD18-4974-9565-4C601CB0166B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heard you faggots talking shit about Chipotle. Yea I eat 4 natty burritos for every meal you white niggers.

>> No.12483254
File: 71 KB, 624x600, Meet+the+angry+marines+citing+the+1d4chan+article+because+im_276b90_6017670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12483264
File: 73 KB, 480x360, 071E0541-C0B6-4B99-BFC4-9E78A885B335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12483265

>You are all getting conned
Do you know anything about economics? Christ people preaching against fast food are retarded. You don't just pay for the ingredients, but at the same time 6-8 dollars to eat a 2-3lb is pretty decent price. Meat alone costs you 10-12$, bag of tortillas another 5,plus every single vegetable another 10, seasoning and rice another 8, sour cream and guacamole 8 fresh guac would make it 10, cheese is another 4$

To make the burrito you waste hours preparing it, just to eat 1/3rd of what you bought in one sitting. 57/3 = 19 per burrito. And 14 if it was 1/4. That makes Chipotle cheaper unless you think you're going to get a better deal on decent quality meat when Chipotle buys in bulk you could never afford. Using the cheapest ingredients would give you a disgusting burrito.
U do u retatd

>> No.12483269

>the size of your stomach means anything. Eating 2 burritos a week will cause you to lose weight

>> No.12483314

Why is he so smooth and hairless?

>> No.12483320

I miss him so much, bros.

>> No.12483414

I don’t know what kind of bumfuck nowhere supermarket you shop at or maybe those are the Canadian in-store prices because you are about 15 dollars off. The other reason why you are a retard is that you could feed 3 people with supermarket portions vs. restaurant prices. Also, I wouldn’t spend hours making it. What, am I milling the flour by hand? Again, do you have any idea how much groceries I can buy with $57 in Florida? The prices you pulled out of your ass have no basis in reality. You must shop at the most pretentious store for faggots.

>> No.12483433

Reminder that chipotle is owned by McDonald's

>> No.12483852

I just looked it up and it's not

>> No.12483979

>you could gain 40 pounds in a year
Kek. What they did there is take the calorie count of two burritos, multiply it by 52 weeks and divide it by the estimate caloric value of a pound of fat (3500). What this means is that in order to gain those 40 pounds, you would already need to be eating a normal maintenance diet and cram two burritos a week on top of that.

>> No.12483998

>tfw ate 2 in one sitting
I'm already fat and I'm going back for more
I'll lose weight when women take an interest in me (hint: not gonna happen)