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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12479262 No.12479262 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think banning kids from restaurants is justified?

>> No.12479267

What kind of stupid fucking question is this?

>> No.12479332
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after 5? sure. its the restaurants choice and their money to lose or gain.
imagine if youre a parent and you get time to go out without the kid only to listen to some mouthbreathers screaming niglets.

>> No.12479467

It’s a perfectly valid question.

>> No.12479475

Of course people think it's justified. Happens all the time. This is a low-tier conversation starter and almost entirely unrelated to the board.

>> No.12479483

Banning anybody from your place is business is justified, it's your place of business. If a red Robin or Applebee's banned kids I'd be pretty confused but if a nice michelen star resteraunt didn't want kids under a certain age I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to do that, and that's from someone with a kid

>> No.12479489

we should ban tranies from restaurants
oh no no no no

>> No.12479510

Right to refuse service. Yes, they can actually.

Yes, it is justified in some high end places.

>> No.12479519

I think a businessowner should be free to ban whom- or whatever he wants. Kids, dogs, women, negroes... you name it.

>> No.12479524

This, but for black people

>> No.12479532

I know some places only seat families with children in certain parts of the restaurant to "quarantine" them, so to speak, for the experience of everyone else in the restaurant.

I always thought I'd either ban children entirely or keep them quarantined to a room at the back. Children are antithetical to a nice night out.
It should unironically land you a public nuisance charge and fine if your child acts like a shit in public.

>> No.12479537

i think it's fine.

it kind of sucks for kids that are well behaved though. there are a lot of kids that know how to act in a restaurant. a minority are absolutely fucking awful though.

>> No.12479540


>> No.12479554

yes. also it's perfectly legal in the US since age is only a protected class for people over 40 and in the context of employment.

>> No.12479555

It’s more than justified, it is justice.

>> No.12479611
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OP, did you not realise that /ck/ is a libertarian board? I think we have a few hard AnCaps here too.
Nobody here is going to tell you that the State as the right to force a restaurant to take guests it doesn't want.

>> No.12479617

It is in countries where people don't raise their kids properly, like in the US

>> No.12479652

What country are you from?

>> No.12479661

>OP's pic is German
>Americans don't bring their children to restaurants anyways because they rather be at home watching cartoons

>> No.12479678

No, that's racist

>> No.12479696

No but sometimes I purposely will sit at the bar to avoid children and it fuckkng pisses me off when people bring their kids into the bar area.

>> No.12479713

They should ban bad parents, those piss me off a lot

>> No.12479723

This feels like a nigger hate thread.

What are some things niggers do as restaurants that bother you? I'll start with a couple
1.) always saying it is their birthday to get free shit and humiliate the employees that have to sing or dance or whatever gay shit they have to do.
2.) be loud and obnoxious. This is just them everywhere they are though
3.) treat their waiters like shit

>> No.12479727

lmao at the autism in this thread, 10/10

>> No.12479938

If you're going to obsessed, at least don't be retarded.

>> No.12480272

lets not forget the smell
showing their ass with their pants down to the knees
trying to smoke crack in a non smoking section
hitting on my fat sister
robbing the whole place
raping the white women
and worst of all ordering steak well done

>> No.12480277

Yes. Ban them from theme parks too. I'm sick of all those little cunts

>> No.12480292

Yes. I believe there is a place and demand for child-free dining. If I've got a special occasion and I'm trying to coordinate it and everything gets ruined because somebody's ADHD brat is throw shit and screaming and being a nightmare, I would be very upset. Stuff some chicken tenders down it's throat and keep it at home so that adults can enjoy their evening. Don't punish the rest of the world with your poor genetics and parenting skills.

>> No.12480345
File: 139 KB, 800x599, 1548606165322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At a pretty fancy restaurant, looking like a group degenerates
>all ordered multiple fancy drinks and apps, full charcuterie setup, having the best time out of anyone there
>celebrity chef comes out shakes our hands, it's literally magic
>dropping about $300 each for a table of 5
>husband and wife with a stroller and two kids show up staring daggers
>start making a stink about us drinking through our reservation, it's like 930pm
>server sheepishly has to kick us out
>we ain't even mad, tip well, all order an absinthe to go
>chef comes and apologizes, invites us back the next week for a beer and cheese pairing event
>move one building to the left and continue having a great night
Things went better than expected. The restaurant was Antler in Toronto and that wild game menu was the tits.

>> No.12480447


I also think kids should be banned from airplanes

>> No.12480461

That’s bs, American parents being their kids everywhere and I fucking hate it

>> No.12480482

We'd rather make the wait staff babysit our kids for a 10% tip than pay a babysitter $30 plus tip.
Don't hate. Procreate.

>> No.12480535

I’m never having kids

>> No.12480566

It's based and I wish it was a thing where I live

>> No.12480594

I don't see the problem. If you have access to a restaurant that would ban children, you have access to 2 dozen that wouldn't.

>> No.12480599

>>start making a stink about us drinking through our reservation, it's like 930pm
why can people tell you to stop drinking

>> No.12480601

>Do you think banning kids from restaurants is justified?
Sure it's up to the restaurant to set that rule. I was at a pub once and some lady had her like baby there, I was like yo what.

>> No.12480651

Ayyo hol up..

>> No.12480683

>offer to babysit my sister's 3 yo son
>take him to the movies
>sit in the back row
>physically abuse him and get him really pissed of so he won't stop crying
>refuse to leave during the movie

>> No.12480780
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>> No.12481428

wtf, are you all such incompetent parents that, because YOU have degenerate mongoloid offspring who can’t be seen in public, that the rest of us who have taught our children manners and respect cant have a nice meal out?
hurrduurr muh meal is ruined if chirrins sit quietly and order properly

fucking entitled cunts

>> No.12481492
File: 1.96 MB, 819x1009, discipline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe in some of those European countries or American cities where they let children be noisy and undisciplined while they're children. But if you're in a town where children actually learn to behave themselves, an outright ban could be kind of silly.

>> No.12481602


>> No.12482155
File: 37 KB, 450x350, meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what is the relevance to the thread you absolute Johnny?

>> No.12482360

yes, children at restaurants ruin the experience for other diners and often place stress on the employees of the restaurant when children, especially when in large numbers, are present.
there's nothing more mind numbing in a kitchen when a party of 9 with 4 or 5 kids orders 3 actual meals and the kids all order fucking tenders or a burger or some other gay shit, that takes me away from preparing dishes that require my actual skill and attention to prepare properly. seriously bro fuck kids and there shit head parents who decide 11pm is a great time for a family dinner.

>> No.12482366

99% of the time children are niggers in restaurants. if the general populace had a better grasp on properly controlling their children I would be all for not banning kids from restaurants.

>> No.12482392

I think parents who let their kids play with toys and noisy stuff without headphones are the ones who should be banned. I travel a lot and have few complaints about children. One flight stands out where the parents were letting their kid play with a ridiculously loud and obnoxious toy on a late flight that had dimmed the lights down low for people to get rest. I was a few rows too many away to discreetly ask them to be quiet, but eventually the flight attendant took care of it.

>> No.12482400

s e e t h i n g

>> No.12482402

I don't eat at Applebees and other shitty chains, so I never see kids when I go out to eat.

>> No.12482500

You type like a bitch and your shits all retarded. Nobody else wants to even have to look at your snot nosed little treasure, whore. Take it to somewhere where it can order Kraft macaroni off the kids menu, like you 100% have been since the day it was born regardless of how loud it screamed.

>> No.12482525


>> No.12482543

If I take my wife to a high end restraunt for her birthday or valentines, I don't want loud kids around. If we take our kids out to TGI Fridays shut the fuck up and deal with it.

>> No.12482578


>> No.12482632

Not if they are past the stage you can't really do much about them being little whiny fags. If they decide to be a little whiny fag anyway you should get kicked out though.

>> No.12482641

Kids and pets should be banned from any self respecting establishment.

>> No.12482809

Depends on what kind of restaurant, if it's that high end then fair enough but other wise it seems a bit strange but they probably have a good reason.

>> No.12482847

I've never understood why kids are so different in different places. If I go to a restaurant in France or Spain or Germany, kids are usually quiet, eat normal food, sit still and are well behaved.

In Britain or the U.S. the kiss eat half a children's menu then run amok around the restaurant until a parent placates then with a phone or a tablet or literally has to leave the table to take a screaming brat outside.