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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 37 KB, 492x604, Massimo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12476682 No.12476682[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I worked under him *very* briefly for one summer as a teen where he dashed any hopes I ever had of working in a professional restaurant kitchen. He told me to drop 2 orders of pasta and I only dropped 1.5 worth and I never worked the pasta station after that. He was the sous chef at the time and I recall him as arrogant and smug.

Is there anything more satisfying than seeing people who wronged you in the past fuck up and get in trouble?



Massimo Fabbri, chef and owner of San Lorenzo Ristorante and Bar in Shaw, was arrested recently in a Delaware beach town on cocaine possession and other charges, according to a police report. Police searched both Fabbri and a female companion and allegedly found 191 grams of cocaine, with a street value of $19,100, in their possession. Authorities also allegedly found $3,201 in cash.

But according to the report, they responded to a 911 call about an alleged domestic dispute at around 7:30 a.m. on May 30. In Lewes’s Highland Acres neighborhood, they pulled over Fabbri in a gray BMW X5 and allegedly noticed he was bruised and scratched. Lewes police called Delaware State Police to assist, and they apparently found Lombardi walking on a nearby street, also allegedly with minor injuries.

When police searched Fabbri and Lombardi, they allegedly discovered the cocaine and cash, along with drug paraphernalia. Fabbri and Lombardi were charged with multiple offenses, including possession of a controlled substance and possession with intent to distribute, and the BMW was seized as evidence.

When Fabbri, 40, was contacted by phone for comment, he replied, “It’s not a good moment right now.”

>> No.12476716

Imagine being such a shithead that not only do you fail at basic cooking, but you delight in police corruption and anti-American laws promoting it.

>> No.12476730

make more pasta next time retard
based chef, coke is a drug for the high class

>> No.12476736

I was 16 and recall him as aggressive.

>> No.12476740


>> No.12476742

I'm thirty and I recall you as a pussy.

>> No.12476748
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>breaking news
>not only does a chef do coke, but op is once again a fag who couldn't make it one day in a real kitchen

>> No.12476752

He was probably abusing cocaine back then too. He has a daughter and is rolling around in an SUV full of cocaine. He never gave a shit about cooking to begin with.

I lasted 2 months then had a fight with a different sous chef because the bitch stole my tongs I used to dress salad and they asked me to work prep instead of line so I quit. I was literally only 16.

>> No.12476755


>> No.12476757

kek this fucking board in late hours

>> No.12476761

Most restaurant kitchens aren't run like that where cokehead tyrants who think he's Gordon Ramsay or something abuse their staff.

>> No.12476762

That's really nothing.
Look into the NY Pizza connection or something like that. A neighbor of mine was involved with that, he was "connected" if you know what I mean. We were just friends, same class, so it was just cool. He did get involved with things that he shouldn't have gotten involved with, to each their own. He knew people who knew people if you know what I mean.

>> No.12476766
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My physics lab partner murdered a guy. To keep it /ck/ related, he always asked me and my other lab partner to eat with him. We never did


>> No.12476769

That's a lot of words to dance around and not say anything, anon.

>> No.12476774

$100 per gram of coke is a fucking racket.

>> No.12476778

Back in the day, 16 year olds were fighting wars and working on farms. Your age is no excuse just because useless cunts and authoritarians decided to infantilize America. you failed at basic goddamn shit and blew up emotionally over nothing.

For what it's worth, anon, I don't blame you. I blame your useless parents.

>> No.12476779

It was a long time ago, from high school days. Look up what I mentioned.

>> No.12476780

Well there were three problems. Massimo (who was sous back then), this other female sous chef, ginger, forget her name, who kept STEALING MY FUCKING TONGS, and telling me to oversalt the salad dressing. The head chef came over and tasted the dressing I made and said it didn't need more salt and she was *furious* and made a point of hassling me after that. There was also a pastry chef who made me clean her station and do her prep and was generally bossy. The grill chef was cool, only person who was nice to me.

>> No.12476785

>muh boomer's youth
vietnam war was 50 yrs ago gramp

>> No.12476787

Some dumb bitch tried to steal my code at a really big company in NYC and I got her fired over that. I simply would have nothing to do with her and since I was there longer I simply said nothing when she asked me questions. I didn't really report to her, that dumb ass fucking chink bitch.

>> No.12476790

Well I was a 16 year old newbie and the pastry chef and sous chefs tried to use me as their personal prep/cleaning bitches and it emotionally overwhelmed me after a while.

>> No.12476794

It's like hey, you describe what was written. She couldn't and I'd been there longer. It's funny seeing some stupid ass japanese bitch get fired because she expects some American to write for her. HA HA HA!

>> No.12476796

Based grill bros

>> No.12476802

All I can say on that is, never be overwhelmed. Go in with knowledge, sometime you learn, sometimes you're paid to know.
Sometimes they're both the same. But outright copying from someone else is bullshit.

>> No.12476805
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They used you to prep them before fucking the waitresses?

>> No.12476815

They didn't let me touch the grill and that was probably a good idea. I would have been fine solo doing garde manger if they didn't make me ALSO do prep and cleaning for other stations. Cleaning sauce station was maybe the worst.

What are you on?

There was absolutely nobody in that kitchen I would have fucked. They all bonded by drinking/drugging after work and I was 16 so I went straight home after. Got some decent leftovers.

>> No.12476818

this dude looks over 30. Was he stuck in phd track or some shit?

>> No.12476827

No I think he was just some old guy why wanted to get a bachelors degree. Maybe a masters in something eventually. He’s always talk about how me and the other kid should go for a masters.

Lol and iirc I think the guy shot a door to door meat salesman. Fuck wagies

>> No.12476833

how the fuck do you guys meet interesting blokes like this? I am not being sarcastic here. People I met all have their guard up when I talked to them. I want to meet some dude selling me psychedelics or borderline illegal shit. I want to have fun skirting on the other side of the law. Life is fking boring with everyone pretends to live a normie life

>> No.12476832

I'm on about reality.

>> No.12476839

Some people are too scared to get into real life so want a life of academia. That's their problem, not mine. Hence the PhD course.

>> No.12476841

there are good examples of police corruption in this country, but "white guy gets busted for cocaine trafficking" is not one of them
cry harder you fucking nigger faggot, sorry you got pulled over for 75 in a 45 while you were high and thought das rayciss

>> No.12476842

You don't want to meet people like that. You want to buy anonymously online. Better they have your name and address, encrypted end-to-end of course, than actually meet them.

>> No.12476845

I have a similar anecdote. When I was in the Marines I had one Sgt who was just a real fucking asshole with a bad attitude and temper. He was an absolute dick to me and I hated his fucking guts. Fast forward about four years, I had gotten out of the military and am checking Facebook one day. Suddenly everyone I was in with is posting about him. I look into it and he had recently gotten kicked out of the military for something he did as a drill instructor that wasn’t public knowledge, but was bad enough that he got let go. Anyway he was dead. He apparently was on some college campus waving a machete around and saying crazy shit and the cops blasted his ass to death. Didn’t feel bad at all.

>> No.12476849

I got pulled over for 120 in a 65 zone while on multiple prescription medications and received a 300 dollar fine.

>something he did as a drill instructor that wasn’t public knowledge

so you don't know what he did?

>> No.12476850

Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a species of intemperance within itself, for it goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man’s appetite by legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded.”
— Abraham Lincoln, Speech to the Illinois House of Representatives; 18 Dec. 1840

Yeah, they sure went after him to get an evil drug dealer off the streets, and surely not for the 20 G's in drugs and cash.

>> No.12476856

I actually oppose drug possession or even sale being criminalized but he was SUCH an irl asshole that I'm seriously hoping he will serve actual time for this.

>> No.12476857

It's random, there's no one rule to meeting other folk. I think that as you get older then you'll learn this as well, some of this you have to learn when you're really young. For instance when I was a kid I met a lot of Brits, I still have a couple pounds I bought from them when I could do that as a little kid. I think it was 2 for 1 back then pounds per dollar.

>> No.12476861

yeah those people ain't well. This is a prime time to get a job right out of college if ur doing engineering trust me. All my mates have jobs lining up close to graduation and we are not in a high rank uni. I personally have 2 coming interviews

>> No.12476865
File: 490 KB, 1333x2000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My H.S swim coach in Columbus Ohio was a perv. His wife was a big hair petite that clearly had a child's body. Coach had an eye for developing girls. He hated me because I teased him about his leering eyes.
He benched me lost a scholarship and missed my Olympic Dream because that ass face coach chapman had it bad for 14year old girls and I stood in the way calling out his antics.
He got busted served time the hard way
I hope his life continues to suck,

>> No.12476868

Then you are an amoral, immature cunt. But then, I could tell that from the OP.

>> No.12476871

Don't feel too bad, one my teachers at Stuyvesant in NYC was nailed for kid touching and shit, I think a lot of them were doing that. Friends and I with a lot of girls just stayed away from that crap.

We would have kicked their asses if it was necessary.

>> No.12476872

Oh yeah... The pic is not related

>> No.12476874

This is your brain on feminism.

>> No.12476876

Good luck on those upcoming interviews.

>> No.12476878

Dead serious question: why the fuck would anyone ever want to work in a kitchen?

>> No.12476880

Busted for what

>> No.12476897

Probably for doing what men have been doing for millenia and sleeping with a fertile young woman.

>> No.12476907

Dude he was in his late 40's trying to bag 12 y.o. Girls.
I detested it then at 17. I am no fem brain.
Projection is a real thing anon...Man up

>> No.12476908
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thanks man. when I have it I'll think of you dude

>> No.12476910

>fertility implies consent

straight people need to be killed

>> No.12476911

Perhaps you shouldn't have worried about a "sports" scholarship. With that then you're fucked.

>> No.12476920

Saying yes implies consent. "Informed" consent is and always has been a spook.

>> No.12476921

Spoken like a true worthless boomer who did nothing with his life and blames the young people for his impotent rage.

>> No.12476923

Yes for preying upon girls with a on titties.... He impregnated a 14y.o.. Regardless of your option he brok the law and got caught

>> No.12476925

>I detested it then at 17.
Because they were more attracted to him than they were to you, as is natural.

>> No.12476931

>Regardless of your option he brok the law and got caught
Men do not make laws. They do but discover them. Laws must be justified by something more than the will of the majority. They must rest on the eternal foundation of righteousness.
— Calvin Coolidge

>> No.12476935

So if he hadn't knocked an underage girl up they would have just keep letting him do what he was doing?

>eternal foundation of righteousness.

meaningless drivel

appeals to tradition are fallacious

>> No.12476942

>appeals to tradition
More of an appeal to reason, but whatever allows you to sleep at night, leftist.

Distrust all men in whom the impulse to punish is powerful.
— Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.12476947

What absolute drivel. A statement isn't wise just because you can attach a name to it.

>> No.12476950

Nah, let's just let the powerful do what they want. Couldn't hurt us :^)

>> No.12476954

The statement would be wise regardlwss of the name attached to it. Like this one.

The Founding Fathers understood what happens when you give power to people with good intentions. That’s why they wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights — to prevent politicians from foisting their good intentions on us. Jefferson said we must bind them down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.

>> No.12476968

being a chef was like a rock star in the 80s. Nowadays it is different with being associated with hipstery. The perception about being cook has changed.
Also in a tight running kitchen, there is a comradery with your crew akin to a pirate's ship. Don't have to go to sandnigger's land to have this feeling

>> No.12476970

>let's just let the powerful do what they want.
Written laws are like spiders’ webs, and will like them only entangle and hold the poor and weak, while the rich and powerful will easily break through them.
— Anacharsis, Life of Solon

>> No.12476977
File: 350 KB, 500x400, 1554407996744-Eva_Habermann-Lexx-Zev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep her in mind during the interview.
If you know more than they do, I usually do, just make sure to not answer stuipd questions so that they can get a job done.

I've really seen that before. Some companies will try to get people to answer technicial questions to get their own jobs done for free. Just answer simple shit, not anything complicated if technical.

It's always h1bs from india involved with that kind of crap, they can't do their own work so need others with weird ways of asking tech questions on interviews as a job interview.
They need to keep their h1b's up vs what Americans can do.

>> No.12476984

people like you should be stuff in a small cage with little sunlight

>> No.12476985

Yeah, an appeal to cosmic justice is very wise. Have you ever considered that you might be an idiot? Because I'm quite sure you are one.

>> No.12476994

Good luck and don't think so much of me, think of Matt Dillon, US Marshall.
These fuckin' sacks of shit from india wouldn't last a minute if they didn't have some bullshit h1b going on.

>> No.12476996
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I lived on Coolidge st.
I didn't need the young ones I had a fake I.d. and raged at the campus bars and sororities at 17..... And you....well you finger your keyboard on a Wednesday night while when I was your age I had piles of cash from running booze, hella good times and bitches galore any night of the week..(scoff) you sound weak

>> No.12476998

refer to Nietzsche

>> No.12477005

The man who substitutes insult for argument is tacitly admitting his complete lack of argument.
— Anon#12477005

>> No.12477014

This cannot be an unironic post.

>> No.12477015

Sadly that may be true

>> No.12477027

They have no intention of hiring anyone, they simply want answers to technical questions. If you detect that and give them those answers at an interview then they have no reason to hire so simply because you've given them the answers already.

Also, never pay for you to go to their location. Any honorable company would pay for you to be in some proper interview.
If a company isn't willing to pay for you to be there, then they're full of fucking shit.

>> No.12477031

Where to buy asking fir a fren

>> No.12477033

Do you not know how to conduct basic internet searches?

>> No.12477051

I trust a rando more than goolag with my shits. I have you know ur phone picked up on your conversations to filter your youtube page

>> No.12477054


>> No.12477056

You seem slow. Most people who want drugs online can figure out how and where to buy them. There are guides.

>> No.12477063

You wont get jack shit from real companies or the hiring or actual managers or directors from them.
Not without a real name you wont even get close.

>> No.12477073

Where ? Give me a name of a forum. Im not going to beg fuck u

>> No.12477075

A forum? That's bullshit. If it's from a real company then they find you. They don't need bullsiht from a cunt level forum. I've seen it many times.
It's kind of hard to desribe. Nobody want some pissant faggots from a fucking message board.

>> No.12477080

I have a hunch we are talking about different thing. Im talking to anon where to source psychodelics

>> No.12477089

Here's a way of looking at it.
If you can't do it for yourself then you're not capable of being there in the first place. You might as well kill yourself.

>> No.12477093

Yeah right, like that matters.

>> No.12477099

>muh sekri club
You sounds like a fag. I bet you are just gesturing and dont know shit. Aight gn

>> No.12477107

Phoebe AppleBee
Yeah right.
The OTR is better.

>> No.12477111

No, not really.
But you're the faggot that knows about "muh skri club"
I didn't write that, you did therefore you're the faggot.

>> No.12477115

420chan is a good place to start your drug search

>> No.12477119

I'm just saying, you know what I'm saying?

>> No.12477120

See I'm not an indian or a paki scumbucket nor do I have to be. Therefore I wonder about you with your "muh sekri club"

Hey motherfucker, I wouldn't bother with a translation ring with you indian or paki sacks of shit. Get over yourselves.

>> No.12477126

Fuck that online shit, the best way is in person.

>> No.12477129

You need to establish a restaurant and as a felon he will have hard time being hired, you should hire him and then have him work under you, tell him how you fell about him, but be kind to him. The weight of his sorrow will crush him, then and only then is true victory achieved as you succeed above him, while he depends on your success and our competence that he doubted that sustains his income.

>> No.12477137

He is an italian, they can't stay out of trouble. Just like niggers.

>> No.12477138 [DELETED] 

Apparenty you missed a proper Gomer Pyle you foreing sack of shit. You might want to look up "You Bet Your Won Ton"
1/25/1967, Season 3 / Episode 19

It's always fun making fun of you faggots making fun of the USA while you've been fucking up for thousands of years.

>> No.12477140

seething druggie

>> No.12477147

Apparenty you missed a proper Gomer Pyle, USMC you foreign sack of shit. You might want to look up "You Bet Your Won Ton"
1/25/1967, Season 3 / Episode 19

It's always fun making fun of you faggots making fun of the USA while you've been fucking up for thousands of years.

>> No.12477149

What are you blabbering about

>> No.12477154

druggie is too retarded to find drugs lmfao

>> No.12477163

Was it autism?

>> No.12477164

Apparently you have no understanding and I can't correct that nor do I want to try.

>> No.12477168
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4 o'clock /ck/ gets real schizophrenic

>> No.12477177

Be specific if you're capable.

>> No.12477192

This cunt is a real asshole >>12477168
That anon cunt calls people schizo but can't respond to a simple question.
Can't some of these twats just piss the fuck off or are they projecting like the little cunts that they are?

>> No.12477200

This post right here >>12477192 was obviously written by a very ill man.

>> No.12477214

U ok?

>> No.12477240

The police take the highest estimated street value of the smallest commonly sold denomination and use that when stating a total value to the media. Makes the number pop

>> No.12477936

What fucking 30 y/o line cook doesn't sell drugs?

>> No.12477962


>> No.12478107

>191 grams of coke
that is so much cocaine