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File: 132 KB, 800x821, AskMen%20Beer%20Survey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12472615 No.12472615 [Reply] [Original]

>my state's favourite beer is Heineken

>> No.12472627

>Mikes Hard anywhere at all
>NY isnt Utica Club
What is this site so I can send a stern letter about how shitty their results are

>> No.12472642
File: 100 KB, 1080x1350, 1559693841651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>washington oregon

>> No.12472650

damn, why is bud so popular, it takes like piss

>> No.12472651

Heineken is better than anything else on there to be fair.

>> No.12472697
File: 22 KB, 333x499, 41duhaaL5uL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PA brews all cucked by pißwasser

>> No.12472712

Why is my state the only one split in half? I know the county is way different than what we call northern Massachusettes, but surely states other than Maine are split in opinion as well?

>> No.12472715
File: 20 KB, 430x331, gordon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People actually enjoy drinking Coors Light?

>> No.12472716

This chart is full of shit.

>> No.12472726
File: 160 KB, 1412x1216, Capture+_2019-06-12-11-21-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iowa's favorite beer is Busch Light. Fuck that map.

>> No.12472730

Bong here. Drank some PBR because people seem to love it so much in the US. Tastes like an incredibly cheap pissy beer. I don't get it.

>> No.12472734

>not Shiner or Zeigenbock

>> No.12472744

I thought PA would have been yuengling

>> No.12472761
File: 211 KB, 1200x700, 03-04-sam-adams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Sam Adams guy myself

>> No.12472772

People drink it because it's dirt cheap and they wanna get drunk. Same thing with Natty.

>> No.12472774

PA would be Iron City. Wisconsin would be Miller. Map is retarded.

>> No.12472968

Judging by the empties strewn along the highways in MS, it's Busch Lite but maybe that counts as Budweiser since it's an Inbev product?

>> No.12472985

>Not Sam Adams
Even Narragansett is more popular than fucking Corona.

>> No.12472998

I'm surprised California's isn't 805

>> No.12473031

This. Clearly made to troll PA/MD exclusively.

>> No.12473060

>Mike's is a beer

I thought they just filtered grain alcohol through baby wipes

>> No.12473082

It's legit

>> No.12473118
File: 73 KB, 398x320, thatsbullshit5576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12473199

Louisiana is split.

>> No.12473219

Illegal immigrants are fucking up Colorado to shit

>> No.12473348
File: 71 KB, 600x738, xbier.jpg.pagespeed.ic.4ObqK10R8S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres the same for germany.

>> No.12473372

Spics don't drink Corona pisswater, that's yuppies. Spics like Modelo.

>> No.12473391

>Massachusetts is Corona
What the fuck I never see anyone drink Corona
I doubt this map unless bars serve tons of it or something

>> No.12473474

everyone drinks bud light, not budweiser.

>> No.12473491

If your piss tastes like bud maybe you're diabetic, get checked out

>> No.12473495
File: 993 KB, 500x281, hades.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not Shiner

>> No.12473508

goddamit I actually like loma prieta

>> No.12473567

Depends in the location.
>Pitt, Philly, Harrisburg, or surrounding large cities: Iron City or Yuengling
>Country: Piss

>> No.12473596

What the fuck is the King doing selling beer in Iowa?

>> No.12473602

>Coors Light
I'm really fuckin embarrassed guys

>> No.12473607

That list is bullshit I’ve never seen anyone in Alabama actually buy Budweiser

>> No.12473618

They don't advertise so they pas the savings on to you. It doesn't taste any better or worse than our other shitty beers but it is cheaper so poor young folks like it

>> No.12473623

I drink miller high life only because I have get a 30 pack for $15

>> No.12473642

yeah i would guess miller light is our favorite. Part of the problem is we have so many small producers they probably split the market

>> No.12473655

heineken better than stella? yeah right

>> No.12473656

Texas is full of wetbacks and they all drink bud lite.

>> No.12473887

Northern Louisiana is basically Arkansas
NOLA metro area where its at

>> No.12473912

Really? I see most commiefornians drinking 808

>> No.12474026

Within a few years alcohol will be completely banned in Germany due to Sharia Law.

>> No.12474045

NPCs flock to whatever product has the most commercials about it

>> No.12474064

It isn't better than Yuengling

>> No.12474130

Probably why poor Rainier and Olympia had to sell the business, damn shame.

>> No.12474139
File: 202 KB, 846x639, jewyork1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stella is based but I like max ice

>> No.12474155

Pa is yeungling faggot

>> No.12474163

seems like a lot of you know what piss taste like

>> No.12474168

>100% of Alaska voted budweiser.
This is the opposite of legit.

>> No.12474250

Yeah what the fuck. Were like three people surveyed? Nobody I know likes any of the domestic beers.

>> No.12474376

I live in Alaska and it's definitely Coors Light country.

>> No.12474935

That looks bad.
t. European.

Hipsters and irony. That is the appeal of PBR. It is bellow mediocre bulk lager, like all other American bulk beers.

>> No.12474946


>> No.12475573

>Not Grain Belt

>> No.12475601

then maybe u can stop drinking and get to work hans.

>> No.12475708

>not hamms

>> No.12475747

most people don't drink to enjoy the beer, they drink to get shitfaced because their NPC get togethers are all about getting shitfaced and ruining themselves into a smoldering crater.

>> No.12475754

I live in Texas but, Oklahoma, Stella Artois? Bwahahaha!

>> No.12475779

>coor's light
Bullshit, nobody ever drinks that here, Bud/Bud-lite is the ubiquitous macro garbage followed by Yuengling (which isn't that bad)

>> No.12475790

These images are always so stupid and uninformative. Of course the shitty 5% macro lagers that hicks drink exclusively a case a day sell more than all the good beer that people who actually enjoy beer constantly rotate and are trying new things. I am honestly surprised that RI has Heineken and not Gansett, though.

>> No.12475843

>not Old Milwaukee
>not Miller High Life
>not Miller Lite
>not MGD
>not IceHouse
>not Pabst
>not Milwaukee's Best
>not Blatz
>not Spotted Cow
>not Leinie's
>not Red Dog
>not Busch Light
>not Michelob
>not Old Style
>Coors Light
I'm skeptical

>> No.12476012

Am in Illinois, and hardly see people drink bud, Miller lite is the king here

>> No.12476025

I used to have to drive past the old Oly brewery every day, and it was always sad to see it all abandoned and shut down.

>> No.12476032

>Stella Artois
Fucking doubt that

>> No.12476104

California has no taste. Even among Mexican beers, there are far better ones. I'd rather have a Pacifico.

>> No.12476128


>> No.12476160

PBR Light is actually better than PBR and it doesn’t give me an entire day full of carcass-tier farts

>> No.12476190

>Depends in the location.
>>Pitt, Philly, Harrisburg, or surrounding large cities: Iron City or Yuengling
>>Country: Piss
Reminder that the erudite-tier widely distributed PA adjunct lager is still Straub

>> No.12476303

How is it better than PBR then?

>> No.12476305

Dude. Yeah, why isn't it Old Milwaukee? I used to drink the fuck out of that stuff, and Shlitz too.

>> No.12476334

I always thought Miller would be more popular because my family drinks Miller and never Budweiser or Coors

>> No.12476617

Haha no budlight or Busch.

>> No.12477909

Lawnmower beers are nice because they're easy to drink and you have to drink a lot to get drunk. They're a good choice for camping, lawn work and friendly get togethers where you want something to drink but don't want to get blasted and don't want to spend 5x as much for a craft session ale.

>> No.12477925

The PBR guys bought Lone Star, which is the best AAL you can get.

>> No.12477932

>lawnmower beer
Hipster language never ceases to bewilder me.

>> No.12477933
File: 36 KB, 407x405, 1524453886005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shure? It's not ask "gay" men

>> No.12477943

Based WV.
As stated ITT though this is a seriously dubious map. OK drinking a foreign sounding fag beer? SC isn't pabst country either.

>> No.12477972


Lmao at all those soyboy cucks in the comments.

Lonestar fucking sucks but no one claims its good beer, its just cheap as shit. Perfect for the working class

>> No.12478093

I'm assuming Bud Light is being counted as Budweiser since the former is widely known to outsell the latter.

>> No.12478100

>delaware isn't yuengling

>> No.12478204

utica club is garbage

>> No.12478210

there's no way in hell there isn't a single state where natty light isn't the top choice and there's no way in hell that that state isn't louisiana

>> No.12478377

yuengling is primarily probably big in upper DE, which I'm guessing is where you're from (close to PA). southern delaware, where I'm from, I would expect to be bud. Somehow we ended up at an even split between blue moon and sam adams apparently, with my guess being they asked like 5 or 10 people total.

>> No.12478396

Your garbage

>> No.12478884

805 is trash

>> No.12478906

Its delicious

>> No.12479007

Hell yeah brother. Pacifico, Tecate, and XX are all way better than Corona. Corona is piss

>> No.12479032

Utica club is vile

>> No.12479043

Is krombacher supposed to be good? I thought it was disgusting

>> No.12479192

>805 is trash
So is California

>> No.12480406

Unbased and bluepilled

>> No.12480425

Basado y sinaloapillado

>> No.12480462

Nebrasca sounds like a BASED state if they really do like Miller Lite. Also, why isnt Yuengling the too beer in Pennsylvania?

>> No.12480663

Four years at Iowa State and I've only seen this and Natural Light being drank, everyone I know hate Bud.

>> No.12480699

I live in Alabama and have bought Budweiser on many occasions. Back in my college days at Auburn during the early part of this decade it was not uncommon to find it being drank at parties. I don’t do much social drinking anymore but still occasionally see it when I do.

I doubt it’s the most popular beer in the state but people certainly drink it. I assume big brand light beers probably sell more than anything else though.

>> No.12480900

WTF is this map? It makes literally no sense

>> No.12480905

>implying anyone can taste the difference

>> No.12480919

Im dutch almost nobody prefers heiniken here
As far as beers go its some of the blandest kost watery stuff out there

>> No.12480923

>not Shiner


>> No.12481000

Boston lager is good. Everything else I've ever had was shit

>> No.12481021

My local Crest didn't even had stella last time I checked. What troop of retards did this survey ask?

>> No.12481028

Between college and shitty retail jobs Bud is actually pretty rare. Bud Light is significantly more prevalent, and for parties you're far more likely to see Natty and Keystone.

>> No.12481033

>Not Rainier
you wanna post the data this is based on? I have a complaint.

>> No.12481036

>I live in Alabama
Opinion discarded

>> No.12481049

What data is this based off of and how did the guy who made this not immediately recognize it was bad data?

>> No.12481052

>south carolina

>> No.12481061

If that is true then why not drink liquor? I drink gin when I want to get drunk and I think it is cheaper than what I would drink in beer instead

>> No.12481113

have you literally never met a human?

>> No.12481173

This is an 18+ board
that's literally not a human
based gin anon
there is no way Budweiser is the #1 beer in all those states
Bud Light is 2x as popular as the next most popular beer Coors Light
Bad poll.

>> No.12481193

The goofiest part is not Coors Light in Colorado and Not Miller Light or Spotted Cow in Wisconsin

>> No.12481477

Rainier is pretty garbage beer, never had Olympia. I guarantee you microbreweries in general are more popular than PBR, but there's so god damn many that PBR outsells any specific micro brand.

>> No.12481488

Pabst is OK, but Rainier is slightly better and slightly cheaper.

>> No.12481505

While I understand and accept that people make these choices. I disagree with them wholeheartedly.

>> No.12481512

It's sterile and I like the taste

>> No.12481531

people drink shitty beer a lot but none of the patterns on this map of where they drink which shitty beer makes any sense

>> No.12481546
File: 240 KB, 662x540, 1492555853051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck are you doing idaho?

>> No.12481561

It's a strange place.

>> No.12481566

People and their shitty beers have probably never made sense. Not since commercial brewing anyway.

Me ma and stepfather live a block away from a really good brewery - neat test batches, really good American, English and German styled beers. They even make a light lager to appease the townfolk, and it sells so well at the pub that they usually run out of stock in the brewery... He drinks Coors Light.

>> No.12482032

>not rainier
>or miller or coors
who the fuck even buys pabst
seriously i own a small chain of convenience stores and pbr always sells like shit, even fucking hurricane sells better

>> No.12482052

I wouldn't put too much stock into this poll, I've lived in CO all my life and have never drank a corona. Don't know anyone who prefers it either, mostly see coors and bud lite at parties, plus craft stuff for actually enjoying beer, honestly most places don't even have it on tap, shit poll.

>> No.12482114
File: 107 KB, 700x518, 636523138950789515-012318-Beer-ONLINE[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can tell that it's fake and gay because it lists coors light and budweiser, but not bud light. bud light outsells budweiser by a huge margin.

>> No.12482120

Yo, that's my fucking state and I'm just as embarrassed as you guys are for me. Can't we do anything right but grow potatoes? FUCK!