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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 39 KB, 732x549, proven-benefits-of-almonds-732x549-thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12471297 No.12471297 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>up late
>thinking about almonds

>go back to being me, but I'm a little kid
>dont remember how old
>mom likes to give me almonds as a snack, along with other trail mix stuff
>one day she just gives me a handful of almonds
>sits in the living room with me while i watch TV, shes kinda strict and I dont wanna ask for another snack
>so I eat the almonds
>This continues for days.
>just handfuls of almonds
>slowly notice that there are days when she gives me a specific number
>between 5 and 10, usually 10 or 7
>I'm sick of almonds, but she notices them in the trash.
>I have to get creative.
>this continues for years.
>if she catches me throwing them away, my mom yells at me
>the kind of yelling that makes a little boy cry
>my childhood is filled with fucking almonds
>sometimes she forgets for weeks at a time, but they always come back
>I got pretty good at getting rid of them, but she keeps doing it.
>I've moved out, I've gone to college.
>I fucking hate almonds
>I am haunted by almonds
>I dont even like peanuts, actually
>Anytime I asked her why she did this, she'd give the same bullshit answer
>"Anon, they're good for you. Someday you'll understand."
>I still have literally no idea.

>> No.12471303

are you big and strong

>> No.12471304

Was just eating some lightly salted almonds and they were delicious.

>> No.12471305

I dont think I'm anything above average

>> No.12471306

should have eaten more of the almonds then anon

>> No.12471307

Do they actually have some kind of "super food" benefits? Or was this another schizo thing my mom decided to do?

>> No.12471316

yeah they do, your mum was right

>> No.12471322

did she toast them?
they're way better toasted

>> No.12471326

I guess that's fair, but are they good enough to justify feed a kid little handfuls of almonds every day?

>> No.12471329

My only issue with almonds is that once I start eating them I can't stop. Doesn't matter if they're plain or flavored. Pic related are great

>> No.12471330

They were always raw. Sometimes she'd mix them with other stuff, though.

>> No.12471338
File: 22 KB, 300x385, Blue_Diamond_Almonds_Dark_Chococlate__32144.1437439524.386.513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12471360

What really messes with me is that I'm sure they're great and all but what's the justification for making a little boy, up through his teen years, eat handfuls of 10-odd almonds almost every day?

My mom was kind of a health nut, no soda and rarely junk food allowed in the house, but she was never this strict about eating anything else, not even the typical tofu, broccoli, carrots.

There was real anger there, like I was hurting someone by not eating these almonds.

>> No.12471366

well in this case, no, ultimately she did you a disservice because she made you dislike almonds and nuts in general.

Giving your kids a healthy relationship with healthy food and working out ways for them to enjoy it is really the best parenting. Just forcing them to eat healthy shit isn't clever.

>> No.12471369

maybe they were expensive to her?
almonds are pretty cheap in nz but iunno

it must be frustrating if you buy your kids expensive healthy food and they resent it

>> No.12471378

I don't exactly want kids of my own, but this is good to keep in mind. I feel like I'd want to do something a little more like this if I did reproduce.

I kind of had a meltdown when I left for college and could eat whatever I wanted, but I try to cook and eat better again. I dont resent a lot of the stuff she tried to pass down to me, just.

Fucking almonds.

>> No.12471382

We were in America, moved states a couple times but stayed around middle America, just a little bit south. I dont think they cost that much? I'd feel bad if you ended up being right.

>> No.12471385

The best way to eat almonds is to suck the skin off and eat it and make a pile of skinned almonds. Then you roll them around in your mouth one by one slowly working the almonds into a thick paste that you can chew on for hours.

>> No.12471392

Yknow not posting in this thread was totally free so why did I have to read what you just said?

>> No.12471419

were you abused?

>> No.12471455


>> No.12471499

I don't know why, but while reading this; I felt a slight eerieness that intentional creepypasta greentexts can't achieve.

>> No.12471502

>Anon, they're good for you. Someday you'll understand.
>Someday you'll understand.
What did she mean by this? We need to figure it out /k/. Unlock the secret of the almond.

>> No.12471511
File: 28 KB, 375x375, Momisaac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almonds contain cyanide, she was trying to kill you.

>> No.12471543

probably werent activated

>> No.12471591

Wait, do they really? I've never heard of this before, but sounds like bullshit

>> No.12471595

I'm sorry man, that wasnt the intention. I just wanted to complain about almonds, figured you guys might know what she meant by this.

If you can do that tho, I'd love it. I could close that chapter in my life.

That's not really relevant, is it?

>> No.12471936


>> No.12471957

Bitter almonds actually contain enough cyanide to be lethal to children if enough are ingested - probably around 10-20 or so.

>> No.12472997

It's possible that the trace cyanide in almonds prevents cancer from forming. Having just a little won't harm your person, but if a cancerous tissue is pulling inordinate resources from your blood/cells, it'll get a lethal dose.

>> No.12473100

I second this

>> No.12473108

I always gave my kid almonds, dried salmon, seaweed, apples, and raw whole milk for snacks.
He's 6'4" now.

>> No.12473146

she was trying to activate you

>> No.12473154

op, were they bitter or sweet almonds? bitter almonds have much more cyanide in them than sweet almonds, and is possible to be poisoned from them - not saying your mother knew or was trying to do this, but i am curious. did you ever feel strange or bad after eating them?

>> No.12473169

Same. Shit is really calorie dense though have to be careful with how many you eat.
I fucking love almonds i could pound a whole bag of them if i dont stop myself