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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12470348 No.12470348 [Reply] [Original]

Dubs picks a category to begin with

>> No.12470350
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>> No.12470354
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buy some pampers, fag

>> No.12470367

cat food

>> No.12470380

Chinese people are so cringe

I only like japanese and koreans

Chinese are really awful gaudy and tacky
And viets, filipinos, indonesians, singaporean, all of them can go in the same trash pile

>> No.12470384


>> No.12470392

what all is included under the buttered toast category?

>> No.12470397

It's all kinds of bread
and pastries

>> No.12470398


>> No.12470402

Dubs for soy sauce

>> No.12470408

Thank god cause I still have an almost full bottle

>> No.12470410

Dubs for desserts. I've always wondered what Japanese desserts are like.

>> No.12470416

Get some of that juicy ass fruit

>> No.12470423

Damn this thread really lacks digits

Gay thread

>> No.12470424

I bought a frozen cheese stick on my last order, it is supposed to taste like cheesecake ice cream but I havent gotten around to it
Also gonna tripfag for a bit so anons know its me

>> No.12470436
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not looking women as a piece of meat
what a faggot

>> No.12470446

dubs for noodles

>> No.12470459

I am allergic to lower class beings

Id sooner stick my dick in a hole in the ground than lay with a monkey mutt.

Those girls are wearing nice clothes and have expensive makeup, but it doesnt hide their history. Or rather.. lack of history, because dogs fucking cats and cats fucking rats dont really count as history.

>> No.12470464

Dont derail my thread u fuckers

>> No.12470489

>when you learn the basic kana and realize those magic runes are mostly just poorly translated english

>> No.12470497

I never got around to learning kana, and your post sums up why i never have motivation for it

>> No.12470501

well, you're literally learning a script used for writing foreign words so it shouldnt be that surprising
kanji is where it gets hard my friend
it's an important first step

>> No.12470503


>> No.12470507

Also source? I like the jiggle

>> No.12470516

Eggs. All of them.

>> No.12470517


Japanese pizza is fucking horrible.

>> No.12470523

Like someone tried to make french deserts with the ingredients they happened to have around and they did a piss poor job of it.

>> No.12470526
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Yeah man, this is the latest seasonal offering at Dominos Japan. Snagged the English version for you guys.

>> No.12470530

50 boxes of Calorie Mate.

>> No.12470534

There I things I like about japanese culture. The respect, the appreciation for beauty. Their food, however, is not one of them. Too much gelatinous stuff.

>> No.12470535

Yeah and I'll be living off the fucking things for a week or two

>> No.12470538
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>Seafood and cheese.

I like the Japanese, generally. I love the food that I've had. But I see this shit all the time and I wonder how a collective group of people can be so pants shittingly retarded as to combine fucking seafood and cheese on their poor excuse for a fucking pizza and think that was any way going to be okay. What the actual fuck.

>> No.12470544

Can you elaborate, Ive lived here for years and have no idea what you mean by gelatinous stuff
I mean, would you buy it to try? If you answered maybe then it works
Last season was roast beef on pizza, what can I say

>> No.12470553

aaand of course I got the first dubs in the thread

>> No.12470557

pampers and a lot of alcohol

>> No.12470567

Go to Conbini and get Chuhi instead.

American Dog too

>> No.12470569
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>lower class beings
says the mutt
>Id sooner stick my dick in a hole in the ground than lay with a monkey mutt.
I wonder why?
>but it doesnt hide their history. Or rather.. lack of history, because dogs fucking cats and cats fucking rats dont really count as history.
there history goes back to 1250 BC, now show me your history, whitelord
I'm so sorry, Spiderman
there you go...

>> No.12470571


>> No.12470573

AH fuck man, I wish you had gotten dubs. I:m already drinking a beer (Yebisu) but I could def go for an American Dog. With the ketchup and mustard packet. Love that shit.

>> No.12470575

cat food

>> No.12470577
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>> No.12470580
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I love egg
Another wasted dub my GOD

>> No.12470581

Do it anyways. Strong Zero Lemon and whatever special flavor they got.

>> No.12470583

Dubs for junk food

>> No.12470623

They were out of American dogs...
Oh well
Ive been drinking strongs a lot lately so I passed on it
Got some craft beer instead

>> No.12470839

came to say this

>> No.12470855

Rerolling again for this

>> No.12470860

Check that OP, you gotta buy all of their eggs!

>> No.12470925

Nobody cares, transfer. FYI the Japanese don’t want you there.

>> No.12470957

Pick the second tab with all the fruit.

>> No.12470979

The Glock and the rape tape

>> No.12471022
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you realise Ill be spending more than ¥12000 yen or $110 on eggs right

>> No.12471026

do it faget

>> No.12471027
File: 431 KB, 1674x1414, Screenshot 2019-06-12 at 14.30.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12471030

So? What's the issue here? You said dubs decides and I got dubs, deliver OP.

>> No.12471038
File: 61 KB, 1602x228, Screenshot 2019-06-12 at 14.32.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12471040

today OP was not a faggot

>> No.12471045
File: 330 KB, 1834x596, Screenshot 2019-06-12 at 14.33.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12471048

You can tell those people apart?

>> No.12471051

Im done with this retarded thread lmfao gotta think how to explain to my gf that I got 50 fucking packets of different eggs coming at 10pm tomorrow
maybe I can make a cake or something idk man fucking lol

>> No.12471066

Top kek. Today was a good day for me.

>> No.12471086

OP is based

>> No.12471181

ヨーグルト of course

>> No.12471182
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>> No.12471301

Just thought you would like to know
I was cleaning my apartment and found a half full strong zero under my bed
Must’ve passed out and forgotten about it
Drank it anyway
Tasted like stale cat piss

>> No.12471340

Hello Boss canned coffee beverage.

>> No.12471386

You could have just gone to a Seiyu or some shit for half that

>> No.12471426


>> No.12471476

I mean yeah there’s cheap supers around me but that kinda defeats the point of the thread