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File: 25 KB, 760x570, v4-760px-Grate-Nutmeg-Step-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12463082 No.12463082 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on nutmeg as a sleep aid?

I'm planning on using 0.25 TSP of freshly ground nutmeg with a glass of milk and 1TSP organic honey to help with my sleep maintenance insomnia.

>> No.12463095

Nutmug doesnt dissolve, not sure how it react in the digestive system. You might look into valerian.

>> No.12463110

Just go to the doctor. He'll write you a scrip for Ambien.

>> No.12463112

Tried Valerian pills for a couple of weeks but didn't see any improvements.

>> No.12463124

Pharmaceuticals spook me. I'd like to try safer options first.

>> No.12463147

Worse thing ever. Is just to induce sleep but you can wake up during the night so it's basically useless. Beside if you don't fall asleep right away you're in for a bad time.

>> No.12463154

Try cbd oil dude. Or melatonin. Or camomile tea and bananas. Or why not a bed of nails?

>> No.12463162

I don't know.. considering the toxicity of nutmeg it might not be a good idea to take it regularly.

>> No.12463266

Tried Melatonin, Camomile tea, and Bananas, but didn't see any improvements. CBD isn't legal in my area unfortunately.
>bed of nails

>> No.12463269

Was concerned about this as well. But I plan on only using the nutmeg for a couple of weeks to hopefully reset my sleep cycles and then go unassisted from there.

>> No.12463610

Have a cold shower half an hour before bed. It'll knock your ass out

>> No.12463617

stop browsing 4chan until 2am first

>> No.12463625

I'll give this a shot tonight. Thanks Anon.

I turn all lights/electronics off at 9:00 PM.

>> No.12463731

Best drug ever it's like heroin mixed with dmt

>> No.12463757

Nutmeg is toxic to the human body in large enough quantities. A few teaspoons alone will make you feel like you have flu like symptoms and hallucinations

>> No.12463766

Use melatonin.

>> No.12463793

I did a bunch of nutmeg once when I was 16 to try and get high.
It was really fucking unpleasant. Felt like I had a terrible flu.
>couldn't sleep.
>Sweated like a pig.
>Threw up at least once.
>Mild, scary hallucinations.
>General feeling of nausea and unease.

I wouldn't reccomend it.

>> No.12463802

how about you try actual drugs op

>> No.12464046

No. A WARM shower. It heats your body up. Then as your body cools, it might make you sleepy.

>> No.12464069

Try mixing alcohol and melatonin/tryptophan. Basically makes you black out if you get drunk enough, but make sure the last drink has the melatonin/tryptophan in it and not all of the drinks.

>> No.12464078

OP here.
If I take 0.25 of a TSP for multiple weeks will the toxicity build up and cause serious harm?

>> No.12464098

I've tried alchol and melatonin separately. Both helped in getting to sleep but did nothing for staying asleep. I can fall asleep without assistance, but I wake up after 3-4 hours.

>> No.12464214

Fuck valerian, it made my sleep worse and gave me opiod withdrawal-like symptoms, can anyone explain that to me?

>> No.12464229


>> No.12464258

Isn't that shit just placebo. Not to mention the melatonin they harvest is from pigs. I used to take it for a while but then I convinced myself out of it working.

>> No.12464273

Valium is made from Valerian. If you take a lot of it, it can mimic Valium somewhat and show up as a benzodiazepine in urine tests and probably blood and hair. But my physician was able to distinguish it from a pharmaceutical based on the urinalysis and accepted my explanation that I'd been taking a few Valerian pills for sleep in the evening. Considering how similar it is to Valium in that regard, it's not surprising that you could end up with similar withdrawal symptoms.

>> No.12464295

No it works, but your body adjusts to it very quickly. You only want to take it every once in a while otherwise your body will adjust and need it to sleep. I think it also will mess up how you feel during the day if you take it everyday. It usually comes in 3mg, 5mg, or 10 mg. It'll work best as a tablet that dissolves under your tongue and at the higher dosage.

>> No.12464320

Make sure you're using f.lux redshift or bluelight filter to dim your monitor/phone when the sun goes down.

>> No.12464446

Ambien is extremely dangerous and shouldn't be used unless you're desperate. As >>12463147 says, it only gets you asleep, so it's useless for someone who has trouble staying asleep. Aside from possibly blacking out doing things that you can't remember, it can/will also affect sort-term and long term memory and cause dementia. You will get dependant on it if used daily, and it's as hard to get off of as benzos and opioids.
If individual natural remedies are not working for you then you might want to try a combinations of them. Just make sure what you buy lists the ingredients and their potencies individually rather than as a blend.
Nutmeg can get you high, and it probably sucks since it's not popular.
CBD without THC ought to be legal in most places. Where are you?
This one really seems to work for me, but I have no idea if the ingredients are safe: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00Q8LEU0Q/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1..

>> No.12464467

Also have you tried using generic benadryl? Name brand is expensive, but you can get a lot for a low price if it's generic, especially online.

>> No.12464480

Valium is not from valerian, there are no benzos in valerian, though they are thought to act in similar ways on the brain

>> No.12464518

Looked it up and you're right. Sorry about that. Not sure what showed up in my urine to prompt my doctor to ask if I'd been taking scheduled drugs/benzos. A google search says it's sometimes called "nature's valium", so that must be why I'd heard valium was made from valerian. In any case, they do seem to act similarly if you take enough valerian, so I suppose that still may explain the symptoms that were described.

>> No.12464669

Stop doing all this shit
Jerk off before bed and you'll be out like a light

>> No.12465049

Crazy, I was just drinking it as a tea. Maybe I'm just hypersensitive or something

>> No.12465052

don't make a habit of it, it'll kill your liver

>> No.12465279

Nutmeg makes you trip BUT: a. You gotta eat the whole bottle b. It kicks in the next day c. It's not much fun

>> No.12466136
File: 254 KB, 1500x947, sleepytime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stuff works for me, but I think its more the imagery of the bear looking all cozy that primes me for bed since Im fixated on it whenever make a cup

>> No.12467392

No lmao. Other anon is right. Cold showers are horrible, but if you can last until you stop tensing up (like a minute) you'll be asleep in no time

>> No.12468070
File: 70 KB, 458x573, 14478010880712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.
Update: the nutmeg mix did nothing to keep me asleep, woke up at 1:12 AM and stayed up for about 3 hours. Did have auditory hallucinations though, and felt very tired.
Thanks Anon, will avoid Ambien.
I've tried several herbs/supplements in combination but haven't noticed improvement in either sleep onset or maintenance.
I have access to 'Hemp-CBD' in my area, but my understanding is that Cannabanoidoil-CBD is the type that helps sleep.
I've tried both name brand and generic. No improvement aside from faster
initial sleep onset.
I beat my meat like it owes me money, but it only helps in getting to sleep not staying asleep.
Forgot to do this the other night. How cold should the water be, how long should I stay under it for, and how long before bed should I take the shower?

>> No.12468139

>nutmeg mix did nothing
Stop searching for quick fixes. Do this:
>no caffeine or alcohol (or any other drugst) at least 4 hours before bed time
>no TV, phone or other screen at least 2 hours prior
>make you finished whatever you eanted to do that that
>a clear schedule at least 2 hours prior
>the last to hours of the day should be spend in a low light setting, doing ...... well nothing realy. Reading, a cross word, boredom are all fine
>practice relaxation and breathing exercises to help you fall asleep
Keep this up for 1 week and post results

>> No.12468240
File: 75 KB, 440x660, s4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried something similar to this as part of a CBT-I program for a couple of weeks but saw no results and stopped the program.

>caffeine, alcohol, drugs
I don't do drugs and don't drink caffeine or alcohol on a regular basis.
>no TV, phone, or other screens at least 2 hours prior
I've done this sporadically, but saw no results and didn't make it a routine. Will try to stick to it for a week and report back. (I suspect this may actually be the cause of the insomnia)
>clear schedule, finish out the day, practice relaxation
I try and do this everynight. My life isn't stressful but this insomnia did start after a nasty flu last year.
I've been meaning to listen to Game of Thrones on audiobook, but I think it might be too exciting and hurt sleep onset. Would it be better to meditate for a couple hours instead?

>> No.12468374

500 mg melatonin with 1-2 grams of GABA knocks you out cold

>> No.12468470

Melatonin at 0.1-5mg didn't keep me asleep, but helped in falling asleep. 500mg seems very high. Does GABA help with staying asleep? I've heard it doesn't cross the blood brain barier.

>> No.12468506

Doxylamine succinate (usually called Unisom over the counter) is a decent temporary sleep aid. It's unusually strong and doesn't have all the fucked up side-effects of ambien. It's an antihistamine so it may also help if allergies are part of what's giving you sleep issues.

>> No.12468567

Yes, whatever relaxes your brain.
Sleep is as much mental as it is physical. Maybe even more so.

>> No.12468749

Does this help keep you asleep?

>> No.12468803

>B-lining to big pharmacy chemical cocktails instead of at least considering basic dietary solutions

Not long for this world

>> No.12468807

i don't think you need more aids, op

>> No.12468951

Have a regular shower, at the very end turn it to the coldest setting and wait. It'll be miserable the first few times, but stay under until you stop tensing up (about 30s for me)
I do it an hour before bed

>> No.12469005

Thanks Anon. I'll post an update tomorrow.

>> No.12469092

Bro. I think you have sleep apnea. Get checked.

>> No.12469197
File: 34 KB, 480x480, 52331996_576000506233965_5633282837572762438_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suspected this might have been the case. Did a CPAP trial for 30 days anyway but I saw no improvements. Also, the machine I used said I didn't have significant apneatic episodes overnight.

>> No.12469247

Smoke a joint or drink a glass of whisky before bed

>> No.12469263

....do you have a job? Try actually working or physically exerting yourself

>> No.12469290

I work full time hours. I used to exercise regularly for 1.5 hours a day, 6 days a week prior to the insomnia but now I physically can't do more than 30 minutes a day.

>> No.12469305

I pop a few whole pieces of nutmeg up my ass every night before I sleep. It's a costly ritual but I assume it's the only reason I can sleep at all since I've never tried to sleep a night without it.
I also snort duck liver and huff rhino splooge to cure my prediabetes and give me longer lasting erections.

>> No.12469308

I have had success with both melatonin and bananas before bed. Chamomile tea is nice too, but it's effect is mild. I wouldn't recommend any kind of drugs though, they are just going to mess with your body and prevent you from hitting the deeper levels of sleep.

How is the rest of your diet? If you are shoveling down sugar right before bed, that will definitely cause problems.

Mindfulness meditation has helped me a lot in turning off my mind before bed and also helped me stop myself from going on a mental spiral, thus, waking myself up, in the middle of the night.

I have also been expiriementing with longer fasts and I notice I sleep better due to not needing to wake up to use the bathroom.

What about regular exercise? I notice sleeping is harder if I was inactive all day myself.

Good luck regardless anon.

>> No.12469338
File: 64 KB, 274x268, 1557781155519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you could have a shitty mattress or dirty sheets. Tidy your stuff up and consider a replacement mattress to optimise your coziness which should increase your chances of falling right back asleep as soon as you start to wake up. Black-out curtains (and a little electrical tape on any blinking LEDs in your room) work wonders too.
Also surprisingly effective for me: try to kick the habit of checking the time whenever you wake up. Just stay down and keep your eyes closed. If it's still dark out, you didn't miss your alarm.

>> No.12470807

No but gets you tingly and heavy quite fast, i think you need more than 5 mg melato. Might be wrong tho

>> No.12470819

Used to get prescribed 7 Ambien a night at one point. Best high ever.