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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12465872 No.12465872 [Reply] [Original]

Here's the tap water you ordered, cheapsk-... I mean, sir.

>> No.12465876

Yo bring me a water with a bunch of lemons and I'll use dem sugar packets off the table to make lemonade cuz I'm a smelly nigger, yo

>> No.12465878

Thanks, here’s your fucking wage *pulls out a shitty $1 that’s been caked in my ass for over a month* go buy yourself a mcchicken faggot

>> No.12465879

Thanks! I try to keep my cost down so I can afford to tip generously. 22 percent, right?

>> No.12465880

Every fancy restaurant I've been to gives you water when you sit down. Staying hydrated is classy, faggot.

>> No.12465884

>he only gets the complimentary water
I sense poorfag. Water tastes better when you pay for it

>> No.12465892

I find the opposite to be true actually. I find that Evian, Voss and other expensive water brands like that have too much added to them to give them an "expensive" flavor. I much prefer to just buy a cheap bottle of spring water, or better yet, fill my own bottle from the filtered tap at home.

>> No.12465896 [DELETED] 

sorry, no tap water. only bottled water

>> No.12465939

I fucking hate this shit. It isn't even limited to water either
>go to dine-in Chinese restaurant
>could I have a coke please
>brings a dirty glass of ice and a warm can of coke
>starts pouring it haphazardly into the glass
>50% foam, pours over the glass onto her hand
>takes a napkin of dubious cleanliness off the table and wipes the rim of the glass with it
>ta da! Your Frech Koka Kora Sir!

>> No.12465946

Sir, tipping is considered an insult in this country. I am not a prostitute.

>> No.12465949 [DELETED] 

>tips anyway
take it ya yuropoor

>> No.12465951

Well maybe you should move to the first world then

>> No.12465954

>tipping prostitutes
Do non-Americans really?

>> No.12466103

Well hey, I'm glad I checked! Thanks for correcting me, I'll try to avoid any further faux pax while I'm here. Where am I, incidentally, that working class people would unironically decline a cash gratuity?

>> No.12466145

Thanks, sla-...I mean, waiter.

>> No.12466731

Thanks sir. I mean thanks wagecuck.

>> No.12466772

>a cash gratuity
You can say "bribe", you know. This isn't Reddit where you have to be dishonest to fit in.

>> No.12466852
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>first world

>> No.12466870

" Where the lemon wedge? "

>> No.12468272

Is it wrong to want a refreshing glass of water and not some sugar filled beverage with my meal?

>> No.12468311

I keep pesos in my wallet for when I really hate a waiter

>> No.12468323
File: 1.29 MB, 600x240, Fat Get up.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst Jews are the places without free refills.

>> No.12468326

it makes the waiter think you are a heeb who will have a small bill and not tip

>> No.12468331

Thanks faggot- I mean sir.

>> No.12468330

Healthy at any size

>> No.12468348

Just think. They must be fucking jacked under all that fat to be able to squat 600 pounds of ass or curl a hamburger with 40 pounds of fat on their arm.

>> No.12468353

Any good restaurant will give you artisan mineral water when you sit down. At least some Perrier if not something better.

>> No.12468501

thats it my soyboy. ill leave an angry yelp review and let the redditors know to never visit your shithole of a restaurant!!!

>> No.12468533

That's not what a bribe is buddy are you fucking dense

>> No.12468552


I've never used the services of a professional lady, but I'd probably tip on the way out if I particularly enjoyed it. Particularly if I was going to go back to the same whorehouse. Never hurts to have a reputation for being a good tipper.

>> No.12468563

Really? I always get water along with any drinks I order at a restaurant, be that wine or beer.

>> No.12470018

I didn't think this was a thing anymore.

>> No.12470726

I started ordering a water at restaurants when a glass of ice tea started to cost $3.
My food was $6 - why would I spend an extra 50% for the drink?

>> No.12470751

If you're that smart you wouldn't go the restaurants for food, fag.

>> No.12470764


>> No.12470853


>> No.12471597

absolutely based

>> No.12471788

That's more of an old person thing than anything.

>> No.12471795

You wouldn't get a reputation for it. If she told anybody her pimp would grab it. But she would appreciate it as an individual.

>> No.12471798

Soda just fills me up and makes me take home my food and I don’t like leftovers.

>> No.12471946
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>Where am I, incidentally, that working class people would unironically decline a cash gratuity?
Probably Japan.
I'm not even American, but once I had such a nice meal that me and my friend decided to leave a tip on the table.
We were one block away from the restaurant when a frantic waitress reached us and apologized while returning the money we "forgot".

>> No.12471961


When I worked as a barkeeper during college, I would only serve tap water to dogs. Everyone else is gonna pay for their bottled water.

>> No.12471971

Good so then you don't care how much I spend because you don't get a percentage