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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12460580 No.12460580 [Reply] [Original]

What triggers /ck/'s autism?

>> No.12460764

for me, it's mcchicken haters

>> No.12460778
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For me it is the McChicken

>> No.12460777

electric ranges

>> No.12460781

trips confirm

>> No.12460792
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>> No.12460823
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>electric range takes 15 minutes to heat up

>> No.12460858

based disgruntled toadposter

>> No.12461336

people who put their ketchup in the refrigerator

>> No.12461340

When somebody tries to make me eat green vegetables and it isn't a Tuesday.

>> No.12461348
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People who order the single QPC when the double exists

>> No.12461355
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users just being rude in general. being a good cook isnt lording over others, its about offering constructive healthy criticism, why are we always so mad at each other all the time? fuck man.

>> No.12461404

That all of Arby's other sandwiches are incredibly inferior to their standard beef & cheddar melt. I could genuinely eat them for days and not get tired of them; they have the meats, and I have the shits, but OH is it worth it.

>> No.12461420

you're too good for this website.
have a (You), my friend.

>> No.12461422

Post a picture of a pretty girl

>> No.12461429
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>tfw live in a 2 million dollar house
>have electric range
i hate my kitchen god DAMNIT

>> No.12461432

I doubt somebody still stuck on second ed could understand.

>> No.12461433

Lol everyone get a load of this candy ass

>> No.12461436

Or you could just do the survey to get get BOGO for 2 QPC for the price of one.

>> No.12461439

This, this, so much this

>> No.12461442

>fat shit being triggered by people with restraint
checks out

>> No.12461454

>niggers in the back made the burger all lopsided

>> No.12461465

The second patty totally ruins the delicate balance of the bread, meat and ketchup. The cheese and onion isn't so badly effected, but the overall flavor profile is simply not up the optimal Quarter Pounder experience. If you really want to have two, get to single Quarter Pounders. Do not have an inferior quality Quarter Pounder for the sake of extra meat.

>> No.12461477
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>What triggers /ck/'s autism?
Varkfags and Veganfags.

>> No.12461483

>2 million dollar house
>can’t afford new kitchen appliances
Holy kek you must be retarded

>> No.12461505

Picky eaters, zoomers, and /pol/eddit shitposters. Also cats around food, generals, and mod-approved e-celeb shilling.

>> No.12461506

People who go to eat Asian food and get pissed when they're given chopsticks.

>> No.12461676

overcooking the scrambled eggs

>> No.12461716
File: 22 KB, 500x305, BK_King_on_Rug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid fastfood chains mascots.
Here's Jeff Bridges promoting for Burger King.

>> No.12461720

I think people who complain when they're not given chopsticks are funnier. You just know they're the type who think they're authentic bigshots for knowing how to use them.

>> No.12462000

people who order too much food and don't eat it all

>> No.12462095

>Order a lot of food
>"Eh, not as hungry as I thought"
>Take it home for roommate
>He's happy, I'm happy
>Life good

>> No.12462706

my municipality doesn't allow gas installation, only electric
kiss my ass poorshit

>> No.12462724

Pre chopped fruit and veggies

>> No.12462726
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>> No.12462741

Oversalting rice

>> No.12462748
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for me its not cleaning a kitchen as you work.

being called a soy gets people* triggered here.

>> No.12462752

Biting my tongue when I chew

>> No.12462802
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having to twirl the spaghetti on the fork just perfectly, every time.
when the bread size doesn't match the deli meat/cheese size.
Washing my hands 5 times just to make a sandwich.
Cucumber sandwiches.
The mouthfeel of celery.
The mouthfeel of raw cauliflower.
The sound of shoving a cardboard tube into another cardboard tube.
Drinking slushies and there's like 10 straw holes at the bottom.
Deconstructed salads (also those gay food boquets).

>> No.12463142


>> No.12463931
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>regardless of wealth you still have a shitty electric

>> No.12463948
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based wholesome poster

>> No.12464024

People who defend fast food,

>> No.12464093

All that money and you still cant buy what you want

>> No.12464107

I, too, used to be a fatty with no self restraint. I've since learned the value of portion control and have felt better about my life ever since.

>> No.12464545

I don't cook, though. I'm just here for the vib, if that matters.

>> No.12464557


>> No.12464986
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Several things I've noticed that normies and boomers do. Firstly is electric ranges. Good Lord they're awful. "But fire is dangerous!" Fuck you.

The second is that boomers seem to be afraid of knives. My mother cooked with a steak knife my entire life growing up. She didnt teach me to cook. When I was in university I taught myself to cook, got quite confident. Bought myself a decent chef knife. One time she came to my apartment and was extremely shocked by how large, sharp and "dangerous" that 8-inch knife was. I've met a lot of older people like this and it baffles me. People talk about millennials being sheltered but god damn.

The other thing is people who dismiss properly brewed tea. "Wow Anon that seems like a lot of work for some leaf juice, I just put a tea bag in some water for a few minutes, and I gotta make sure to add my sugar! Haha what's the difference anyway?" Just die in a fire.

>> No.12465010


>> No.12465012

alcohol threads

>> No.12465029

I'd rather get 2 singles than 1 double

>> No.12466219

People who dip their nuggets/tendies in ketchup.

>> No.12466298

overcooked eggs and coconut. about it.