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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 20 KB, 259x194, fatass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12448944 No.12448944 [Reply] [Original]

As a customer or employee

>> No.12448958

One time I was fucking a hot cashier on her counter and the next customer complained I was taking too long and the security guard ended up throwing me out before I finished. I hate shitheads like that.

>> No.12448965

What was his name?

>> No.12448971

I don't know, I didn't look at her nametag.

>> No.12448974

Ur gay m8

>> No.12448975


>> No.12448983

easy. black people.

>> No.12448991

when i see a black person in the supermarket it ruins my day. especially when I know they're on state benefits getting paid for by the taxpayer, it boils my blood.

>> No.12449000

I always feel weird when I see people who think being on state benefits is somehow enjoyable. It's like they don't know the real world. Benefits only allow you to live an extremely pitiable hand to mouth existence. You don't even get enough to look employable to potential employers.

>> No.12449007

>be cashier
>can tell when someone is going to pay with EBT
>pretend to scan their savings card
>they pay full price
Who else here /devilish/?

>> No.12449019

Darkies get more gibsbux because giving them less is raycis

>> No.12449026

I work at a grocery store and I have seen people with EBT balances of $600+. How the fuck is that pitiable?

>> No.12449035

Maybe he lives in commiefornia

>> No.12449045

>there are almost 3x as many whites on ebt and foodstamps as blacks
>fuckin' shitskin gibmedats!
Ok, Cletus, enjoy your public assistance, lol!

>> No.12449046

That's not to support one person.

>> No.12449053

Who cares if it's not one person? The much money is fucking crazy even if you have ten kids. Also I think that the government should forcibly sterilize anyone under 100 IQ to cut down on gibs.

>> No.12449054


>> No.12449062

mouthbreathers reaching over me and invading my space
just wait like 3 more seconds for me to move on out of the way, i was here first

>> No.12449072

worked night shift stock for a couple of months, was pretty comfy since I just put my earphones in once the store closed. Had a couple of hours before then in which I had to be ready to answer questions though. Mostly just tell people what isle shit is in but this one faggot
>"hey do you know where the 'some random pharmacy item' is"
>"nah, I can walk you over to that section of the store and find an assistant there who can help you but I haven't been trained over there so I don't know any of the items"
>we get over there and there's no assistant
>I need to get back to work unloading truck and shit
>tell the guy this is the best I can help him and his best bet is to just look around and if he can't find it look for a pharmacy assistant
>"nah bro just help me look around for it"

doesn't sound that bad typing it out but it was really fucking annoying at the time since I had a job to do and he wanted me to just drop everything to help him look around an area that I wasn't even versed in just to help him find some random item (I had no idea what it even was and had never seen it before). Eventually I saw a pharmacy person and waved em over so I could gtfo

>> No.12449146

*laughs in per capita*

>> No.12449177
File: 21 KB, 300x226, 300px-Shopping_cart_New_York (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.12449189

*becomes impossible to drive in a straight line in your path*

>> No.12449192

you should hope for a job at the DMV or something because it's not looking good for you otherwise

>> No.12449199

no fuck you time is money

>> No.12449204

Yeah, you've been standing there for two full minutes but if I just waited three seconds more you would have moved. Sure thing.

>> No.12449211

I got fired from winco for helping customers instead of stocking shelves

>> No.12449315
File: 21 KB, 307x313, 56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya know what bugs the shit out of me, yet it shouldn't...I hate when people start eating their snacks before paying for it. it doesn't affect me at all, but the thought of some fuck not being able to wait a few goddamn minutes to eat their trash just drives me up the walls.

>> No.12449331

I'm working for a window and door company right now and it's going pretty good, so stfu faggot

>> No.12449334
File: 139 KB, 975x437, compare[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boomers love to do this and then they stand there reading the label for like 20 fucking minutes

>> No.12449339

Just a shopping experience in general but i eventually get vertigo if I browse aimlessly

Have to know what I want and gtfo

>> No.12449340

That's weird. For me I hate employees who insist on helping me find what I want when they clearly don't know any more than I do.

>> No.12449347

Why is that aisle so narrow? Doesn't that store get many customers?

>> No.12449364

it's not even that I didn't want to help him, it's just that I couldn't actually help him at all. What he wanted me to do was beyond what should be considered adequate customer service. A store can't afford to have all it's employees (especially some of the more competent ones like myself) go follow customers around helping them find items they need. It's one thing to tell a customer where an item is or to walk them to an item but to help them find an item that you don't even know in an area that you don't even know? I'm gonna have just as much luck finding that shit as he is, even less actually since I'd never seen it

>> No.12449407

it's worse when they examine something forever just to put it back, that is the worst.

>> No.12449509

I used to work at Whole Farts. As me anything.

>> No.12449874

was the average customer there easier (if you had to guess) to deal with than say the average kroger customer?

>> No.12449892

crowded stores with only one fucking cashier on duty. HEY GROCERY STORES ACROSS AMERICA. HIRE MORE CASHIERS. WE NEED THEM

>> No.12449917

>Pay them the retarded minimum wage they are asking for now.

>> No.12449928

Asa customer < I am getting more and more pissed with aisle displays. With methhead space cadets not looking where they are going, coupled with the weaponized, morbidly obese in scooters...I have kicked over a display stand or two

>> No.12449935

It's not that they need more cashiers, they're just too cheap to give out hours.

>> No.12449936

Why does only America struggle with this?

>> No.12449947

Tweakers. Whether they're running a scam or not I hate seeing them in my store. Do they not realize how transparent they are whether loading carts full of shit they can resell after they try to use stolen checks, or even when on the up and up their singular purpose to fulfill a shopping list is blatant and their presence offends me.

>> No.12449973

I never worked at Kroger, so I wouldn't know, but it really depends on where you're working. Average customer's fine as are 99% of the people that came through. I worked in a bunch of different stores in a couple states mostly on the front end and I gotta say, rich people are fucking cunts. Middle class and urban stores were by far my favorite, but the bad customers in wealthy areas can suck a fat one. I had a bitch lose her shit because I put a slightly dented can of food she returned in the food bank bin once. Lots of people talking down to you like you're their help.

>> No.12449978

Struggle with what?

>> No.12449982

What pisses me off is knowing those benefits increase by people having babies they could never afford without the ebt and WIC. If we eliminate that shit we get rid of the immigration discussion.

>> No.12450023

civilized country with too many savages

>> No.12450100

They deserve less pay than they’re getting now. We should be putting our vast prison population to work as cashiers.

>> No.12450131

What is per capita, you absolute fucking moron

>> No.12450132

>having an ebt balance of 450+ is pitiable
maybe you'd have a point if those "pitiable" retards didn't spend taxpayer money on a 2l mountain dew and flamin hot cheetos every fucking day

>> No.12450139

Employing sufficient people while supplying a fair income.

>> No.12450215

I'd like to make an argument that minimum wage workers do make a fair income. They're bottom of the barrel workers.

>> No.12450437

Sometimes I stop in the grocery store when I'm already out and about, but I almost only get groceries through Instacart at this point. I get unlimited free delivery for $8.25/month from Smiths, Vons, Albertsons, Sprouts, Costco, Sam's Club, Smart & Final, and Restaurant Depot. So I just order whatever I want/need to my door.

>> No.12450545

not so. you can't live on minimum wage unless you have at least two full time jobs, which leaves little time and energy to try to improve your lot in life

>> No.12450653
File: 12 KB, 400x250, john-cena-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw receieve EBT benefits and a steady income of unreported $3k/month selling weaboo shit online

>> No.12450665

Also receive SSI for "muh rare vertigo" disease

Goddamn it feels good to be human

>> No.12451054

When you offer to check in the back for some one and just dip out or come back and say you couldn't find it

>> No.12451072

I just carefully push the cart to where it should be and continue on without a care. Feels good man.

>> No.12451081

ha. that's why I will shove your shit out of the way, I dont give a fuck. i see you as a dumb submissive npc.

>> No.12451094

Just tell them to move? You guys can't be this antisocial

>> No.12451099

So I carefully move someone’s shit, assuming absentmindedness but no malice, and you shove it, assuming the worst and also being an unnecessary asshole. Your conclusion from this is that I’m a NPC? You might want to look in the mirror. Gods be praised.

>> No.12451126

I'm a hothead faggot and I dont give a fuck about your preppy ass. you seem so stuck up your own ass. do I give a fuck, no. lmao.

>> No.12451128

That would be rude.

>> No.12451149

So is blocking the goddamn aisle

>> No.12451151

You wouldn't believe how many arrogant assholes are out there who would just schoff at you.

>> No.12451156

You just exposed yourself as a braindead negroid

>> No.12451157

Good for you. If you hothead on me though you will receive a 9mm gift. So please don’t. Have a great weekend.

>> No.12451175

I have one too buddy. Sig sauer p320. Eat the barrel, bro. I'm quick to the draw and have conceal to carry bro.

>> No.12451178

Good luck out there, you sound like you’ll need it.

>> No.12451186

not really, you just seem like an idiot that wants to eat lead. have a good weekend bruh.

>> No.12451200

sorry I mean copper soft points, oops.

>> No.12451210

You keep trying to squirm out of this, don’t you? I’m an idiot that wants to eat lead because I’m polite, don’t assume the worst, am prepared but hope to God to never use it, but still move that cart, whereas you are a self-described hothead who shoves other people’s shit around like the dickhead you are, and is not at all hesitant to dick wave on /ck/, yet

>you just seem like an idiot that wants to eat lead

You have that backwards amigo. Again, have a great weekend.

>> No.12451221

>I'm polite
right, lol. I dont give a fuck. stay mad bud I'll laugh at u.

>> No.12451225


sounds like you need a chill pill bro, you shouldnt be so mad just because youre not as based as him

>> No.12451227

I meant polite to people whose carts I have to move, brainlet. Also everyone uses copper soft points amirite. LOL, get the fuck out of here you poser.

>> No.12451229

Not him but u need to stop trying so hard, it's embarrassing

>> No.12451231

samefagging so hard b8/8

>> No.12451237

it does the job, right? put a dumbass like you down. I'll trace you buddy. see you soon.

>> No.12451244

stfu you stupid american cunts. god your like gossiping catty women trying to prove how manly you are while everyone can see how fragile you are inside.

>> No.12451261

All the blacks where I live are middle to upper-middle class and they're all really nice. They just kinda blend in out in public. Sorry you live in a shit area.

>> No.12451263

I just reported you to the FBI for your threat to trace me and put me down. While I don’t expect much will come of it, have a nice weekend.

>> No.12451269

have a nice weekend ;)

>> No.12451271

You as well

>> No.12451497

For a big family, 600 isn't that much.

>> No.12451512

You're clearly childless, aren't you? I thought the same thing about obscene amounts of EBT money in a card, til my sister and her kids started living with me. I swear little kids put away so much food into their tiny bodies over a day it's amazing. Teenagers, moreso. Kids are fucking wild, anon

>> No.12451530
File: 386 KB, 609x953, boba_ola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to be able to make poor life decisions with my purchases without having to make small talk with the cashier to avoid the discussion
There was a day I went in just to buy 4 12 packs of sodas, with the last time being the same goddamn thing. They have literally only seen me buy large amounts of sodas and snacks and while I was asked about this I told them I just buy stuff based on where I am and what I want. If I need actual groceries I go to the other location on my way back from work, if im low on soda or snacks i go to my local one.

Self checkout can fuck off i like speaking to a person

>> No.12451666

That's just poor customer service, everyone knows you don't question people who obviously have lost control of their life

>> No.12451670

Nice try, Satan. These people need our help and they're going to get it, by golly.

>> No.12451693

Sometimes I like them--on occasion I go to the shittiest, most ghetto Wal-Mart near me and shop. Not when I really need to, but just grab a few things. Mostly I'm observing in total wonder and amusement....if you're a talented writer there are tales to tell. For the record, I think cops take a pass on people obviously high who reek of weed just to save themselves the trouble. If I can notice it a few feet away...dude you're walking past a cop?

That and many other things. I felt alone and isolated in the surprisingly well stocked Asian and Mediterranean aisle, while blocked out by Orthodox Jews in Kosher. Anything unhealthy, the blacks have cornered the market--including soda, frozen foods, and all things leading to diabetes and a stroke. Whites love cheese and yogurt, and pasta and bread. Mexicans have their own thing going on--their aisle is the meeting point for a fifty cart pile up of everybody not knowing what is happening at the same time. My favorite aisle.

The whole of humanity bumping carts, babies screaming, kids knocking shit over, people walking so slow that time flows backwards, diagonal carts, bluetooth baby mamas, just off the clock sweaty landscapers, someone who just farted, a professional bodybuilder, two random Indian dudes, and myself watching it all unfold. Sometimes you just gotta watch the madness.

Got my 4 light bulbs, broom, white high gloss paint, Mae Ploy Thai Panang Curry Paste, window curtains, black mulch, and cat food.

>> No.12452084
File: 49 KB, 407x700, 6x2m6qmrv5z21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends where you live and yes you can, because plenty of people do. They get some help from the government and it's arguably a shit existence, but they can live on minimum wage.
Also some states have a relatively high minimum wage. Here it's $12/hr.

I've worked in restaurants and retail for years and I've never made anything even close to minimum wage, because I'm not a fucking idiot and can apply myself even at a relatively low paying, shit job.

>> No.12452086

>and a steady income of unreported $3k/month selling weaboo shit online
The IRS is going to find you, it's only a matter of time. Especially when you're so blatant as to tell other people, even on an "anonymous" image board.

>> No.12452091

>believes posts on 4chan are true
Oh you sweet summer child!

>> No.12452092

>servants complaining about being made to serve

>> No.12452138

they're not on it as long, dont take as much because they're not shitting out a platoon of babies, and that's still a far higher percentage of blacks

I know that number comes from counting people that were in it at any point for a given year. A white is more likely to just be on it for a few months and get off taking a few hundred bucks or whatever like intended whereas a black is more likely to be a chronic abuser

But youre a nigger or nigger defender so you can't possibly think this dynamically

>> No.12452186

Nice cope cracker!

>> No.12452285

>Hire criminals as cashiers.
>Theft. Identity fraud. Credit scams.

>> No.12452333

>dude has a cart with a single 2 liter bottle of soda moving slow af
>squeeze past him and he notices my shirt
>starts trying to talk to me


>> No.12452363

It's still free food. Most of those fucks are perfectly able to work and choose not to. I don't mind the idea of welfare if it goes to people who legitimately need it but nine times out of ten it goes to Laquisha so she can pump out another kid and buy more bulk soda and garbage food.

>> No.12452777

You sound like a massive idiot.

>> No.12452834

I remember an Adam Carolla rant when he was going off about how we should put small amounts of sterilization drugs into things like Mountain Dew. If you have a moderate amount of said drink, nothing will happen. If you overdo it, then no kids for you. I think he called it nectar of the tards. Shit was hilarious because it went on for like like 30 minutes.

>> No.12452857


I feel ya. Not a grocery store, but while working at Staples, they WANTED us to drop everything and help the customer because muh customer service comes first. I get it. But I was working the shipping receiving warehouse and inventory control stuff and was on a strict time schedule because, truck driver had to be other places. Silly district managers... Never got fired because I was good at other things.
Same concept, though.

>> No.12452864

>force taxpayers to pay more
Thanks jerk

>> No.12452866

Say "pardon me". If they don't move then move it for them. Ain't nobody got time for that selfish bullshit.

>> No.12452870

Also, it was in Santa Cruz, California, so it was a bunch of entitled ex-hippie customers who were trying to run home businesses and that group was a bunch of whiny burnt-out infants in adult suits trying to sell their turquoise jewelry or dream catchers.

>> No.12452878

This. How lazy can you be. I always return those carts just 'cuz it's the right thing to do. Also, folks who spit their gum out all over the parking lot and sidewalk when there's a trash bin not 10 feet away.

>> No.12452882


>> No.12452886

>the government should forcibly sterilize anyone under 100 IQ

>Your IQ according to shecklebergs standard test is 110
>now lets deduct your privileges
>Oy vey goyim you scored 80

>> No.12452900

That's why I make a list prior. Sometimes there's a splurge purchase but, yeah, get what you want and get out. Although, at one point, I lived above a Safeway and it was 24 hours so I'd go in the middle of the night and take my time, and made a point of not getting in the way. Met some cool employees then. Felt good, man. Also, being patient for a cashier at that time and being polite went miles for making friends. And yes, real friends, we'd end up hanging out at restaurants and bars and stuff later.

>> No.12452914

That bitch needs to die a fiery death. That's just bad for everybody. I can't stand wasted food.

>> No.12452918

Sounds like a Hunter Thompson quote!

>> No.12452983

I was house-sitting for a fellow worker and had to leave early in the morning the next day when his smoke alarm's batteries went low and it was beep beep beep. I could've just taken the batteries out and left it at that but knowing I'd be gone, I'd feel bad if his house actually burned down because of a deactivated smoke alarm (the neighbors would've called the fire department). So I took a walk to the only place open at 3 in the morning, Wal-Mart. I know we have lots of homeless and meth-heads in our town but sweet Jesus! There's a hell of a lot of them out at 3 AM. It was like being in a zombie movie. Walking back, I made sure to keep my distance from the ones in front of me by walking slow. Anyway, I can understand the observation aspect but it did frighten me since I don't own any weapons and know zero self defense and walking along the train tracks (their main route back to the homeless camps) was kind of scary.

>> No.12452993

That and the IRS can't get their shit together for regular taxes, anyway.

>> No.12453003

La-uh. The dash don't be silent.

>> No.12453039

Has anyone ever told you that you're gay?

>> No.12453059

Annoyed that marketing plan-o-grams think they can fool me by placing all the bright wasteful packaging out front to try and trick me into the super-marked up items with nasty chemicals / fillers and hide the good stuff in the back or along the sides of the store. Also, carbon monoxide in the meats to make them stay red.

>> No.12453084

>Aldi in suburbs
>Screaming children, no parking, people willing to snatch items from your cart if supply's low

>Aldi out in the sticks
>Better selection, more focused shoppers, ample parking, folks are chill outside of produce

It's 20 extra minutes there and back but I'm never looking back.

>> No.12453105

Only my grandfather, but he still uses the word to mean happy. He means that he finds me entertaining company.

>> No.12453144

Nice. Wish my gramps was still around to tell me that. His annoyance at the grocery store was that he actually had to use a cane and those fat fucks in their scooters would get in the way. As a WW2 vet, he'd use his cane to whack their fatmobiles when they'd get in the way; he hated them with a passion because he was relatively healthy up until he died at 96 years old.

>> No.12453294

You're a disgusting person and I don't know why you think this kind of behavior makes you some kind of hero. You are not really the person who is supposed to decide whether or not somebody should get benefits, and you also don't know the reason somebody else decided they should. Also that other guy was right. You're driving up the cost and screwing ordinary tax payers in the process. And on top of that, you're making it more difficult for those people to make a change in their life so they can stop being dependent on benefits if they make that choice. You're obviously too young to understand that anything could happen to land you in that position yourself. Believe that the karma is coming for you.

>> No.12453387

Is this a transformer pasta?

>> No.12453431
File: 106 KB, 628x451, F0E39353-4C55-4C3C-9620-A53ACCCD9E0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inspecting the meat section at my local Publix with my girlfriend
>tranny that looks like a dusty old Florida meth head just with “tits” and long hair creeps up behind me
>girl notices him, holds finger up to his lips to keep her quiet
>I am picking up packages and inspecting the steaks, oblivious
>tranny puts his hand on my shoulder, swings his other hand as if he was about to slap me on the ass, goes: “hnnng, SLAP THAT ASS”

>> No.12453485

Was this actually in Florida? Because, if so, that's tame. But holy crap, that's pretty nutso,

>> No.12453590

Children, both as a customer and employee. They are awful shits that scream constantly, just fucking dart all over the place without a single care in the world, and make huge messes.

They are even worse in toy stores because parents assume the store is some fucking free daycare and will drop their kids off before going to drink hand sanatizer two stores down.

>> No.12453726

lol - Sounds like something out of Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Unfortunately there's probably a lot of truth to the hand sanitizer part.

>> No.12453760
File: 1.11 MB, 2552x2496, 54ucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never return my cart and nothing you say on the internet can make me.

stay mad

>> No.12453765

Fucking hate these in the parking lot. Whenever one blocks my path or takes up a parking spot, I bump my car into them to shove them out of the way but they always end up nicking or scratching some part of my car. The front of my car has a bunch of little tiny scratch marks because of these fuckers.

>> No.12453778

By far the most awkward though is a single mother who's ugly as sin and obviously has fetal alcohol syndrome screaming at her poor kid with no regard for the judgments of the shoppers around her.

>> No.12453782

Based tranny. Should've slapped your gf's ass

>> No.12453796

lol, I'm not mad about the carts, just annoyed. The gum makes me mad, though. Nice pic, though.

>> No.12453818

Or the kid.

Just yesterday I saw some scrawny lady who was all herky-jerky and was all leathery, like she was some 70-year-old beach bum (but probably in her 30s). The girl she had with her looked normal and all of probably 6 years old. This lady kept yelling at her for touching produce while she herself kept sneezing all over it. It was disgustingly obvious meth working its glorious magic.

>> No.12453834
File: 65 KB, 341x376, 20190530_081028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A group hanging around an aisle, having a reunion. Nothing worse than a group of boomers chitchatting about nothing, while forcing others to move around them.

People who leave stuff in random places. Usually it's something stupid, like leaving takeout coffee cups behind products or frozen/chilled food in the warm. A couple days ago, a coworker found a hammer head (with about 1/3 of its handle) in a grape display.

>> No.12453838

>ram a chunk of aluminium
>scratches car
you're so fucking retarded you shouldn't be considered human

>> No.12453845
File: 62 KB, 375x500, 099aaae01edfa241f40d5f14a874912c--female-clown-costume-clown-costumes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are even worse in toy stores because parents assume the store is some fucking free daycare and will drop their kids off before going to drink hand sanatizer two stores down.

>> No.12453852

Last week I kept running into a mom yelling at her son, she was pointing to other kids and loudly saying "look, see how good they are? they're not crying"

>> No.12453853

now, while it's clear as day that you're an underage begging for attention, big daddy gubment doesn't need facts to launch an investigation against you
those dank shitposts of yours can be their justification, even when you say lmao jk after

>> No.12453854
File: 366 KB, 638x480, 1554461695894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you get your license out of a Cracker Jack box, mong?

>> No.12453856

colored in both cases

>> No.12453927

The first post wasn't mine, retard. I was just pointing out you're retarded if you believe what you read here.

>> No.12453930

Lol. As what you'd call a boomer, my parents are the real deal baby boomers and they did this shit ALL the time. It's a small-ish town so they know a lot of people who they grew up with. Tuesdays are senior discount days so that's when they all come out. If I'm with them, it's torture. Usually, they're still courteous enough to move but c'mon get out into the open.

As for leaving random shit all over the place, that's just weird.

>> No.12453931

Fuck off. You trolls never done this before? How the fuck else do you move them, stop your car in the middle of the lane (blocking everyone else) and move the cart away?

>> No.12453946
File: 12 KB, 179x200, 1496992123663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find a different parking space because I don't have acute brain damage like you

>> No.12453949
File: 33 KB, 640x555, RIP Paxton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now THAT's how to kick-start a drug addict. They've probably already got the genes and family history but that's the kind of shit that festers. Then high school comes along and "GAME OVER, MAN. GAME OVER!"

>> No.12453966

>license out of a Cracker Jack box
I haven't heard that one is a long time and to be honest I think it was my mom bitching about another driver in a parking who was driving crazy. This was probably 2 decades ago. Lol.

>> No.12454132
File: 112 KB, 1280x875, 1559104087207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant literal boomers. Like, 50+ year olds. People my age (32) tend to be overly courteous, generally. Middle aged people don't give as much as a fuck

>> No.12454144

My dad used the phrase to bitch at traffic like 20 years ago. I found it funny, so I still use it from time to time

>> No.12454240

if they're getting government help then they're not surviving on minimum wage.

>> No.12454272

I gotcha. I'm 45. My parents are in their 70s. They are the actual Baby Boomers; that's what I was trying to get at. Folks like them really don't give a shit and they just encounter one another and congregate like some plastic / jelly mob in the aisles until one of them wises up and kind of ushers them into an open space and they'll talk for anywhere from 20 minutes to just over an hour. Luckily, they are all in good standing with the community and my Dad was a pharmacist for the store so all the employees have always been smiles and happy greetings. I don't know how they feel deep down but they seem genuine.

But yeah, that whole reunion thing in the of the aisles is maddening to me and I'm middle aged. Truth is, here, they're actually talking about local politics since most of 'em are on some committee or board or supervisor. And I'm on a local board, too, but that behavior just makes me want to go read the beginning of the latest Stephen King book in the card / magazine aisle (since nobody goes down those, anymore) until they're done. I'd go outside but I like the air-conditioning.

Heh, for some reason somebody in my family put 3 boxes of Cracker Jacks in my pantry just last week. I haven't seen those in years. 2 are already opened and gone but I want to know what the prizes were. It used to always be some fish you put in the palm of your hand and it would curl up to tell you your fortune depending on how temperature of your hand. But I want my driver's license, dammit!

>> No.12454288

The majority of foodstamp and ebt households have at least 1 employed member. Time to detox from F(au)x News.

>> No.12454498

They're not dying, so technically they are surviving.

>> No.12454559

You are both gigantic faggots trying to get the last word on a Chinese cave painting forum. Fuck off.

>> No.12454781

Aldi locations that whisk the big, tough produce flats into the back immediately after emptying them instead of leaving them in the hoppers so you can carry your groceries home in them. My current location is so rabid about this I've started hoarding the best flats that I do manage to snag instead of throwing them away.

Also this.

>> No.12454788

But on more than minimum wage.

>> No.12454810

One time I was trying to be fucked by this ugly manlet on my cashiers counter and the next customer complained it was taking ages as he had this thing that looked like a penis but much smaller and it wouldn't stay in the hole it just kept slipping out because this thing was so small and the security guard ended up throwing him out before he finished. I hate shitheads like that.

>> No.12454842
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>Having to be babysat by white people for the last 300 years and in recent decades given unfair advantages as you're mentally inferior
How fucking embarrassing, no wonder you kill each other, I'd kill my race if they were that fucking thick and useless

>> No.12454857

Based company thief. I did this all the time, though not with produce but with other items. My dad taught me this. And he worked in the pharmacy. Comes in handy when people need those containers.

>> No.12454888


>> No.12454900

Employee here

Pretty much everything. The only thing not annoying is the free overstock the manager gives out.

Fellow employees, customers and managers are all annoying as fuck.

>> No.12454903


>> No.12454975

Used to do this kind of shit with coupons all the time with the cashiers who could do the math. Except the customers didn't know they were using the coupons we were getting through mailers etc... just memorized the numbers. 3 dollars here, half off there and ask them for full price. Enter the coupon right after transaction was confirmed (nobody asked for receipts). At the end of the night it was an ice cream party, for sure!

>> No.12455068

Bruh there is this one guy at my work and he legit had like 1k in food stamps. no idea how

>> No.12455079

Hahahahaha poorfag hahaahaahahhaahhahahahahahhaha american chaff hahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhhaha

>> No.12455105

>People who leave stuff in random places.

I remember one time I found a container of ice cream sitting on a pallet of coke, on the frozen aisle, and just mere feet away from the freezer where it had come from. I also found a package of steaks crammed against the shelf wall behind about 30 big bags of M&Ms, we only found out about it because a customer complained about the rank smell no the candy aisle.

>> No.12455116


And then they read their receipt, get fucking pissy and come up to customer service where I have to wipe your ass because you decided to be a petty shit instead of doing your fucking job correctly.

I do get pissed when I see people buying shit like energy drinks on EBT. Why the fuck is a red bull ok to buy with that shit?!

>> No.12455130


>> No.12455139


>> No.12455163

Please consider whether your opinion is fair and based on fact. Where did you get this impression?

>> No.12455168

>have ton of kids
>get supplemental benefits figured for your kid eating 3 meals off that
>double dip get free school lunches and breakfasts
>go to local food bank and double dip some more
>churches, shelters, places of the like if really desperate/cheap on top of it
>literally never have to pay for food and eat like a king if you game it hard enough

really have to be monumentally stupid to starve in america

>> No.12455173

also forgot snap benefits rollover for a year I think too

>> No.12455188

you hit the nail on the head, that's so fucking true

>> No.12455232

>used to work in a Winn-Dixie
>low-level job stocking shelves, not great pay but chill overall
>used to find old chicken wings behind cereal boxes, meaning someone went out of their way to move the box, hide the wing, then put the box back
>people would leave half-filled carts in the aisles, never returning for them, resulting in a huge loss (especially when people would leave behind ribs n shit)
>coworkers would get stoned on break to cope with the mind-numbing monotony of the job
>occasional free food in the break room

Shit's whack, man. I just don't get it. At least the check-out gals were decently attractive

>> No.12455239
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winn-dixie is a real supermarket??

>> No.12455242

that picture makes me sad

>> No.12455246


Yeah, mostly in the South, I think. They're tied with Bi-Lo and Harvey's. I don't miss that job

>> No.12455263

does anyone have the cuckcart picture/pasta, thx in advance frneds

>> No.12455268

>>people would leave half-filled carts in the aisles, never returning for them, resulting in a huge loss (especially when people would leave behind ribs n shit)
In high school my friend and I were bitter grocery store wageslaves so we would go around town and do this at various grocery stores for fun
It ended when we went to a Mejiers and piled our carts high with just about fucking everything as we went around the perimeter of the store. By the time we got to electronics loss prevention was tailing us. So we calmly wheeled our overflowing carts to the front of the store and made a plan to count to three, shove the carts away and make a run for it.
The fucking loss prevention guy chased us out and we barely got away, we were paranoid the rest of the night about cops lol

>> No.12455297
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i miss the /ccg/

>> No.12455306
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When nasty fat women wearing nothing but a bath robe flash you their vaginas. They are usually alone and catch you off guard in the deserted isles of the store. If they were at least a 4/10 it would be somewhat nice but nah

>> No.12455307

That's not even getting into other stuff like free heating and electricity for the winter, free healthcare through medicaid and fidelis, and extra gibs through faking some illness like anxiety. Don't let welfare rats fool you, they live a lot better than they let on. It's legitimately better living than working minimum wage and even above minimum wage if you can game the incredibly easy system.

>> No.12456039

never had that happen, which I'm glad, sounds gross. when I'm near 8/10 womans they flip around their hair and smile, that I like.

>> No.12456047

>tfw you never had a job gathering shopping carts
stay made wagecucks

>> No.12456182

I think I saw an ad for just that at the top of this thread.

>> No.12456188

I actually liked gathering carts in the evenings. It was a great smoke break.

>> No.12456253

What ever happened to Trump's plan of sending people a month's supply of healthy food instead of EBT? That would solve the problem of people spending taxpayer money on junk food that makes them even more of a public liability, and they might actually become healthy and more productive in the process.

>> No.12456261

That reminds me, people complain day in day out about people who smokes and all these ads. Smokers die off, get lung cancer gone. But fat fucks live forever, leech the government and Medicaid and cost a shit pile of money. It dont cost them nothing, taxpayers pay for it all. Yet you got libtards crying wolf over people fucking smoking.

>> No.12456273

Whatever happened to any of Trump's plans? Sometimes, I think he just babbles a stream of conscious rhetoric that will please whomever he is in front of. Last month we were going to the moon and this month we shouldn't even be thinking about going to the moon.

>> No.12456274

This. Most blacks I’ve met my country are really nice people. They weren’t American tho.

>> No.12456279

Because having a program like that will still cost the taxpayers, maybe even more money. What they should do instead is create a large event saying "ebt cardholders welcome to all the food you want" and just gas the fuckers.

>> No.12456289

lol. Reminds me of Adam Carolla's plan to advertise dog fights at a stadium and all Raiders fans get in for free. Then close the gates and arrest them all for neglected child support.

>> No.12456309

Had two black women come in with a fake coupon scam once, we were warned about them in advance. They ended up going to the register next to mine with two or three carts full of shit and several dozen coupons. We couldn't do anything ahead of when they tried to use the first coupon because they'd call rayciss, so they got to have about fifteen miniutes of their items getting scanned, which I got to stand there and watch since it was late and no one else was around. Then there was five minutes of them trying to get the coupons to scan, about fifteen minutes yelling about how their coupons were legit and how we were ripping them off for not taking them and trying to negotiate with the cashier and the manager, and then another ten minutes of things being put back into carts and them buying the items they actually wanted to buy. Of course a stocker had to put back everything they left behind, and they made a huge scene for the few customers in at that hour. Decent entertainment, though.

>> No.12456329

>ayo wtf nigguh
>get punched/robbed/raped

Wanna know how I know you're lying?

>> No.12456336

I'm pretty sure you swipe the savings card at the beginning and it takes it off for each item. If they're too dumb/lazy to check the receipt for how much they saved, or just don't get a receipt like most people, it would be easy to get away with.

>> No.12456399

because america is owned by the rich and it doesn't matter which corporate rep you vote for anyway.

federal minimm os $5 an hour after taxes. most people get 32 hours or less so the employer to skirt benefits. That's $160 a week maximum.
>never made min. wage
your're a larping 14 year old on the internet. you don't have a job.

middle aged white women, and upper-middle class middle aged men. worst humans on the planet. they are most self-entitled, bitchy, picky assholes on earth.
The women are, in my experience, also the biggest shoplifters and scam artists. I had one bring a buggy full of shit to the register. Scanned it, and she demanded a 10% discount due to the goods, being non-perishable gardening equipment, being "almost useless" in her opinion. She was kicked out by the manager.

we had only one armed robbery. a young black guy at night. he wasn't caught.

>> No.12456402

or look before you turn? ever try that one, champ?

>> No.12456499

>America owned by rich
at least Republicans want to motivate lazy fucks to work. get a dummy crat in office and kiss retirement goodbye. Obama created the death tax so when you die the gvrmnt gets 50% of what you own automatically. all to support ebt, wick, food banks, ect.. and any looser who claims mental illness to be a disability.

>> No.12456647

This shit pisses me off so much. I don't care if they are black women or what. Though I suppose the comedy is funnier when black women through temper tantrums, especially when you see a video of it in retrospect. Being in those situations always puts me on edge in the moment.

>> No.12456651


>> No.12456659

>non-perishable gardening equipment, being "almost useless"
what the hell? thats more valuable than the food

>> No.12456683

Nah just observations...I like to get weird sometimes

>> No.12456693

I wish mine was 24-7...I'd conceal a go pro and try to record people casually stuffing packaged raw meat down their sweatpants while someone creates a distraction...not for the police, just for the strangeness of it all.

>> No.12456731
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>> No.12456789

>being proud of being a parasite
you are aware that when everything inevitably collapses under it's own weight, you're gonna have to provide for yourself, right?

>> No.12456814

>being proud of being a slave

>> No.12456844

>guy in front of me at walmart buys some steaks, beer, and other shit
>pays with EBT
>pay for my groceries, there's a gamestop next door and I may as well pop in to see if any good used shit is there
>Same guy noq in gamestop
>buys 3 new PS4s and a copy of the latest NBA game for each
>pulls out a giant roll of cash from his pocket
>watch him go back to his car and pull out
>call cops with a drug report on his plates

>> No.12457091

Both are bad but you've definitely got a point. Welfare shits get free food from taxpayers to inflate themselves like balloons and then we have to pay for them to get their medication and treatment after they destroy their own organs too. We can't keep a system like this going forever, especially not when the government just hands these benefits out to anybody.

>> No.12457096

No. but your grandchildren might. That doesn't matter to me.

>> No.12457148

>he thinks it's going to last 30 more years
I suppose you should be NEETs, your severe mental retardation could cause damage if you were allowed anywhere important

>> No.12457160

>dreaming of societal collapse so he can stop being a wagecuck
I dont know what's better, your money or your tears

>> No.12457308

>buys beer with ebt
So, you just proved your story is fiction, retard.

>> No.12457331

They don't pay for anything idiot. And if they look at their receipt and see you didn't do a simple as fuck job, they just get a refund

>> No.12457335

Elderly people are entitled to food stamps. Retard

>> No.12457349

No, you have to have some dignity.

>> No.12457358

When you have so many people against you and fighting change it gets harder to make it. He's probably had the most people against him since Bush, and Obama had people doing whatever he wanted bc he was a nigger and mudslime.

>> No.12457395

heh, yeah. The police here don't really do shit anyway, unless there is property damage. I suppose if one were to present them with go pro footage they might move in on someone camping out in a stolen car, which is easy to find because of all the trash surrounding it, and lo! and behold! Drug paraphernalia like meth pipes and baggies and scales with all the accouterments such as marijuana, BHO, and heroin (that is usually the combo they bust 'em here with), stolen tools from somebody from across the other side of the county and OH! Diapers and baby formula stolen from said Wal-Mart. Ungh. They don't even have kids, they just sell it off. That's a typical news report in my daily paper.

>> No.12457426

I've nothing really against the guy but it does seem like lately he's been floundering and flailing about. Like with all the tariff stuff when his own party turned against him, he did an about-face.
>turned 360 degrees around and walked away

>> No.12457476

fucking wypipo

>> No.12457499

I like to do it after everything is rang up just to watch the price change

>> No.12457604

should have just pointed a gun at the cashier like the fine melanin enriched gentleman, then she would have gotten the discount. truly the worst scam artists

>> No.12457688

I'm the opposite, I used to give people free shit whenever possible.

>> No.12457866

the butthurt here can be sold by the pound

>> No.12457872
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most of the niggers just snitch donuts n shiet without paying.

>> No.12457877

Every store that isn't a walmart has aisles like this homie

>> No.12457911

You've never been to a Wegmans, Kroger, Meijer, Giant, or Aldi?

>> No.12458083
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>> No.12458101

Look at percentages, moishe. They perform worse as a race

>> No.12458117

I’ve been to 3 stores in the past week telling the cunt managers I’m available 24/7 to man one of their 20 open registers.
>go online anon
>because were niggos and don’t have the agency/intelligence to actually interview
>too busy standing around playing with our puds
Get rejected within hours. Hmm...what are the fucking qualifications to stock shelves and stand in a booth? Why do they hire retards/niggers/retardniggers but not an able-bodies huWyte?

>> No.12458123

they're disallowed by the government due to diversity quotas
Hiring whites is illegal except under the most dire of circumstances

>> No.12458389

This desu
Honestly I just hate poor people

>> No.12458402


What the fuck kind of cart is this

>> No.12458575

I hate that my local grocery store management is quite literally retarded. They never have people stock shit at night, always during the day and often when its busiest. I feel bad for the employees having to navigate pallets of shit through the store's narrow ass aisles as boomers, old ass chinese mainlanders and general piece of shit meth heads idly stand around oblivious to the fact they are being asked to move.

>> No.12458931

He's in a tough position.

>> No.12458942

It's crazy how you can't really stop obese people. They are walking weapons of resistance and must be stopped.

[insert Judge Dredd comic here]

>> No.12458956

Yeah, you would never see a government shutdown when Obama was in power. Everybody was totally compliant to his will.

>> No.12458959

I thought there were two government shutdowns?

>> No.12458986

I didn't say any of that, who are you quoting?

>> No.12458989

Yeah, but those were justified. They wanted to waste money on providing health care to citizens. Money that could have been used to build a giant wall.

>> No.12459062

Yeah, just a shame that the result was an increase in the cost of healthcare. I mean, who could have predicted that? Totally different to the last 80 years of increased government intervention in healthcare which has been steadily reducing the cost.

In other news, up is down, men are women, and communism is the most effective form of government.

>> No.12459069

Health care is better in every other civilized country, and not due to the strategy you imagine is so effective.

>> No.12459104

How delusional. Canada and the UK's systems are constantly at risk of collapsing due to insolvency plus steadily dropping supply of doctors due to low pay, among other factors, leading to wealthy citizens either going to other countries or bribing doctors for "private consultations", effectively creating the same system as the US, but at least they get to be smug as they lie in pain waiting months for routine treatments.

The systems where it actually "works" are all examples of countries with nationalized natural resources that have, so far, been fairly restrained in their public spending, meaning they have more than enough money to fund a functioning public health system. They also don't have the burden of the ass-backwards government intervention for the last 80 years.

If you're not aware of what I'm talking about, here's a decent walkthrough of the increasingly retarded set of laws surrounding healthcare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8j8qDwR56DA.. All seemingly good ideas at the time, but the road to hell is well trodden by high horses like yours.

>> No.12459162
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and i'm just sitting here having to pay a dime to get surgery done.

>> No.12459183
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Your ideal store

>> No.12459186

this, i worked in a grocery store as an assistant produce manager and i actually heard my manager turn someone away because "they did not meet the criteria for their diversity quota" shits fucked man

>> No.12459197

>It doesn't count as "paying" when the government takes half my paycheck

>> No.12459232

>dropping supply of doctors
>low pay

LMAO GET A LOAD OF THIS NIGGA. Doctors in Canada are some of the highest paid in the world, and medical schools here are so flooded with pajeets and chinks with perfect scores that the universities are changing their entry exams to better suit the higher standard of academic achievement. ffs a GP in Ontario will make 250 dollars for giving someone a vaccine. Do you even know how a social insurance payout to a doctor works? Jesus fuck, ive never seen someone type out such an uninformed post.
oh and

>waiting months for routine treatments

now youre just proving that you've been fed propaganda and memes and ate it all up, the only thing that takes long here is cancer treatment, and even then it goes by order of severity, other than that, need bloodwork? same day at your GP. vaccine? same day at your gp. Mammogram? heres your appointment a week from now with your local specialist. Xray? just go to the basement and wait 45 minutes, someone will be with you. But yes, get slapped with a 20,000 dollar bill for your broken leg and proclaim on the internet your misinformation about other nations and how "free" you are because your healthcare is a commodity that you pay for with your savings instead of your taxes.

>> No.12459243
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Only produce kids will get this :)

>> No.12459249
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>Say "pardon me" quietly
>They mishear me and fart on me instead

>> No.12459269

Everything I can find that shows that indeed canadian trained doctors earn the highest. just edging out the US, scandinavian countries, and luxembourg, physicians working in canada earn around a half of those working in the US.

As to your second claim, here's a canadian report that says you're full of shit. No propaganda required.


>> No.12459279

I'm going to make an ntr h-game with the polite virgin and the hothead chad. Your basket gets bumped and your wife gets thumped. You use his methods and steal all the grocery store milfs. Im sorry janet. Looks like your loyalty card...is declined.

>> No.12459407

>Vietnam flashback

>> No.12459421

I want to ask out a girl at my local supermarket who works the check out on Saturday and Sunday. I have a huge crush on her and cant tell if she likes me back but i think so. Is it a good or bad idea to ask her out at her work?

>> No.12459435

This is a shoplifting technique. Someone lines the walls of the cart with groceries and place a bag in the cart. They grab what they need and place it in the bag, then grab the bag and duck when no one is looking

There are some dumpster Mexicans that always dump a cart in my frozen aisle stiffing me with gobacks

>> No.12459442

If you have literally any other way of communicating with this person, don't do that. The only way I could see that not being incredibly embarrassing and/or annoying for them if there's no-one else around and they're just watching the clock to the end of their shift.

>> No.12459464

American business owners tend to be very greedy. Making money is not enough for them, they have to make the maximum profit possible. Probably so they can make enough money to move to a nicer country.

>> No.12459497

No. I live in a tropical paradise more than 3000 miles from where you live. Minimal tax, high standard of living, low cost of living, no violence to worry about, mostly happy people around, even the poor people seem happy except those right at the bottom of the heap, clean streets, relatively clean air, it's pretty fucking great. I got nothing to be butt hurt about. I love my life, but I bet you can't say the same for yourself. That's why you pour your rage out on your keyboard. But my criticism of that guy was based on the fact that, all things considered, he actually is a real cunt.

>> No.12459498
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ight i guess I'll check em

>> No.12459502

I worked at a supermarket after school as an awkward teenager.
>stacking shelves on biscuit isle
>gorgeous 10/10 mid-20s woman walks over
>she asks "can you help me?"
>immediately drop everything
>"i'm looking for lady fingers"
>no fucking idea what lady fingers are
>sorry what are they?
>"you know... they are soft and spongy and about so big" indicates the size with her fingers
>surely not...
>umm think they are 3 isles over
>"can you show me?"
>start walking up the isle to nervous to talk
>she follows behind not saying anything
>we slowly walk past all the biscuits
>kecking my pants
>turn and pass a few isles
>get to the hygiene
>neither of us say anything
>get to the tampons
>still too nervous to say anything
>she stares at me blankly
>ummm d-do you mean these?
>motion toward the tampons
>she cracks up laughing
>tells me lady fingers aren't tampons they are a type of buiscuit
>drop spaghetti
>face goes bright red
>eyes watering, resisting urge to cry from embarrassment
>her laughter ringing in my ears
>s-sorry we don't have any
>turn and briskly walk away trying not to run
>go out the back and into the toilet
>sit there for 10 minutes dying of embarrassment and trying not to cry
>certain i'll be fired
In the end nothing ever came of it but it was the worst experience of my working life.

>> No.12459527


Was supposed to be a reply to this ass bandit:


>> No.12459531

damn my b nibbas i thot i was on /x/ lol

>> No.12459723

I'm glad I'm not the only one that hated this stupid shit

>> No.12459730

Try actually making small talk first.

>> No.12459748

a bit off topic but

>manchester nh
>shopping n Hannaford a while back
>5 registers open + 14-or-less
>4+ customers at 4 registers
>1 register = no line
>go to that register
>black female cashier
>turn around
>go to other cashier
>get in line behind 4 other customers

>> No.12459764

Retards that stop in the middle of the aisle or take up space. Same with cars parking out front.
When they can't figure out self checkout or they bring a whole shopping cart.
Cashiers who don't understand coupons. I'm just glad I figured out some coupons you can do a one item transaction and don't need employees to check or override the coupon.

>> No.12459794

Customers in riding carts.
t. Grocery Pickup Manager at Walmart

>> No.12459801

I always look at the receipt and if I found out that I was lied to I would call the manager over and made a very very very very big deal over it literally become obsessed with you and do anything I can to get you fired and will also follow you and keep my distance starring at you during all my free time LITERALLY making you my number 1 priority till I die so have fun getting stalked for the rest of your life lol (lmao 2)

>> No.12459810

The most annoying thing is people that don't know how to stand in line. I typically find it with nervous nelly's that are next in line but will stand 10 ft away from the cashier / self service. I fucking boil over and make it a point to stand 1.5 ft behind them and burn a hole in the back of their head with my eyeballs

>> No.12459811

I don't. Unfortunately all I know about her is where she works and her first name, from her name badge. I don't use social media so it's impossible to stalk her online. It's a busy supermarket but when I went in yesterday her checkout was empty. Wish I wasn't such a coward so i'd just ask and deal with the humiliation of rejection.

I have made small talk. It's been going on for months and I try to go in at least once every weekend to see her. I try not to make it obvious but sometimes go out of my way to go to her checkout. I even try to pick out healthy food items so she wont think i'm an irresponsible overweight loser. She seems to like making small talk back and is always polite even when busy. She will smile at me when serving the customer in front. Sometimes absent minded plays with her hair while im paying on my card. It's really sad but it's often the highlight of my week.

>> No.12459887

I guess my only advice then is to do some introspection. Do you actually like her, or just the idea of her. What do you actually know about her? Is it just that she's cute? If that's all it is, there are plenty of opportunities which don't involve completely embarrassing yourself and the other person.

Some other nuggets. Never mistake professional courtesy for romantic interest. Playing with one's hair can be a indicator of stress or boredom, so don't assume that means interest either. The best way to not seem like an overweight loser is to not be one.

>> No.12460015

I actually like her, she is nice and polite and exactly my type. I don't know how there will be any other opportunities. Unless I legit stalk her and I think that would be creepy and even more embarrassing when caught. Honestly I can't be certain that it is romantic interest on her behalf. Yesterday when I went to her till she was sat down for the customer finishing up infront of me. When she looked over and saw me she smiled then stood up to put my things through the checkout. I interpreted that as a sign she likes me and wanted to chat. In hindsight you might be right, maybe she had been sitting too long and just wanted to stand up. I should have spied on her to see if she sat right back down. Also I accidentally checked out her breasts and I think she noticed.

Unfortunately being overweight is something i'm dealing with but admittedly its a slow process. I'm not a loser though. I've got a job and a car and dont live with my parents. I always try to dress nice and brush my teeth right before I go at the weekend when I know she works.

>> No.12460057

Are you familiar with the phenomena of pareidolia? We often trick ourselves into seeing the things we want to see. While its not good to always be second guessing yourself, be very, very cautious when assuming the intentions of other people. If you're dead set on it, my best advice is to first make sure that she actually knows you exist. Even if you go through her line once a week, consider how many people she sees on a daily basis alone. If she isn't visibly disgusted when you try to make small talk, then I guess it's not like there's no hope. Maybe make reference to the fact that you keep seeing each other.

As for the weight, try a low-carb diet. I lost 15 lbs in about 2 months and I wasn't even overweight. I've prosteletized to friends and family who've gone and had similar results.

>> No.12460069

> You are not really the person who is supposed to decide whether or not somebody should get benefits
If you want these subhumans to have benefits, pay for them yourself.

>> No.12460124

I wasn't familiar with it but am now. Thanks for your insight lad. I'll reference the fact I usually go to her checkout next time I go and she is working to see how she responds. Ill try to be objective because im sure she recognises me and likes me but not certain. Occasionally when I make small talk, she talks back quietly and I can hardly hear her soft voice but that makes my crush on her even more intense. I wish I knew what she does mid week. I suspect she goes to college. Maybe i'll try to work that into conversation.

I love carbs. It won't be easy trying to quit but I know I need to do it. My sugar consumption is too high generally. I know how to adjust my diet to lose weight but still find it really difficult. Again thanks for the advice.

>> No.12460136

Most people in general have 0 spacial awareness or care about anyone around them but themselves.
When I see people doing this shit I just shove it out of the way and move on.

>> No.12460159

Way to make a post critiquing human self interest and making it all about yourself.

>> No.12460169
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>stacking shelves on biscuit isle
>gorgeous 10/10 mid-20s woman walks over
>she asks "can you help me?"
>immediately drop everything
>"i'm looking for lady fingers"
I got two for you right here, lady.

>> No.12460216

I hate when some idiots open up an item and especially if it spills everywhere. Last week this woman opened up a box of blue berries and they spilled everywhere.

That and have your cash/card ready beforehand& dont self checkout if youre slow as hell.

>> No.12460282

Haha the punchline is your illiteracy.

>> No.12460329
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>People break something
>Give it to me to get rid of
>It's always sticky
>Act offended when I ask them to pay for it
It's always boomers and shitskins

>> No.12460431


>> No.12460458
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t. Senile boomer

>> No.12460483

Go to store early to avoid the masses of people. Get my shit. All checkout lanes are closed. Meanwhile employees are doing who knows what, at this point in the day I'd guess the ratio of employees to customers is about equal. Use one of those self scan machines which is only meant for like 3 things. Not a cart full.

Also hate it when you see some bitch yakking on a phone, while pushing a cart, while also holding a coffee cup and there's like 3 kids screaming and shit following behind.

>> No.12460499

Kroger is supposed to be doing away with plastic bags. Gonna move to a new bagging method. Also gonna charge the customer to buy the new bags. So they can be reused. Fuck this.

>> No.12460516
File: 445 KB, 1280x692, Big Lebowski, The (1998) [UHD-HEVC-1920x1038][AAC-Norm].mkv_snapshot_00.02.34.905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my local mart just remodeled the store and now all the shelves are parallel and the layout is boring.
i liked it more before when it was like a maze

also the meat shelf used to be waist level but now it's down on the floor and you have to bend down to read the labels

>> No.12460532

If you live in the suburbs, just be glad that you have aisles that are big enough for you to pass people. I've been living in the downtown area of a big city for a few years and it still sucks how narrow everything is at urban supermarkets. Most shopping trips involves me dodging and passsing people shoulder-to-shoulder.

>> No.12460799
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Picture taken tonight (as an employee).

>> No.12461197
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>> No.12461317

Fucking hell.

>> No.12461390
File: 68 KB, 604x600, Duchess Digust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that fake orange juice

>> No.12461460

Put it back wagie. I ate half a rotisserie chicken and left the rest of it on the shelf in the bread isle. Have a good day cleaning up after me wagie.

>> No.12461466

>living in a city

>> No.12461479

Living in the city is hustle and bustle. Living in the city is fun. Lots of people everywhere, vehicles driving here and there, lots of fun for everyone.

>> No.12461490

I swear to God you will never see a larger group of fat chicks than at a military commissary, its living nightmare

>> No.12461492

Fuck that. Less people less problems. Fuck people, that's where you run into problems, traffic ect..

>> No.12461619

I only survived London for a few years. It was horrible.

>> No.12461689

damn, you're right that's enraging.

>> No.12461724

its ok anon, you will get frens too one day

>> No.12461733

>I ate half a rotisserie chicken and left the rest of it on the shelf in the bread isle
i would never bee a pathetic fat neet like you but god damn it that is based af

>> No.12461751

get back in your coffin Dr Seuss

>> No.12461761

You're the first one to make me chuckle with this meme. Well done, Anon

>> No.12461764

>being a thief is somehow based
I remember being 14 and wanting to stick it to the man as well.

All prices could easily be 10+% lower if stores didn't have any shrinkage costs to cover.
Other people stealing/being too fat to put frozen/chilled back where it belongs, is the reason you're paying more for groceries than you should.

>> No.12461784

cool, ill just steal 10% of my food then

check8 moralfag

>> No.12461918

why are you calling it free delivery if you pay for it a monthly rate. im not saying it's a bad deal. it's just that it literally isn't free

>> No.12461924

what the hell. there's plenty of room to go around that cart. you could run a parade by that cart. is everyone here obese or something just go by that cart fatsos

>> No.12461927

I hate it when I run into OP, and he's busy sucking all the vegan bull penises in the meat department. I just want some damn salami.

>> No.12461929


>> No.12461931

do you quickly tell your mom that the black man has triggered you and is undeserving of your chicken tenders?

>> No.12461933

Not if you have a cart, lonely boy who lives alone and only shops for himself.

>> No.12461938

he is with his taxes you faggot. and I agree with him

>> No.12461941

She sounds like a total chad.

>> No.12461943

it's nice to see that the old 4chan is still around in some anons. you're totally right, dude sounds like he's young as shit

>> No.12461986

imagine the smell

>> No.12462142

Thats not to mention shoplifting, mugging and selling drugs

>> No.12462153

>get leg infected
>get leg treated for free
>have to wait a year for free let treatment
>loose leg
What a Great system

>> No.12462158

That's literally the American system before Obamacare. Lower income people had to let a minor problem develop into a life threatening crisis before doctors would look at it.

>> No.12462174
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>mfw put pork in the halal section

>> No.12462191

I piss and spit on the floors in the walmart if there isn't many people around

>> No.12462235

Night shift are either chill or total cunts. Many years ago when I worked in a store the night crew would start putting things out before we were shut.

Some cunt put a pallet of items in front of the shelves and when I politely asked if he could move it because customers were complaining they couldn't reach shit he goes nuts and starts cussing me out. Wasn't allowed to move it myself under managements orders either.

>> No.12462253

Flashbacks to finding three tubs of ice cream liquifying in the cereal section. The horror.

>> No.12462273

>Wasn't allowed to move it myself under managements orders either.
I can't wait to hear the retarded reason this was the case.

The most aggravating ones are when frozen shit has been left on a shelf right next to the freezer, because some lazy cunt couldn't be assed to turn 90 degrees and put it back in. Fuck if it's not the right place, but at least don't let it spoil.

t. supermarket clerk lifer closing in on his 20 year anniversary

>> No.12462370

Literally because I "wasn't trained" how to use a pallet truck. These are the management that ripped me a new one for emptying the cardboard baler when the people who were meant to hadn't, so we could actually get rid of our trash.

>> No.12462392

I remember being underage and on the checkouts at the run up to Christmas with a bunch of other teens as it was cheaper to have us on. Problem was we couldn't sell alcohol without a supervisor swiping their card first.

Cue both supervisors on duty assuming the other is around and fucking off for lunch at the same time, leaving 4 checkouts with massive queues and a bunch of people with alcohol getting angry at us on the checkouts who couldn't do a thing.

>> No.12462418

While I agree with you, I can see why management would do that considering the ridiculous sums you can sue for in 'murrica. I'm just assuming you're referring to an electric one since those can fuck up yours or others feet if you're not paying attention. If it was a normal one, the management is fucking retarded for chewing you out.

>> No.12462436

Must suck having to resort to thievery when your ebt runs out.

>> No.12462446

I signed off on my own certification for the PITs and no one has been the wiser.

>> No.12462655

Nope. Just a manual one you have to pump up and down to raise and lower.

The baler I can almost understand but I had actually asked operators beforehand on how to do it so I wouldn't fuck up.

>> No.12462967

My theory is that the dependapotamus gains weight to ensnare their meal ticket via gravitational pull.

>> No.12463295

I really wish there were dedicated checkouts for EBT use. That would allow everyone else to get in and out without waiting for some slow ass person or the inevitable checking of the balance/putting stuff back/something not eligible/arguments with cashiers.