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12452970 No.12452970 [Reply] [Original]

So I tried some food from Spain today for the first time. It was pretty sloppy. Is all of their food this bad?

>> No.12453000

>eats burger
Americans like you should have your passports revoked

Arroz con pollo is one of the best dishes of all time

>> No.12453036

Well it was a recipe brought from Spain, my local McDonalds had it. It was called the bacon extreme, it was EXTREMELY bad lol!! Go ahead and check Spain off the list of countries that has good food

>> No.12453232

Lol funnie trole!

>> No.12454791

I tried this today. I love how ashamed mcdonalds is of having this shit.
It's not on their menu board or on the website. You have to ask for it by name and most of the employees don't even know what you're talking about.
It was decent but the quarter pounder is better.

>> No.12454827

Literally the only good thing about this burger is the sauce, the rest of it is meh.

No grilled onions? come on senpai

>> No.12454938

Que based

>> No.12454951

buh buh buh based

>> No.12454952

This. The burger would have been 10x better if the onions had been grilled.

>> No.12455170

absolutely baste

>> No.12455876

What's on that burger anon?

>> No.12456356

Have you tried paella? No¿ Then fuck off nigger

>> No.12456419

It’s some “bacon sauce”, onions, bacon, and Gouda cheese

>> No.12456427

Imagine that your country is such a shithole that chicken and rice is a defining quality cuisine.

>> No.12456440
File: 32 KB, 477x360, 477x360_gme_bacon-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Españolo here.

I swear to god, you guys got the recipe numbers wrong or something because the color of that sauce is way paler than what we got here since forever.

>> No.12457786

What? It's all over the menus at my McDonalds, and one of the other locations I saw had a huge stand inside the lobby for it.

>> No.12458043

Yeah, it's all actually pretty bad

>> No.12458060
File: 144 KB, 800x500, Fried Rice Kowloon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most Americans have had a very trashy version, though Malaysians do it better than you Moor-mutts.

>> No.12458104

From what I hear Tyrone and Leroy have open passports to your mom if you know what I mean.

>> No.12458520

If you're in Barcelona go here: https://www.conesaentrepans.com/english/

Pretty good sandwiches. Overall Spanish food seems kinda shitty though. Ham, cheese, bread. Paella just isn't that great. Estrella is nice though.

>> No.12458881

Get some tapas and a rioja from a cool place for yourself and a hot chick, thank me later.

>> No.12458891

Yeah, this burger was kick-ass. Shame they don't sell it anymore here.

>> No.12459722

OP here, the sauce tasted like hollandaise it was really confusing. I love gouda cheese, but that stuff was wierd

>> No.12459731

Oh I tried the Australian cheese fries, it's one glob of American cheese on top of fries with a sprinkle of bacon. So now I've had Spain and Australia, what country do I do next?

>> No.12459739

This burger was unironically the best thing I’ve gotten from McDonalds in a long time

>> No.12459743

The Canadian mozzarella chicken was pretty good but I liked the Spanish burger way more

>> No.12460032

This. I can't believe reviewbrah shit all over it. I thought it was really good.

>> No.12460052

Better post a pic and give more info.

>> No.12460137
File: 570 KB, 2048x1536, E3472461-8FB9-4123-8123-72B7BF65F7D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got that the other day and it was delicious

>> No.12460646

um that cheese is brown and white. maybe spain should use rotten food

>> No.12461344
File: 203 KB, 1124x598, ameridna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you moor-mutts

>> No.12461346

reviewbrah plz go

>> No.12461353

Based as fuck

>> No.12462038

the moor mutts its a meme, unlike what your country has become

>> No.12462043
File: 177 KB, 900x600, españita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe dont eat at the overpriced tourist traps?

>> No.12462559

You stupid iliterate fuck, have you ever tried paella, salmorejo, gazpacho, fabes, caldereta, gallaecian pote, cachopo, cocido madrileño, etc, etc, etc.....

>> No.12462675

It’s Gouda..

>> No.12462805

>Literally the only good thing about this burger is the sauce
This, but to be fair I think it's a pretty good sauce.
The best burger McDonalds has ever had was still the White Garlic Cheddar burger btw

>> No.12462812

Anon the moor mutts is reality, don't turn from the truth. It's sad.

>> No.12463083

Wow, what a funny joke, thanks!