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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.24 MB, 2448x3264, soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12458494 No.12458494 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for lads?

>> No.12458495

bitch tits

>> No.12458500


>> No.12458510

yo sammytrans95 wat uppppp

>> No.12458517
File: 112 KB, 960x771, soylent-squares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

manbreasts and HRT

>> No.12458523

...made of people...

>> No.12458543

Lads, I drink a little bit of it. Is alright I guess but the memes are too strong. Will be throwing away the rest. I don't like the texture anyway.

>> No.12458978

Higher productivity.

>> No.12459027

Becoming an emasculated manchild that spends way too much time on Twitter and Reddit looking for conservative content to be angry about.

>> No.12459367


>> No.12459378

I'm female so I don't have to worry about the soy memes but the texture of this shit is really unappealing from videos I've seen of it and there's barely anyone who says they enjoy the taste. I heard the coffee one is the best tasting one but I don't consume coffee.
Wish more places had it near me so I could try. One supermarket's got it but the people there stress me out so I never go there.

>> No.12459379
File: 487 KB, 2592x1936, 61bhywk6oez21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>babby's first reverse image search
Hey dummy, we all go to reddit and get images to troll you faggots with. Try this one.

>> No.12459434

seriously though, why do people drink this? interested in honest non-meme answers

>> No.12459591
File: 266 KB, 441x469, yuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just say chocolate u pretentious fuckwits

>> No.12459889

wanna sex bby ?

>> No.12460303

You know there is no soy in these products right? It was named after the film Soylent Green.

>> No.12460307

urge to vote for communists and thoughts about changing sex

>> No.12460427

A whale of a tale

>> No.12460800

A future full of gay watersports and boarder line satanic degeneracy.

>> No.12460856

a mind blowing soy experience

>> No.12461046

after the first sip, you grow tits
after the second, your dick shrinks
after the third, you get a sudden craving to watch starwars and blacked.com

>> No.12461154

>One supermarket's got it but the people there stress me out so I never go there

Welcome to /ck/ fembot

>> No.12461223


>> No.12461246

Hi baby pls bob show also vagene

>> No.12461277

Its like drinking pancake batter

>> No.12461363

friendly reminder that steak contains more estrogen than soy does

>> No.12461399

Do those actually taste good?

>> No.12461487
File: 130 KB, 602x475, 486157ebde5314d5c1cc100817153e8b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12461571


A gradual but increasingly common feeling of swollen and breasts, irrational emotional outbursts, deference to women in all activities, the need to take on a 'social justice' cause and increasing amounts of time on social media hunting out and circlejerking with like minded peoples.

>> No.12461610

The good news is you'll finally grope some tits for the first time.

>> No.12462475

>What's soy protein isolate

>> No.12462494

Have sex

>> No.12462498

Piss and barf.

>> No.12462618

tranny here
not much unless there's cyproterone acetate in there too

>> No.12463401
File: 40 KB, 368x254, Showgirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


turning into Lord Shill McShillistein

>> No.12463411

All the disadvantage of beers without buzz

>> No.12463529

I'm like 280lb. You sure?

>> No.12463531


>> No.12463542

Even better

>> No.12463543

Animal estrogen, which the body filters more easily, but estrogenic compounds in general? It's no contest.

>> No.12463573


ay bitch is u in London??