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12454474 No.12454474 [Reply] [Original]

What are some drinks that get you drunk quickly but aren't horrible to taste?

>> No.12454476

That's my arm.

>> No.12454490

your skin looks nasty and your body hair is weird

>> No.12454517

olde english

>> No.12454529

Rum + coke

>> No.12454563

Long Island Ice Tea.

>> No.12455927

vodka and water
>t. alcoholic

>> No.12455944

For me, it's LaCroix

>> No.12455992
File: 169 KB, 400x611, SpatenOptimator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spaten Optimator, it's 7.6% tastes good and you won't even get a hangover after drinking two 6 packs unlike steel reserve.

>> No.12456083
File: 303 KB, 1050x669, The-SOS-Tiki-Bar-Happy-Hour-Cocktails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally any tiki drink.

These always fuck me up while convincing me they're just nice refreshing juice blends. The hangovers from tiki drinks can be monstrous though because of all the sugar inherent in the rum/mixers.

>> No.12456099

long island iced tea
the good kind
lots of vodka, tequila, gin, rum, triple sec
and a whisper of coke
maybe some lemon juice too idk

>> No.12456113

Pina coladas are especially good for this. They're like a delicious liquid valium, plus the pineapple juice and coconut cream mitigates the hangover..

>> No.12456115

strong zero

>> No.12456174


Lately my local winco has pre-mixed hurricanes that come in a pouch for like $1.50. About 5% on it's own, but I add some rum until I can just barely taste the alcoholl.

>> No.12456207

Get a handle of the best cheap vodka or white rum avaliable. (I get Taaka or Bartons respictively as both are smooth and under $10 where I live.) And get a frozen can of orange juice conentrate, and your choice of orange liqueur.

Mix 1 can concentrate with 2 cans booze, 1 can orange liqueur and a shot of sweetened lime juice. You'll end up with a screwdriver that's about 25% alcohol. You can dilute with water if necessary.

Blend with crushed ice , a shot of 99 pineapples, and add a shot of grenadine and a garnish for a pretty looking somer time fuckerupper

>> No.12456216

LaCroix and vodka tastes like the worlds worst gin.

>> No.12456219

Watchu know about that? Prolly nothin'.

>> No.12456251
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just opened a beer and realized it was frozen.

>> No.12456293

of the two production methods of alcohol, fermentation and distillation/concentration, we get three genres : beer, wine, liquor.

In the US, liquor is often hard to find, stores are zoned in bad neighborhoods, and taxed are higher pr ml of alcohol than wine or beer. Liquor is expensive, often the most expensive way to get drunk. Because a tiny handful of distilleries, I think 3 to 5, produce the vast bulk of liquor in the US, you're buying a brand, not a distinct product. Don't waste your money in fancy liquor. The big handles at 1.5-2 liters are the most economical means. I recommend aristocrat brandy and kentucky deluxe whiskey, which is really oak vodka. People go on about nuance, and subtle flavors, but it's bullshit. 80% of the experience is just alcohol vapor, and 20% is flavor at 40% ABV.

Wine is your best dollar/ml value, and same rules apply. varietals only, store brand only, and boxed wines are cheaper than jugged wines. Single varietals are literally the same product in different labels. Don't buy blended because it's a quality gamble. Still, you're not getting a big useful jug with boxed wine. Fortified wine is the single cheapest method of ABV economics there is, with Wild Irish Rose being 17% at about $3, compared for a 750ml of Kentucky Gentleman at about $7+.

Beer - mass market pilsner is the most expensive way to get drunk, but good beer has the most variety and nuance off any drink format. IPAs are well engineered shit. Most US stouts are just Pilsners with mollasses and coloring. It's sad.
Your beer fix is malt liquor, which you know is sold as a 40oz, and is equal to a 7 pack in a bottle for about $2.60, or about a third the price of basic pilsner for the alcohol volume.

>> No.12456297

t. alcoholic.

>> No.12456306

vodka + rockstar
vodka + redbull

>> No.12456313

For me, its white wine

>> No.12456315

You can vape it and get shitfaced in about 20 seconds.

>> No.12456320

Not the one in pic related. All that does is get's you sober while drying you out.

>> No.12456367

boxxed chardonnay. welcome to the cult. it's always a gamble on late harvest buttery v early harvest citrusy because the buyer doesn't dictate to the vineyard or the broker.

have a nice day, ma'am.

>> No.12456371

Baltika No. 9. You can get a 50 oz. for less than three bucks and it has a smooth taste.

Any other suggestion is useless trash you should ignore.

>> No.12456377

such is the price of impatience

>> No.12456800

Some sort of....alcohol detective

>> No.12456820

medium priced champagne, ice cold.

you people suggesting wine are some cruel motherfuckers, wine hangovers are the worst by far.

>> No.12456897

What is that drink? I see pics popping up everywhere on this board lately, is the company doing one of those meme campaigns or what?

>> No.12456907

Gin tonics

>> No.12456908

Or, u can just chug a huge amount of any alcohol down, then immediately chase it with a soda of your preference and wa la.

Ur mouth doesn't taste like crap.

>> No.12456939

Underage drinking is bad anon. It's not preaching, your brain is not developed.
It is ok to have diluted wine or beers with your food, but drinking to get drunk is objectively bad for the growing.
Wash your balls.

>> No.12456990

>Long Island Ice Tea.
...said every puking white girl ever.
I am not a liquor snob but I have rarely seen a worse collection of information.
>liquor expensive
1/5th of decent gin sells for 9.99 USD in my neck of the woods. This is so much chepaer than everything but Cisco or Night Train wines it's not even funny.
>Wine is your best dollar/ml value
> Fortified wine is the single cheapest method of ABV economics there is
These things are true.
>mass market pilsner is the most expensive way to get drunk, but good beer has the most variety and nuance off any drink format. IPAs are well engineered shit.
Incorrect. 4.2% Busch Light sells for 7.49 12/pk as compared to 7% Two Hearted which goes for 9.99/6pk. Do the math.
A 30 of Busch Light at 4.2% or Hamm's at 4.7% sell for 17.99 all day long in flyover country. This will get 5 teenagers into date-rape territory toot-sweet.
>malt liquor
is vile, which violates the thread premise. Wild Irish Rose is like drinking angel tears next to malt liquor, which doesn't belong here.
Mickey's Big Mouths are the absolute best you're ever going to get in malt liquor and they are still nasty and expensive.

Here are the lists of Teeange drunk material, in no order:

Southern Comfort: you can get girls to drink this swill if you mix it with coke. Nasty hangover, each heave of a puke will produce 2 more heaves.

17.99 30-packs of American waterbeer. After one beer, anyone can swill this. You can sometimes get them cheaper.

Bacardi and Coke. It works, may exacerbate asthma (no joke). Be careful feeding it to chicks.

Wild Irish Rose and clear soda.

"Garbage Pail" I don't know what the kids are doing these days, but taking cheap vodka and putting it in a hard plastic container with slices of watermelon, oranges, a half a lemon, honeydew melons is cash, if the potato-peel stench is still too much just let it get warm and dilute it with ice.


>> No.12456993

Your mom's being weak again.

>> No.12457006
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wine coolers: don't be afraid, you sit down when you pee, don't you? There is no question a young person with no body fat and liver sans the hearty endoplasmic reticulum a seasoned drinker has developed can get blackoutdrunk on this shit. Tasty. Expensive as a motherfuck though.

Here's the Holy Grail of paltable alcohol:

Hard Selzer i.e. White Claw, Henry's, Smirnoff, Truly (I always sing the Lionel Richie song when I see this or drink it.)

It has NO alcohol taste, 5% ABV. I love this shit, all we had was Zima as a kid. Don't EVER try Zima. Don't you ever do it.

The answer to the thread is Spiked Seltzer water. Probably can dilute it with clear fruit jice to make it even more disguised.

>> No.12457009

Earthquake Malt Liquor.

>> No.12457010

t. alcoholic

>> No.12457305
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holy shit that's gay af kid

>> No.12457320
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we've all slushied a beer or two
2nd-3rd cheapest alternatives to the best selling spirits
non-commercial yet somewhat craft brews that can manage less than $11 a 6 pack
wine you don't hate