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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12455490 No.12455490[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>go to trump's hotel
>they serve jellybells and potato chips as an appetizer
Fuck that noise

>> No.12455501

>go to trump's house
>they serve mcdonalds take out

>> No.12455509

>go to trump’s country
>they serve deportation

>> No.12455619

>visit Trump's private getaway
>it's massive and rent-free

>> No.12455643

>go to reddit
>bring back unfunny, boring bullshit to a chinese image board

>> No.12455649

>visit trumps golf course
>the grass has dried out and the bunkers are filled with sewage water

>> No.12455651

go back

>> No.12455669


Are people in America getting annoyed with Mr Trump yet? What will happen when the avocados run out?

What if he levies a tariff on general tso?

>> No.12455688

>What will happen when the avocados run out?
I just got a hilarious mental image of transbois trying to riot but passing out.

>> No.12455697

Avocados will never run out thanks to California.

>> No.12455711

>muh $10 'cado toast
fuck off

>> No.12455731
File: 32 KB, 367x401, apu-angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to Trump's hotel
>complains about jelly beans
>doesn't get a pizza topped with smaller pizzas
>doesn't bang mildly unattractive whore
What the actual fuck

>> No.12455732

So long as they can keep depleting their neighbors' aquifers, yeah. Nothing like some good old fashioned irresponsible use of resources for nuts and hippies.

>> No.12455743

Surprised people still live there.

>> No.12455763

they won't be for long

>> No.12455770

Good. GTFO unless you have skills to offer.

>> No.12456179

damn my man can't catch a break

>> No.12456192

I hate it, please help

>> No.12457363

>born in the USA
>white, speaks native if highly flawed English
>had all his life to perfect his professional skills
>somehow can't compete for jobs with a brown man who doesn't read or speak English who swam across a river last Tuesday
What "skills" do you have other than bitching about how there isn't a robot that can teach you how to not be useless?

>> No.12457711
File: 43 KB, 804x589, 1539440193231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are about to eat a succulent chinese meal and you are complaining that they don't give you brad to fill you up?
How gay are you from a scale from European to American?

>> No.12457722

>somehow can't compete for jobs with a brown man who doesn't read or speak English who swam across a river last Tuesday
The issue isn't that foreigners have better skills, it's that they accept lower (less than the legal minimum) pay so employers are more likely to hire them.
It's not that hard.

>> No.12457730

What do you mean "yet"?

>> No.12457739

>it's about skills
>except when it isn't
You're anonymous. Nothing bad will happen to you if you just say "I hate people who don't look like me"

>> No.12457745

Even if they were to get normal wages, it still pushes the supply up. The reason wages haven't kept up with inflation or productivity since the 1970s has everything to do with the massive increase in population due to immigration. This only benefits one class of people.

>> No.12457756

Unironically, the middle class does better when there is less prime age workers around. See post-Black Death, post-WW1, post-WW2, etc.

>> No.12457773

>less prime age workers
Nice grammar, faggot. Really makes me think you know what you're talking about.

>> No.12457775


>> No.12457777
File: 1.14 MB, 680x849, No brakes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>go to trump’s country
>>they serve deportation
i'll take the who lot
>Good. GTFO unless you have skills to offer.

>> No.12457860

But the male strip club we went to afterwards was great. I sucked a big nigger cock because I'm a disgusting fag.

>> No.12457880
File: 317 KB, 1356x1360, EB6670EB-27C9-4984-BFA2-6B7AA26354D0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck. Anon make a prediction now

>> No.12457883

The only annoying part about him is the Twitter shit. If he just shut up and kept going, I honestly dont have an issue with his presidency. The trade war with China is long overdue, same with dealing with the southern border. People just dont like actually having to deal with the reality of the issues

>> No.12457892

I'm kinda glad 4chan brought back an ancient dead religion but I wish they had done it in a less autistic fashion.

>> No.12457896

Where do u think u r

>> No.12457904
File: 95 KB, 1024x778, 1558940283139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a succulent Chinese meal you say?

>> No.12457930

Lefty gtfo with your nonsensical name talking. 4chan is a based center right discussion forum. Take your close mindedness elsewhere.

>> No.12457970

Border control is a lazy solution, actually fucking do something to fix the sorry state of Mexico and people will stop rushing in.

>> No.12457984

Central America is the bigger issue

>> No.12459550
File: 125 KB, 962x962, IMG_20190604_201915_263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to trump's country
>they serve justice

>> No.12459713

>go to trump's hotel
Well there's your problem. At least it's a step up from several hours old cold Berders.

>> No.12459733

Is that the bed the Russian prostitute pissed on? Is that why Ivanka is so subdued?