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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 36 KB, 390x285, food-10-390x285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12437233 No.12437233 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck kind of shitfuck germophobe bullshit has convinced anyone anywhere that food needs to be prepared with gloves. You think every bit of every ingredient down the line that led to that fucking pizza being a pizza was prepared in the most meticulously sanitary way possible? Did someone replace your fucking brain with a pair of rubber fucking gloves?

There are PISS and SHIT particles flying around your face literally right this second. If you could see microscopically you'd see dozens of disgusting bacteria and virus' floating in and out of you every time you breath. do you wear a facemask everywhere you go? You absolute limpdicked pansy.
Guess what? You eat a pizza with your hands you fucking monkey. Your very own piss and shit influenza and cum covered meat fucking hooks that you touch your face with multiple times a day. At least the kitchen staff has the wherewithal to wash their fucking hands unlike you, you fucking troglodyte.

How the fuck do you think humanity's survived to this point without your precious rubber fucking gloves. You're pathetic. Never eat at any restaurant ever again cause the only ones that use your shitass glove pansy bullshit are the shit smeared fast food restaurants where you're eating lettuce imported from fucking Bangladeshi dirt farmers that wipe their ass with their hands before tossing your precious clean vegetables in the truck.

Have fun drinking your soylent in your hermetically sealed pussy chamber, faggot.

>> No.12437257

As angry as OP is acting, I still agree with him.
Gloves are there to make the customers feel better in places where they can see the workers making food. And, gloves can actually be more dangerous due to people thinking their hands are clean just from wearing the gloves and they handle other things (equipment, phones, cash registers, etc.) with their gloves on and go back to handling food.
Those are what actually prevent contamination.

>> No.12437289
File: 1.49 MB, 3407x1399, 230-dollar-arttisinal-cast-iron-skillet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LPT: heating up your cast iron after cleaning removes all bacterial contamination.
just throw a thin layer of organic flaxseed oil in there and spread it around, then put it over a burner until the oil starts to smoke. wipe and store.
wa la

>> No.12437350

agreed. if your immune system is that weak you'll die eating food at a restaurant then go ahead and die you old boomer fuckheads

>> No.12437379

Thank you for your contribution, Mr JIDF-man

>> No.12438816

Washing your hands will never be as clean as gloves, if I walked into a restaurant and saw they weren't wearing gloves i'd walk right out.

>> No.12438824

>found the "speak to the manager" pussy

>> No.12438867

My dumbass boomer parents are convinced you are not supposed to use wood cutting boards for meat. Every time they see me using one they give me shit about it no matter how much I tell them it's perfectly fine. The only evidence they have is that supposedly restaurants aren't allowed to use them and some boomer mumbo jumbo about how bacteria "goes into" the wood. It's mcfucking retarded.

>> No.12438918

Did you try to explain to them that wood is naturally antibacterial? You wash the board and let it dry out completely and you're fine. The reason they don't use them in restaurants is because they don't have time to let the boards dry out before using again, so it's a waste of resources and a possible contaminant. Restaurant rules are not the same as home rules when it comes to cooking, restaurants have to do things very differently.

>> No.12439042

I did in fact. I even told them to look it up and research it for themselves. They're too boomer retarded to figure it out.