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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 153 KB, 800x800, factory farm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12435561 No.12435561 [Reply] [Original]

Before you cook another piece of meat - doesn't matter if it's beef, pork, chicken, or fish - you really need to take just a brief look at "factory farming" and have a good look at what happens to produce that meat. Just do a Googly or Youtube search for "factory farming", it's really eye-opening.

>> No.12435563

What if I don't care at all about the animal suffering, unless it affects the quality of the meat?

>> No.12435568

Then you’re a chinaman

>> No.12435569

Fuck you, I do what I want!

>> No.12435572

Much better than a massacring enslaving white guy I guess

>> No.12435576

Nobody cares, yawn.
I love inexpensive meat, I can eat more of it. Even my cat and dog can eat human-grade meat at these prices, factory farming is a fucking miracle that should be worshiped.

>> No.12435609

>not ripping the throat out of the animal yourself
Fucking pussies, if you don't have the balls to kill the animal yourself you dont deserve meat

>> No.12436139
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it's still unironically my favourite sauce of all time

>> No.12436160

I remember a while ago watching a YouTube video of pigs being buried alive in a large pit, it was a fun video, can anyone find it? It was titled something in Chinese

>> No.12436173

Inb4 that autist triggered by the term factory farming shows up

>> No.12436477

t. tortured bees with a magnifying glass when in grade school

>> No.12436479

>you really need to
No, you don't. If you don't want to get a career in animal welfare or regulation, or farming, then your efforts to restrict your own diet to eliminate whole food groups are just damaging your own health. Don't be stupid.

>> No.12436489

I get my meat from a high class grocery store they don't do this

>> No.12436490 [DELETED] 

It’s better to be kind to animals than kind to niggers

Niggers don’t deserve kindness

>> No.12436494

Why would I buy factory farmed meat? Im not a midwesterner or a mexican .

>> No.12436497

Thats very specific.

>> No.12436511

Eliminating meat and other animal products from your diet would be extremely healthy. Aside from quitting smoking that is probably the best thing you could do for your long term health. If meat is a "food group" then so is candy.

>> No.12436515

According to what, veganism dot com?

>> No.12436539

This kind of low IQ understanding of how nutrition works, combined with irrelevant odds/statistics from an underdeveloped frontal lobe might be how you make decisions, but it's both fallacy.
It's fine to eliminate whole food groups for reasons of religion or not wanting to participate in animal cruelty, but they are the only reasons. It's not going to be scientifically sound to be for health reasons, no matter your thoughts otherwise. You have canine teeth, kiddo. Eat a varied diet that focuses on variety and balance that with exercise.

>> No.12436660

damn, tell it like it is

>> No.12436663

I have other things to do.

>> No.12436731

>implying everyone buys from factory farms
do vegans really?

>> No.12436740

the Chinese bugmen think increasing the suffering of an animal makes meat taste better so you are fundamentally incorrect since most Westerners believe adrenaline released before death makes meat taste worse

>> No.12436853

>not growing all of your own fruits, nuts, vegetables and grains yourself

Fucking pussies, if you don't have the balls to grow all of your own food then you don’t deserve to eat.

>> No.12436854

civilization is built upon agriculture you halfwit

>> No.12436879

Whats your point? My point is that everyone has a different job that they specialise in then they sell that product or service to others who are too busy doing other things do do it themselves. Expecting people to slaughter their own meat is no different than expecting everyone to grow every plant they consume, its a ridiculous argument.

>> No.12436894

Based, that's how I can get my meat so cheap and affordable!
Thanks for the info, I can really appreciate my food now. Some really clever people worked hard to make it so efficient.

>> No.12436898

I work with a vegan. When she started, I basically discounted her and thought she was going to be a big bitch and a big pussy.
While she is both of those things, we've come to be pretty good friends. We've had a few short discussions on veganism but normally it doesn't go anywhere. She shows me videos of dying, abused calves from factory farms, and I tell her about boiling a live lobster at home. We sit next to each other at work while she eats cubed avocado mixed with fries and smothered in ketchup, and I'm eating a rapini salad with sesame and chili tuna with a boiled egg.

It's a weird friendship. I wish I could impress upon her the level of propaganda that she listens to, but there's no point. She's pretty smart but, like everyone, succumbs to confirmation bias pretty hard.

She still can't explain why humans have only one stomach and incisor and canine teeth, and she believes AHA-peddled but scientifically disproven nonsense about dietary cholesterol being the same as and directly proportional to serum cholesterol. She describes herself as an "ethical vegan" but still really pushes the "health benefits" of veganism. I think she just blindly accepts the faux-science of "health veganism" out of desperation and personal justification.

If it's me or the pig, I choose me.

>> No.12436908

then why would you make the argument?
you're not exactly a nobel prize candidate I take it...

>> No.12436924
File: 29 KB, 480x360, coffee harvest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Before you make another cup of coffee- doesn't matter if it's insta, boiled, pressed, or espresso- you really need to take just a brief look at "coffee harvesting" and have a good look at what happens to produce that coffee. Just do a Googly or Youtube search for "coffee child labor", it's really eye-opening.
So are you stopping consuming coffee too?
Or cocoa?
Or tea?
Or your Superfood-of-the-month from some poor third world tropic shithole?
I thought so you stupid vegan

>> No.12436930

Are you retarded? I think you might be, probably lack of b12. Sad.

>> No.12436938

Can she explain why she'd rather exploit the underpaid labour of some Mexican-cartel slave with no health coverage to eat her avocado to get her precious proteins in affordable prices instead of buying homegrown meat by people living comfortably above the poverty line?

>> No.12436944
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>my beans may have been touched by loli feet

>> No.12436963

Yes. She has an iPhone too and buys plastic packaging from stores. I don't buy Apple products and try to buy Made in America or in Europe whenever possible.

Her argument - "You must pick and choose your battles." I agree with that. You can't be completely ethically pious and still engage with society in any meaningful form. I choose not to support slave labor and she chooses not to support animal cruelty.

>> No.12437013
File: 590 KB, 693x907, mad birb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ummm sweatie, you must pick and choose your battles.
>*sips organic handpicked tea*
>Animals are better than people anyway

Be a good person and tell her she is a sociopath and that she picks the wrong battles
Tell her that water deposits run dry and people have to leave their ancestral land so the new fad fruit of the suburban lifestyle can be grown on bulk and shipped out on her fucking name
Tell her that your meal is 100% people abuse free and she is a colonial cunt that would be flogging slaves on the corn fields if she was born 150 years ago

>> No.12437023

As I am not a pussy like you, I don' t give to shits. We evolved, animals didn' t. So bye-bye, animals!

Hmmm, juicy steaks!

>> No.12437030
File: 435 KB, 1920x1080, Hotdogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Born to Die
Kill em all 2019
I am carnist Man
410,757,864,530 DEAD ANIMALS

>> No.12437037

I raise my own pigs and lambs and kill them by my own hand you cuck

>> No.12437071

Actually unironically based. I respect you and wish I had the means for a small holding. One day.

>> No.12437082

>by my own hand you cuck
tfw you will never guillotine choke a fully grown pig with your burly manly arms

>> No.12437222

I would factory farm your fucking open eyes

>> No.12437230
File: 136 KB, 1200x900, 1555271819215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the most part only niggers and other poor people do, and thanks to the resulting population boom from abundance of food they're basically dependent on it at this point.

>> No.12437235

OR you could choose pastured meats, dairy, and eggs. Problem solved. The more people that start switching to certified pastured products, the sooner factory farming will be over. Money(aka profits) = change.

>> No.12437273

Nice blogpost, Carol

>> No.12437355

There is no objective "right battle" to pick.
Anyway, that's a lot of big talk from someone like you, who supports both animal cruelty and slave labor. Don't pretend to be holier-than-thou when you undoubtedly help neither animals nor people in your day-to-day life, conceited faggot.

>> No.12437362

I'm surprised you found time to shitpost on 4chan. The typical busy vegan schedule is just packed with moral superiority on social media, bringing up your crusade in unrelated conversations, and killing your pets and kids with your retarded dietary choices.

>> No.12437397
File: 108 KB, 600x530, 1454084193531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idgaf I just preach the preacher

>> No.12437400
File: 447 KB, 1000x667, whole-Chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't matter if it's beef, pork, chicken, or fis
it does matter if im whole roasting a whole chicken in a 230.

>> No.12437731
File: 3.18 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20171202_192104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That chicken is poorly cooked. Like the oven was too cold. It has a slimy undercooked skin.

>> No.12437743

i have, the meat still tastes the same.

>> No.12437752

>muh canine teeth
Yeah gorillas have them too, you stupid fuckface. Are you 12?

>> No.12438355

this is frightening
it looks like someone scooped up the woods and baked it

>> No.12438371

I love steak and I eat ass.

Fuck you.

>> No.12438379

>you really need to take just a brief look
I really don't actually

>> No.12438380

go vegan

>> No.12438462

If we stopped eating every food that had some hippy "cause" behind it, 98% of the world would starve to death. Especially the anti-GMO shit. Any method or technology that makes safe food cheap and plentiful is a necessity for human life on this planet. The only other option is genocide.

Save the pigs, or the save the humans. Your choice. But FYI, Costco's bacon is fantastic and available at a great price.

>> No.12438473

My HOA specifically prohibits raising swine and poulty. :( Fucking HOAs.

>> No.12438476

>Eliminating meat and other animal products from your diet would be extremely healthy.
Oh god, here we go ...

>> No.12438509

Either bait or you're retarded and s o y has rot your brain. No wonder vegans are such low energy cucks, most of them must be anemic

>> No.12438724
File: 37 KB, 497x550, bigpot6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12438997

yeah and fucking hilarious

look at the chicks that land on the wrong side, they get some serious air

>> No.12439789

Nobody fucking cares.
Go to an actual overpopulated country like India or Kenya and practice your jewish tricks there.

>> No.12439822

>it's really eye-opening.

What's eye opening exactly? Were you dropped as a child or something that you weren't aware that the animals you eat were previously alive?

>> No.12439837

Okay and now what?
Did you think your emotional argument would win over my emotional love for meat?

>> No.12439839


Yikes and cringepilled.

>> No.12440360

If you don't give a fuck about harming animals you should go vegan- it kills a staggering uncountable number of insects and animals, in the slowest most tortuous way (slow death by pesticides and rodecides) as a vegan you can actually laugh at their deaths with your other unfeeling vegan comrades!



>> No.12440374
File: 484 KB, 500x282, tumblr_mf8cor9BgE1rsm741o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are no farms or artistinal hipster faggot butcher shops anywhere at all in the Midwest

>> No.12440465

it was actually ants thank you very much
like what, jerk off on 4chan
>living in HOA area

>> No.12440478

I worked briefly at a cattle slaughter house. After they kill them and bleed them, they put them through a machine that blasts off the skin with high pressured steam/water.

It smelt so damn good, like fresh hamburgers. It'd make me go grab a burger on my lunches.

>> No.12440479

HOA's are a racket founded by developers to keep neighborhoods appealing until they're done building. That's all they care about. Half of the neighborhoods in middle Tennessee are controlled by the same HOA company that manages each subdivision individually as subsidiaries, which are then managed by busy-bodies that wield power that they have no business wielding. It is impossible to get away from HOAs if you want to live anywhere civilized.

>> No.12440492

>He doesn't know.
Anon, the woke crowd already classifies Chinese as Wh*te

>> No.12440495

Looks delicious, thanks!

>> No.12440497

Plus they keep the dirty people out.

>> No.12440829

The HOA boards ARE the dirty people. These are the people you don't want to live next to.

>> No.12441372

I rounded up two lambs off my farm today, probably the ideal of well raised meat, free range grass fed you name it. I patted them on the head and said hey mate I'm going to kill you tonight and they snorted at me like don't touch me you disgusting human, after I kept them alive. I came back after I finished my work and cut their throats and hung them up to drain the blood, tomorrow I will send them to a butcher and get 40kg worth of meat every restaurant cut of lamb you can think of plus sausages and mince.

I sell these for 9 bucks a kilo in carcass weight about 20kg per lamb. But if I go to the supermarket its 40 bucks for one leg.

Simple thing is most people are out of touch with where their food comes from

>> No.12441375

no not this cancerous thread that pops up on every board

>> No.12441422

The animals have thrived. We are in a symbiosis lasting many thousands of years with those animals who provide us with meat, milk, eggs, clothing, fertilizer, those who help us to hunt or herd, those who help us to plough the fields to grow crops, those who transport us.

>> No.12441431

the majority of slave owners were jews

>> No.12441481

I dont fucking care
Wake me when actual humans are being abused

>> No.12441484

You think they aren't? I hope you don't use electronics or wear clothing.

>> No.12441508

Factory farming is more efficient than free-range

>> No.12441635

The original HOAs were racial covenants which wrote into the deeds that a neighborhood had to remain white, perpetually, forever. They worked perfectly, but some libtard president shut them down and nullified the contracts, and so many cities and neighborhoods were lost.

>> No.12441918

>Being this newfag to the internet

>> No.12441928

We force-evolved the animals into what they are now. Farm pigs, cows, and chickens are all very different from the wild animals we made them out of.

>> No.12441934

>Thinks this was a good thing
What that did was isolate minorities, especially blacks, into areas where they couldn't get loans, buy property, and build wealth, which locked them into intergenerational poverty.

>> No.12441938

Don't care nerd. Huge population + huge demand for meat = hugely efficient meat production process.

>> No.12441963

I can get chicken thighs at almost under $1 a pound.

Organic gayrange thighs? 4-5x as much. Now imagine if "inhumane" conditions were banned and then everyone had to raise shit that cost 4-5x as much when market was flooded with low cost alternatives that are now gone.

Ya I REALLY want to pay 30 dollars for a whole fucking chicken LMAO.

>> No.12442012

That was the Fair Housing Act. Whatever power HOA's may have, they must abide by the Fair Housing Act which cover race, religion, kids, etc etc. In some states, like California, it extends to "gender" and sexual orientation.

>> No.12442016

Have you been under a rock?
Just look at the American president if you want to see human abuse.

>> No.12442018

I just ate a whole 1.7kg chicken and 500g of bacon. Fuck vegans.

>> No.12442031
File: 34 KB, 129x99, 1550656644025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks pretty comfy to be honest

>> No.12442033

Sounds like you're a real fatty.

>> No.12442037

6’0. 162lb

What now.

>> No.12442063
File: 97 KB, 800x533, 1549226463826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100% of the time only show you the emotional traumatizing images of the factory farms.
>NEVER show you the cows on grass soaking up the sun
>Vegans also never show the pigs they literally massacre.

Vegans = 100% hypocrites 100% of he time.

>> No.12442065

I'm frothing at the mouth and seething right now
I want to go back to my grandpa's farm.. I'm not made for this concrete prison

>> No.12442072


No. You can't make me. I'm going to fry up some burgers now.

Enjoy being a butthurt faggot.

>> No.12442080


Have sex.

>> No.12442304
File: 332 KB, 964x1216, article-2211498-154CB44E000005DC-153_964x1216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some sobbing liberal propaganda

You're right, because black cities are truly thriving since all the restrictions were lifted. Blacks also don't pay back loans you idiot that's why banks have to be forced by law to give them free money.

>> No.12442323

>Dipshit thinks just lifting the laws changes the economic circumstances they created

>> No.12442331

Weak, dumb, vegan scum.
I'd eat you if I knew I could get away with it, you fucking prey.

>> No.12442350

fuck animals they are the niggers of the food chain i don't give a fuck how they get on my plate as long as they get there in the end

>> No.12442429
File: 143 KB, 853x481, Detroit-after-60-years-of-Progressives1_24002ccd70b487147e1ef774ae48b70d-e1531172022294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Race hustler apprentice hones his double-speak on online forum.

I'm sure you will be able to get a great job as an professional liberal crybaby.

>> No.12442466

Sure thing, dickhead. I guess ignoring history for your racist memes is pretty par for the course.

>> No.12442478

>ignoring history
that's you m8

>> No.12442738

No, it's still you. You're ignoring how the US government fundamentally trapped blacks into poverty zones, which prevented them from building wealth, and also trapped them into school districts with very little funding because property taxes are the primary funding source.

You're ignoring that even after the FHA was passed, black communities were heavily targeted for police action, especially for drugs, which has lead to a multigenerational imprisonment culture. (Nixon literally started his War on Drugs targeting Heroin to be able to harm his political enemies in the anti-war and black communities)

So, can you articulate your claims in any way that actually counter the facts of history without going "cuz dey r sunhumans durr"?

>> No.12442774

Not the guy you've been talking to, but if you think that problem with blacks only happen in the us where they were isolated then you are very wrong.
First of all, isolating a community is not an excuse for drug bullshit, see Koreans, Ching-Chongs, or even the French in Cucknada.
Secondly, the problem with blacks having problems with being part of any sort of western society is also prevalent in every state of europe. Even if you exclude France and their banlieues, blacks are less intelligent (both subjectively AND objectively, aka grades in school), have lower impulse controll, are far more often drug-dealers and consumers, and commit more crime in general.
I'm not judging them though, as I think that both intellect AND moral character are 95% biological. Their situation, and everyone elses, would only improve if the gooberment would start to treat them not as poor minorities that have been oppressed whitey bad dindu gud lmao, but with the assumption that they are actually responsible for their actions.

>> No.12442813
File: 14 KB, 269x187, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. Isolate Chinese and Koreans in any neighborhood and watch them proceed to get rich as fuck. They never need a handout or complain.

Blacks ruin cities all over the globe from Detroit to Johannesburg. Just by being there.

>> No.12442816

better than being a cuck.

>> No.12442870

>Stormfront memes

>> No.12442941

im more of a redditor type yknow is there a rick and morty short too it?????????
t. 18 year old doomer

>> No.12443177

>systemic racism and jim crow apartheid dindu nuffin'

>> No.12443194
File: 3.24 MB, 480x270, 1559678060650.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Before you cook another piece of meat - doesn't matter if it's beef, pork, chicken, or fish - you really need to take just a brief look at "factory farming" and have a good look at what happens to produce that meat. Just do a Googly or Youtube search for "factory farming", it's really eye-opening.

>> No.12443199
File: 487 KB, 763x614, Mcfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its the Mcdonalds McChicken!

>> No.12443200

Vegans want to make all farm animals go extinct. Go vegan if you want to kill animals

>> No.12444108

>dude haha animal ded
>call me when pepel human r abused

Both of you are cucks. The true pill is not giving a fuck whether animals or humans were abused or harmed in the production of goods.

>> No.12444125
File: 75 KB, 197x415, 1554491039936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who fuckin cares dude

>> No.12444129

What do you think animals eat you fuckin retard

I'm a devoted omnivore but this has to be the single dumbest argument of all time

>> No.12444232

Maddox turned into a huge faggot over the last few years. Honestly looking back he was always a fag

>> No.12444301

OP's picture is a transport truck.. do you suggest they ride in the cab

>> No.12445029
File: 232 KB, 1300x866, 94888671-cows-grazing-on-green-pasture-in-dolomites-mountains-italy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For the six millionth time
>You fucking imbecile