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12434137 No.12434137 [Reply] [Original]

How do we save traditional American food from extinction?

>> No.12434150

>inb4 flyover vs coastie bullshit
It's not going anywhere, desu.

>> No.12434151

Kill all soibois

>> No.12434152

You don't. If it's facing extinction, it's not worthy of survival.

>> No.12434157

As long as small towns in the Midwest exist it will never die.

>> No.12434175

I hope that guy who shops SoyFace onto everything does it on one of the peas in the OP

>> No.12434186

If you look at what was considered traditional food of _____ 200 or even 100 years ago, you will notice that it's constantly changing dependant on various influences.
Tomatoes and potatoes were unknown in 1500 in either Italy or Ireland.

>> No.12434197

Curtail immigration and urbanism. City culture and newcomer flavors give imprints.

>> No.12434209

Ahh yes, the traditional American food that is a blend of German, Native American, and Mesopotamian foods.

>> No.12434210

Am I alone in my refusal to call chicken fried steak "country" fried steak? Even in the south where I live places will have it written down as "country fried" in their menu. I consistently call it chicken fried when ordering and have not once gotten a confused waiter in return.

>> No.12434216

It's all good man if you just want a little bit of chicken fried and cold beer on a Friday night.

>> No.12434217

So kys u fagget

>> No.12434219

have sex

>> No.12434250

I just had that for lunch, but with eggs and hash browns and tomato slices

Was yum af, the thicc college waitress was there and she called me by my name

>> No.12434252

I have lived in texas and multiple areas in the south for 30 years and never in my life have I seen a chicken fried steak called country fried, I'm very curious where you saw this

>> No.12434259

You save the trad American. The rest will follow.

>> No.12434260

Apparently the difference between country fried and chicken fried is the type of gravy used.

>> No.12434261

have children

>> No.12434262

Georgia and North Florida. Snowbirds suck.

>> No.12434279

They are interchangeable. At least in california. You only get one thing when you ask for either. But i do want to try some texans understanding of CFS I bet it tastes amazing.

>> No.12435206

Have higher standards for it. All these Grandmothers that never learned how to cook properly making these dishes leads to people only viewing them as bland 'comfort food'.

If an actual high class Chef did a proper take on classic American food then it would give it some greatly needed legitimacy. Similar things have happened with many different cuisines already.

>> No.12435216

Do you not live in the USA? There are plenty of high quality americana restaurants.

>> No.12435225

Kill me yourself, you coward.

>> No.12435239

I just bought some Tyson Chicken Fried Steaks. Yeah it's not the best but it's quick and easy to cook while I make gravy.

>> No.12435240

There are nice American restaurants, but American cuisine is seen as a step lower than something like Italian or better yet, French.
Unless some 'champion' chef starts to really show off the quality of American food it will be viewed as something lower.

I love American Cuisine, something like BBQ is incredibly underrated in terms of complexity and quality. But I recognize that it is looked down upon.

>> No.12435250

No need. It was bland and boring.

>> No.12435259

"Fancy" American food is basically just expensive steak.

>> No.12435277

Traditional American food is beans, squash, corn, acorns, and pecans.

>> No.12435300

Kys yourself soy fag

>> No.12435313

That's only due to stereotyping. There is a great variety to American food.

Gumbo can compete with the best of Old World Seafood soups. American seafood isn't recognized as much as it should be. Plentiful Lake-fish and sea-fish to prevent monotony, along with the Rivers and Streams for wild fish.
American meat is the best outside of Japan, and even then the variety of preparation and quality is underappreciated. The variety of BBQ for example, is great and that is only one preparation. Also underrated is the quality of American steaks like you mentioned.
Flora-wise, American wines can compete and exceed the French ones. And American Produce is top-tier, California is one of the most productive places in the world and the quality that comes out of there is not to be looked down upon.
American Dairy is great as well.

Everything is set up for American Cuisine to be great, all it needs is for someone to show it off.

>> No.12435324

Coasties, Canadians, flyovers, snowbirds, Europeans etc etc will all be uniting when shit hits the fucking fan. Together we're unbeatable

>> No.12435347

America has the best oysters in the world. Specifically those from Apalachicola Bay. Louisiana and Texas oysters are good, too, but the best of the best in the whole planet are from North Florida.

>> No.12435365

good posts dude

>> No.12435373

Thank you.

>> No.12435374

Then we did the world a favor and hit the natives with the genocide stick and brought in beef and pork.

>> No.12435384

Anyone looking down on American bbq is a complete moron who thinks bbq = grilling with propane.

>> No.12435424

That's what I'm saying. BBQ is one of the most interesting preparations of meat and is one of the best showcases of a cook's effort, a well made brisket is one of the most delicious ways to cook beef.
But compare the attitude people have towards Pit-masters and towards say a chef at a French Steakhouse (Steak Frites is a signature Parisian dish of course). One will be viewed as a high class chef and the other as a 'hick'. You can figure out who's who I'm sure.

I'm not degrading Non-American Cuisine here and am trying to avoid implying that I look down upon it, I'm just trying to draw attention to American Cuisine.

>> No.12435447

I think the main issue is that most of the interesting foods in America are from the rural south and even in America, people outside of the south just hate them from absolutely no reason.

>> No.12435457


>> No.12435480

hah, we eat meat that's breaded like that every week in uruguay. beef, chicken, pork, or even sometimes, if we're feeling disgusting (or if it is good friday, when you cannot eat red meats) we fry fish like that.
i think calling that an 'american' meal is like calling a boiled potato a british invention.

>> No.12435501

go vegan

>> No.12435516
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quiet or i'll chicken fry you

>> No.12435522

sounds tasty and uruguaypilled

>> No.12435538

I agree ,the dismissal of Southern Culture has lead to an entire branch of cookery to be forgotten, That's not even counting the larger scale ramifications of the hatred of the South in America.

One fantastic branch that is all but ignored is wild game. I grew up eating tons of venison, perch, walleye, wild turkey, and trout. All absolutely fantastic meats, America is one of the greatest places that aren't named Russia and Canada for game. But outside of gimmick restaurants, meats like venison and walleye, both plentiful in home kitchens, are forgotten. Even farmed versions of these foods would help set apart American Cuisine and add a layer of authenticity to the whole experience. A focus on what is 'American' rather than a co-opting of French and Italian dishes would help to set American cooking apart.

>> No.12435549

>absolutely no reason.

Read a book published after 1900. Or better yet a newspaper.

>hatred of the South in America

bawwww snowflake shit.

>> No.12435567

This is exactly what I was talking about.

>> No.12435578

The South is the poorest place in America, I will not disagree with you. It has an unfortunate habit of dragging the nation down when it gets its way, I agree with you. But the total ostracism of the area has lead to people forgetting of the good parts of it. Of which there are a great, great many.

This is a cooking board so I'll focus on the cooking, the South has some of the most authentically American foods in the nation. It doesn't attempt to be French like North Eastern Cuisine so often tries, nor is is heavily influenced by Hispanic dishes like South Western Cuisine, If you are looking for something to call 'American Food' and you didn't want to have a great argument then Southern Food would be your first choice. BBQ for example, while it borrows from other area's methods is an almost uniquely American style of preparation what with the great varieties in saucing and serving.

For the context of this thread, the dislike of the South hurts American Food a lot. For the nation as a whole the hatred of the South causes damage that is difficult to repair.

>> No.12435594

The North's aggression towards the South is the reason for every problem the South has. The North has consistently, prior to and after the Civil War, sapped the South of its food and manpower while doing nothing but paying them back with vitriol and condescension. The bad things about the South that you mention are because of the North. The good things are because of those down there that refuse to give up their culture.

>> No.12435606

Lets avoid getting too far into revisionism, please. This is not the place to have a debate about the intra-national politics of the North and South, this is a cooking board, but the idea that the North was the only party at fault is propaganda spread by the Daughters of the Confederacy and other Southern Intelligentsia in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Please kill it with the vitriol, its bad for your heart. IF you want to discuss the North and South lets talk foods from both areas.

>> No.12435616

The mere fact of the matter is that the south plays the victim all day while maintaining this absurd double standard of turbo masculinity. Nobody likes a hypocrite and after so many years, people are understandably sick of it.

Act like shit, get treated like shit. The southern US is the probably the least empathetic place in the entire world but expect everyone else to feel bad for their plight despite being largely responsible for it themselves.

Thanks for the cornbread recipes and such but you're not special at all. Cajun cuisine is a derivative ripoff, bbq came from somewhere else, grilled cheese and soup is french. Goober peas and breaded flank steak are a highly cherished cultural item? fucking please.

>> No.12435624

It's not even just the "north". Everybody in every direction dislikes you.

>> No.12435625

You tell me to cool it with the vitriol and then this guy says this shit: >>12435616

>> No.12435633

It's called "chicken fried" because you fry it like you would a piece of chicken. Fuck off with your "country fried" bullshit amigo.

>> No.12435640

He came after our comments.

Chill my guy, this is not the place to argue like this. Go to /his/ or r/askhistorians if you want to have a historical debate. There are people that are more willing to have this conversation there. Makes some posts about food, thats the topic at hand.

>> No.12435648

As someone from the south white people like you are the reason the south sucks. White people in the south are worthless shits that can't get over the fact that they have no industry when they couldn't rely on slave labor.

All the good food and music of the south was invented by black people. Everything recent that is coming out the south culinary wise is heavily influenced by hispanics.

Pretty much everything of importance going on in the south is from people who went north and got educated, people who migrated south from the north, and the minorities starting businesses despite the entrenched political class of worthless white people that try their hardest to make sure nobody that all the non-whites are as atleast as shitty and stupid as they are.

>> No.12435659

>muh black people invented everything

Go eat your fucking gizzards and chitlins and fuck off

>> No.12435662

Hey I brought up cornbread. And I'm as chill as can be while sitting here halfway to drunk. I just can't sit idly by as you southern snowflakes continually substitute in this weird alternate reality where you're the victim of all the mean bullies who surround you and steal all your stuff. It's fucking pathetic my guy.

>> No.12435664

What do you think of something like Mac and cheese when compared to an Italian dish like cacio e pepe? Do you think with proper preparation and marketing Mac an Cheese could be viewed in the same positive light that cacio e pepe is, (that it is a respectable dish), or is it doomed in America because it is a domestic dish rather than a foreign one?

>> No.12435666

He's not even wrong. You literally are why your neighbors and community members suck so bad. At some point, when you think everyone else is being the asshole, it's worth examining yourself.

>> No.12435669

>Its impossible for a black person to ever achieve anything better than my shit life

You're a typical white southerner

>> No.12435672

not him but cacio e pepe isn't respected unless you make the pasta yourself

how the fuck would you even make macaroni lol

>> No.12435680
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>shit pulled from a box vs handmade pasta

>> No.12435681

Continue projecting

>> No.12435682

I'm a Northern Boy (WNY) and rather proud of it, but I can appreciate the good qualities of the South when separated from the poor ones.

Mainly I am attempting to keep this thread in as good of shape as can be. This thread is about how to 'save' American food, not if Southerners are evil or not.

What can we do to Gumbo to get it on the level of something like Bouillabaisse?

>> No.12435689

They sell pasta extruders for less than $40.

>> No.12435693

I would say gumbo is better, its literally only the perception of the white southerners holding it back

>> No.12435696

Learn your history. It was the blending that brought out the best in all of it, black, white(primarily French and Spanish), hispanic, and native american. It was the melting pot that made it great.

>> No.12435698

continue being shit and enjoying welfare just like the coloreds you decry.

>mudbugs and rice
it's never going to be on the level on italian food. not in taste. not in refinement. not in history. not in anything.

>> No.12435704

literally proving my point

I pay a shit ton of taxes and work my ass off

>> No.12435705

Bouillabaisse isn't Italian its Provencal French.

>> No.12435711

You do realize that Cajun is French methods and recipes adapted to New World ingredients, right?

>> No.12435712

I'm sorry that I even mentioned the North's pathological hatred for the South. Seems just talking about it is enough to get them to go insane.

>> No.12435713

Whats your salary

>> No.12435718

One of the areas of greatest improvement for American cooking is in bread. American bread that isn't a copy of a Old World bread that is actually good is hard to come by.
Do we have to accept that Europeans have figured out the best ways to make bread and copying them makes the most sense, or it there room for innovation?

>> No.12435722

>misread bouillabaisse as bolognese
sub french for italian and the point still stands. Like i said, i'm approaching drunk.

You pay such a horseshit little amount of taxes compared to the rest of the developed world. You're such a peabrain that you think everything around you just manifested itself for free.

>> No.12435725

This is the path of ignorance, stagnation, regression, closed-mindedness, and ultimately death. To cling to the old ways is to wither away as a species on our one planet. Wonderful and amazing as it is, mankind has the potential to see many worlds beyond our home Earth. And yet you would want for people to live in ignorance knowing only a small portion of their own nation. That is why I will never understand nationalism. There is so much more out there, even just on Earth. But we could have the stars.

>> No.12435747

A long History behind a certain dish does not a good food make. Eastern and Northern European food is just as old as French food but is known for its questionable quality.
French food is held back by its adherence to tradition, many of the best French Chefs are those that aren't French by ethnicity or simply don't cling to tradition. Black Pepper was once 'Un-French'.

American Food is innovative in spirit, just like Americans are. This innovation should give it an edge over other styles when put into the right hands.

>> No.12435752

After traveling a lot, there are some specific sandwiches that are better in Asia and Europe but the sandwich overall (especially any sandwich where the meat is cold but also a lot of hot sandwiches) is best in the north eastern corridor or the United states. As I've gotten older I've realized this is mostly because of the bread.

>> No.12435754

Unnecessary, it's getting more popular on its own.

>> No.12435756 [DELETED] 
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Fuck yankees and FUCK NIGGERS

>> No.12435766

The bread found in American deli's is great, but it is often times just an American take on a European style. I'm asking is there a realistic possibility for Americans to develop a style of bread just as good as European styles, without being a copy or rip-off.
Or have the best varieties of bread already been developed? And we have to produce them at the highest quality possible.

>> No.12435826

I'll give you everything in this post except American dairy. There is nothing at all remarkable about American dairy.

>> No.12435843

Yankees are nigger loving faggots and so are jannies.

>> No.12435847

The important ones will stay relevant. But honestly, theres not much to salvage. The 20th century really held back american cuisine. Our best are still recipes immigrants grandmothers brought with them

>> No.12435849

Wisconsin, Vermont, New York, and other American cheese producing areas create products that are a preform highly in the 'competitions' when they occur, able to match the Europeans.

Milk wise I'm pretty sure that America has the most cows outside of maybe India. Quantity has a quality all of its own.

>> No.12435854

Spam will live forever. Literally. 100 years from now you will be able to safely open a can made today and eat it.

>> No.12435863

>traditional American food
Why would you want to preserve bastardized versions of European dishes? The only good thing to ever come from American "cuisine" is the American version of barbecue.

>> No.12435864

american barbecue will always be the best?

>> No.12435867

>all it needs is for someone to show it off.
>every hipsters around the world buys it
>jack up the price by 5
Be careful what you wish for.

>> No.12435879


>> No.12435892

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.12435930

>American Food is innovative in spirit, just like Americans are. This innovation should give it an edge over other styles when put into the right hands.
Did you salute the flag while typing this?

>> No.12435939

God you're full of shit

>> No.12435941

LMAOing at your poor opinions. America has both shit bread and shitty sandwiches.

>> No.12435946

american food will remain safe as long as based rednecks and blacks exist

>> No.12436093 [DELETED] 

I grew up in the south, and can 100% say niggers are the reason I moved and why the south still has issues. Largest concentration of useless niggers in the country.

>> No.12436162

>traditional and American in the same sentence


>> No.12436171

We can't. We don't. The future is no America. The English language is gone after 200 years at most. It will be for ancient language students thenceforth. It can't be helped. You wanted globalization because it made your electronics cheap, and this is the end result.

>> No.12437878

As a Mexican I enjoy a good baked potato if it still tastes like Irish ass/pussy

>> No.12437892

racemix it with chinese and mexican

>> No.12437900

It's already gone. Disappeared in the last century. It was replaced by something that looks the same, but is not at all the same. You can't make traditional American without ingredients grown on real farms and meat raised on the land. Traditional American food was killed by industrialized farming and the supermarket. What's left is Cracker Barrel and Denny's tier copies of it.

>> No.12437961

Traditional american food was immigrant food since the entire populace were immigrants except for a handful of native americans who weren't genocided. Since xenophobia has ascended and americans are scared of immigrants american food will ultimately stagnate and decline, a mirror of the country itself.

>> No.12437991

The problem with "traditional american food" is it's all tendies-tier trash that soibois love. Chicken fried steak is just a beef version of a chicken tendie, the gravy is the ranch. Almost everything they try and cherish ends up being a piece of meat or starch fried with some sort of fat to accompany it.

Eat your fucking veggies you limp-wristed virgins

>> No.12437992

It's fucking weird that you even think it's going anywhere. Ya paranoid flyover nutjob.

>> No.12438003

>the food that fed the men who built this country
fuck outta here nigger

>> No.12438008

/r/lewronggeneration called

>> No.12438009

>he thinks chicken fried steak is an endangered species


>> No.12438022

Yeah, fuck your french fries, they are freedom fries.

>> No.12438035

Cajun and Creole food is delicious, even if you hate seafood/fish

>> No.12438044

I'm not wrong, soiboi. Take the food at face value and realize that it's embarrassingly basic and designed for a childish palate. It doesn't taste bad, it tastes great, it's a fucking piece of fried meat, but so do chicken nuggets. You should really have some self respect, it's pathetic when you autistically defend your malnourished diet.

As for the lifespan of American food, it's evolving like it always has. Evidently from what you like to eat, you're just pissed that it doesn't have a heavy German influence anymore.

>> No.12438048

You are so wrong. What you describe is not traditional American food. It's industrialized crap. We still make some of the same dishes, but they're NOT the same. Traditional American is home baked bread with home churned butter. Country ham or bacon your neighbor cured with eggs from your own chickens. Fresh vegetables in season and pickles and whatever is left in the root cellar out of season. Chicken and dumplings made with one of your own chickens who didn't look quite right. Pies made from lard you rendered yourself when you killed a pig last fall.

Almost no modern Americans have access to the ingredients needed to make traditional American food because almost no one lives on family farms anymore.

>> No.12438054

Ok, grandpa.

>> No.12438059

That's right, know nothing kid.

>> No.12438063

I would trade any shitty restaurant with a Texas BBQ pitmaster joint.

>> No.12438065

>Farm fresh food is American cuisine

Kek holy fuck you're so retarded. You realize the rest of the world makes bread, butter, eggs, chicken, pickled vegetables, and dumplings, right? You're so desperate for your wrongly established identity that now you're just grasping at straws. Americans may have ate like that, but that doesn't mean it's strictly American cuisine. Is water an American beverage now too, especially if you get it from a well?

>> No.12438099

BBQ Pit Boys pitmaster race

>> No.12438103

>Americans may have ate like that, but that doesn't mean it's strictly American cuisine.
You appear to be grasping at straws. I never claimed traditional American was strictly American. It was heavily influenced by English and German cooking. But it had a regional identity and was almost entirely based on family farms. People still eat a lot of these dishes, especially in places that were mostly agricultural a few generations ago. But there's no way the food is anywhere nearly as good as it was in the farmhouse days when it's made using ingredients from the supermarket or fucking Walmart. So while some of the favorite dishes still exist traditional American cuisine does not because it was farmhouse cuisine, and without a farm it doesn't really work.

>> No.12438142

You're missing the point. Fresh ingredients do not make up a culinary identity. Maybe the whole world needs to eat more fresh food and less processed garbage, but you're such a fucking imbecile for thinking it's a localized American problem. You only named one real dish, chicken and dumplings. Everything else are ingredients commonly found all over the planet, and even then chicken and dumplings exists in plenty of similar variations around the globe.

What I described IS "traditional American cuisine". Chicken fried steak, meatloaf, horseshoes, it's all the same basic shit designed for a child's palate. Just let it go and have sex.

>> No.12438168

Its shit

>> No.12438172

And were consideres posionous.

>> No.12438200

>Fresh ingredients do not make up a culinary identity
Tell that to an Italian.
>but you're such a fucking imbecile for thinking it's a localized American problem
It's an industrialized world problem. Do you why the popularity of vegetables fell out of the American diet? People stopped growing their own when they moved to cities and later suburbs. Your homegrown vegetables (or your neighbors) freshly picked taste fucking great. Canned, frozen or even fresh from the supermarket require some actual work to make tasty. Most folks decided it wasn't worth bothering with.
>meatloaf is traditional American cuisine
Hardly. Americans didn't trust ground beef to be safe until the 20th Century. It wasn't a common ingredient before then. You're trying to rewrite history. I say traditional American cuisine is dead because the kind of shit you find at Cracker Barrel is is such a pale reflection of what it once was that it's a different thing. May as well call tuna-noolde casserole a traditional American dish. Or green bean casserole. That's the 20th Century bullshit that replaced traditional American.

>> No.12438216

they are traditional american though

most "traditional" dishes are not nearly as old as you think they are

>> No.12438244

Meatloaf in its current form was invented in the 19th century, but was inspired by scrapple that the Americans had been eating since they first landed on the shores. Beyond that, ground meat has too been eaten for centuries, you fucking retard.

And no shit fresh food tastes better, stop moving the goal posts. This isn't about the quality of ingredients, cuisine is not defined by that. Italian cuisine comes from regional Mediterranean ingredients you fucking brainlet even if they value the highest quality versions of them. It'd still be Italian if you used a bunch of canned shit for Puttanesca, which is the way you make it anyways.

You haven't been able to establish any real" traditional American cuisine" that contradicts my point of it being very bland, basic shit that seems designed for children. You're just keeping up this whataboutism because you're a loser that can't stand being wrong on an anonymous image board. Yes, fresh ingredients are better and we should be consuming more. No, that's not what traditional American cuisine is.

>> No.12438262

>they are traditional american though
I have a tough time calling dishes less than a century old traditional. I know we're a young country, but green bean casserole was dreamed up in a corporate test kitchen in 1958. Three generations is a pretty liberal interpretation of traditional, and by those standards fast food is traditionally American. To me traditional American cuisine is what Americans ate in the 18th and 19th Centuries.Because everything fucking changed in the 20th.

>> No.12438264


poor form.

>> No.12438265

keep fighting the good fight anon

>> No.12438267

a lot of fast food is traditionally american too

>> No.12438268
File: 57 KB, 520x390, beans chow chow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but you're such a fucking imbecile for thinking
What is your damage? Can you form a reply to that anon without repeating some of the abuse bestowed upon you in your childhood? Geez.

I'm going to post a delicious southern dinner that is more than just quickly farm to table or more than just fresh. It's regional cuisine that exists no where else on earth in it's entirety. My parents weren't poverty types, nor were my grandparents, quite the opposite, but they always had some rarer varietal of speckled butter beans, fresh picked pole beans or green tomatoes from a local farm, and two types of corn meal in the pantry. We always had our okra young, butter was real, and inbetween cooking fresh dolphin or swordfish on the grill caught on our boat, or a whole skin on pork loin bought at the butcher on the electric rotisserie gadget over hickory or pecan chips, and a whipped up mustard style BBQ sauce, there was slaw that simply had to have 3 types of cabbage in it and durkee's and a splash of bread n butter pickle juice as the secret ingredients. There might be a bottle of either cane syrup or sorghum syrup for serving over the southern style cornbread that didn't have a single teaspoon of sugar in it so it wasn't "yankee" style. Spoon bread was a thing, as was carrot souffle or plantain souffle with rum sauce. There might be chili sauce in the pantry, or watermelon rind pickles at one grandparent's house, and frog legs or stone crabs in the freezer at my other grandparent's house for when they're feeling fancy. Vidalia sandwich, yes. From travels, we might have chicory or louisiana popcorn rice, or maybe some black walnuts to use for baking a cake or torte. Dry iced crawfish might arrive by mail once the season starts, or maybe your grandfather knew to ask to grocery store for 15lbs of green peanuts and pay for them advance to ensure the order goes in, for making the preferred boiled peanuts, not that hard shell kind that doesn't make sense.

>> No.12438269

>no trip

>> No.12438283
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>> No.12438298

>This isn't about the quality of ingredients, cuisine is not defined by that.
Farmhouse cuisine is. The dishes don't work without fresh, seasonal ingredients.
>Meatloaf in its current form was invented in the 19th century
But until the 20th people really weren't convinced that ground beef was hygienic. It was not the common ingredient it would become in American cuisine during the 20th Century. People ate a lot more pork back then.
>my point of it being very bland, basic shit that seems designed for children.
That's what it is when you make it with modern ingredients. Not so with farm fresh. That's my point. Recipes can be very simple when all you have to do is show off top quality ingredients. I'll give you an example. My wife's great grandmother lived on a prairie farm. One dish she made was sweet peas and potatoes in a simple white sauce. Make that with supermarket ingredients and it's bland and terrible. Make it with freshly shelled peas, freshly dug potatoes, fresh butter and milk from grass fed cows and guess what? It's fucking delicious! Simple, but delicious. That's generally how farmhouse cuisines work.

>> No.12438343

>chicken fried steak is in danger
They just opened a new Cracker Barrel here 2 weeks ago and the place is packed every day

>> No.12438358

Cracker Barrel

>> No.12438369

Disagree. Pretty much the only way you could taste something like traditional American cooking these days would be a trip to rural Louisiana or an Amish farm. Or shelling out for dinner at one of Sean Brock's places. Those are just three flavors of American regional cooking. Just over a century ago every region had its own regional dishes. Like I said the 20th Century changed all that.

>> No.12438400

>Like immigrants because muh restaurants
>Don't hate orange man
Does not compute

>> No.12438420

>BBQ is incredibly underrated in terms of complexity and quality
get the fuck out of here you've never had the proper stuff

>> No.12438479

My unsubtle propaganda didn't work, figured.

To be more frank and honest, there is nothing holding back American food except the people cooking it.

>> No.12438489

What are you saying? Do you like or dislike BBQ?

>> No.12438581
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What are you taking about OP? It's doing fine

>> No.12438963

>American Food is innovative in spirit, just like Americans are. This innovation should give it an edge over other styles when put into the right hands.
lmao unreal

>> No.12438989

This was my attempt to make people shed 'star-spangled tears'. It wasn't a serious argument.
see >>12438479

>> No.12439379

And the South. Meat and Three's forever!

>> No.12440351

I read a bit more and it seems you are a poor communicator, not a moron, sry bby but get good

>> No.12440362

Americans never had shit in the first place, so stop pretending like they have a culture.

>> No.12440689 [DELETED] 

fuckin yikes, you gotta be 18+ to post here faggot. take a hike

>> No.12440738

What kind of dishes did the native americans even make?
i've literally never heard of a single one

>> No.12440760

Doesn't matter. It was a bunch of variations on regional farm cuisines. Almost totally dead now.

>> No.12440764

Natives as a real, living people have pretty much been eliminated from the American conscious. This land was just empty before we got here now

>> No.12440804

sure sure but have you americans actually made something yourself or just taken from other regional cuisines?
I'm fairly certain that the sort of original "american" recipes were same things you did in europe before emigration.

>> No.12440811

Native American food pretty much already got exterminated by the Spaniards.

>> No.12440851

They managed to nixtamalise grain, which is the process used to make hominy and which is important to making corn more nutritionally complete. Westerners didn't reinvent it until the 1930s and areas which produced a lot of corn suffered malnutrition as a result.

>> No.12440872

The North got Southern food via the Great Migration from the 20s-70s. What you don't learn from Pee Bee Ess is that whites came too, including my uncle.

So we have chicken fried steak, biscuits and gravy, and other favorite dishes. We don't really do cornbread and when we do, it's sweet.

We have a miserable form of Diner BBQ that seems to be dying out, though. I wonder it was ever done right?

It basically involves baking chicken quarters, then throwing them in a steam table pan and slathering them with the cheapest form of Sysco BBQ sauce. Then you just fish out a wet, slimey piece and throw it on a plate with some canned peas. No, I'm not making this up.

>> No.12440887

Doesn't matter.

>> No.12440927

Who cares what faggy europoors think. Id rather have some fried chicken, mashed taters and gravy than some offal wrapped in intestines or faggy snails.

>> No.12441121

flyover detected

>> No.12441173

Most European breads are a copy or rip-off of other European breads. Much like cheese, there is only a finite amount of variation possible among base components and processes available for use within a climate zone. At some point you just start quibbling seasoning.

>> No.12441194

>being very bland
Widespread availability of cheap spices and herbs is a post-WW2 phenomenon across the entire world. Pretty much all classic national fair would be considered bland or one-note to a modern palate, with the most flavorful dishes being reserved for special occasions or the wealthy.

>> No.12442532

Europisser or NEcunt spotted.

>> No.12442543

corn, fish, buffalo, antelope, deer, elk, moose, all cooked on coals.

>> No.12442580

Cacio E Pepe is shit, and most people that praise it are either italyboos or stuck up eurofags. Mac and cheese is leagues ahead.

>> No.12442593

>The southern US is the probably the least empathetic place in the entire world

Not even close to true. The South is known for its hospitality for a reason. It’s urban cities where you find people completely devoid of empathy, and you are a perfect example

>> No.12442595

a pair of jeans that fit just right

>> No.12442604

>The South is known for its hospitality for a reason.

Southerners have spread this lie for too long. If your states weren't such shitholes, the rest of the country could see how fucking wrong that claim is. Southerners are some of the most ignorant, arrogant, stupid pieces of trash I've ever had to deal with. Lately they've been high on the trump culture war and think that being a stupid motherfucker is somehow sticking it to those SJWs. They aren't going to make you sweet tea, they'll just smoke meth and attack you with a knife

>> No.12443032

confirmed never been to the south.

>> No.12443037

I live in the outskirts of a coastal city and say coastie. Stop being triggered so easily.

>> No.12443039

wrong. I have visited southern states and they are very friendly people for as long as you don't condescend to them.

>> No.12443062

Every population on Earth is made up of immigrants from somewhere else, retard.
>look at what happened to these poor indians after the immigrants came, they were genocided and their culture was destroyed
>so we better let in immigrants that hate everything we stand for lest history repeats itself!

>> No.12443068

This poster is definitely Canadian

>> No.12443070

There's peas on the plate in OP, ya mong. Every traditional style plate I've seen has had a meat, starch, and vegetable.

>> No.12443084

get a load of this retard

>> No.12443087

>just taken from other regional cuisines
This is nearly every food.
>Americans stole hamburgers from Germans
>who stole it from Russians
>who stole it from Mongols
With evolution of the dish every step of the way.

>> No.12443092

Absolutely based anon

>> No.12443094

>trying to be level headed in a discussion that was deliberately created for divisiveness
Do you know where you are?

>> No.12443102

Meat, potato and two veg is the traditional English public school lunch.

>> No.12443105

Yeah, what is this, 4chan 7 years ago?

>> No.12443110

This is nonesense, I've been to the South several times and have been treated well each and every time. Perhaps not screetching like an autistic Californian shithead would help you get along.

>> No.12443116

Oh you are one of those on the 'right side of history' faggots.

>> No.12443128

>t. Cletus

>> No.12443151

lol cletus, what a funny name. I named my kid mohammed, and she's a girl for now.

>> No.12443171

It's just whatever you can get during freedom

>> No.12443188

Will you faggots take a moment and remember when we as nations fought together? D-Day 75th anniversary.

>> No.12443195

But anon, how else will these "RPing" neo-nazis show how edgy they are other than posting on the cooking board of 4chan?

>> No.12443240

>steve2089 opens a can of 100 year old spam
>doesn't even make him gag

>> No.12443547

go eat a french fry sandwich ahmed

>> No.12443650

as long as you're white and born in the usa

>> No.12443771

>born in the USA
pick one

>> No.12443972

That you think this is an insult says more about you than me.

>> No.12444139

Trust me, we all know youre a faggot already

>> No.12444157

What the fuck makes you think traditional American food is going cuisine? I live in an urban center the God-damned southwest, and we still have plenty of fucking restaurants serving your "traditional American food".

Shit thread.

>> No.12445359


>> No.12445457
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Traditional American dishes are served at harvest time celebrations. Protect these traditions and you protect American cuisine.

>> No.12445477

Guess where the Anglo and Saxon peoples were originally from
Hint: it wasn't from the bong isles

>> No.12445625

Charleston should have burned too and every last confederate leader should have been swinging. It's too bad we didn't go as hard as we should have but now I still have to read this trash.

>> No.12445649

Based. Even us yuropeans hate you.
Southerners are a bunch of limp-wristed faggots who fancy themselves aristocrats while sitting in their pile of shit, ignorance and degeneracy.
And that's without mentioning how your only escape is your racism while secretly fantasizing about interracial cuckoldry shit. Sherman should have slaughtered even last one of you, poisoned the wells and slated the earth.

>> No.12445654


>> No.12445655

>eurotrash thinks his existence or opinion has value

>> No.12445829

Liver and onions is dying due to the silent gen leaving us.

>> No.12445832
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It’s a Texas thing. Takers just don’t understand.

>> No.12445837

And the radio on...

>> No.12445849

The only confederate who thought this would happen to him fled: (((Judah P. Benjamin)))

>> No.12445922

You do realize that racism isn't as prevalent in the South as you hear, right? As in, a Nixon tried to run a campaign pandering to that notion, and got his ass handed to him in those voting blocks.

>> No.12446006

>the same Nixon that won a landslide re-election only to get a threat of impeachment over a simple hotel break in?

>> No.12446438

What kind of person decides to lose their shit on a food board?

>> No.12446441

No. You're really unaware of political dynasties?

>> No.12448542

I dont disagree here, but that most means traditional american food is, *gasp* traditional british food. In particular english food. There are some germanic influences, but not notably more than there are french. Almost every piece of "classic" american food is british, just sometimes with new ingredients. We also eat lots of game, apple pie is british, american cow breeds originated from british ones, cheddar comes from here, your basic meat stew is fairly universal, but uses pretty normal english ingredients and preparation style. Pies are again, common in many regions, but most basic variations stemmer from british settlers cooking british food.

As much as americans love to larp and say britain has no cuisine, honestly the distinction between british and early american cuisine is damn hard to make. Most every traditional meal with very few exceptions I could find british equivalents of. Even the classic roast turkey is just a new world ingredients version of goose, squashes replaced the role parsnips and potatoes filled, etc. This applies more to north eastern american cuisine than southern, which was influenced by french and mexican cuisines more, but were also later extensions of america.

>> No.12448573

You're not even British. You're an Italian.

>> No.12448592

Why is reading so hard for so many people on 4chan

>> No.12448811

I'm actually not, I'm a different poster. I'm british - to be precise english with a touch of irish. No italian heritage, although I am terribly fond of them.

>> No.12449235

>The government takes more of my money and that makes me better.
You're an insufferable faggot.

>> No.12449242

Agreed. Let's genocide the elephants.

>> No.12449250

Thanks for that information. Just looking through Google now. Come back in three hours when you will have been fully doxxed.

>> No.12449275

>wanting to save traditional American anything

>> No.12449287

Good work, Agent Greyhound. We showed him!

>> No.12449318

the autistic white wine youtuber saved it already.

>> No.12449402

Both the US and Britain had good but simple farmhouse cooking until the 20th Century pretty much destroyed their cuisines. Britain got it a little worse because you guys suffered a lot more during WWII. But two world wars, the depression and the industrialization of agriculture did a number on both cuisines.

And of course most traditional American dishes are English with a few ingredients subbed out. The original 13 colonies were were all English. It was later when we expanded to include bits of New France and El Norte.

>> No.12449424

>"An englishmen with some irish blood but no italian blood, you say? Bloody good job, there's only 3 people on the entire planet that could be. We'll have his identity in no time"

>> No.12449440

Face it, McCornell, England used to be Rome and Rome was Italian so you're Italian.

>> No.12449455

so youre a flyover, gotcha

>> No.12449463

Pretty much nailed it. British rationing really did fuck up international perception of our cuisine. The real brutal part is what it did to the palates of older people. Everyone from roughly 65-85 has a SHITTY palate. It's just unbelievably basic. Now this is understandable given the rationing situation during and especially post war, but it does have large knock on effects. For example, since they're still a substantial portion of the population, restaurants have to cater for their tastes. And they in turn rarely taught their children truly good cooking. most of the effects of it have been weeded out by now - lots of people these days can't cook, as in many other western countries, and those who can have invariably taught themselves well.

Luckily there's being something of a renaissance of the old style of cooking recently. Gins, black pudding, cheeses, and good quality meat have all seen a massive surge in interest over the past 5-20 years, game is becoming more popular again, and especially recently people are a lot more interesting in cooking with fresh ingredients. As best as I can tell there's a similar trend in america - it'll vary region by region, but there seems to be a trend towards "farm-fresh" style cooking, seasonal produce, old-fashioned but well seasoned cooking etc.

The one thing I do find weird is that the US seems to have lost a taste for black pudding. I know it was popular at the time the colonies were founded, and not only that but its found in almost every single european culture (albeit there called blood sausage). But in the US it seems to be almost entirely absent. It seems a weird absence, since its fucking delicious.

>Both the US and Britain had good but simple farmhouse cooking

Pretty much sums it up though - it's not fancy but it is damned delicious. A nice piece of roast meat, potatoes, some well prepared veg, followed by a rhubarb crumble (I presume peach, apple, or cherry pie is more common in america) is god tier.

>> No.12449471

In culture yeah we are pretty heavily influenced by the Roman empire. We incorporated substantial elements of hellenic and roman culture into british culture in the 14th through 20th centuries so they mostly seem quite familiar. English common law is even based off roman law, albeit with some substantial improvements.

God I love the roman empire. It's a damned shame it collapsed.

>> No.12449999


>> No.12450012
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at least post a good pic

>> No.12450390

>>12434217 haha rekt, biach. What you gonna do you?

>> No.12450547

If I don't include all the food that originated in the Americas then this is correct. If I want to argue that grilled fish or meat is somehow authentic ... it's just dumb.

Marinara sauce is more American than Italian.

>> No.12450564

>If we make everywhere Africa or Venezuela surely the stars will be ours.
This is stupid, change for the sake of change is mutation, not evolution.

>> No.12450584

I always thought country fried just means with sausage gravy

>> No.12450588

learn how to cook it yourself, use quality ingredients, and give the recipe to your friends. of course, as this board is mostly friendless fast food enthusiasts, none of you will do this

>> No.12450642

>>Act like shit, get treated like shit. The southern US is the probably the least empathetic place in the entire world but expect everyone else to feel bad for their plight despite being largely responsible for it themselves.

How so? I'm curious. I don't agree with some of the South's historical decisions, obviously, but I don't see how they "deserve" their status more than anywhere else. The North relied on the abhorrent slave labor of the South for years, and the confederacy was the 4th largest economy in the world at the start of the Civil War. As much as people like to do their grandstandign about the South being evil racists, nobody historically boycotted their goods to put their money where their mouths were.
The South couldn't "just industrialize bro" until air conditioning which wasn't popularized until well after the war (and didn't even become standard on homes until the 50's or so in some spots). Their options were to have their economy destroyed or strike out on their own. They tried the latter and got the former.

That's not "unfair", that's just how war goes, but the South had its economy destroyed, a huge swathe of completely uneducated unassimilated people that they didn't really want to have as citizens, and have largely been left with them since. A minority of a minority of people in the South actually owned slaves, and the racial vitriol commonly assigned exclusively to the South existed nationwide for decades, even in free states.

I've lived in the South all my life (which admittedly isn't very long) and things have improved a good bit from the dramatizations of decades past imo. The economy is weak, and they still have education, industry, and criminal problems, but they've definitely tried pulling themselves back together.

>> No.12451250

Yes, there are certainly some foods that are american. I won't argue this point, any more than I'd argue that despise what people cry, chicken tikka masala is literally british, and most modern curries are european in origin.

America has absolutely been involved in many innovations in terms of food. In many instances this involves "americanising" food to american palates, but that's ok - that's how cuisine evolves. Apple pie, the quintissential "american" food is an anglo palate adaption of a dutch apple strudel. It's just how food works. I 100% acknowledge american cuisine has plenty of innovations that are wholly american. Traditional american cuisine though (aka ~1800's and prior) is vastly english in origin, simply due to the nature of immigrants at the time.

>> No.12451812

Southern cooking does get attention though? Where I live anyway.

>> No.12453926


>> No.12453945

The US lost a taste for black pudding because we never needed to really ration out every part of the animal in the same way peasants in Europe did. Americans have always had more food than we've needed on account of having a smaller population than the land could support.

Hot Dogs and chicken nuggets were created rather late in American Cuisine as fast food. Before them sausage and sausage-like foods weren't as much of a part of American food as it was in Europe.

>> No.12453964
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>> No.12455511

Fair enough - didn't realise sausages weren't as common a component of the american diet as they were in europe in its earlier history.

Interesting that in such a short time period those tastes were lost - europe excluding rare events hasn't had a particular need to ration out every last part of animals for a good 2-3 hundred years, but those items are still pretty common across class boundaries. Although I guess the modern example of less common types of meat falling out of favour (kidney, liver, offal, etc) is a comparable example.

>> No.12455585

The main sausages that aren't hotdogs eaten in America are Italian and German, with Polish coming a more distant third and Chorizo and even further fourth. Breakfast sausage is far less popular than Bacon for meals.

But as far as 'domestic foods', if there is such a thing for American cuisine, sausages and the similar preparations of ground meat are far less popular. Hamburgers are common, but those are often made of good quality meat, not the scraps of the carcass. Sausages are a holdover from Immigrant groups that were just doing what they knew.

The abundance of resources gave America a higher quality diet compared to its contemporaries of the same time, 'a chicken in every pot' was a great compliment to the American way of life.

This has led to the forgetting of methods of how to prepare organ meat and how to get the most out of a kill, where in Europe these traditions were maintained because they were well, Traditional, in America the lack of connection led to them being dropped.

>> No.12455592

shouldn't have double spaced this. thought there was more text than there was.

>> No.12456082

>blatant reddit spacing
Tells you everything you need to know.

>> No.12456110

Fuck off with your space communism and go dilate already.

>> No.12456129

“Kill yourself yourself soy fag” < ?

>> No.12456149

How are they called in Uruguay? In Mexico we call them milanesas

>> No.12456150

>Being this much of a newfag

>> No.12456193
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>> No.12456232

Lurk moar bitch

>> No.12456250


>> No.12456255

milanesa is not the same as chicken-fried. The seasonings are very different

>> No.12456266

I've personally seen people on three continents eat tons of this shit, while people in those same countries love to shit on america. They listen to our music, watch our movies, follow our news, and still have the gall to say America is uncultured.

>> No.12456394

Eat at and frequent places that serve it. Not only will you keep those places open, but if you're under 40 your presence is one step towards dispelling the stereotype of that food being for the elderly, and next thing you know Bertha's Diner might be filled with twenty-somethings.
t. frequent a local breakfast/lunch place that serves fantastic country fried steak and liver and onions