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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12422553 No.12422553 [Reply] [Original]

I tried this and it was not very good

What are some other overrated/overhyped fast food items?

>> No.12422686

I like to get it for the sole reason that their normal burgers have sweet pickles on them cause some fucking troglodyte monkey-man decided on what the toppings should be.

Anyone who uses sweet pickles instead of dill should be systematically gassed nazi style

>> No.12422770

For me, it's the McChicken. Not the best fast food sandwich.

>> No.12422789 [DELETED] 

Chik-fil-a. Their sandwiches are only good when you drown them in sauce, and the fries get soggy almost immediately.

>> No.12422796

McDonald's fries. Normies fucking rage if you tell them McDonald's fries are mediocre at best.

>> No.12422804
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>> No.12422857

Animal boy mmmm

>> No.12422896
File: 657 KB, 1280x972, E2D84998-D8E0-4281-A4D0-01E94121BD02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic’s slushies might be the most disappointing meme in fast food. They sound great on paper and then you buy the thing and it totally sucks every single time. Also a reminder

>> No.12422928
File: 154 KB, 1200x900, Dcs0NxFV0AETAgZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whataburger shakes are extremely mediocre. The chocolate one just tastes like cold chocolate milk and it's disappointing given how many other good things there are on the menu.

>> No.12422993
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these are awful
broke a 72-hour fast a few years ago, was hungrier than fuck, and had it because a buddy was raving about it. it was fucking terrible

>> No.12423458

Baconator's my favorite fast food burger but I don't think it's for everyone.

I think the Big Mac's overrated trash. Whoppers don't come with cheese in its base form which is dumb.

Most Wendy's stuff is rated as it should IMO but it's pricy. I can get a burger from a local diner for about the same price of a Baconator and it's higher quality.

For as great as some of Taco Bell's items are, a lot of them seem overrated AF. Crunchwraps come to mind, and the full-size quesadillas are a ripoff. The mini quesadillas are the best thing on the menu tho.

>> No.12423575

How do you not eat for 3 days?

>> No.12423585

The bacon king from bk is pretty much the same thing

>> No.12423591

The McRib.

>> No.12423673

I dunno how did Gandhi not eat for so long that people stopped killing each other

>> No.12423702


>> No.12423726

>no pickles please

there you go!

>> No.12423735

Is that Wendys pickles taste so bad? I can not stand the fucking pickles from Wendys. I dont mind em on my McDoubles but the ones from Wendys are straight up nasty. Even the pickle residue they leave behind is almost enough to ruin a burger

>> No.12423744

Because that story is made up propaganda

>> No.12423812

the only hard part is going to bed on the first night. after that is is surprisingly easy. your appetite goes away.

>> No.12424354

Explain Gandhi’s ability to eat 12 McDoubles when the strike ended then

>> No.12424365


>> No.12424379

I agree. I can’t stand sweet pickles and I assume someone who prefers them over dill pickles has inferior tastebuds. Also, no Jews were gassed during the “holocaust”.

>> No.12424397

Zaxbys chicken fingers. They are just too salty and their zax sauce is pretty overrated.

>> No.12424437

Either this is bait or you are a tastelet

>> No.12424870
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Dude it can take 60+ days to die from starvation with no food depending on your starting health. Sure, no water you might easily die wthin 3 days, but food, nope. Check out "The Sound of Insects: Record of a Mummy" for a movie of the journal of a guy who starved himself to death. It was more than 60 days and he didn't have cheat days.

>> No.12424893
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>not malted

>> No.12425636

All fast food.


>> No.12425980

That whole chain is overrated

>> No.12426039

We just got our first zaxbys a couple of months ago and I was very disappointed as well. The fries were meh, sauce was alright, toast was just a plain old piece of toast not even that great. The chicken was 6/10 okay. If I had access to canes or Chick-fil-A I would never go to zaxbys. I can appreciate all chicken tenders, but zaxbys is going in the overrated pile

>> No.12426231

I've always hated sweet pickles
but I never tasted a sweet pickle taste with wendy's burgers. I also worked there for a bit and would eat the pickles plain. I'm thinking they might be very lightly sweet and a dill pickle mix.
but honestly I don't believe they are sweet pickles

>> No.12426356

That gets you sent to the same food mines as breaking the no-singles policy.

>> No.12426421

Recently visited the only one in houston. One bite of the hot dog and it went into the trash. The sketti looked like ass, so i didn't order it. The burger was ok. Not worth the 45 minute drive, though. The chicken tasted like day old, reheated walmart deli fried chicken. This place is shit.