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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12420289 No.12420289 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the appeal of low calorie foods? Is it a novelty item like peppers and hot sauce products? In my experience low calorie foods only make me want to eat more.

like just eat less of the average item you'd eat

>> No.12420331

Fuck off animenigger

>> No.12420332

you cant say that word on 4channel

>> No.12420333

not that high-calorie foods are bad, but they're usually empty calories, as in not enough minerals and shit
low calorie foods allow you to eat more while also making sure you have enough nutrients

>> No.12420337

calories aren't a real thing, they're made up by autistic idiots just like scoville ratings

>> No.12420350
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>> No.12420360
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If calories are a unit of energy measurement in food, how can empty calories exist?

Here's a tip: If your measurements are subjective, they're not a real scientific measurement. There's no such thing as an "empty kilometer" where because you were driving a Honda you didn't actually get anywhere.

>> No.12420368

empty calories == no nutrients other than calories (usually just carbs and fat, maybe some protein)
basically we get enough fuel as it is, we need dietary fiber, trace nutrients, vitamins and whatnot

>> No.12420372 [DELETED] 
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empty calorie means no nutritional value for the amount of calories you get.

2 double stuffed oreo cookies are 140 calories and you only get 21g of carbs and 7g of fat, no vitamins. Its empty calories

>> No.12420373

>calories are a pointless unit of measurement

yes, that's precisely what I'm saying. Don't phrase your statements in an adversarial manner to my own when you are agreeing with my view

>> No.12420378 [DELETED] 

fat fucking retard go eat your mayonnaise and return to /fit/

>> No.12420379

what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.12420383
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>knowing the calories in an oreo

Crafty /ck/ poster but calories are still dumb and no respected nutritionist cares about them

>> No.12420386 [DELETED] 

calories in calories out

>> No.12420388

I agree. We all know it's not allowed, but mods just never crack down on a***** the way they should.

>> No.12420391
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guys just let me go get my calorie thermometer, I'll stick it in my sushi and get a caloric reading-

oh wait, there is no objective measuring tool of how many "calories" are in food. They just make it up

>> No.12420399
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>+$5 for less then 100 calorie edible items

>> No.12420400

I'm not the one who believes everything the government tells me.

>> No.12420473 [DELETED] 

post body

>> No.12420544

>hurrr calories don't exist

said every fat fucking mongrel ever

>> No.12420556

They probably take the %mass of the molecules (protien/fat/carbs) and extrapolate how much calorie is in it by referencing charts. It would be tedious to run each item through a calorimeter. I don't understand why they keep calorie as a unit though, just use kJoules already.

>> No.12420560

>carbs and fat are useless for the body unlike muh proteins!!!!

>> No.12420828

Marketing bait aimed at females so they can feel better when they eat their 800 kcal cheesecake & icing

>> No.12420951

calories are a liberal conspiracy

>> No.12420981
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>how can empty calories exist?

>> No.12421008

Protip: "Empty calories" occur in manufactured foods, when they basically just produce amalgamations of sugar, salt, and fat.

Think of any packaged food where you can't look at it and identify any ingredients. Even a candy bar where you can point and say, "That's a peanut" is better than the alternative.

In terms of natural foods, high-calorie (things like nuts, avocado, and fatty meat) tends to be as good or at least as important as low-calorie (like most fruits and vegetables).

>> No.12421040

Momscience thinks low calorie = healthy high calorie = bad.

>> No.12422099


It's a unit of energy, you dumbfuck. Take five seconds to use the unlimited knowledge in front of you to figure it out.

>> No.12422138

Typically, low calorie foods advertised as such are consumed by people who really can't lose weight because they're ignorant as shit. What they actually need to do is re-evaluate their entire eating daily, but the easy short cut way of doing this is to simply go eat some sort of fiber bar with 200 calories (which is a fucking candy bar, desu) when their blood sugar crashes.

It's very similar to diet drinks. Yes, diet coke has zero calories. No, drinking diet coke does not cancel out what you eat it with.

>> No.12423041
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>Help me I’m sinking, and my arms are stuck!!
>I need my arms to hold on!! Suck my dick if you want to live!!

>> No.12424310

Tragically underrated post