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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12410817 No.12410817 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get over feeling like a fraud baker/cook? All I do is buy ingredients and follow recipes and people tell me Im so good in the kitchen.

Fact: someone else grew/created the ingredients.

Fact: someone else wrote the recipe.

Why do normies think it's such an achievement to make food? Even when I created my own sourdough starter using wild yeast I felt bad that I was using commercial flour. How do I get over these feels; is it even possible? I feel like I'm always going to be a fraud unless I go back in time and create the big bang.

>> No.12410826

It seems like the only solution is to neck yourself, faggot.

>> No.12410843
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>Why do normies think it's such an achievement to make food?
because cooking isnt that easy or everyone would do it well.
it can be simple when dumbed down, and people tend to feel as though theyve accomplished something real when the posts are moved way in for them.
>going to disneyland
>pic related

>> No.12410860

>because cooking isnt that easy or everyone would do it well.

Following directions isn't hard. Worst case scenario it should take only a couple times to 99% perfect a recipe; the only variables to take into account are making sure oven temp is stable and if the recipe requires an artistic manipulation.

>> No.12410874
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>Why do normies think it's such an achievement to make food?
because they can't make food. for a lot of people, warming up premade shit is too complicated. baking does take some extra skill if you're making things from scratch. and finding good baking recipes is a skill in itself.

>> No.12410873

so this is a bashing babish thread ?

>> No.12410879

i feel you, OP

google imposter syndrome

>> No.12410978


fuck dude this is me to a T.

>> No.12411033

Go hunting and kill your own meat

>> No.12411040

You’re being neurotic. Be happy and feel fulfilled. You’re not a fraud.
That being said, I know the feeling. Cooking off of a recipe seems so incredibly easy to me, I don’t understand why other people have trouble doing it.

>> No.12411041
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>following recipies
>not just winging it based on taste and experience

>> No.12411065

You follow a recipe initially to test our flavor combinations and then later use it as a guideline to try your own shit. I’ve stopped using soup recipes and just go with the flow, but I had to figure out what combinations of broth I liked best first off of recipes.

>> No.12411068

It doesn't help, you just run into the same problem. You shot an animal, big deal, somebody else made your gun or bow (unless you're really hardcore and make your own longbow).

>> No.12411119

Then after you makke your own gun and bow you find out the Earth is a giant Hyperorganism and made the wood and metal you used to mae your weapons, now you have to make your own planet.

>> No.12411131

>Why so normies think cooking is such an achievement?
Because 90% can't even do that

>> No.12411133

No, when you skin it and cut it's balls off it feels pretty authentic

>> No.12411265



>> No.12411498

Your feelings are wrong. You should work to purge this one.

>> No.12411515

His problem is that he doesn't feel like he earned the praise because other people had a hand in helping create his food. You think he wouldn't extend the same feeling to the weapons he uses to make the kill?

>> No.12411530
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Cooking is an achievement because 95% of the population cant follow simple instructions.

>> No.12411533

Even following recipes requires some skill and precision. Not everyone can just take a recipe and have it come out the way it's supposed to. The whole "just wing it and improvize based on existing knowledge" is shit that comes after cooking recipes for a long time

>> No.12411551

>All I do is buy ingredients and follow recipes and people tell me Im so good in the kitchen.
What's the problem here?

>Why do normies think it's such an achievement to make food?
Because they're incompetent retards that barely know how to boil water. Don't stress out over it.

>> No.12411604

Considering 3/4 hunts are failures he won't get one the first time anyway.

>> No.12412016


damn I need to learn how to hunt. thanks for the inspiration.

>> No.12412270

Idk man, with a bow where you have to have them within 30 yards with a broadside shot, that's probably true but with a rifle and reasonable marksmanship skills (I know big "if" there) I always see deer within 100-200 meters, easy kill shot with a rifle, when I'm hunting with a bow in a blind. Bow hunting is much tougher and that could give OP some sense of accomplishment eventhough the equipment is manufactured.

>> No.12412297

You're right, it's a very low bar, but who cares. It's the same thing when you replace a tap washer. The easiest plumbing in the world, yet so many helpless idiots are impressed by it. Just ignore the praise, because it gets worse when you try to downplay your effort.

>> No.12412394

>How do I get over feeling like a fraud baker/cook?
Watch other people cook.

>> No.12412600

t. fraud cook

>> No.12412684

There are plenty of people who haven't learned how to read a recipe.

>> No.12412763

True, US is running a 60% literacy rate nowadays. They're trying to reach pre Castro Batista levels of 10%.

>> No.12412805

I red some bullshit that went like this
>I became a drummer
>felt needed to make my own drums
>Grew a whole fucking Forrest to build drums
>Needed drum heads so I got a goat farm.
>Now I'm to busy growing trees and goats to play drums.

>> No.12413082
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>> No.12413100

>boo hoo we live in a society and it’s bad
Of course you would. Go watch Fight Club for the 4000th time while us real adults care about things that matter.

>> No.12413127
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Hold hold on, before I make any guesses about it being rural blacks or native american tribes I'm going to type this out and promise I'll still post this paragraph, because last time I guessed a horrifying statistic it was actually Alaska, though it was because of the natives.

It's separated by grade-levels of reading comprehension, but yes, around half of all adults fail at adult reading levels, apparently with California being the worst offender.

>> No.12413157

I like how you went from "rrawrrr I'm a self-reliant he-man" to "durrr look at this dweeb who thinks you can be independent"

In the future, don't try to sound tough

>> No.12413247

Nope, it's the southern red states who consider education to be an atheist socialist gombunist furriner conspiracy that reach 50% literacy rates. No wonder they stay red, lol!

>> No.12413485

Cheers anon