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12400318 No.12400318 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw overdosed on caffeine

>> No.12400324

I've done the same, it will go away in like 1-2 hours

>> No.12400331
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I oversteeped some Irish breakfast tea for 10 minutes, drank it anyway in all its bitterness and throwing up the toilet moments later.

>> No.12400334

the last time i had a bit too much caffeine i had pretty bad dreams that night. made me cut back a lot and figure out i only really need like 50mg~ to feel something from it, which is about half a cup of coffee. most people take way too much caffeine, with some drinks having over 200mg now.

>> No.12400338

that was probably from the tannins and not the caffeine, same thing happened to me with some really bitter red wine. that's not long enough to actually get anything from the caffeine or alcohol.

>> No.12400351 [DELETED] 

Get gud

>> No.12400374

Drink water and walk around.


2 years mater and I rarely drink caffine anymore because of it

>> No.12400727

Depends on how bad the overdose is, caffeine |is| a nerve toxin.

>> No.12400731

Psychosomatic response.

>> No.12400783

yeah I heavily cut down on coffee drinking because i felt like I was getting addicted, way I got over my addiction was by convincing myself that I ONLY liked the coffee made by myself (which was partially true to begin with), and because i'm a lazy fuck, I only made coffee intermittently.

I still drink coffee once or twice a week usually , but definitely don't feel the energy lull from a lack of caffeine in the mornings or afternoons anymore.

>> No.12400794
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Overdosing on caffeine when you have bipolar disorder is a good way to have a major meltdown at work and get fired on the spot.
>I would know from experience.

>> No.12400810

>tfw drank too much zero coke in spite of diet
I thought I was really dying

>> No.12400902

>tfw caffeine free for three years now
I used to drink coffee at least twice a day, fuck that shit.

>> No.12400909

Why did you quit coffee?

>> No.12400927

I once bought a glass of caffeine tablets and ate a handful (can't remember why). I only got a slightly heart rate going on.

>> No.12400931

>caffeine tablets
that thing can really kill you and should be banned.

>> No.12400933

i currently drink about 2x a day.
loving it.

>> No.12400943

I thought I had heart problems but they were anxiety attacks. Also have a history of high blood pressure family, so lo and behold I got off that delicious shit. At first it was shit having no energy, but eventually the body readjusted on its own. I do enough exercise nowadays that it's probably OK drinking it again, but I'd rather not desu.

>> No.12400948

I've actually never heard of a caffeine overdose. How did you know you were having one?

>> No.12400959

>Convinced myself that the one cup of coffee I have every morning is why I'm lethargic and tired all the time
>not my sleep disorder

>> No.12401102

hello coffee shill.

>> No.12401113

if i have too much i start getting muscle spasms, and a bit short of breath. also heart palpitations. it's unpleasant but unless you took a bunch of pills or pure powder it's hard to do much more than be in discomfort for a couple hours.

>> No.12401116

I take 200-400mg once every three days, but I mostly do it for workouts. There should be absolutely nothing else that requires caffeine unless a deadline is coming up or something.

>> No.12401121

i like to do coffee baths while i drink my coffee

>> No.12401126

if you can stomach it, a modest amount of alcohol will essentially reverse the hyper state you are in now, at least in terms of lowering blood pressure and BP, might even fix the anxiety

>> No.12401152

That still sounds like a lot, especially on top of exercising. Might not be good for your heart, but I'm not sure. I don't think you should "require" caffeine every day though, and it just ends up having the opposite effect where unless the amount you have every day is very small, you start having poor sleep and need to keep taking more and more to not go into caffeine withdrawals.

>> No.12401193

200-400mg is not a lot, anon. I get all of the benefits and no side effects. The only reason I do this is so my tolerance stays low and I can double dose on days I challenge my ORM.

>> No.12401209
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I'm bipolar too. I hope things are better for you now.

>> No.12402319
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Fuckin pussy

>> No.12402324

Alcohol increases blood pressure and heart rate, dingdong.

>> No.12402805

i thought it thins the blood a lickle bit

>> No.12402903

>causing higher HR
lmao lrn to pharmacology bitchboi

>> No.12403016

>Get free coffee at work
>Have been having two, sometimes three a day lately


>> No.12403083

Paradoxically, laying in bed and sleeping it off is what works best for me. I pour myself soluble coffee by tipping the jar so the dose is inconsistent and I get it once in a while.

>> No.12403117
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Go ahead and post your blog source that cites this. Alcohol thinks the blood and lowers hr and bp. Now you can argue that long term abuse of alcohol does those things, but having a few drinks to reduce anxiety does not do that.

>> No.12403119

>tfw I get a mild acid reflux discomfort from coffee still drink a pot of it because I don't give a fuck

>> No.12404729
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>OD on caffeine from too much coffee
>kidneys start to hurt

>> No.12404943

when i was drinking a lot of coffee, there was a slight pain a couple times when i went to pee. that was worrying.

>> No.12404947

damn bro tea is some hardxcore sh*t my dawg

>> No.12404948

f**kin you’re moms pusy lmfao

>> No.12404953

stop posting

>> No.12404954
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>> No.12404965

an actual caffeine overdose is hell on earth but you have to be a special kind of stupid like me to reach the threshold because it's a lot

>> No.12404974

Don't do it. I thought "only one can't hurt" and have been addicted again for years.

>> No.12404975

You're dehydrated.

>> No.12405771

Everyone in this thread is dehydrated

>> No.12406775

More details please.

>> No.12406873

Depending on how much caffeine you consumed you should self-induce vomiting. I overdosed by way of pure caffeine powder, not fun.

>> No.12407115

Based James poster