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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12398841 No.12398841 [Reply] [Original]

>"extra virgin olive oil"
>it doesn't blush and giggle when I twist the cap off
why is this allowed

>> No.12398886

I only buy olive oil if I have to lie and say I love it to get the cap off.

Then I use it for frying and leave the cap off. When I get bored I stick my dick down the neck, ejaculate, and don’t even bother to recycle.

The best stuff chokes a bit and cries when you’re frying

>> No.12398898

You mean bleed?

>> No.12399264

Like all extravirgins it became a jaded and edgy incel, so you'll never get a reaction from it.

>> No.12399306
File: 164 KB, 768x956, 12294862_920190078030756_4174541511443254946_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virginity is a virtue.
Women should be ashamed if they lose it before marriage. Not giggly. Laughing is actually a sign of demonic possession. Watch The Rite with Antony Hopkins.

>> No.12399346


>> No.12399439

>the amount of casual misogyny and slut-shaming in this thread
honestly not even surprised, s.m.h.

>> No.12399463

tfw extra virgin

>> No.12400718

Blessed if sin teaches us shame.

>> No.12401678

Dudes shouldn't masturbate

>> No.12401759


>> No.12401767

I don't produce cum due to hormone fuckedupness so I jerk off anyway

>> No.12402322

muh soggy knees

>> No.12402329

>"extra virgin olive oil"
>it's not extracted from OP

>> No.12402346

How do I upvote this?

>> No.12402363

kys roastie

>> No.12402389

>The best stuff chokes a bit and cries

>> No.12402466

toasty roastie

>> No.12402482

Fuck what your priest tells you. Sex between consenting adults regardless of marriage is completely fine, and nothing to be ashamed of. Cast off the shakles of religion, God isn’t real.

>> No.12402565
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>> No.12402580

get the filthy whore olive oil instead. it's spicier and dirtier

>> No.12402589
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>> No.12402940

die in a bus fire, you samefag leftist incel kike

>> No.12402991

are you retarded?

dumb fucking roastie

>> No.12403012
File: 166 KB, 974x966, 1554330413658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sex between consenting adults regardless of marriage is completely fine, and nothing to be ashamed of
It leads to enslavement to lower passions and blindly going after trivial pursuits. Instead of having control over your life, it seizes control over you. The religious person is freer than you are, even if God isn't real. You resent that so you seethe.

>> No.12403013
File: 68 KB, 960x540, RichardBranson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Founder of Virgin
>Is a billionaire chad who travels around the world doing extreme sports and fucking supermodels

>> No.12403033

gas yourself kike

>> No.12403038

someone is on her period and needs to leave the house immediately before she gets beaten again

>> No.12403080

seethe and cope harder in your discord, you leftist tranny mutt. the holocaust never happened, but it should have.

>> No.12403407

oop, it's ok.... daddy will get you more tampons sweetie :) xl right?

>> No.12403425

seethe harder. cope HARD in your discord, tranny. #Trump2020 Reich will kill all kikes, SIEG HEIL.

>> No.12403443

lmao toastiest roastie, must be that time of the month

>> No.12403488

Can you fags get a room?

>> No.12403516

seethe harder. cope HARD in your discord, tranny. #Trump2020 Reich will kill all kikes, SIEG HEIL.

>> No.12403528

Obviously a samefag.

>> No.12403548

this is some of the worst false flag trolling i've ever seen

>> No.12403591

seethe harder. cope HARD in your discord, tranny. #Trump2020 Reich will kill all kikes, SIEG HEIL.