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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12402289 No.12402289 [Reply] [Original]

whats the spiciest pepper you have ever eaten?

>> No.12402295

This guy looks like he got vaccinated when he was a baby

>> No.12402306

Pretty sure he's just Filipino.

>> No.12402488
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did someone say spicy
make way for the mayor of spicytown

>> No.12402499

Habanero. It was too much for me, but I’m a white American who normally eats jalapeños.

>> No.12402512

made a sandwich and put 2 diced thai chilis on it because i thought i was some big dick spicy food connoisseur. that shit hurted

>> No.12402517

The thumbnail looks like he's suffering from down syndrome

>> No.12402523

Like just a raw pepper? Habanero.
As far as sauces go I have had everything including pepper x

>> No.12402526

is that the billie eillish lad i keep hearing about

>> No.12402559

My mommy's tendies with black pepper are super duper spicey I need extra chocolate milk.

>> No.12402561

Does black pepper count?
>t. brown homosexual

>> No.12402564
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adjuma or madame jeanette

>> No.12402605

I can't remember exactly what it was called, but it was something like "Hell's Bell" or something like that. It's bright green and about the size of a baseball.

Nice fruity flavor at first, but then hoo-boy, look out. A whole bunch of them came on a veggie pizza I ordered. I tell you this: I was pooping blood for a week.

>> No.12402762
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Carolina reaper - tasty but insanely spicy
Scorpion - not tasty also insanely spicy
Ghost - very tasty extremely spicy

personally i'd rather eat several gold habaneros which are hot as fuck, but taste good and you can eat more relative to the above 3

>> No.12402767

also just because i'm sure you want to know
I'm a leaf who is white as fuck

most people I know think banana peppers are hot and jalapenos are too spicy to eat

>> No.12402823

Ghost pepper, had intense hiccups

>> No.12402841

Tried pure capsicum once at a brewhouse in Indianapolis. Literally thought my eyeballs would dry out. That is a hell of an experience.

>> No.12402882

ghost pepper and holy fuck do i regret it to this very day

>> No.12403014

i've done that

a bunch of my redneck friends sat around eating small amounts of it

it was funny
no flavor, just fire

>> No.12403035

I actively enjoy ghost pepper salsa
Once had raw habeneros though, much spicier in comparison

>> No.12403165

That guy looks like he wet-coughs like a 4 year old

>> No.12403189

Carolina reaper

>> No.12403344

try to add some to a double shot of everclear

>> No.12403363

Not too long ago I made some prawn and scallop phaal with ghost peppers

It burned for 10 minutes but I enjoyed every bit of it, and there was no burn on the way out

>> No.12403376

I'm known at the office as a guy who eats spicy foods. I ate a ghost pepper with little problem. So then when my gave me a Carolina Reaper I was like no problem. It fucked me up so bad I threw up.

>> No.12403386

I ate some little round green one out of my turkush friend's garden once. I lost hearing in my right ear for 15 minutes.

>> No.12403393

I got pepper sprayed in the mouth on two separate occasions. It was police grade spray.

>> No.12403474

Ghost peppers. Used them in a chili. Delicious.

However, touched my dick because I had to pee while making the food. I was fine because I was super careful not to touch the pee-hole. But later that day I girl sucked my dick and oh boy did she flip out, because there was still ghost pepper juice on my peepee.

>> No.12404132


Fuck off

>> No.12404136

is 4chan antivaxx now? holy shit i thought this place couldn't get worse

>> No.12404182

fake news

>> No.12404542

dios mio

>> No.12404545

How the fuck is that guy going to drink from that bottle?

>> No.12404548 [DELETED] 


>> No.12404551


>> No.12404899


>> No.12405146


>> No.12405158


>> No.12405178

Trump's anti-vaxx, so of course 4chan would be anti-vaxx too

>> No.12405227

classic WMAF mutt

>> No.12405299
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this bad boy
one bite and I suffered for 3 days

>> No.12405307

I'm enjoying chiles gueros most of all personally
They have more or less the same heat as jalapenos although seemingly much more consistent
As for the hottest pepper I enjoy habanero salsas upon occasion although not loading up as it is nothing more than a nice change up
Heat is for joy along with flavor which can go south in a bad way in no time at all while pitifully spoiling a meal

>> No.12405313

Raw habanero. I'm growing a red ghost pepper plant now. It'll be that one in a few weeks, I reckon.

>> No.12405388

Calabrian hot peppers, around the 30k mark. They were almost too hot to bear for me and I doubt I will try anything hotter.

>> No.12405406
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what the shitting fuck is going on in this thread

>> No.12405407

>adding pure capsicum to alcohol
Do not do this Anon is makes the capsicum bind much more effectively. Also makes mustard greens.

>> No.12405410

i got ghost pepper in my eye once
fucking sucked

>> No.12405433

red savina habaneros, my friend grew them.
the thing with heat is you build up tolerance. don't have anything for a while, even a raw jalapeno might make your eyes water. eventually you're up to putting whole habaneros in your burrito and then looking up hot sauces because it's too hard to find decent peppers

>> No.12407196

Powdered- Carolina Reaper.
Raw- Habanero and Jalapeno.

I accidentally added too much of the reaper into my chili because I was drunk-cooking. It hurt so fucking bad. I had blood in my shit for next 2 days.

>> No.12407200
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>Let me just start by showing you my collection of hot sauces.

>> No.12407240


>> No.12407846

4chan has ALWAYS been fiercely anti-vax

>> No.12407848

What are thoughts on the flamingo hot nacho Doritos?

>> No.12407859

But vaccines are good, I want a whole litter of down syndrome babies waddling around my house humping guests and furniture

>> No.12407917
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Whatever goes in sambal tjabe. The eating pain was nice, the pooping however was hell.