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12397833 No.12397833 [Reply] [Original]

Well? Would you?

>> No.12397837

How much fat is in those drinks?

>> No.12397839


>> No.12397847
File: 329 KB, 941x799, 1559034469780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would you eat 6 donuts
>all at once or throughout

>> No.12397849

If they're good

>> No.12397861

Fuck yeah I'd 6 donuts

>> No.12397871

here's the part where a bunch of snarky out of shape amerilards joke about how much sugar they consume as if it isnt killing them and placing undue burden on their already garbage healthcare system

>> No.12397872


Wow! So one doughnut is the same as just a sixth of a bottle of coke?

I can eat way more doughnuts than I thought. I'm swapping out my daily bottle of coke for 6 doughnuts.

>> No.12397876

Kind of manipulative to use donuts as a metric of sugar. By that logic a coke equals 20 buckets of KFC.

>> No.12397877

It's extremely easy to eat six donuts.

>> No.12397879

how many catfish are in a glass of coke? how about parakeets?

>> No.12397882
File: 11 KB, 400x600, ci-not-your-fathers-root-beer-4fd981407b5113ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what I don't understand is how fat fucks drink this shit to get drunk. Shit is sweeter than regular root beer and even those girly frozen drinks. by the time you get a buzz you've consumed like a cup of sugar

>> No.12397891


And it tastes like medicine.

>> No.12397893

yeah it should be a caloric comparison which still would be unflattering enough for propaganda

>> No.12397915
File: 75 KB, 500x500, FB461A2F-1C68-48FC-B524-AF967742D852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would eat 6 doughnuts and then eat 6 more, just to be the man who ate 12 doughnuts and lived to tell the tale.

>> No.12397938

I would if my body would let me

>> No.12397946

i'd eat as many donuts as I could stuff in my gut and have eaten excess of 8 donuts in a sitting

>> No.12397951

I've done it a few times. I think eight is the most I've done. Around the third or fourth one I kind of stop enjoying it and eat the rest out of compulsion.

>> No.12397956

Why didn't he use 16oz soda? That energy drink has more sugar

>> No.12397958

I mean, if nobody caught me going back to the break room for more, sure.

>> No.12397970

These images always make me realise I can pig out on shit like donuts way more than I normally do. I probably wouldn't eat that many donuts in a single sitting, but if it's as much sugar as a single bottle of coke then clearly it's doable.

>> No.12397981


>> No.12397984

Fluid ounces. The context makes it apparent.

>> No.12397986
File: 544 KB, 735x571, Call HateOneOne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lying dickery.

Search results tell me that medium donuts with sugar sprinkles have ~37g of sugar. So I can only assume despite showing a glazed donut with sprinkles, they're either using stats for small donuts with nothing whatsoever, or just making shit up.

>> No.12397997

I water down my fruit juice because it tastes too sweet

>> No.12398022

Fuck yes, then I'd down them with a coke

>> No.12398267
File: 756 KB, 737x1048, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a vanilla frosted donut with sprinkles from the Dunk is
>15g sugar
So about 40% more than what the chart is showing... Pic related is comparing calories

>> No.12398268

we pay for our own healthcare here we dont care if you wanna kill yourself

>> No.12398274

>ignoring fat and carbohydrates that break down into sugars
This is retarded reasoning. Reminds me of the big diabeetus scare in the 2000s where everyone was trying to cut out all sugars without realizing you don't get diabetes or obesity from just sugar.

>> No.12398282

>diabetes or obesity from just sugar.
That's the main issue though.

>> No.12398285

I blend 6 doughnuts with 16fl oz of heavy whipping cream for breakfast

>> No.12398289

Was thinking the same thing. Misleading to use different sizes... almost like someone has an agenda... hmmmm.

>> No.12398294

>not drinking 0 calorie soda
*laughs in cancer*

>> No.12398300

As if 6 donuts is even a lot...

>> No.12398305

I've definitely eaten 6 or more krispy kreme donuts in one sitting

>> No.12398308

It almost works in cycles, but the main issue is for both is plain and simple weight gain. Eating more calories than you burn is going to make you put on weight. Excess abdominal fat can help contribute to diabetes and will obviously eventually lead to obesity if you don't do something about it. The problem with fats and sugars is the fact that it's VERY easy to go over how many calories you should eat in a day due to the fact that fat contains a large amount of calories and simple sugars don't make you feel very full. This is all very basic stuff I'm sure you're already aware of, but the problem is that the general public that don't sit down to think about it simply blame either fat or sugar and call it a day. The problem is that reduced fat foods tend to compensate with added sugars and just eating sugar free foods that still contain fat and just slap on artificial sweeteners is STILL going to push you over that calorie limit.
TL;DR: People flip flop and blame one or the other when really both are good in moderation and they just have no impulse control and choose to blame one and avoid it while still eating too much.

>> No.12398331

It is you fatass

>> No.12398346

Well I mean if they were just sitting infront of me...

>> No.12398355

I eat two donuts a day anyway. 6'0. 182 btw

>> No.12398377

Health nuts manipulate people by fudging numbers and blatantly lying? I had no idea.

>> No.12398380

So 20oz is closer to 4 donuts, then. Fuck Mark Milligan, fucking baldass faggot

>> No.12398386
File: 56 KB, 800x600, Clemens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I used a different donut. Regardless, the point is I don't even eat donuts, I know I haven't had one since at least October? probably before then, I just fucking hate people who use numbers this way.

There are three kinds of lies; lies, damned lies, and statistics.

>> No.12398391

Ah, nothing like attempting to exert control by false altruism.
>You don't want to die, right? Then do as I will you to do.

>> No.12398394

Three kinds of falsehood, friend.

>> No.12398397

So Americans now measure things with doughnuts? Feet and football fields were not enough?

>> No.12398398

And that's only if you care about sugar. Which yeah, it's important. But since they're both essentially nutritionless, the most important thing is calories. And in that case, 1 soda = 0.78 donuts

The juice is 0.57 donuts. And assuming it's 100% juice, it is far better than the donut since it'll have vitamins and minerals (even though it's not as good as the whole fruit, obviously).

>> No.12398424

And the juice scaled up to the size of the Coke would have 60g of sugar. Not much less than Coke.

>> No.12398550

I was not using it as a direct quotation, and I think my way sounds more dramatic and forwards. I do not mean to corrupt his image.

>> No.12398572
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>> No.12398586
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>> No.12398587

It'd still be healthier though

>> No.12398617

I have a feeling they are only counting sugar, not the carbs or fat in the donut.
Why be dishonest? Soda is bad for you, so just tell it straight so you aren't discredited.

>> No.12398625

mom and pops shop >>> krispy kreme > yumyum > wenchels > grocery store and gas station donuts >>>>> dunkin

>> No.12398637

Are white people donuts better than asian donuts? And are north asian donuts better than south asian donuts?
I prefer donuts from north asians (south asian donuts are the worst imo) but I want to see other people's opinions on it.

>> No.12398641

sugar is bad for you, carbs and fat are not

>> No.12398650

idk but my local shipleys is staffed full of asians. There are literally no fucking asian people out here so I don't know where they hell they came from. Anyways the donuts + kolaches are good and they put anime stickers all over the windows.

>> No.12398652

It's comparing soda to donuts. Both should be a treat at best. This isn't the place to get into a nutritionist dick measuring contest.
Also, see:

>> No.12398666
File: 94 KB, 1024x768, DGSZwjxUwAAGDV4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More generally though, donuts are among the worst foods you can eat.

To make rats fat, the most effective way is to feed them a processed diet of basic half and half sugar/refined carbs to fat, with a little bit of protein. That is basically just donuts.

>> No.12398675

donuts have way more calories though, so the soda is still the healthier option. that said, if I'm going to drink my calories, I'd much rather drink alcohol

>> No.12398687

I'd rather drink milk t b h
The hard thing about finding out what causes diabetes is people generally do everything bad. Most people who get fat enough to get beetus are also eating unhealthy shit, drinking a fuckton of sugary drinks, etc. It's hard to disassociate.

>> No.12398725

Lol no, 6 donuts is probably around 1500-1800 calories easy, a bottled soda usually has around 250-260. Soda is garbage for you but to blatantly lie like the guy in OP’s pic is extremely homosexual.

>> No.12398729

I cut out soda last year and my blood sugar has plummeted even though I compensated by eating shitloads of sweets. It's ridiculous how much sugar is in soda.

>> No.12398735

seriously, how the fuck is dunkin in business? their donuts are toilet tier

>> No.12398738

I ate 6 donuts last night

>> No.12399315

>20% is "little"
>The way to make rats gain weight is to feed them macronutrients
What a shocker. What is your suggestion, then, eat nothing by whey isolate? You realize basically all of the calories from plant matter is sugar, right?
>Muh refined sugars
Carbs are carbs, just because they take longer to break into individual glucose modules doesn't mean they don't get turned into glucose.
>Muh fruit
Fructose is even worse for you, especially if you're (pre-)diabetic.

>> No.12399328
File: 49 KB, 419x552, 4718.fat-venom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw there was a span of months recently where I ate 6 donuts almost every day

>> No.12399348

why would you do that to yourself?

>> No.12399354

Holy shit, donuts are way less bad for you than I thought! Thanks OP

>> No.12399370

Hunger, depression, desire to bulk.

>> No.12399384

Seriously, I do not understand why coasties love Dunkin so much, or how it is even a thing when literally every shitty super market has significantly better donuts

>> No.12399489

5 donuts are 5 1/2 too many,fatso.
Also,your mom is a whore.

>> No.12399542

Juice isn't healthy anon you're losing out on vital nutrients by drinking juice and not eating the actual fruit.

>> No.12399557

>Carbs are carbs, just because they take longer to break into individual glucose modules doesn't mean they don't get turned into glucose.

True in a loose sense, but their effects on the body are different, the incretin effect of food cannot be ignored.

>> No.12399565

It's not the donuts, it's the coffee.

>> No.12399568

>carbs are carbs


>> No.12399574

>would you eat 6 donuts
Oh God yes yes yeeesh

>> No.12399577

I liked it when I tried it, but was already sick of it on the second bottle. Definitely a 1 bottle only kind of drink.

>> No.12399580

read >>12398398

>> No.12399721

>the worst paul simon ever written
why did you do this to me

>> No.12399727

I was on a car trip to vegas once and we played this song on repeat as a novelty on the way there ("haha it's a dumb songs about cars, perfect for a road trip") but then it got stuck in our heads and the whole time we were in vegas members of the group would randomly start singing it and then curse because we were so sick of it but we couldn't get it out of our heads

>> No.12399887
File: 73 KB, 960x720, doughknotz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pfft, what kind of silly question is that?

>> No.12399903

If I buy 6 donuts I eat them all the same day anyways. Sometimes I'll buy both donuts and coke.

>> No.12399906

OwO imagine if da boobies waz ecsposed

>> No.12399996
File: 51 KB, 669x1040, 1558016852151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. no imagination

>> No.12400002


>> No.12400011

but i AM using my imagination... you would know know that if you read my post
I am imagining they are big and bouncy and squishy to hold while I eat the donuts

>> No.12400082

what a joke

>> No.12400085

make b00bs more seeable

>> No.12400113

What was the Harry Potter spell for that?

>> No.12400119


>> No.12400123

wow look at those "doughnuts" if you know what i mean haha

>> No.12400296

I wish I could consume the equivalent of six donuts that easily; eating is a waste of time.

>> No.12400676

normal people dont drink to "get a buzz" al/ck/ie

>> No.12400679

You are gay
but you are even gayer

>> No.12401391

Man I hate these stupid health nuts! I'm going to open up another 2 liter and start chugging until I feel better

>> No.12401433

God dammit trash Canuck

>> No.12401550

I don’t generally drink a 20oz bottle of coke in one go.

>> No.12401774

They focus more on drinks now than doughnuts
>t. former dunkin donuts wagecuck
Also Honeydew Doughnuts>Gourmet Doughnuts>Dippin Doughnuts>Dunkin Donuts in terms of NE/Central mass coffee and doughnut shops

>> No.12402213

All my coworkers are women and an old guy drops off a dozen donuts every week. They rarely eat them and I never do.

I don't know if he's an architect or what.

>> No.12402428

If I wasn't supposed to finish the box then they shouldn't sell them like that

>> No.12403237
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 1533016059552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had three of them with dinner one time a few years back. No you don't drink them to get drunk. Its nearly impossible. You mix them with ice cream for a desert or you just drink one but trying to get drunk off them would be nearly impossible. Beer is far more drinkable. They taste awful anyways like root beer with a slight malt liquor after taste. It just doesn't work at all.