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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12396906 No.12396906 [Reply] [Original]

First time making pizza. AM I DOING IT RIGHT????

>> No.12396912
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>> No.12396915

Looks gay af. Are you making it for your husband, you pozzed faggot?

>> No.12396922

oh fuck save me a slice bro

>> No.12396923

>leaves and tomato topping
Not gonna make it

>> No.12396924

That's not a pizza oven so no.

>> No.12396932

I don't live in italy man

>> No.12396957

Cheese sucks. Get low moisture mozzarella or something else that melts properly. Your oven isn't hot enough also. Compensate by getting a pizza stone and heating that bitch up good. Also use less gay toppings, jesus christ.

>> No.12397009

>Tomato slices

that's a cringe bro

>> No.12397021

>hanging pizza on the wall


>> No.12397030

>doing it right
im going to guess thats vegan pizza with soymilk cheese substitute

>> No.12397051
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>> No.12397158
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It tastes good, I think that's all that matters

>> No.12397303
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I'm hungry now

>> No.12397306

Pipe down, nigger lover.

>> No.12397337
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I've been wondering if that would work.
I got 15 of them into the mag before they started getting too unstable to stay in by themselves.
I expected the one on the bottom to shatter, but it didn't. If they were longer and maybe had one end not cut on a slant I reckon you could get 20 or possibly even 30 in there no problem.

>> No.12397360
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>> No.12397367

looks good for your first time
next time but the basil on right out of the oven and maybe use less unless you really love eating leaves
post crumb for a proper assessment

>> No.12397368

How does the pizza stick to the side like that?

>> No.12397378

no you are not doing it right

>> No.12397405

so a margherita is made without tomato?

>> No.12397411

this guy is basically correct.


get the stone
get that shit hot
you need a source of moisture in the oven - I use an old metal measuring cup. the char on the crust in a good pie is carmelization that needs moisture and wont develop otherwise.

your pie looks underdone, but hey - its pizza

>> No.12397414


I wouldn't have gone with tomato slices but all pizza is good pizza senpai.

I use the serious eats recipes for food processor dough, 72hr cold rise and they also have good recipes for tomato sauce/white sauce. Use a steel baking sheet (inch thick), oven on the highest setting and invest in a wooden and metal peel. I'm making pizzas tonight, will try and post pictures.

>> No.12397418

Take off the tomatoes, use less cheese, and you will improve it

>> No.12397423

I don't see any point in a fod processor.

I do an initial autolysis (min 20 min - up to an hour or two) and a mix of high gluten and 00 flour. I barely even mix that shit

>> No.12397441


I'll try that. Do you still do a long ferment in the fridge? My dough smells of vodka right now. Vodka!

>> No.12397448

It had a lot of sauce, might do less sauce too. Thanks for the advice

>> No.12397452


Not bad, anon. For tomato slices, I typically dry them out as much as possible before they go on the pizza. Sun-dried tomatoes >. Also, basil shouldn't be baked with the pizza as it ruins the flavor profile.

Cheese kind of looks like some pre-shredded bagged crap. Don't use that. Slice your own wedges of low-moisture mozzarella like others have mentioned already. Makes a huge difference.

For your first time, not bad at all. Pizza stone if you want to get serious, but it's honestly not as necessary as other anons make it. Maybe if you want to mimic NY-style as close as possible, but otherwise meh.

Bad pizza is still good pizza.

>> No.12397453

>you need a source of moisture in the oven
Completely wrong
Pizza is not a pie in any culinary fashion or tradition
This isn't actually a word in any language.
In short, you're a fucking moron who isn't in any position to give culinary advice, so fuck off back to whichever shithole you live in and remain silent.

>> No.12397457

short answer is yes.

longer: I let my dough sit for a night minimum. if im feeling organized then ill pop it in the fridge for a night on the following night. I love the smell of fermenting dough.

from what ive heard, the cold ferment for dough has more to do with getting more flavors from bacteria, not with the flavors that come from the yeast and flour

>> No.12397459

lol ok incel

>> No.12397484

If only you knew how fucking naive and stupid you are.

>> No.12397490


Good for you OP, taking constructive advice and thinking about your creation in a critical way so you can improve your future creations.

And what a largely wholesome thread of helpful advice. It reminds me of how /ck/ used to be.

Yeah, less tomato, less cheese and better cheese. Use low moisture blocks of mozzarella that you grate yourself. And don't put tomato slices on it and don't cook your basil, it will go bitter. And a good dough is key.

Decide what kind of pizza you like (Neopolitan, NY style) read everything and experiment.

>> No.12397493

That's not a word, ESL anon.

>> No.12397534
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Have you tried their no-knead deep dish dough? It's fucking amazing.

>> No.12397540

learn how to rotate your photos you fucking faggot

>> No.12397550

fuck you cunt i'll get your fish pregnant

>> No.12397604
File: 3.22 MB, 4032x3024, CFF16DA0-ED3C-4C41-97D0-3548497F3A0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a spinach, olive and mushroom white pizza.

>> No.12397605

That's gonna be a yikes from me, dawg.

>> No.12397675

Looks like a nice pizza man. Good job

>> No.12397722

>white pizza
>That's gonna be a yikes from me, dawg.
That's 2 yikes now.

>> No.12397740

It looks surreal

>> No.12397801

im still right
and youre both kitchen incels

>> No.12398083

Uhh wth anon
How can you fuck up a pizza this badly

>> No.12398230

pretty standard homemade shape.

circular pies don't exist in the wild.

>> No.12398287

The shape is the least of its problems.

>> No.12398291

Dis nigga eating leaves

>> No.12398301

You could have gone another 5 or 10 min on it, it's under done

>> No.12398320
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>someone on /ck/ actually made something that looks appetizing