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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12394978 No.12394978 [Reply] [Original]

remind me why we hate /mealprep/?
we DO hate mealprep, right?

>> No.12394983

The vast majority of anti-meal prep threads are started by a single soyjak spamming autist from the retarded end of the scale who uses meal prep as the thin end of the wedge with which to normalise his autistic hatred of all leftovers.

>> No.12394985

unimaginative, lazy, food tastes worse the longer you store it

it's the hallmark of retarded /fit/heads obsessed with macros and fatasses that can't learn how to count their calories

>> No.12394987

i do this for work lunchs. i make a giant pot of chilli on sunday, put in 5 freezer containers. just take 1 out of the freezer each morning on my way to work and bam, easy lunch thats better then eating out of a vending machine

>> No.12394996

Something fundamentally slavish about it.

>> No.12395019

Meal prep is Kino.

Imagine eating Subway every day for lunch.

>> No.12395023

Where's the autist that spams his hate of this?
I'm bored and want to argue with an idiot.

>> No.12395025

Underage leave.

>> No.12395028
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>popular leddit am i oldfag now?
I don't care you stupid nigger no one cares you fucking nigger your own family doesn't care you shit nigger no one will ever care about you nigger you're fucking nothing you stupid nigger utter fucking garbage shit nigger you're wasting space stupid nigger do you think you're fucking funny you stupid nannying nigger you faggot nigger kill yourself

>> No.12395029
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, yumyum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating the same thing every day

How fucking boring. I'd rather be fat.

>> No.12395030
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>Why prep meals when mom makes me a nummie dinner every night

>> No.12395126

Stop projecting

>> No.12395144

People with a job or some kind of routine in their lives realize that prepping food is just a convenience. Nothing more to it unless you want to troll, which I'm all for

>> No.12395145

>look mum i used the n word on the internet xD

>> No.12395150 [DELETED] 
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>Why yes, I do enjoy eating week old salmon and rice! How could you tell?

>> No.12395156

No U

>> No.12395157

What if I told you that you can eat different things everyday without being fat?

>> No.12395312
File: 150 KB, 599x1000, prepfags-love-eating-vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way dude, i spend all day cooking on sunday so i have the back of my fridge loaded up with these bad boys. sure by thursday it all tastes like congealed snot but look at all the time im saving while fags like you guys are wasting time cooking 2-3 hours every night.
anyway you look at it, microwaved leftovers are the future.
found the leftover lover

>> No.12395325 [DELETED] 

Soybois saying other people are projecting is rich.

>> No.12395354


A good reason to avoid it. The Slav is pernicious, the most perfidious of the Euros.

>> No.12395427

Based and wellwrittenpilled

>> No.12395447

Doesn't it get boring eating the same thing every day for a week? Doesn't the food start to taste shitty half way through the week? I imagine by day 7 it would be almost inedible. Am I missing something?

>> No.12395470

Yeah, you're missing the point of people food prepping. Here's a hint: It's not for taste.

>> No.12395484

>It's not for taste
Certainly it's at the very least partially for taste or else there would be almost no need to meal prep at all, you could just eat literally only what you need to survive with no seasoning or flavour or anything and it wouldn't take long to make any of those meals.

>> No.12395497

Only people that are overweight hate mealprep, though. No one one this board even cooks. And what they "cook" looks like shit and probably tastes terrible as well. I'm surprised that people even cook with the amount of fastfood threads on here.


>> No.12395501

imagine being complacent in cooking food that doesn't taste good

>> No.12395519

it takes like hour n half to make something major, most stuff takes 15 minutes. food just doesn't stay good that long.

>> No.12395561

>meal prepping tastes disgusting
well they don't do it for taste

>> No.12395570

imagine not giving 2 shits what other people eat that will NEVER affect you

>> No.12395575

That's not what I said at all, moron

>> No.12395581

This, pretty much. What more needs to be said?

>> No.12395630

Imagine getting mad at someone on the internet who makes fun of you for eating tasteless slop and being fine with it.

>> No.12395652


>> No.12395658

that's something very dystopian feeling about meal prepping

>> No.12395662

Hahaha, imagine what you’re farts would smell like after hahaha

>> No.12395684

absolutely nothing wrong with it. Makes a busy life much more manageable if I don't have to worry about lunches at work all week. Still prefer to cook a dinner but its easier if I don't have to make sure it will stay good for the next day or that I make enough for that

>> No.12395729

Don’t ever get shipwrecked.

>> No.12395784

Sorry your point crumbled before you.
Like this guy? >>12395652

>> No.12395793

I can’t get in that week long meal prep. I can prep 2 or 3 lunch meals for the next few days and that’s it. If you need to save time I get it; but need and want are 2 different things.

Fresh is always tastier if possible.

>> No.12395801

nigger are you retarded

>> No.12395812

The point is why bother doing it if your food doesn't taste good? It seems like it would get difficult to eat powering through it. You can make healthy food that still tastes good. I think a week is too long for meal prepping; week long leftovers are disgusting. Maybe like 3 or 4 days at most, but a week is too much.

>> No.12395817

what if you just freeze the food like you're supposed to with mealprep? then it's not "7 days old", at the very worst its like your pizza rolls?
also why are idiots implying you have to eat the same thing everyday
can you not cook more than one thing?
i guess none of this makes sense if you do nothing all day and dont care for your health

>> No.12395836

yea i really don't get the confusion. I spend 10 hours a day at work, workout after, have dance practice a few days a week, and cook for myself as often as possible. Making up a big batch of food on Sunday so I don't have to worry about making sure I have time to get a lunch ready every day and don't get tempted to go spend money I don't have to. But what else can you expect from a bunch of neets?

>> No.12395842

You seem to have a hard time understanding the concept of 'leftovers'.

>> No.12395941

Don't waste your time on meal prep, if you really have no place to eat at work just eat protein bars and cook yourself a real dinner at home after work

>> No.12395948


>> No.12395980

Why not eat something good for lunch and still cook for dinner

>> No.12396074

>Don't waste time by saving time, just waste money : D!

>> No.12396239

Who's we autist?

>> No.12396548

I don't know what to say about it other than meal prep is cooking for yourself when living alone. I make a big batch of fried rice, fried rice is what I'm eating for a couple days.

It's also like these people think they've lost a battle if they have to eat a sandwich.

>> No.12396673

I think conceptually it's fine, but it's a lot of work for what you're basically just turning into leftovers and it's going to lose flavor with time.

>> No.12396678

I don't hate meal prep, I just dislike eating the same food over and over. Meal prep seems convenient though. My parents did this a lot.>>12394978

>> No.12396803

Eating the same food over and over is basically required for healthy gut bacteria.

>> No.12396815

And you're likely a person with a laundry list of "unhealthy" things who simultaneously fails to realize when you add them all up the only (arguably) healthy thing to do is drink water.

>> No.12396827

true but my autism isn't strong enough for this

>> No.12396837

I see you were in the last thread. FPBP

>> No.12396863

THis is what I did in college. This is the best alternative, although....
>implying Mr. Meal Prep Hater isn't a NEET

>> No.12396868

OP and you are exaggerating how bad 7-day-old leftovers taste. They aren't ideal, but I wouldn't call them slop or inedible.
People do mealprep because the benefit of not needing to cook/buy food during the week is supposed to balance out any problems with taste. I don't think anyone would say mealprep tastes better than making food fresh everyday, but it's a lot less of a hassle.
Then there are legit autists who would be fine eating the exact same food every day for the rest of their lives.

>> No.12397049

>giving a shit about other people

>> No.12397113

>food tastes worse the longer you store it
I agree with the rest but a lot of food tastes better after a day or 2 (stews, soups, slow cooked meat), or longer for like dried meats.

>> No.12397135

I don't hate meal prepping, it makes perfect sense for a lot of people. Saves money and time. I just hate that there are meal peppers on this board. Many of us actually enjoy cooking and eating as a genuine hobby, buying ingredients, trying new things, failing, and trying again. I cook every day when I get home from work because it helps me unwind and its therapeutic. So when your primary goal is "I want to cook and eat as quickly and cheaply as possible" and then you work backwards from there to figure out how to make it taste less like shit and less repetitive, then we're off on the wrong foot.

>> No.12397502


>> No.12397520

I thought I was the only one doing the protein bar trick

>> No.12397704

>obsessed with macros
once you make it past newbie gains, it's very hard to put on muscle and lose fat without losing muscle. especially when cutting you have to be very careful to give your body enough calories so your muscles don't atrophy, but low enough to lose weight.

>> No.12398001

meal prep is fine until you realize it's not hard to make meals that taste good and require no effort anyways

you don't even need to buy containers

the only thing you save is washing a pan, which really, nobody likes doing dishes, but if you planned out your wardrobe a week and a half in advanced people would probably think you're weird.

>> No.12398818

>nobody even fucking replied to him after 12 hours
>Thread went so poorly for him he had to false flag for attention over in >>12390757
I'm proud of you /ck/.

>> No.12400426

Meal peeps are stupid, I just cook extra the night before so I have lunch for the next day. Most people just meal prep to brag on social media, honestly find it hard to believe that most people that do meal prep can’t find the time to cook every night

>> No.12400453

>found the leftover lover
I made extra meatballs last night so I could have them in a baguette today. Does that trigger you, pissbottler?

>> No.12400468
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no knowing the inherent difference between a next day leftover and a meal made to be eaten 5 days later makes you the vienna sausage brain.
dont ever post on this board again absolute brainlet

>> No.12400524

Why do people hate meal prep?
Are you retarded or something?

Like really and unironically, what is wrong with it? What do you do if you have work the whole day and need something to eat? Are you guys actually stupid?

>> No.12400550

My mom use to meal prep before it was cool, she called it five days of spaghetti and salad. Sometimes it was chicken and salad for a week. Or fish and salad. Or deer and salad. We had a garden.

I never minded.

>> No.12400551

Nobody "has to work the whole day". You're just lazy.

>> No.12400581

go to reddit if you want to hivemind

>> No.12400684

Read the reply chain if you don't know what's going on, or if you are who I replied to stop trying to hide your autism I saw last week's threads

>> No.12400694

what makes you think meal preppers arent just doing the same as you but making more of it and freezing/storing leftovers

>> No.12401076

You can make your own protbars for a week way faster that you would spend time meal prepping. You do whatever you want anyway it's none of my business. I just absolutely hate reheated stuff and would rather get a quick and nice prot bar before having a real fresh meal at home.

>> No.12401148

This. Also, it takes much less work and leaves more time for shitposting.