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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12392314 No.12392314[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you drink and what do you drink it with? Also ask a guy who works at a liquor store in Utah anything.

>> No.12392321

I drink brandy and am just getting into scotch. I always drink it neat wtf is rocks.

Paul masson vsop is the best brandy and famous grouse (not smoky) or ballentines (smoky)are really good for the price.

>> No.12392327

Do you ever ask to see a girl's ID just so you can memorize her address?

>> No.12392329

Vodka with some coke as a chaser.
I'm not doing the fancy holiday thing, I'm more pensive this holiday.
What do you drink if anything?

>> No.12392332

Vodka and water chaser.
Or whiskey.
Or tequila.
Really any spirit I just chase with water.

how much beer do you sell in your "liquor" store?

>> No.12392353
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What do you sell a 1.75l of this for?
It's $14.01 including taxes here in mid tier NY, that's not bad considering this state is known for high social engineering taxes.

>> No.12392358

Perhaps OP died?

>> No.12392368

Nah but I like to check for their name sometimes

>> No.12392378

That'd probably go for about 12.79 here. Dont think we have that brand but it looks basic bottom shelf.

>> No.12392387

I'm the brandy/scotch guy with the first reply and OP. Love me some fancy scotch but its too expensive.

>> No.12392388

Ask your mom, she liked my rocks pretty well last Saturday night.

>> No.12392391

That's cool, it is pretty bottom shelf.

>> No.12392394

I live sorry I didnt think this would get decent response.

>> No.12392397

Given that you work at the place, do you get a discount?

>> No.12392404


Well with rocks you honestly lose the flavor. If your whiskey is cold you cant taste the subtle stuff.

>> No.12392413

Not at all I wish. I'd have a lot more "friends" if I did though.

>> No.12392420

Ive heard that the best bottom shelf vodka is popov. Give that a shot sometime if you havent.

>> No.12392425

Quite a lot actually. In Utah there is a law that grocery stores etc can only sell beer up to 3.2% alcohol. So we get all the good stuff.

>> No.12392434

You're not the first person to mention that. I'll try it.

>> No.12392438

At the liquor store we have a huge crowd of people who come in every morning right when we open. They always buy pints of vodka or whatever is cheap with a ton of change. Half are homeless but all are alcoholics.

They say if you know when the liquor store closes you are a heavy drinker, but if you know when we open you are an alcoholic.

>> No.12392445
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This is my go to. 15$ for a 750ml

Good but not sugary sweet like e&j. Got a bit of smoke. I like it anyway.

>> No.12392452

NY laws are weird about that. Liquor stores can sell only liquor but grocery stores can only sell beer and "additives" such as angostura bitters. Little corner stores can sell all kinds of weird stuff like beer, ale, and that high gravity stuff.
It's about licensing and not crossing over into another's territory.
It's funny because some little kid can go in to some grocery store and buy a bottle of Angostura bitters which is 44.7% ABV and it wouldn't bat an eyelid.
Our laws are so weird here that it confuses even the legislators and coppers.

>> No.12392479

I felt like that last Sunday. I already had a bottle of vodka but needed one for the holiday and didn't realize that the law stated on Sunday that earliest time for opening is noon. Those are the laws designed to make people go to Church, the social engineering laws. In any event I got there around 11 am and said screw it, I'll just chill out. I bought a newspaper and a coke next door and wasted away an hour.
Sometimes stuff happens.

>> No.12392487

Liquor laws are pretty ridiculous yeah haha. You know the big buzz in Utah now is that grocery stores will be allowed up to 4%beer wow. Next year should go into action.

>> No.12392494

Pretty common for people to be waiting in their cars or lining up at the door an hour before we open yeah. In Utah we are completely closed on Sunday thanks to the Mormons.

>> No.12392503

It was a big deal some years back in NY when the law was relaxed to let liquor stores even open on Sundays. The legislators have to follow the money, always and that's not even being cynical, it's true.

>> No.12392510

I was going to ask you about that but figured it might be personal, so didn't ask.

>> No.12392525

Hahaha, new and improved.

>> No.12392572

The most confusing I find is in Arizona, Phoenix specifically. Where some places have this brown package law and others don't. I was chilling out there for a week or two and asked the folk at hotel where can I buy some booze.
They knew that I was staying in a nice room and didn't want to pay some bazillion % overhead for them to do it so I'll do it myself.

They told me to go a really cool Spanish restaurant that I'd been to right before with my girl and ask for the packaging section. I did that, this big dude came out a bunch of keys, brought me over to this big door which he unlocked and opened up this huge vault of various liquors, I was stunned.
I bought a couple things for myself and my girlfriend and the legal thing was that they had to be put in brown paper bags.
Go figure?

>> No.12392973

>grocery stores will be allowed up to 4%beer
What the fuck Utah?
>Only Sen. Lyle Hillyard, R-Logan, voted against the measure, saying he's "concerned about kids who get alcohol either from their parents or either steal it."

>> No.12393000

>work at a liquor store
>in utah
>ask me anything
I don't think I've ever seen an al/ck/ thread that made reddit actually look appealing.

>> No.12393037
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>looks up law
You can't have a beer above 4% ABV in a BAR!



>> No.12393220

Got wasted and crashed my car into an suv full of niggers and the cops let me go even though they said I reeked of alcohol, ama.

>> No.12393366

I agree with Utah here. If you're drinking beer above 4% abv, you're probably an alcoholic.

>> No.12393423
File: 513 KB, 1200x1600, Beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You rice-adjunct, low-calorie, women's-weight-watching, bible thumping, uncultured rednecks are the reason Europe thinks we don't have beer and god stopped calling to hang out on weekends.

Light lagers in Japan are 5.0% you limp-dicked traitors.

>> No.12393433

I drink water because of health shit
but sometimes I have a whole soda

>> No.12393533

Based Mormons

>> No.12393582

Okay fatass, enjoy your liver disease.

>> No.12393610

feels surreal to imagine that living in wisconsin where I can buy any beer or liqour at gas stations or grocery stores

>> No.12393734

Is there any beer under 4% that doesn't taste like diluted piss?

I can't imagine living without Quads, Trippels, Double IPAs or Stouts. Utah is truly the worst hell.

>> No.12393762
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Try Sweden. You can only buy beer, wine, liquor at state stores out side of restaurants and you can't get anything in a restaurant above 3.x before noon. Socialist fuckers. At least their chicks are hot

>> No.12393800
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>If you're drinking beer above 4% abv, you're probably an alcoholic.

lol americans

>> No.12393824

where is modelo on this list

>> No.12393829

Don't you have minimum BAL required to drive legally, anon?

>> No.12393840

Colorado just loosened up our booze laws and now gas stations and grocery stores can sell full strength beer. 10ish years ago we legalized selling alcohol on Sundays. I remember getting a bottle of wine on the first legal Sunday and some old lady called me a degenerate as I was crossing the street.

>> No.12393843
File: 24 KB, 303x566, 8647E175-AB24-47E7-B025-7FF63A37C698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros im 23 days into my sober month and this shit is getting painful
Needless to say, REALLY looking forward to breaking this cursed streak

>> No.12393864
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Really? The hell?

I always saw northern lands of Europe to be the stereotype of not having liquor but having large mugs of beer. The fuck did you do? I'm starting to learn that a lot of the shit I didn't like about Europe is true, and I lot of the shit I had fantasized about Europe is false. The only stuff I like is the fucking diverse landscapes.

>> No.12393874
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>having liquor in the house
your first mistake

>> No.12393877

In TN it's weird. You can't buy wine at a grocery store...you can only get it at a liquor store. Yet you can buy beer at a grocery store until 3am. Sundays you can still buy beer after like 12pm but you can't buy wine or liquor at all. Weird laws indeed.

>> No.12393878

Work a seasonal sales job and just had my biggest day of work ever today. Netted $1500 bucks out the door on commission alone just today and picked up a handle of Bulleit to celebrate. Damn good whiskey, especially on the rocks. I usually go neat but depending on the whiskey ice can improve it. Really just depends on the flavor content and amount of bite or smoothness it has.

>> No.12393888
File: 368 KB, 640x480, comfy_campfire.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I get my baked potatoes to taste awesome and have crispy skin with seasoning and shit like they do at a steak house?

>> No.12394130

I don't know, I exclusively eat takeout and canned food.

>> No.12394144

can a mod move this to /r9k/ or possibly trash?
thanks you

>> No.12394177

it'd be redundant

>> No.12394185

not to mention how much the law varies city to city. Lynchburg is dry for some reason. And I can't buy beer past 11pm on a Sunday in this suburb but if you go up the street a little (to the next "city") you can get beer til 3

>> No.12394413

I'm sorry that you have been living in a bunker to avoid the kebab menace for over a decade krautanon.

>> No.12394565

feels good being catholic you're practically required to drink

>> No.12394595
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You fucks don't even try to hide it anymore.

>> No.12394906

$9.99 in MA, no tax.

>> No.12394938

Do American IDs really have your home address on them?

>> No.12394943

They do in Australia, because most people use their driving license. I don't know what's on the IDs for people who don't have a driving license.

>> No.12394974
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I don't drink much, but these tallboys were half price so I figured what the fuck

>> No.12395117

I got shit on /fit/ for drinking 11 litres of beer a week and trying to lift at the same time. Are they just being normies or am I actually in the wrong here?

>> No.12395193

What are you trying to do? Are you a skinny/average dude tryna get muscley? fatty trying to lose weight?

It's certainly not healthy, beer is as bad as soda, it all comes down to the rest of your diet.