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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12387060 No.12387060 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good Colombian recipes?

>> No.12387067 [DELETED] 

As a normal dude, I like my girls to have some meat. Fuck those skinny bitches who all probably are very superficial and won't touch anything tasty because it'll ruin their figure. Give me a real normal woman that likes food and video games. If I ever get a girlfriend we'll order in every day and play Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild together every day.

>> No.12387077


Not particularly. Colombians (and by extension Panamanians) are pretty much the Bongs of Latinos when it comes to food.

>> No.12387082

>and video games
A man of taste and culture. I regret I have but one upvote to give.

>> No.12387311

>as a black man, I want a fat chick

>> No.12387336

The best Colombian recipe is a quart of latina piss served neat in a glass tumbler.

>> No.12387395

There is a girl in Ibagué that I want to fuck really bad. She told me that meat has been unavailable for at least a month (for reasonable price).
I'm thinking things there aren't so amazing there, culinary wise. She is trying to get the fuck out, I just might import her and fatten her up with American crap so her hips fill out and tits get bigger. Because she is quite hot, but looking a bit malnourished.
If you want realistic Colombian food, its going to be a bit of bread, some rice maybe, a plantain, and a cup of coffee. Sorry dude. They really don't have shit.

>> No.12387400
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>> No.12387409

Nobody is stupid enough to believe that current food shortages mean that there are no good Colombian recipes in its history. You obviously just wanted to talk about this girl who's stringing you along.

>> No.12387531

www.mycolombianrecipes.com colombian cuisine may not be the best but is not as shitty as say, Brit bong or Filipino cuisine

>> No.12387590

Ok, Shaneeka we get your point.

>> No.12387869

I'm too am a 'normal dude' yes, I like my women on the curvier side, 'healthy', but if you are implying that the girl in this picture doesn't have 'meat' you are most mistaken; Our very eyes tell us otherwise; and while I admit that she is on the ~cusp~ as regards to my personal taste in female form, she is far from unattractive; and I can testify from my own experience that girls like the one pictured tend to be a bit piggish, drink lots of soda, and have very liberal diets. She is blessed with good breeding, but she cannot take advantage of that forever.

>Give me a real normal woman
>real normal woman

I'd be interested to hear what you mean by this? You seem to think a real or normal woman would not only tolerate your video game hobby, but actively encourage it; maybe even play with you. No 'real' (mature) woman would feel such a way, and ironically enough the very woman you have lambasted against is more in line play video games, and enjoy an overall sedentary lifestyle you seem to covet.

>> No.12387876
File: 74 KB, 900x576, Blaire-White-HSTS-900x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A real woman has a penis.

>> No.12387972

>Quart tumbler

>> No.12388525

>implying she would even bother talking to OP

>> No.12388597
File: 65 KB, 1000x669, Portada1101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colombian food is great. You should note, all traditional Colombian Dishes come with rice. Very common sides are beans and plantains (which are usually fried). Common Colombians aren't very into spicy foods.
If we have a weakness it's salads. I doubt I've ever had a good salad here in Colombia.

We have a couple of notable dishes:

Bandeja Paisa (pictured)
This is a really hearty meal which includes white rice, beans, ground beef, pork rinds, fried egg, a sausage or morzilla (blood pudding) or both, and a slice of avocado.

Basically a full pig roasted and filled with pulled pork. The whole pork is usually served with it's filling and the skin is crunchy and delicious.

Arroz con Pollo (Chicken rice)
Arroz de Camaron (Shrimp Rice)
Caldo de Costilla (Rib Broth): Perfect hangover food

Really hearty soup made mostly of potatoes

We also have basic latino food all countries have.
Empanadas (can very depending on the region. Bogota empanadas are awful mostly filled with rice and potatoes)

Colombia also has a ton of native tropical fruits so we have great juices made of:

Maracuya (Passion fruit)
Tomate de Arbol

Most preparation at home cooking restaurants is pretty simple. Just make white rice and fry the beef/chicken/fish. Add simple potatoes or fried plantain and you're done.

>> No.12388610
File: 114 KB, 700x553, Ajiaco-Bogotano1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just gonna copy paste recipes that I've found online. Mostly in Spanish though...

Ajiaco Santafereño is a hearty traditional Colombian soup and one of the country's most iconic dishes.
Ajiaco Santafereño is a traditional Colombian soup and one of Bogota's most iconic dishes. This rich, invigorating soup is made with different types of potatoes, chicken breast and corn. It’s usually served in clay pots and accompanied with avocado, capers and sour cream. It can be served as an appetizer in a smaller portion or as a main course in a big bowl.


22 TO 24

Cook the chicken breast and onion in 4 cups of water in a large pot. Bring to a boil and then reduce heat, and simmer for approximately for 20 to 25 minutes.
Once cooked, remove the chicken breast from the water. Shred the chicken and set aside.
Add the corn cobs and potatoes to the water, and cook until thickened, for approximately 15 to 20 minutes. Chop the corn ears.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
Add the chicken to the pot, and heat through for approximately 5 to 10 minutes.
Garnish with cilantro, and serve with capers, avocado and sour cream separately for everyone to add to their personal taste.

>> No.12388644
File: 80 KB, 600x600, Chicharron-El-Rancherito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Chicharron (Pork Rinds) and when cooked well they are crunchy and godly tasting. When done badly they are very greasy and chewy.

1 libra de tocino carnudo cortado en tiras de 2 centimetros de ancho
1 cucharadita de bicarbonato de sodio
3 tazas de agua
2 cucharadas de aceite
1 cucharadita de sal
También te puede interesar: Receta de Chorizos antioquenos
Pasos a seguir para hacer esta receta:
Se lava y se raspa el cuero del tocino con un cuchillo,se unta el bicarbonato por el lado de la piel unicamente y se deja un rato.se lavan bien,luego cada tira se corta por el lado de la piel en tres veces cosa que queden como fleco,se pone al fuego con dos tazas de agua y se deja hervir 5 minutos.

Se le bota el agua,se lava de nuevo y se pone al fuego con el agua restante y la sal hasta que se consuma.

Luego se agrega el acite,se tapa y se deja a fuego medio hasta que tueste.te los puedes saborear con unas ricas arepas.

>> No.12388664

>fried pork rinds

>> No.12388686
File: 68 KB, 675x450, lechona-tolimense-completa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuffed pig with pulled pork. Same presentation everywhere. The dish is served with the stuffing, a piece of the crunchy skin, and two small plain arepas. More or less greasy depending where you get it. The traditional recipe doesn't have rice but most regions add it to stretch out the meat.

4 Tazas de manteca de cerdo
1 Atado de cebolla larga
3 Libras (1 1/2 Kg.) de arveja seca, remojada y cocida
3 Libras (1 1/2 Kg.) de papas de año, peladas y picadas crudas
2 Libras (1 Kg.) de arroz blanco cocinado
pimienta. y cominos
Se compran 10 libras (5 Kg.) de carne pulpa de cerdo adicional

Se pone el cuero boca arriba y se comienza a rellenar con una capa gruesa de la carne y el hueso del propio lechón, otra capa de guiso, otra con la carne adicional y por último otra del guiso.

Se cose con piola en punto de cruz, asegurándose que quede algo de guiso cerca de la costura. Se voltea y se pone en una vasija lo suficientemente grande con huecos para facilitar el escape de grasa que cae en otro recipiente situado abajo, que la recibe.

Es aconsejable usar horno de barro y ladrillo y mantenerlo 8 horas a calor máximo y luego 2 horas a calor mediano. Si se usa horno eléctrico o de gas se debe poner a 400° por 3 horas y a 200° por 2 horas.

Se baña el cuero con naranja agria antes de meterlo al horno y se repite durante la cocción, o se puede rociar con agua fría (florear) para que se tueste mejor.

>> No.12388691

I don't know what point you're trying to make.

>> No.12388710
File: 55 KB, 640x640, 43985582_268107147243799_1305444662395273216_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out this page for an extensive list of fruits available in Colombia. There are way too many to mention. Because Colombia has a very diverse biome you can actually find most of these fruits year round. They're also extremely cheap.


Pictured is Mango Biche, a common snack throughout all of Colombia.

It's just green mango with lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Pretty sour.

>> No.12388724
File: 226 KB, 1280x960, 201807291520_b538c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We also have a BBQ tradition from the plains. Here you can find "Mamona Llanera" among other common sausages, etc.

>> No.12388740
File: 214 KB, 1300x956, cocinar-una-comida-tradicional-de-fritanga-con-salchichas-patatas-y-maiz-en-villa-de-leyva-en-el-departamento-de-boyaca-de-colombia-dcgn7k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We also have some sausages like Morzilla, Longaniza, etc.

The little yellow potatoes are Papa Criolla. They probably grow around all of latin america, but I'm unsure.

>> No.12388753
File: 426 KB, 800x533, Chivo_cuatro vias.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually from the northern coast of Colombia where you'll find the Wayuu. They herd goats.

So you can find plenty of dishes with goats like Friche. This pic is actually a pretty fancy presentation because it also includes guts. It's a bit chewy sometimes too.

>> No.12388761

all 3rd world recipies are literally spices mixed with jungle grubs cooked into a stew

>> No.12388765
File: 267 KB, 399x302, IMAGEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll find tons of dishes like these on the coast. Mostly, we fry everything so just gut the fish and fry it whole. There are so many type of fish you can find, it's crazy.

The orange rice in the background is shrimp rice which is godly.

>> No.12388768
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Step 1: Workers harvest the coca leaves.
The coca plant grows best in the mountains and jungle areas of South America. According to National Geographic, South Americans have been cultivating coca for 8,000 years. Today, there are small laboratories scattered throughout the main growing areas of Colombia and other countries that produce cocaine, and workers pick the coca leaves by hand.

Step 2: The leaves are soaked in gasoline.
After bringing the leaves to a jungle lab, workers will put them in industrial-sized drums and cover them with gasoline in order to extract the coca base. This is the solvent extraction method, which is more common. In the acid extraction method, the leaves are placed in sulfuric acid and macerated until the coca leaves have turned into cocaine sulfate.

Step 3: The gasoline is drained.
The metal drums are drained, and the gasoline that now contains cocaine alkaloid is filtered into a barrel and mixed with diluted acid. Workers later remove the gasoline and add ammonia or sodium bicarbonate to make the cocaine base, which is filtered through a cloth.

Step 4: The cocaine base is dried.
After removing the liquid from the base using a filter, workers dry out the substance that remains, which results in a purer base for the final product.

Step 5: The dried substance is dissolved in a solvent.
Workers then dissolve the cocaine base in a solvent like acetone, ethyl acetate, or ether before heating it until it boils. Once the substance is boiling, they add another solvent, like methyl ethyl ketone, to the mixture, as well as a concentrated form of hydrochloric acid, which will result in crystallization.

Step 6: Excess solvents are removed, and it is dried into bricks.
The workers will remove the excess solvents by hand before running the cocaine hydrochloride through a hydraulic press. Then, they will place it in a microwave oven to remove any remaining solvents, which gives them the dried base for powder cocaine.

>> No.12388773

colombian women are the sexiest of all latinas

>t. white hispanic master race

>> No.12388775
File: 33 KB, 700x466, aguapanela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most staple Colombian anything. Panela. It's literally just cane sugar but it's the most typical Colombian thing you'll find. Cyclists on the Tour de France suck on panela tablets to give them energy.

Almost all home style restaurants have it as a drink option with a bit of lemon and you can have it warm at your breakfast.

Ridiculously cheap and hella healthy too.

>> No.12388786
File: 227 KB, 670x376, noticia-mate-de-coca-wapa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can also just buy plain coca leaf and soak it for Tea. It's a really great energy boost.

But it's more profitable to process it and sell it to North American junkies.

>> No.12388796
File: 71 KB, 700x450, mondongo-o-sopa-de-callo-505615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is really good and super hearty.

It's Sopa de Mondongo (Tripe Soup)

Ingredientes de la sopa de mondongo

Una libra de mondongo
Media libra de pierna de cerdo (también se puede utilizar res) picada
Media libra de carne de cerdo picada
Tres chorizos picados
Una libra de papas criollas peladas y picadas (en trozos pequeños)
Media libra de yuca pelada y picada (en trozos pequeños)
Dos tomates pelados y picados (en trozos pequeños)
Una zanahoria pelada y picada (en trozos pequeños)
Tres cebollas de rama
Un diente de ajo machacado
Un cuarto de libra de arvejas verdes
Cilantro, comino, pimienta negra, azafrán y sal.
Receta de la sopa de mondongo
La receta de mondongo es bastante sencilla, solo necesitaremos seguir los siguientes pasos para su preparación:

En primer lugar cocinamos el mondongo picado en una olla con agua y sal durante 30 minutos. Transcurrido ese tiempo destapamos, escurrimos y quitamos el agua.
En otra olla hervimos las alverjas, la zanahoria y la carne de cerdo durante 20 minutos.
En la segunda olla, la de las alverjas, añadimos el mondongo, las papas, la yuca, y el resto de aliños.
Finalmente dejamos que se cocine todo hasta que las papas y las yucas se ablanden. Durante este tiempo es recomendable remover con una cuchara de palo.
Como vemos no hay muchos pasos, pero hay que controlar en todo momento el punto de cocción.

El secreto de la receta de mondongo
Hay que encontrar el equilibrio. todos los ingredientes han de quedar bien cocinados, y el caldo ha de quedar un poco espeso sin llegar a resultar seco. Es por eso que debemos estar atentos en el punto 4 de la receta de la sopa de mondongo y vigilar que todos los alimentos queden en su punto.

Por otra parte, lo normal es que el mondongo venga ya lavado. De no ser así lo normal es que huela bastante mal, así que habría que lavarlo con agua fría y utilizar limón o vinagre para quitarle el mal olor antes de cocinarlo si no queremos que nos estropee el plato.

>> No.12388848

The mexicano inside me says Brasileñas are Brazilian times better

>> No.12389510
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>It's literally just cane sugar
>Ridiculously cheap and hella healthy too.

>> No.12389517

it should be overflowing with golden nectar

>> No.12389534

Its funny how mexicans eat spicy food, But most other spanish countries are afraid of spicy food, and go with SWEET food instead.

>> No.12389670

t. butthurt berniefags

At least they have food. Eat dirt and stray cats if you want authentic Vuvuzelan cuisine.

>> No.12389674


>> No.12389699

>tfw no big dick Columbian shemale gf

>> No.12389862

It is, what of it?

>> No.12390084

seeing a colimbian girl at the moment, will ask her and get back to you lads

>> No.12390095

Colombia isn't Venezuela, there aren't food shortages

>> No.12390105
File: 22 KB, 410x452, 1557335868752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good post

>> No.12390110

>This pic is actually a pretty fancy presentation because it also includes guts
fuck that
at least colombians make excellent cocaine

>> No.12390116

t. tastelet who can't appreciate good offal and use of all the edible parts of an animal

>> No.12390188

inb4 she's a pleb

>> No.12390208

Damn that looks pretty good

>> No.12390213

ass and titties

>> No.12390238

You're not even south american, mestizo faggot. Fuck off.

>> No.12390255

is he ok?

>> No.12390279

Colombians have helped cause the drug problems of the world, then look to others to solve their own problems. They only deserve to eat bullets.

>> No.12390358

t. CIA

>> No.12390362

There wouldn't be a drug problem if it were legal, retard. But then you wouldn't be able to pat yourself on the back for restricting other peoples freedom.

>> No.12390375

Shut the fuck up you stupid hippy.

>> No.12390419

>There wouldn't be a drug problem if it were legal
[citation needed]

>> No.12390455

If you mean that there wouldn’t be a drug problem because degenerates like you would kill themselves, then maybe. But I wouldn’t have anybody to serve me at McDonald’s anymore. At least wait until you wagies to get replaced by automation before you off yourselves slowly.

>> No.12390551
File: 78 KB, 552x701, sofia-vergara-kb-media-media-young-1709368762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least post a hot Colombiana
I heard Colombos like jungle food like spiders and monkeys.

>> No.12390562
File: 163 KB, 460x520, sofia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks cocainebro

>> No.12390579

I love offal dishes I might actually try this.
absolutely indulgent

Thanks for these fine posts

>> No.12390585

>white collar workers don't do drugs
Nice try, bootlicker!

>> No.12390775

she didnt get to looking like that by eating spiders and monkeys

>> No.12390782

>I’ll just call him a bootlicker because I’m a fucking retarded libshit

Nice try yourself go back to Woodstock you fucking flower faggot.

>> No.12390866

people do heroin BECAUSE it's illegal. welcome to class

>> No.12390946


>> No.12390999

I'm curious to know what you consider an unhealthy food if literally just cane sugar is "healthy"

>> No.12391004

how she fart smells lollll

>> No.12391012

I heard Cocaine is nice

>> No.12391745


>> No.12391975
File: 15 KB, 220x329, 220px-JackbootsHouseholdCavalry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the flavor of jackboot polish is preferable to freedom
Good goy!

>> No.12392103

/ck/ threads are becoming as thinly veiled as /fit/ and /tv/

>> No.12392126
File: 230 KB, 1280x960, Chicharron-Colombia-IMG_1399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Colombian roommate made these awesome chiccaron. Those are best when done fresh and eaten while warm.
pic 1 of 2 (not the one's he made, but close)

>> No.12392134
File: 49 KB, 620x400, chicharron-colombiano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic 2 of 2

>> No.12392174
File: 24 KB, 135x208, Benjamin_Franklin-289513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
~~ Benjamin Franklin ~~

>> No.12392185
File: 106 KB, 768x1024, Left Founding Father.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why listen to founding fathers when you could have a modern college education...

>> No.12392501

are the founding fathers treated like saints ironically?

>> No.12392735

>assaults on our constitutional democracy are fine as long as we declare a "national crisis" about women and children attempting to escape US banana republics.

>> No.12392759


I fucking love chicarron. I had chicarron tacos this morning for breakfast. I'm going to Florida for vacation tomorrow and there's this Columbian restaurant I went to when I was there last time. I'm going to eat so much of it tomorrow.

>> No.12392802

No one said that you strawman projecting coward.

>> No.12393071

SEETHING! Did you run out of boots to lick?

>> No.12394072

Colombia has a better ratio than us because of population size and ethnicity congruence.

>> No.12395724

Cheers! You already know this, they go great with beer.

>> No.12395774
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, Sam_Kinison-Good_Answer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That statement remindes me of the movie "back to school" where Sam Kinison took the head off of some stupid grad student.
"Back To School" - Sam Kinison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fj5k6toS7i8

>> No.12397242
File: 129 KB, 443x455, 1542563555246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a statue of Robert E. Lee. Say what you will but he's no founding father.

>t. virginian