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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 209 KB, 1024x683, ethiopia-food-guide-XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12383364 No.12383364 [Reply] [Original]

sell me on ethiopian food.

>> No.12383367

It's pretty bong, especially with a Corona.

>> No.12383371
File: 175 KB, 640x427, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It comes out of you looking the same as it went into you

>> No.12383372

Ate it once. Most violent and fiery shits shits I've ever had. Still pretty good, all together I'd say 4/10

>> No.12383380


>> No.12383394
File: 12 KB, 275x183, 1558638862431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what 50 cents gets you in ETHIOPIA.

>> No.12383400

That's it. I'm going.

>> No.12383404


I wouldn't touch that shit even if someone was paying me. Christ have some respect fro your body.

>> No.12383412

>eats mcdonalds

>> No.12383413

>making implications
Let me guess, you're also gay right? Gas yourself.

>> No.12383415

take your lithium

>> No.12383419

Amazing contribution

>> No.12383421

I've never tried it but I'd love to. Yemeni food also uses bread as a utensil and it's tasty as fuck.

>> No.12383428

You don't need to be sold on it. It's pretty gud. Not amazing. But also not expensive so you can try it and decide for yourself pretty easily.

>> No.12383430

Prepare anus,I've been to 2 Asian counties,2 middle east and 1 African,their idea of hot spicy food is not white boy idea of hot.

>> No.12383432

Justify your logic. How is that not respecting your body?

>> No.12383469

all memes aside that really does look like a big slopp of shit

>> No.12383508

How flyover and/or young are you to have never tried it?

>> No.12385211
File: 540 KB, 772x717, Screen Shot 2019-05-26 at 07.06.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's being ruined by CAPITALISM and wh*tes.


>> No.12385216 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 435x690, 1558464253089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12385219
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>> No.12385850

So they were too short sighted to secure their own staple foodstuff?

>> No.12385887


>> No.12386911
File: 29 KB, 157x140, 1549923947588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slope of sit

>> No.12387079

No such thing lmao

>> No.12387220

looks like a sloop of shite

>> No.12387340

i'm starting to like this meme

>> No.12387365

ooga booga reel food has so much spice to hide the garbage quality of ingredients you mad wh*teboi?

>> No.12387418

The fuck is he talking about his gf's sper-.... ooooh

>> No.12387423
File: 31 KB, 429x585, Somali_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what being white gets you FOR FREE in Ethiopia

>> No.12387443

it's better than it looks

>> No.12387685

Ethiopians eat most of their meals as vegan, especially during lent when they have to eat strictly vegan for 46 days. Their main dishes seem to be beyaynet (the one in your photo, which costs about $1 in a normal restaurant in Ethiopia), shiro, ferfer, and chechebsa, all of which involve the sour pancake thing except chechebsa which is really dense bread eaten with honey and egg. It's actually good food but after a few days the lack of variety is sickening. They also eat spaghetti sometimes due to the Italian occupation 100 years ago, but instead of eating it the Italian way they mix it with tomato sauce then bake it until it's solid. In terms of desserts you won't find anything except extremely bland and dry cake, the one exception being tiramisu which they actually make well.

>> No.12387751



>> No.12387834

it never fills you up

>> No.12387880

You can poop it out real fast

>> No.12389760

Delicious but messy. It should be eaten with dinnerware.

>> No.12389784


>> No.12389844

First and foremost, it tastes good.

Also, It's cheap. It's easy to make at home if you don't want to go out. It's nutritious and high in dietary fiber. It offers flavors and combinations you've maybe never experienced before.

>> No.12390152

> T. "Would eat a literal turd if it meant gaining virtuous points and so Jamie will notice me, but what I don't realize is that Jamie is only into virtue signalling just to get attention, and Jamie likes Chad, but perceives that Stacy is in the way of a loving relationship with Chad. Jamie doesn't realize that Chad is just going to pump and dump her, and she will cry to me about how awful men are, and all my virtue signalling will have finally paid off as she falls into my arms. But then she goes and does it again, so I double down on being a virtue signalling faggot. I know, I'll start making fun of people for not liking food from third world countries! Then Jamie will see how cultured and mature I am and I can finally get a sweet piece of ass for all this hard work."

>> No.12390158

do you really think that poster is like that

>> No.12391315
File: 9 KB, 225x225, orit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's Tej. Honey wine flavored with gesho (shiny-leaf buckthorn). Enat is pleb tier. Orit is patrician. Those two are the most commonly found brands in Ethiopian markets or served in restaurants in the US.

>> No.12391347

He's probably right.

>> No.12392838

Fantastic weight loss program

>> No.12392854

There’s a local place near me that has Indian food and if you look at the pictures online it looks several times worse than that

>> No.12392857

Lamb tibs is unironically THE best lamb dish, hands-down, no contest. I was ambivalent on Ethiopian food until I tried their tibs. It's goddamn heavenly and I hope to make it myself one day.
Ethiopian meat is tastier than what we get because even the middle class raises and slaughter their own animals; grocery store culture is only just beginning to take over.
What are some ethiopian spices and flavorings that are difficult/impossible to find in the West?

>> No.12392944
File: 91 KB, 504x378, Bear Computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever had Ethiopian food?

Neither have Ethiopians!

>> No.12393141
