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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12368437 No.12368437 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make my bread so that it isn't so dense?

>tried multiple yeast brands
>tried mixing in baking soda and baking powder
>tried letting it rise for twice the time
>tried letting it proof in the dutch oven

Nothing works.

>> No.12368446

How can people watch this moron every night on the idiot box like fucking mindless drones? What the fuck is wrong with liberals? All they do is consume media and regurgitate whatever their impressionable minds are conditioned by on that night’s episode. I can’t imagine a more vapid existence than that of a liberal.

>> No.12368448

where are you letting it rise? and what recipe are you using?

also, you should probably just make a video of you making bread so we can make fun of you

>> No.12368455


>> No.12368457

Probably either kneading it too much, not enough, or not using enough butter.

>> No.12368469

You might be kneading it too much, I made that mistake thinking that more must = better

>> No.12368502

Late night hosts always made fun of current politics. You're just triggered because you've convinced yourself that Trump can't do anything wrong. You're actually the mindless drone.

>> No.12368975

You're too far gone to save, brother

>> No.12369030

>everyone who dislikes the man in the box is a follower of the other man
Yeah you are not a mindless drone at all honey, the fact that you can't evaluate things beyond categorizing them into broad groups shows that you are a great critical thinker.

>> No.12369038

What do you mean by dense? Is it crumbly or too chewy?
Post pics or gay...

>> No.12369086

Use bread flour and 72% water

>> No.12369173

Move to sea level

>> No.12369190

Put sugar in the bread to feed the yeast and then let it rise longer. Make sure it's allowed to rise in a warm place, like by the window

>> No.12369227
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It's either a problem of wrong expectations for your recipes or a time issue.
Do you want to make some kind of toast bread or a more rustic bread? Obviously using a recipe for some rustic artisanal bread will not result in an airy and fluffy toast bread.
If the recipe is on point then I would say you either knead too long or not long enough and/or your proofing times are wrong. Usually more yeast and higher temperatures need a shorter proofing time (and vice versa). If you proof too long then the texture won't be right. And obviously the same is true for too little yeast, cold temps and too short proofing times.

>> No.12369229

Maybe more moisture. My 100% whole wheat bread was always dry and dense until I did 100% hydration, even though most recipes don't call for that much liquid.

>> No.12369243
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God you people are stupid. I make bread every week. Buns, bread, it's fucking easy.


Just do that, you fucking gimps.

>> No.12369256

I had this problem for a while until I realized yeast goes bad pretty quickly so make sure yours isn't expired

>> No.12369290

Store your opened yeast in the freezer when not in use. Add more water and oil. Just make sure your dough is soft and pliable before letting it rise and baking.
Easy mode:use bread softener

>> No.12369297

Baking isn't a science. Perfectly reproducing the example of somebody else does not guarantee a similar result for yourself. You get what you get and that's it.

Like me, you probably just don't have the touch. I've been baking for a few years now and no matter what I do, it just comes out like shortbread with a micrometer thick crust. I've accepted it. It tastes fine, I guess.

Some people weren't meant to bake, and you're probably one of them. Just do it again with random adjustments and maybe you'll do better. Maybe not. Who knows?

rom experience I can tell you that you'll live a happier life if you just buy it at the grocery store and then look at people's pretty photographs on TheFreshLoaf. You'll never make something as good as that, but bread still gives you pleasure, right? So here's my advice: give up. Let others do the work. There's no way to win, I'm afraid, and I should know.

>> No.12369349

Bread mixers aren't allowed here buddy.

>> No.12369389

Are you sure your yeast is good? If its not rising then that typically means your yeast is fucked. What flour are you using? Whole wheat will always be denser than white.

>> No.12369702

make sure your yeast is alive

google "poolish"

be sure to autolyse

Dont over knead, fold the dough

>> No.12370286
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>> No.12370302

this has nothing to do with food. stop being so easily triggered.

>> No.12370327


You're a generic shit person from the sounds of it. Go watch Fox News and tell me about regurgitating garbage.

>> No.12370335

1. The flour you're using might be bad for airy bread. If it's low gluten (<11% protein) it will not form a good gluten structure. If there's any whole grain in there, it will also inhibit gluten structure. And if there's any rye, it will have enzymes that will fuck up gluten structure even worse unless the dough is acidified.
2. The yeast you're using might be dead, or you might be killing the yeast yourself if you're adding it to hot water. Or the water you're using might have a lot of chlorine or fluoride in it, inhibiting microbial growth.
3. You might not be using enough water in the dough. Dry doughs are dense, wet ones are airy.
4. You might not be kneading the dough enough. If you don't develop the gluten, it won't be able to trap as much air.
5. You might be underfermenting. If you ferment too little, the yeast doesn't have enough time to produce the gas.
6. You might be overfermenting. If you ferment too much, the yeast will be almost dead when it goes into the oven, giving you poor oven spring and causing the dough to collapse.
7. Oven might not be hot enough, giving poor oven spring.

It's probably one of those, or a combination.

>> No.12370414

Whole Wheat is poison.

>> No.12370444

>reee don’t insult my cuckflix

Go back to worshipping John Oliver you fucking moron.

>> No.12370446
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It’s all in the dough OP. Tons of water, not ridiculous but enough that when you touch the dough and gently let go it sticks, but if you pull fast it sorta snaps back.

Will post result for this.
Also Yudim stop giving me (you)s every time I post anything remotely like challah.

>> No.12370501
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>> No.12370516

>Late night show man bad
Either help op stop being a faggot or fuck off

>> No.12370564


>> No.12370573


you're a garbage person and you know it, and live it.

>> No.12370617

OP here. Thank you guys for all the suggestions and posts (barring the /pol/ guys). I'm definitely going to try another loaf.

>gonna set a spot near the window so it's warmer when it's rising (usually put it in my kitchen, which admittedly is quite cold)
>I'll try and limit my kneading (usually did it for like a minute or two, since the recipe I normally used was literally called "no knead bread")
>a little more sugar with the yeast to feed it more

Wish me the best guys. I'm gonna bake up a storm.

>> No.12370626

Godspeed op, godspeed

>> No.12371367


You sound like an ultra faggot

>> No.12371412

This lol

>> No.12371427

I hope you hang yourself with the party line. Libshits and cuckservatives are the fucking worst.

>> No.12371483

>reee don’t insult my favorite tv personality reee

Imagine being this much of a docile consumerist. Rather pathetic, desu.

>> No.12371486

Are you proofing twice or kneading it too much?

>> No.12371494

Humans have been making whole wheat bread ever since we've been harvesting it, and have been unknowingly fermenting it with yeast for almost as long.

kys dumbass

>> No.12371504

Imagine seething this much because someone made fun of your favorite celebrity. Every leftist I see is always mad as hell. What a miserable life they must have.

>> No.12371667

Just buy it from a grocery store you fucking goon. There's a whole fucking variety with the commercial brands and what the bakery section makes. The time you spend preparing, baking, and ultimately fucking up your recipes is a bigger waste of time and opportunity cost than spending a few bucks for a loaf ready to go.

>> No.12371714


I didn't even know who you were talking about. Colberrrr sold out. I just find you people fucking disgusting.

>> No.12372026

look up the windowpane test, you're probably fucking up the kneading.

>> No.12372524

>Just started making bread and pies
>Finally figured out some of the basics

I'm so proud of myself. I want to get better!

>> No.12372628

Not gonna lie, that looks delicious.

>> No.12374048

Use a higher hydration dough and steam it in the oven.