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12368470 No.12368470 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that alcohol is so GOAT the Greeks made a god, Dionysus, about it.

>> No.12368479

inbred muslims seething

>> No.12368501
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>tfw broke 2 weeks sobriety yesterday
but at the very least I managed to only had one, which was an overpriced 16oz Asahi while at a Japanese joint.
Why haven't we invented alcohol that doesn't kill you yet?

>> No.12368504

How much were you drinking?

>> No.12368523

>Why haven't we invented alcohol that doesn't kill you yet?
we have. its called more alchohol.

>> No.12368554

2-3 tallboys chugged daily, on average. often more than that too, especially if any family members have any liquor in the house, I'll sneak a shot or two after I'm already sloshed (but I no longer purchase my own liquor for obvious reasons). usually something stronger than regular beer, like Natty Daddy.
I know it probably doesn't sound like much, but I'm a pretty small person too. I also went a lot harder when I was even younger; this has been my "cutting back" intake for like the past 2 years.

>> No.12368600

>hey guys lets discuss how great alcohol is
Git gud faggots

>> No.12368609

DMT is better.

>> No.12368627
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>tfw going on one month sober and haven't had the urge to drink
>graduated uni one month ago
>alcoholism ends when uni does

really... makes me thingk.... wow.....

>> No.12368632

the problem with alcohol is that I can never stomach enough to make me properly drunk

>> No.12368633


I got 12 steps that'll save your soul, brother


also not this fag

>> No.12368636

24 and haven’t really drank since like 16 but now I’ve been finishing a bottle of vodka every 2-3 days and even then I’m not as drunk as I want to be. Am i in trouble bros?

>> No.12368643
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They had gods for everything. Also almost every major psychoactive substance has been deified by someone at some point.

>> No.12368653

What about Molly, what is that shit like?

>> No.12368686

Not that great, and the hangover sucks.

>> No.12368704

Not worth it. Ruins the serotonin in your brain

>> No.12368738


The first time rolling on molly is like the first time really tripping on LSD or shrooms, it's pretty mind blowing in it's own way. The few other times have been fair to middling for me. If you're going to try MDMA, do it once and pick out a good place to take it.

>> No.12368741

it makes you feel amazing while you're on it. energy, euphoria, and mild hallucinations like tracers and shit. you'll hug random strangers and feel like everyone likes you. it's like cocaine cranked up to 11 along with a low dose of mushrooms.
afterwards it makes you feel depressed and dead inside because it caused your brain to burn through all its serotonin.
it's cool to try once or twice, but like most drugs it's not ideal for regular use.

>> No.12369103

Best drug ever imo. I quit recently but I was basically psychologically addicted to it for a while because it made me so happy and took away my stress and it was always on my mind one way or another. If you're not taking 200mg each time like I was then the hangover isn't too bad, you just have to take a day to rest and remind yourself that any extreme sadness is simply caused by the drug.

Music sounds amazing on it and one time I came because a song was so good.
I would advise getting crystal if anything, because pills are more likely to be full of other trash you don't want.

>> No.12369749


>> No.12369774

If they lead over a cliff edge, I'll try them for sure.

>> No.12369805

My life is ruined because I'm weak. I also drink alcohol because I'm weak. But alcohol didn't ruin my life. I did that all by myself.

I go sober for months and my life gets no better.

>> No.12369806

Where did /drunk/ go anyway?

>> No.12369815

>be drunk
>tries crack
>expensive as fuck, not that and could not sleep for the whole night
One the positive side I did quite a lot of reading during the night, so I guess it was not a total waste.

>> No.12369852

I've heard the problem with crack is it's a short lived high but the addiction is strong. So you barely stay high but you'll always be fiending.

>> No.12370313

umm you don't just make up gods sweetie

>> No.12370400

>could not sleep for the whole night
huh. crack always lifts me up then thumps me down, so i find it easy to sleep.
next try meth. i once smoked 400mg iirc, then couldn't sleep for five solid days and nights, despite getting blackout drunk then sobering up again 3 times. horrific. heroin isn't much better, absolutely no chance of sleeping for at least 12 hours.
weed on the other hand, i drift into a cosy sleep the instant i get into bed, then wake up rested and comfy.

>> No.12370413

>started drinking more
>started smoking again
>pot use increasing

How the fuck am I supposed to cope with being a 60 hour week wagie? The only thing holding the seams
together is me going to the gym daily

>> No.12370433

There are studies that have found people who drink alcohol live longer than those who don’t.
Typically, teetotalers live shorter lives, although those who drink excessively live shorter lives than those who drink in moderation.

>> No.12370520
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>> No.12371136

yeah, wine. not beer piss water trash

>> No.12371164

For me it's Sterculius, the Roman god of shit. the true GOAT of all Gods.

>> No.12371355

Correlation is not causation.