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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 97 KB, 590x711, 8048E5A2-EAC5-4A6F-851A-17C2C3A0CBF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12363405 No.12363405[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12363412
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>> No.12363415

politicians are all scum

>> No.12363416



>> No.12363419

But liberals are literally constantly trying to destroy the company. It’s not a conspiracy theory you can mock...

>> No.12363422

As a gay man, it makes me absolutely livid that Christians are still free to practice their religion. I'm going to go to my local Chick-fil-A, buy a Chick-fil-A® Deluxe Sandwich, and throw it on the ground in protest of those despicable religitards!

>> No.12363428

Greg Abbott is a real piece of shit.

>> No.12363432

Why? He won’t let you cut your kids dick off and pump him full of hormones? Gee what an asshole.

>> No.12363441
File: 21 KB, 626x138, landofthefree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obligatory "Do Americans really do this?"

>> No.12363445

You can stop with the hysterics, you monkey.
No, he's a piece of shit for many, many reasons. He's always been a piece of shit, even before he was governor.

>> No.12363450

Why do Americans drink so much sugar with their meal?

>> No.12363454

>Why do Americans do(insert word here)?
because we can

>> No.12363456

>literally legislating for fast food
>US 2019
What the fuck, you lardasses. All that fat and sugar has made you fucking stupid.

>> No.12363466

>As a gay man, it makes me absolutely livid that Christians are still free to practice their religion.
Wow. I did not believe you are gay at all. Try harder next time.

>> No.12363476

>Why do Americans get so fat?
>Why do Americans waste so much?
>Why do Americans give MORE money to their server at restaurants, on top of their pay?

>> No.12363479
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>being this upset

>> No.12363483

Why do Europeans laugh at fat Americans? Because they can.

>> No.12363484

I moved to the middle of nowhere far away from domesticated people so that I couldn't feasibly hurt anyone and go to prison, now if it werent fucking boring Id have cut off the cancerous internet posters out as well.

>> No.12363490

I'm doing the same thing at the end of this month. What state did you move to, if you don't mind? I've got my eye on Kansas.

>> No.12363506

Why do Americans get so defensive about any legitimate criticism? It's the only country that consistently feels like they have to rationalize any "bad" thing said about them. There's no humility and self-reflection that maybe there is some truth in the statement. From an outsider's perspective, it looks incredibly unattractive and narrow-minded.

>> No.12363515

How can people believe this stuff?

>> No.12363518

Because they're idiots.

>> No.12363520
File: 29 KB, 482x800, 7a5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"because we can" means im being defensive in your mind
>From an outsider's perspective, it looks incredibly unattractive and narrow-minded.
and yet you're obsessed at literally anything anyone ever does in america

>> No.12363521

Massive sense of insecurity.

>> No.12363529

This is the age of information, the only way not to notice what happens in this planet is to go innawoods, stop flattering yourself

>> No.12363530

>and yet you're obsessed at literally anything anyone ever does in america
Thank you for literally proving my point. You tried to rationalize my post by playing the "obsession" card. Nice one. America will never change lmao

>> No.12363535

>>I'm not obsessed I swear

>> No.12363543

This. I started thinking this would obviously be the logical answer. But then I think of the average American, realizing that they're too stupid and the real reason is because they have their heads too far up their asses to notice.

>> No.12363549

Nice justification, bet you'd like to fire off a few AR-15s in celebration. Bet you'd like that huh little guy

>> No.12363555

>bringing up guns out of nowhere
literally obsessed and seething

>> No.12363559

>Why do Americans drink so much sugar with their meal?
>because we can
Absolutely defensive. Otherwise a nornal person would just say that America has a sugar problem. But you'd rather not admit that, and justify it with "hurr durr because we can". No wonder terrorists go after your country, your people's attitudes are inherently flawed.

>> No.12363561

kek I love these hours. every thread is just Euros seething over America.
gotta love the red white and blue

>> No.12363566

You're overcompensating, and everyone can see it.

>> No.12363569

No shit there is a sugar problem. Who cares though? Let them chug soda until their organs shut down.
He's not even me and you are seething.

>> No.12363570

literally click on any thread.

>> No.12363579

Kek. KEK. This is exactly the reason why no one likes Americans. Pompous, self-righteous, lacking humility. Brainwashed to love a culture that revolves around violence. You'd learn so much outside your shithole, but no, you'll forever be chained in Plato's cave.

>> No.12363584

>Euros seething over America.
This time of night it’s Australians not euros.

>> No.12363588

>Pompous, self-righteous, lacking humility.
This exactly you right now though. Love the hypocrisy. Name what country you live in so I can laugh at you.

>> No.12363597

Do you think you have an original opinion when you try to hate on the most powerful country on the planet

It is the lowest of the low hanging fruits when it comes to hipsters

First, accept America as staggeringly mighty. Then, I will field your complaints and buts.

>> No.12363598

>Pompous, self-righteous, lacking humility
Yeah, I'm now 100% sure you don't know what any of these words mean lmao. Please tell me how I'm demonstrating any of these qualities. And nah, the mystery is more fun for me kek

>> No.12363609

>And nah, the mystery is more fun for me kek
Hypocrite and a coward. Not surprising.

>> No.12363611

Please never again describe America as "staggeringly mighty" lmao. This is the country that propelled the current state of today. Cutting off dicks and taking estrogen so you can finally be who you are meant to be, cuckold porn, verbal censorship and walking on eggshells. Absolute degeneracy. America is trash.

>> No.12363624

I'm still waiting for you to tell me how I'm any of the things I described America. You're probably some low life blue collar no college fag. I have a university degree that I spent barely any money on and I'm a law student. Eat shit, Americans can't even afford schooling and healthcare lmaoing at your "staggeringly mighty" country

>> No.12363626

*Blows up your 3rd world country*
Oh what was that?
*Fucks over the entirety of china because xi jinping wont cooperate*
Oh you were saying?
*Fucks over the european union*
Something about ssssschool shootings?
*Destabilizes the middle east*
I cant really hear you over all this winning!

>> No.12363627

What country do you live in?

>> No.12363633

>*Fucks over the entirety of china because xi jinping wont cooperate*
They're not the only one fucked over by this, what do you think will happen to your tech industry if you forbid your companies from doing business with one of their largest customer?

>> No.12363635

You're telling me that Texas actually had a bill centered entirely around the only fast food chain that's closed on Sundays? The hell was this abou anyways?

>> No.12363636

How old are you anon, this is shockingly elementary edge..

>> No.12363642

Not a primary concern, not even a tertiary concern, doesnt warrant even an answer tbqh. When it comes to trade war those kinds of questions are sort of redundant are they not

>> No.12363643

First of all, where do "hipsters" come into this, grandpa? And secondly
>America as staggeringly mighty
Sure, with all the high pharma prices, the lack of healthcare, the homeless crisis, the human rights violations, the militarized police, the dirty water, the evangelicals trying to start a new Inquisition, the fucktards in the White House, the idiots in Congress, the blatant racism and bigotry, the highest maternal death rate of any first world country.....shall I go on?

>> No.12363649

*gets shot*

>> No.12363651

So, in other words, you don't have a fucking clue.

>> No.12363653

>liberals get so upset at a fast food chain that it tries to block the government from doing business with "religious(christian) companies"

>> No.12363657

Ah, I see you support having your wife fucked by Tyrone and his friend Jamaal. So when did you tart transitioning?

>> No.12363658

How fucking bad is it that Chick-Fil-A needs a government intervention?

>> No.12363661

This. THIS.

>> No.12363664

Do you understand how insane these liberals are?

>> No.12363666
File: 603 KB, 1242x1202, 86ABFA99-1B91-4F72-B6E3-E0E4888B9F52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liberals are insane

>> No.12363667

The government, of any state in the US, and the federal government should have ZERO ties to any religious organization, which chik-fil-a falls under because of their support for things like conversion therapy.

>> No.12363668

>the evangelicals trying to start a new Inquisition
>the blatant racism and bigotry
tranny muslim detected

>> No.12363674
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>conversion therapy

>> No.12363677

>conversion therapy
wo lo lo

>> No.12363680

Do you feel special for citing front page headlines on news outlets

Open your eyes man

Living in america has nothing to do with america in relation to the rest of the world in terms of geopolitics

Get a bigger picture please, fast. I am tired of seeing reddit brand robotic mouthing, its depressing.

>> No.12363683

Your trips say everything about you.
Also, you're either for business rights or you're not. If a bakery can refuse to make a gay wedding cake, than an airport can decide not to lease to Chick-Fil-A. But as usual with you idiot neocons, you only want rights for yourselves, and that is exactly everything we have to fight against.

>> No.12363686

Yeah, it's easier to call someone names than to have a logical response, isn't it?

>> No.12363689

You should feel bad for hiding your head in the sand while your country goes down the fucking toilet.

>> No.12363692

I never said the airport shouldn’t be allowed to not lease them retard. And the baker didn’t refuse to make a cake retard, put in the minimal amount of work and read the Wikipedia article. My point was liberals are insane and retarded and they are. Case in point: you.

>> No.12363695

What country do you live in?

>> No.12363696

Word of advice

Never ever worry for america

>> No.12363698

Let me help you with that

>> No.12363700

By posting that pic along with your comment, you are inferring it's a bad decision. If that's not what you meant, than you need to learn to express your thoughts better, dimwit.

>> No.12363705


>> No.12363711
File: 599 KB, 996x868, 16465D00-A02A-4052-91F9-6D2F77D1F0B4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poledditor literally can‘t have a discussion without a flag/user history to strawman and insult

>> No.12363713

Yes, he did. He refused to make a gay wedding cake. That is a cake. Just because he offered them a plain, ordinary cake doesn't let the bigotry off the hook. As I said, you are either for business rights or you're not. You can't have it both ways.

>> No.12363715

>everyone i dont like is /pol/
obsessed but wont post country

>> No.12363724
File: 76 KB, 501x585, 1499028822973.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>subvert the government because a christian chicken restaurant doesnt like gays

>> No.12363730

Do you know who actually pays for tariffs? It's not China.

>> No.12363735
File: 11 KB, 225x224, C41BEAFB-F099-44D9-80F2-07A8E5F78457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can‘t stop talking in buzzwords and prefab memetext
>can‘t come up with anything besides „post ur cunt so I can insult it“
>n-no I‘m not from pol

>> No.12363740
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Post country

>> No.12363741

It's not subversive, you twittwat, it's keeping government fair and honest. And anyone who doesn't want that isn't a true American.

>> No.12363744

This. Thank you.

>> No.12363747

>any government has ever been fair and honest
how many layers are you on?

>> No.12363748

Dumbass, there's more than one of us arguing against you

>> No.12363749
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Based infinite loop npcedditor.

>> No.12363750

Technocratic horseshit. If this were true then China should be absolutely loving the trade war, yet weirdly they aren't? Weirdly, maybe it turns out that there is a reason tariffs have been levied throughout history in various circumstances to great effect.

Please explain why China isn't begging the US to place tons of tariffs on them if tariffs only hurt the US. I'm waiting.

>> No.12363751

ok coward

>> No.12363752

The point is that we should be constantly progressing towards that goal.
I'd say you are the subversive, because you just want to fuck shit up.

>> No.12363754

>And the baker didn’t refuse to make a cake retard
Except this is fucking wrong you fucking moron. The baker was just as stupid as you-if you want to avoid baking cakes for gay people, just say you're too fucking busy or make an excuse. Instead this stupid motherfucking bible-humper decided owning the gays was more important, and it's cost them their livelihood.

>> No.12363756

>you're either for business rights or you're not
Says who? Also you're the one claiming that a baker SHOULD be forced to bake a gay wedding cake yet also that the airport SHOULD be allowed to discriminate. So that's pretty strange huh?

>> No.12363757

You're goalpost moving hard to go from "China gets fucked over by tariffs" to "China doesn't want tariffs". It may slow down their economy but it may not be enough to actually matter, and not without cost to the US economy.

>> No.12363758
File: 36 KB, 334x334, B78F0A67-B444-41E1-95A7-17429EA6CEBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can‘t defend his position rationally
>reee give me some identity to attack
Stay mad, double nigger.

>> No.12363759

Possibly the most ignorant, retarded thing you could ever say.
>hormone therapy
>racial tension
>expensive as fuck schooling and healthcare
>unironic cuck fetish
>trump (love the memes, but pure retardation for the state of your country kek)
>religious fanaticism
>over-populated prisons and the flawed penal system
the list goes on and on and on. Of course there's reason to worry for America. Use your fucking head you dunce

>> No.12363760

Trade wars rarely have winners, dumbfuck. You'll never learn anything, because you only blame others for your "bad luck", and then don't change, so when something bad happens again, you just go through the same cycle of anger and blame. Pretty fucking sad.

>> No.12363762

Texans are hyper-insecure pieces of shit freaking out their daughters might date a mexican, so they focus on their sub-par fast food chicken that promotes good ol' christian values.

>> No.12363763

Post country

>> No.12363766

>letting msm outrage cloud your perception of reality
I’m worried for you. I encounter almost none of that shit in daily life and I live in California.

>> No.12363767

>literal broken NPC
Based, but boring.

>> No.12363769

When did I ever say the Baker should have been forced? STOP INSERTING YOUR OWN THOUGHTS INTO OTHER PEOPLE'S. Also, dumbass, your first question is completely illogical.

>> No.12363770

That was my first post, so I'm moving the goalposts nowhere. That will be the last time I tolerate a buzzword like that from you. Meanwhile, in reality, China is floundering to the point of even considering dropping US bonds, which would be devastating to their economy, specifically because of the trade war.

That is what is actually happening. This statement:
>It may slow down their economy but it may not be enough to actually matter, and not without cost to the US economy.
Is complete speculation on your part that means nothing and is supported by nothing actually happening, so I guess you were just talking out of your ass after all.

I don't know what you're talking about, but it doesn't have anything to do with trade. Don't reply to me again unless it's a very specific coherent point about how the US isn't winning the trade war.

>> No.12363772

>things I don‘t encounter personally don‘t exist

>> No.12363773

I fucking love you.

>> No.12363775

>wanting your daughter to date mexicans

>> No.12363776

Say right now that bakers should be allowed to discriminate against homosexual couples and post your name and address then.

>> No.12363779

That isn’t what I said brainlet. I said they’re not nearly as much of an issue as you’re led to believe.

>> No.12363780

Also school shooting happen every week. That's fucked up. The gun situation is mega fucked

>> No.12363782

No one needs to worry about trannies or hormone therapy, that's the person's own damn business. The rest of it I agree with.

>> No.12363784

(((bankers))) love fags because they're impulsive people who spend a lot

>> No.12363786

>things that don‘t affect me much personally aren‘t really severe or important

>> No.12363789

I'll reply to you if I fucking feel like it. You sound very insecure. And we aren't winning the trade war. Go talk to some farmers and ask them.

>> No.12363794

Why would I do that when I can read the news and see that China is threatening to implode its own economy just to hope to scratch the US economy by dropping bonds? What the fuck does talking to a farmer have to do with what I just said? You really are an economic illiterate aren't you?

>> No.12363795
File: 110 KB, 718x628, DDCB01EE-356D-4A25-8477-E0A6F9209442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are yuros actually seething over the US in the morning
Actually obsessed

>> No.12363797

More people die to car crashes every year than people have died to guns in the past 40 years.

>> No.12363799
File: 115 KB, 500x522, cuckold-pornography-has-become-the-1-search-in-california-pornographic-27144877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I encounter almost none of that shit in daily life and I live in California.

>> No.12363802

>things are like this in America
>I’m American and things aren’t really like that
>y-you’re in the wrong part of America
Give it up Muhammad

>> No.12363804

By LAW, as it stands right now, bakers can.
And my name and address is:
Fuckity Fuckyou
69 You're A Cunt Lane,
Suckmycock, FU 0U812

>> No.12363805

Yes, that's usually how it works.
I live in Cali and the most I see is homelessness and high cost of living and school.
That's mostly due to living near the city tho.

>> No.12363806
File: 137 KB, 576x960, average californian day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>threatening to implode its own economy
that is going to happen anyway

>> No.12363810

I suppose that's right. But lately there's been a lot of news about Transgender athletes dominating women's sports. That, I have a major problem with.

>> No.12363812
File: 914 KB, 904x882, 1553138454574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Almost all terrorist attacks happen thousands of miles away from based Merica. France/England/Germany/Middle east get almost all of it. Because you let shitskins into your country to rape and kill your people.

>> No.12363813

No, you're deluded. You're too stupid to understand how this is already affecting our economy, and too stupid to see the future hardships this will cause.

>> No.12363816

Someone already tried that, Bongo.

>> No.12363821

That's a pretty poor comparison you just made. Every single day you hear about horrible car crashes, many resulting in death. Fatal car crashes are quite common, and the comparison doesn't strengthen your argument.

>> No.12363823

Does this article even exist?
I can't find it or the related information anywhere.

>> No.12363824
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>1 social credit has been deposited into you account

>> No.12363825

I can see that. But it's up to the sport's councils to fix that.

>> No.12363827
File: 210 KB, 522x747, 0EA30BB9-0930-4D63-B8F6-3407AD0D1D9F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>things are objectively like this in America
>OH NO NO NO NO I didn‘t see any of this myself in my hometown, so it‘s all (((lies and fearmongering)))

>> No.12363830

>I encounter almost none of that shit in daily life and I live in California.
Why do you lie, california man?

>> No.12363832

Really? That's it? You get an F for effort.

>> No.12363834

So I bring up a specific instance of China drastically losing the trade war and you, in reply, call me stupid? Wow fucking BASED wtf I'm a retard now too!

But seriously, it amazes me how braindead people like you are. You lost the argument wholesale but you won't change your mind even one tiny bit. Maybe when liberal media outlets change their.... oh wait, they already did that and you're behind the curve: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/21/opinion/china-trump-trade.html

>> No.12363837

How about signing in the Israel Boycott bill for starters.

>> No.12363838

95 percent sure he's chinese

>> No.12363841

No one said it never happens, just that it's blown out of proportion.
It's kind of hard to keep a level head when everything is sensationalized to the point where your sense of scope is completely gone.

>> No.12363854

How though?
Cars result in more death every year, yet we rarely see any new traffic laws or regulations passed on them.
People die in a shooting and all of a sudden we have to ban guns to save the kids (all of which does down after a few weeks because it's not that common at all).

>> No.12363858

>what is 9/11
>what is Boston marathon
>what is catching them before they attack
Retard, America is guaranteed the #1 target for terrorist organizations. Homeland security does its job and catches them before attacks happen. There's a reason why the american government literally spends BILLIONS of dollars on military annually. Think before speaking, brainlet

>> No.12363859

China isn't going to implode because of us, numbnuts. They were already having problems.

>> No.12363860

>being retarded to the point you don‘t understand the difference in usage scope between a car and a gun

>> No.12363864

Non sequitur, goal post moving, not based, not interesting. Get back on track you intellectually unrigorous fuck or you get no more replies from me. Dumb fuck.

>> No.12363865

There are more guns than cars in America, I guarantee you that.

>> No.12363870
File: 236 KB, 997x802, 1553660442730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they don't. (((They))) changed the definition to be 2 people shot within a mile of a school. Btw that includes bb guns. So when you hear reporters claiming this bullshit, look at the facts.
>is there a stickied thread on /pol/ like there is for every real school shooting?
>if not, proceed to google it
>find out that some gang banger was shot 30 yards away from the school at 2 am by a rival gang
>school shooting
Your time will come, communists.

>> No.12363873
File: 133 KB, 750x745, 1554603331975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12363875

How is that even tangentially related to what I said, brainshart?

>> No.12363876

>name 2 terrorist attacks over the last 20 years
>when dozens happen to almost every European country every year
Sure thing you stupid cucked yuro piece of filth. Also I hope you know you proved my original point.
America has almost no terrorist attacks because we don't let shitskins in unlike european countries. We actually vet the people that come in. Unlike you

>> No.12363878

Because when people are in cars, they assume the possibility and risk of injury/death. There will always be car crashes as long as there are cars. Also, they've done studies in some situations such as drunk drivers. New traffic laws don't deter drunk driving behaviour. Regarding school shootings, no person should EVER feel afraid and threatened to go to school because it might get shot up. That's really messed up. It is fundamental to believe that everyone can go to school without any chance of being shot. Horrible and heart breaking to be honest.

>> No.12363879

First they took our burgers
I said nothing because I'm not a hamburger
Then they took our trucks...

>> No.12363880

No need to be so hostile anon, clearly you don't read what you type and I respect that. But I'm gonna have to come clean and just say you are a nigger, good day.

>> No.12363881
File: 104 KB, 501x697, 2C215A9B-F19C-408D-9BBF-8EBBF87E3AE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at the facts.
>is there a stickied thread on /pol/
The absolute fucking state of poleddit.

>> No.12363887

C'mon man, really.... do we really have to spoon feed you why this is faulty

>> No.12363893
File: 476 KB, 1873x1113, DSC_0058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying any happening that has ever happened wasn't stickied on /pol/
I hate /pol/, but if anything big happens, it will be posted all over there. Go ahead and post your "Muh every week there is a school shooting" statistic so I can btfo you already. I live for this

>> No.12363894

>makes an idiotic comparison
>gets called out
>n-no u dun read n-nigger
Stay mad, Cleetus. Soon we‘ll take all your guns and you‘ll have nothing but impotent incel rage left.

>> No.12363899
File: 193 KB, 1345x658, 1507003397066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but I unironically wish a nigger would

>> No.12363900

You're actually more retarded than I originally conceived. America is HATED by terrorist organizations. It is seen as the western Hub of the world, representing everything wrong with the west. To take down a beast, you go for the head. You really think ISIS wouldn't love a stab to getting close to the US? America has that shit on LOCKDOWN. No isis terrorist will ever get close because homeland security fucks them up.

>> No.12363904
File: 32 KB, 640x896, 5E401FE9-1036-4CAD-9A12-8FA335E05117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check /pol/ first!
>I live to epic btfo libtards!
>muh gunz.jpg
>OH NO NO NO i HATE /pol/

>> No.12363910

Not the guy you replied to, but Jesus fucking Christ, posting a pic of your guns is cringy as fuck. Are you trying to intimidate internet people lmao what the fuck man stop you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.12363914
File: 1.98 MB, 4160x2340, P_20181214_184041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no argument the post
Post your liberal cnn school shooting stats already. I know you already know you will lose this argument, but humor me. Make my day

>> No.12363917

why though...

>> No.12363922

>more guns
Post your microdick already so we can all laugh even harder.

>> No.12363926

s-stop it based amercian. y-your f-freedom is t-too much for me

>> No.12363930
File: 2.83 MB, 3984x2241, 20171014_221902_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have around 90 guns anon. Glocks are fine guns. Not my preferred, but they still work.

>> No.12363935

>implying that over 50 countries have the exact same freedoms as America
Why do Americans think that no other country besides their own has "freedom". Dumbass, you've most definitely never left your bubble safe zone of a country kek

>> No.12363936
File: 31 KB, 267x392, D01D20AC-1080-40AF-9398-D7842AB35869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do something retarded
>get called a retard
>haha ure mad cuz I haz da freedumbs

>> No.12363941

>over 90 guns
>chewing tobacco
Yep, found the redneck who fucks his brothers and sucks off his uncles. Degenerate scum, rid yourself of this earth.

>> No.12363946
File: 196 KB, 580x522, 1550179668226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still owning proudly
>passive aggressive seething
>mad people have guns and you dont

>> No.12363952
File: 165 KB, 578x712, 1BF997E2-E757-4BE5-B776-06A88BA89E6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12363956
File: 320 KB, 449x401, 1557483551677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he cant own guns