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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12361232 No.12361232[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you explain this, /ck/?

>> No.12361242

Fluoride and birth control pills

>> No.12361244

People are not rational. They are emotional.

>> No.12361246

Good intentions gone awry in an era which has equated the ethical status of human beings with a utilitarian equivalence of animal consciousness in light of Darwin et al.?

>> No.12361247


You mean women, anon.

>> No.12361262

Base child-free vegan, reducing human overpopulation and the associated environmental impact of intensive meat farming practices that feed the excess humans.

They're sacrificing their genetic lineage for the long term survival of the Homo sapiens. Thanks guys!

>> No.12361264

>le /pol/ strawman
Haha, "bruh moment."

>> No.12361268

Have kids.

>> No.12361271

It’s a strawman. Most pro life people aren’t also vegan. Also it relies on the belief that fetuses count as alive, which pro life people usually don’t believe.

>> No.12361273

I'm trying.

>> No.12361277


>> No.12361279

Unless you aren't white. Then don't have kids.

>> No.12361287

Abortion reduces the crime that righties are always whining about. Just sayin’.

>> No.12361299

>just murder the poor people before they ever become alive, then we dont have to pay them 8 dollars an hour to do services for us and 40,000 dollars a year to put them in jail when they do no-nos.

Spoken like a true bourgeois liberal.

>> No.12361303

this. i want ck back.

>> No.12361313

pro-choice cucks don't realize how to attack other people's arguments

you're basically getting mad at a foreigner for not "speaking your language", which is small minded

pro-choice people don't believe they are exterminating life by terminating a pregnancy
so you can't say they are a hypocrite by their own definition
it's by your definition, sure, but again that's stupid because you're just saying that they are retarded for not believing the same thing you do--which isn't an argument

>> No.12361318

>haha were totally not murdering children

Whatever makes you sleep at night

>> No.12361321
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Your argument? He's still right, no child benefits from coming to this world to a couple a teenage rednecks fucking in the back of their junkyard, or a to a single mom in the ghetto.
Baffles me to hear bible thumpers rant about the sanctity of life and religion while sending their sons get killed by the thousands to protect the very people who killed Jesus.

>> No.12361326

If you found a fetus on Mars scientists would say we discovered life.

>> No.12361329

enjoy your 3 day ban

>> No.12361332

Hey look a Strawman whataboutism combo. Very intellectually rigorous!

>> No.12361335

Enjoy an eternity in hell.

>> No.12361342

My argument is that the very fact of people being in a position where having to choose abortion or economic struggle is cruel, and leveraging that situation (which is the real injustice at heart) in order to encourage poor mothers to abort is pure evil.

>> No.12361345

Point out the strawman mate, and I'll do something about it. If it isn't about that "sanctity of life" that abortions make you butthurt, then why?

>> No.12361351

Mate are you advocating for giving absolutely everyone decent living conditions, ending this capitalist system of poverty and profits?

>> No.12361355

These same people support giving aid to foreign countries full of retards that will breed like no tomorrow forever

>> No.12361363

I dont know how or if that can be done. I am suggesting individual persons should seek out ways to assist people in poverty, especially pregnant women.

And also that we as individuals should refrain from sex outside of marriage entirely.

>> No.12361369

You're retarded. The average americunt consumes a hell lot more ressources than the average africunt.

>> No.12361370
File: 327 KB, 859x960, gigachad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck pro-choice

anti-natalism is where it's at

no humans on earth = no suffering

>> No.12361373

GTFO with this shit, evangelical scum.

>> No.12361381

Haha not religious. And I prefer abortion to be legal because it murders niggers and liberals. But it is obviously murder. The definition of life from an objective scientific perspective is the aggregate metabolic activities of a set of proteins in a closed system that were produced by certain types of acids. How does a fertilized egg not meet this criteria?

>> No.12361383
File: 44 KB, 1024x682, 1555416317127m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They try to change everything about themsleves, their gender, their hair color, their natural state of being; to reconcile the fact that they have lost their soul and thus have no moral compass. They flail against a God that is willing to save them but are too proud to admit that they are wrong. They think: "if I change I won't be so miserable!" without understanding what is making them miserable in the first place.

>> No.12361382

Minimization of suffering is not the purpose of human life.

>> No.12361388

human life has no purpose except reproducing

it's pointless

>> No.12361394

There is no purpose.

>> No.12361402

>He think foreign aid actually gets to the shitholes and not into certain people's offshore investment trusts
Waste of dubs

>> No.12361405

That would be socialism, but yes it could be done.
Trying to stop people from fornicating hasn't ever worked though.

>> No.12361407

Autonomy. People should be in control over what happens to their bodies. Although the issue is a little more complicated once a fetus develops to a certain point. And animals don't want to be slaughtered.

>> No.12361409

I’m Catholic you fucking moron