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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 125 KB, 1500x1500, 71CaGmguMNL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12354582 No.12354582 [Reply] [Original]

>Walk into someone's kitchen they use these knives
>What do

>> No.12354587

Call Jack a faggot and then rape his wife.

>> No.12354598

but who was phone?

>> No.12354606

The pairing and sandwich knives have their uses, kind of like a teflon pan. Everything else is cringe as fuck, which is sad since these always seem to be sold as a set.

>> No.12354614
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>> No.12354621

Pay for my baggie of pot and be on my way

>> No.12354622

Simpli eric

>> No.12354671

for me it is /green/
the best and most versatile gay knife

>> No.12354677

What the fuck is Orange for?

>> No.12354682

You have issues. I'll pray for you.

>> No.12354828

take some steel wool to that abomination

>> No.12354840

I'd bet on either cheese or tomatoes

>> No.12354903
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>a challenger appears

>> No.12354928

No these at least have clear motivation for their multi colored hues. Similar to temp stickers in a large multi outlet kitchen.

>> No.12354929


>> No.12356495
File: 382 KB, 640x480, 1553908482121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your mom gifted you this when you moved out

>> No.12356501

Swagnemite, of course

>> No.12357099

Dude, I got those in black. Since I got them, I've fucking cut myself HARSH like twice. Fuckers are great.

All my life my family tried teaching me knife discipline, but refused to get knives that actually cut.

Now I finally understand after I cut a huge gash in the palm of my left hand.

>> No.12357104

what's the yellow one even meant to do? it's like a machete fucked a bread knife

>> No.12357118

/blue/ checking in, for when you need to make a post-assassination snack.

>> No.12357125

Respect them bc even though they probably don’t know much about food and cooking they’re still great people with a great love for colorful kitchen equipment
>that being said I usually always have my knife bag on me since I’m almost always heading to or coming home from work. So if cooking is being done at a house that isn’t mine, I have my own tools if people need assistance. Touching those shit ass knives will never be necessary, they’re about as important to me as a wall decoration at someone’s apt.

>> No.12357134
File: 176 KB, 776x768, 1556948385909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your eyes checked mate. It's orange.

>> No.12357135

Make them taste the rainbow.

>> No.12357146

Blue and green are objectively the most useless knives to own in ceramic.
It's a sandwich knife. It's good for slicing tomatoes and bread, while also shaped in a way made for spreading condiments on bread. If you make sandwiches somewhat frequently it's actually really useful, though I wouldn't buy a ceramic one.

>> No.12357156

Is that true? It doesn't feel true. You don't want to use a knife you've been slicing stuff with in your condiments. You'll have to wash it first, and at that point why not just get a different more suitable knife?

>> No.12357168
File: 217 KB, 2500x1285, shun sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a thing. Shun even came out with a $100 version like a decade ago.

>> No.12357172

woah there fella, calm down, I use f.lux and my screen's colour output has no blue in it right now

>> No.12357173

>You'll have to wash it first, and at that point why not just get a different more suitable knife?
What kind of, "different more suitable knife" so you not need to wash?

>> No.12357183

I just Startpaged it, and, while there are other varieties of sandwich knife, this is definitely one of the designs. Sorry for doubting you, but I still don't like it.

>> No.12357187

Butter knife. You still need to wash it, but you don't have to wash it before you've finished making sandwiches.

>> No.12357198

Say: "wow. I love your dildo collection"

>> No.12357199

my mom bought the green and red one...
they work, its just... weird... we had a full set of knives already, i swear women are all children.
also she somehow dulls every knife she comes into contact with. she thinks the regular knives were bad because they were dull.
she dulled these and was a week away from buying another set until I sharpened them without her knowing

>> No.12357228

>she dulled these and was a week away from buying another set until I sharpened them without her knowing
>things that never happened

>> No.12357264

It's a paring knife. Is this your first non-McChicken thread?

>> No.12357812

They're not even ceramic. It's a shitty thick coating that flakes off after a while.

>> No.12357817

no the fuck it isn't. pairing knives aren't serrated

>> No.12357895

How do you misspell the fucking word when you literally just responded to somebody who spelled it correctly? Are you pretending to be retarded? You better not be.

>> No.12358564

orange is for cutting rolls and baguettes in half and spreading butter and jam on sandwiches

>> No.12358610
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Me too. She has since given me another set. But I still use the first one she gave me the most.

>> No.12358626
File: 126 KB, 831x639, 1506378388745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gf has these but can still cook like a motherfucker
I bought her a couple different victoronix to beat on so she didn't have to suffer any longer

>> No.12358638

assume they are a gift and reserve judgement

>> No.12358649

If someone's my age I'd assume it was a gift from someone tbqh. But I'm also not an autist fantasizing about looking down on people for what's in their kitchen.

>> No.12358679

I tend not to care as long as they don't have a knife drawer
my in laws have a knife drawer, and I've given up on trying to train them. now I just bring a new $15 knife as a gift whenever I visit and throw out the old one they've dinged beyond recognition. it's not worth filing and sharpening their stuff since they abuse them to shit anyway.

>> No.12358684

he said orange when he meant red
he doesn't know what a bread knife is

>> No.12358741

I'd rather get a set of these than the motherfucking Farberware knives I got from my ex-mother in law.

>> No.12358768

They're actually quite good while they last. Heavy and sharp.

>> No.12358809

Spin around 360° and walk out.

>> No.12358818

what are you gonna do? moonwalk?

>> No.12358831
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>> No.12358845
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>> No.12358873

I try to stab them with all my might showing them how useless these knives are.

>> No.12358877

No pork?

>> No.12358923
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>> No.12358957

Made by gods chosen insects

>> No.12359421

damn jazz is looking fine

>> No.12359435

>ask for a ceramic knife for birthday because I like them for veggies and raw chicken
>get these shitty knives with a ceramic
But it's ok, I know my mom still did her best.

>> No.12359445

no he obviously meant the light orange

>> No.12359486

he said "serrated"

>> No.12359493

it is serrated

>> No.12359513
File: 30 KB, 73x342, apparently serrated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is serrated

>> No.12359518

yeah that's the dark orange one. I said light orange

>> No.12359539
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>> No.12359540

that's red, and it's a bread knife

>> No.12359550

That's clearly green and magenta

>> No.12359551

more like a yellow that race mixed with an orange so now it's orange

>> No.12359567

School bus
4 leaf clover
Fire truck

Everyone just use these terms so nobody gets confused again

>> No.12359745

y not just #s

>> No.12360066
File: 55 KB, 727x627, Learn2SharpenFaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k. could care less if you don't know how to do basic shit in life.
also saved the old knives, which are now mine.

>> No.12360104

You need to use diamond to sharpen ceramic, retard. Once again,
>things that never happened

>> No.12360121
File: 1 KB, 38x48, Learn2LookFaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh... sorry retard, they're metal, with a color coating. I know you're new here, and have never seen these knives before, but maybe try looking just a little harder before you try so hard.
thanks for the laugh, dipshit. LMFAO.

>> No.12360208

I have this exact set, got it through my bank reward points. it was the only useful item I could redeem.

they're knives, they cut things, I don't get the problem.
They also come with their own individual sleeves which is good because my roommate doesn't understand that throwing all the cutlery in a pile in a drawer dulls them.

>> No.12360226


>Walk into someone's kitchen they use these knives
>What do

>> No.12360294
File: 27 KB, 430x235, 1523731423838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, this guy is an actual dipshit.
>need to use diamond to sharpen ceramic
>thinking the knives here are ceramic
How does it feel being retarded about both cutlery, physics, and how knives work in general?
>if your knives don't split single atoms like obsidian, its not sharp!

>> No.12360299


Are you color blind?

>> No.12360326

no ru?

>> No.12360355

Maybe try formatting your post a little differently next time you're going to be such a blatant samefag.

>> No.12360380
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>> No.12360453
File: 71 KB, 668x101, Learn2BeSecureWithYourselfFag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being so insecure you think people joining in on making fun of your retardation is "same fagging".
absolutely hilarious

>> No.12360465

>100 hours in paint.png

>> No.12360471

are you newfag?

4chan is build on insecure faggots

>> No.12360545

oof, imagine samefagging to try to prove you're not bothered by being the insecure fag you are.
>all of this because a dipshit couldn't tell the knives were metal.

>> No.12360557
File: 35 KB, 598x400, candleja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever. candlejack is a fa-

>> No.12360561

I'll admit it certainly looks like samefagging, but doesn't 4channel prevent you from posting twice within 60 seconds?

>> No.12360579


thanks for proving that
is both an insecure faggot and a complete idiot

>> No.12360590

Cell phone + desktop. You can be an annoying twat with multiple devices.

>> No.12360614

>professional same faggoter

>> No.12360732

lmfao, nice try. you're an actual dipshit, you must be new here and not now how to to look up IP addresses still. xD fucking hilarious
imagine being so insecure and gay that all you can do is try to mirror the argument.

>> No.12360742

Orange isnt the bread knife though, thats Red
Orange is Paring
Green is Cheese Knife I think
Blue is Filet Knife
Purple is Chef Knife

>> No.12360744

I'm literally looking at "all" your user numbers right now. Wow... next level insecurities right there.

>> No.12360752


whats my IP then faggot

>> No.12360777

idk, not gonna go that far(extra 4 steps), but your user id clearly shows how bad youre samefagging. its pretty funny to me. something tells me you didn't know user id exists on this website.

>> No.12360785

don't eat anything, you'll end with pieces of jagged knife in you

>> No.12360789

haha /b/ is so based thank god we still have /b/ in 2019 so funny lol

>> No.12360799

pure reddit

>> No.12360813

>gets called out, pretends to be too lazy to prove himself

go back to red dit faggot

>> No.12360819

he's tracing you from 7 proxies right now you're so fucked

>> No.12360840

if he wasn't a liar he could tell you what city I am in

>> No.12360850
File: 66 KB, 469x587, SillyNewfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oof, all these newfags and samefags. really funny. back to 9gag with you fags.

>> No.12360950
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>> No.12360985
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you got me

>> No.12361016

boxxy is hawt. she lives only 2 hours away from me too. i want to meet n fuck her.

>> No.12361047

>she lives only 2 hours away from me
PROVE IT (please)

>> No.12361066

How do you know where boxxy lives you freak

>> No.12361077

back to redit faggot

>> No.12361081

fuck, i don't think I can prove it without searching for the doxxing history and pics. but someone posted where her school was a while back, she lives in california. it was only a couple hours away from me.
i dont know exactly where she lives, just the general area, and id have to find it again.

>> No.12361172

post my id you fucking faggot

>> No.12361176


>> No.12361182
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because you were being a retarded faggot

>> No.12361191
File: 178 KB, 283x270, 1523074167522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain. exposing samefags and teaching you how is being a retarded faggot now? k. sure.

>> No.12361207

you've exposed nothing

>> No.12361209
File: 4 KB, 344x344, 247427482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally the only knife you need

>> No.12361215

you're retarded

>> No.12361217

do you normally try this hard, when exposed?

>> No.12361225



>> No.12361241
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>> No.12361257

stop pretending to not be new

>> No.12361260

The kitchen I work at has the blue one as a joke. We make new people use it to fuck with them.

>> No.12361265

i've literally been here all summer, newfag. try harder, please.

>> No.12361298

i'm glad you got the joke faggot

>> No.12361317
File: 27 KB, 300x393, 1523742915209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my mental retardation was a joke haha, you thought I was serious? haha I trolled you!

>> No.12361323


>> No.12361464

It cuts cheese into cool wavy patterns for a snack. That's what I use it for.

>> No.12362144

Even as a newfag straight off of the Reddit boat how can you not understand how to use greentext properly?