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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 40 KB, 800x450, Screen_Shot_2018-01-29_at_11.29.03_AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12349958 No.12349958 [Reply] [Original]

Does this sort of thing happen more often than we would like to believe?

>> No.12349978

I used to purposely smear my pinkies in shit before leaving the bathroom, putting the gloves on, and leaving tiny pin holes to squeeze the shit out of. No one can even smell it, it's hot as fuck back there. Fuck knows how many niggers I contaminated.

>> No.12349980

I feel like the vast majority of these incidents are in response to (subjectively) rude customers, so I don't worry about this as I am a perfect angel

>> No.12350011

>yo fuck this cracka all smiling and saying please and thank you, nigga
>*spits in your food*

>> No.12350021


>> No.12350027

Constantly. It's not always intentional, but fast food kitchens are full of poverty faggots and teenagers, so they tend to be indifferent towards cleanliness and food safety. For example, if they were to accidentally drop something on the floor instead of throwing it away they pick it up and serve it, not even really thinking they are doing anything wrong. I don't go to fast food places anymore. Robot kitchens can't come soon enough.

>> No.12350033

This is very unsettling...

>> No.12350036

too bad you're getting punished for the rude customer before you. actually, since you're a perfect angel, the odds are that the customer before you is a fucking asshole since roughly 50% of customers are dickwads, so there's a pretty good chance of a high amount of fecal matter in your food

>> No.12350046

>whoa dude this guy didn't tip 30%, cum in his burger

>> No.12350069

I've worked 4 fast food jobs during my teenage and early college years, I can telly out without any sarcasm that people in the fast food industry are fucking disgusting and will knowingly or unknowingly contaminate your food with but not limited to shit, piss, sweat, dirt, snot, cold/flu virus and the worst I've seen is broken glass. Which is why I've never personally eaten in a fast food place outside of the food I personally prepared myself when I was working in those places.

>> No.12350081
File: 51 KB, 800x450, 1553670194391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for you

>> No.12350170

Number 15: Burger king foot leddess. The last thing you'd want in your Burger King burger is someone's foot fungess. But as it turns out, that might be what you gæt. A 4channer uploaded a phoodoh anonymously to the site showcasing his feet in a plastic bin of leddess. With the statement: "This is the leddess you eat at Burger King." Admittedly, he had shoes on.

But that's even worse.

The post went live at 11:38 PM on July 16, and a mere 20 minutes later, the Burger King in question was alerted to the rogue employee. At least, I hope he's rogue. How did it happen? Well, the BK employee hadn't removed the Exif dayduh from the uploaded phoodoh, which suggested the culprit was somewhere in Mayfield Heights, Ohio. This was at 11:47. Three minutes laydur at 11:50, the Burger King branch address was posted with wishes of happy unemployment. 5 minutes later, the news station was contacted by another 4channer. And three minutes later, at 11:58, a link was posted: BK's "Tell us about us" online forehm. The foot phoodoh, otherwise known as exhibit A, was attached. Cleveland Scene Magazine contacted the BK in question the next day. When questioned, the breakfast shift manager said "Oh, I know who that is. He's getting fyurd." Mystery solved, by 4chan. Now we can all go back to eating our fast food in peace.

>> No.12351370

At most fast food places you can see the kitchen area from the counter for this reason. Always watch them. Especially the pretty ones.

>> No.12351382

kek, I can't belive I read it with his voice.

>> No.12351504


>> No.12351511

What did he mean by this

>> No.12351536

I've heard some stories

>> No.12351651

Bombur 15 burger being boot Bettis the bass people bought bumper burger been burger biz bum ones but bung is but Vaz bit burns bout that by debuff ooh bad

>> No.12351697

I would only do shit to overly rude customers. I wouldn't just randomly spit on people's shit. People I did it to deserved it. Worst thing I did was launched a snot rocket into some fucks ice cream when i was sick as fuck. Asshole came back the next day for more saying how good the ice cream was. Didn't do it again the 2nd day tho lol

>> No.12351702

Everybody deserves it. All people are fundamentally awful. If they seem decent they're just better at hiding it.

>> No.12351705

I would still get away by spitting in people's drinks even when the soda fountain was right in front on them but we had to give them the drinks ourselves

>> No.12351712

They probably all do deserve it, but if they act civil towards me I wouldn't fuck with their shit

>> No.12351713

I want to stomp you to death. Not even joking. I would literally stomp your head on concrete for the fun of it.
Please, can we dox this guy? We really need to kill scum like you.

>> No.12351726

I would actually throw away anything I dropped too but my co workers were less "wastefull" than me and still serve shit they dropped, which is why I don't eat out lmao. You are trusting complete strangers to handle your food

>> No.12351730

I can already image me cracking your skull with a hammer. The intense pain as you become a vegetable. Beating you with a fucking smile on my face.

>> No.12351749

you don't tip at fast food places retard

>> No.12351765

if you can't tell or you don't get sick then it doesn't really matter. the person doing shit to your food is risking getting fired and possible criminal charges whereas you probably won't even notice if he does something to your food.and if you get sick you can sue the place or get free shit

best thing to do is just treat the staff like human beings and don't be a fucking asshole. then you're less likely to have your food fucked with

>> No.12351766

I dropped uncooked chicken strips on the floor of the meat cooler, it was 10 min from closing and a bus came in and I had to bread the chicken in the cooler at kfc.

>> No.12351784

Sometimes I don't wear gloves. My hands are enormous and xl gloves don't fit. but I wash my hands constantly. My boss doesn't care

>> No.12351794

I worked at a pizza shop for a while years ago. We didn’t use gloves at all. One time this black lady flipped out and demanded that I put gloves on because “it’s the law” and said she would call the cops lol. A lot of people were under the impression that gloves were some kind of requirement.

>> No.12351861

Most people who use gloves will use them the whole shift and won't even change them out. They also do that "blowing the glove up" thing to open the glove and pretty much contaminate it right off the back. I knew cooks who would go shit and not change gloves. As long as u are constantly washing your hands, every 30 minutes or so, gloves are not needed

>> No.12351869

Yeah, they are a requirement if you're handling food that doesn't require further cooking and isn't made to be eaten immediately.

>> No.12351881

Constantly washing your hands every 30 minutes would remove all the oils from them, leading to drying, chapping, and cracking eventually.

The only solution to the food contamination problem is to have the workers to be thoughtful of what they're doing, but we all know that they're going accidentally touch their starfish in the bathroom stall and ignore the sign that says all employees must wash their hands, so nothing can be done, really.

>> No.12351946

unsurprising that the kind of ape who would write a message like this is unable to apply the very small amount of reasoning necessary to realize that the original anon is clearly lying.

>> No.12352035


there is no brainlet image dumb enough for you two cretins

>> No.12352083

we do in my state you flyover fuck

>> No.12352101

I worked it for 3 years and never saw anything that gross. Ate there everyday and never caught anything but the fat

>> No.12352109

Wagies fighting back is so cringe

>> No.12352129

where i live it happens mostly to the canadians, because they simply do not tip.
even blacks will tip $2.
>t. fmr FOH/BOH employee

>> No.12352157

>Constantly washing your hands every 30 minutes would remove all the oils from them, leading to drying, chapping, and cracking eventually.

welcome to my life.

every 30min is an understatement anyways.

>> No.12352402
File: 426 KB, 1246x827, image:131080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive only worked as a valet and pizza delivery, never saw anyone fuck with the food. sometimes the cooks at pizza hut would need to get rid of dough at the end of the night and they'd bake it so it doesn't rise in the trash can. they would shape it like dicks and stuff it with cheese at the tip to mess with the person on the other end of the oven

>> No.12352427

i can't read it without doing the voice, not intentionally either.

>> No.12352614
File: 24 KB, 220x220, 220px-Swiss_Chalet_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked at pic related when I was a kid and anytime I opened I would piss in the big Chalet Sauce tank before putting the powder in.

>> No.12352660

I worked fast food for 9 months in high school in a shitty crime ridden area and nobody ever purposefully fucked with any food. The worst that ever happened was a sandwich dropped on the ground was dusted off and sent out the door, but even that was only once. Stories about employees fucking with the food have to come from third world countries or something, honestly.

>> No.12352681

If you're worried about someone fucking with your food, you should stay at home or spend the money to eat at a real restaurant.

There's no fucking reason for you to feel so entitled that you think you can pay a dollar to be served a sandwich that's been prepared safely. It just doesn't make sense.

Having said that, I think even the retards who work in fast food are mostly decent people and they probably don't deliberately fuck around with food too often.

>> No.12352689

And do the bathrooms have glass walls so you can see the employees washing their hands? Dumbass.

>> No.12352698

>Always watch them.

>> No.12352764
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Actually, what about a service where a hot girl spits in your food for 3 dollars extra?

>> No.12353233
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>> No.12353237

Found the nigger.

>> No.12353420

Every wageslave who does shit like this needs his throat slit like the cattle he is.

>> No.12353431

I would pick fingernails and put them in the container of shredded coconut when I worked at an ice cream store

>> No.12353467


>> No.12353473

Why not?

>> No.12353965

It is a rude, degenerate act

>> No.12353977

A customer only tipped 20% instead of 30.

>> No.12354636

Not when you live in a white neighborhood

>> No.12354661

You’re not going to do shit. Fucking loser lmao

>> No.12354709

t. never worked in teh kitchen

>> No.12355008


>> No.12355313
File: 1.84 MB, 640x640, black_chef_BTFO_white_people.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayo hol up, one fresh pasta comin up!

>> No.12355470
File: 100 KB, 600x350, Drive-Thru-anniv-Header-2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my 8+ years in food service, I have never seen anyone spit in food or purposely contaminate ingredients. So from my experience, it never happens.

My assumption would be that the man in your picture who is standing on the lettuce bins from the sandwich station was about to close the station down for the evening and would have thrown the lettuce out anyway, and decided for 'kicks' he would stand on them and take a picture to post on the internet, hoping to get a rise out of the reddit multitude. I'll say it again: in my vast experience I have never seen anyone do something like that.

>> No.12355492

I worked at a McDonald's for a year. One time, some guy put too much mayo on some McChickens on purpose. That's all I ever saw.

>> No.12355500

Lol. I used to put my boogers in the blue cheese dressing.

>> No.12355504

You're one person, probably white and raised/worked in a middle class neighborhood which is middle class. One person out of millions of U.S. food industry workers. It probably happens everyday, someone out there probably fucks around with someone else because they have mental or emotional insecurities and want a feeling of power over a customer that can't do anything about it because they can't see it.

>> No.12355733

i used to fart on whoppers if i heard it was a rude nigger at the drive thru on my headset

the assembly counter was perfectly aligned to my ass

>> No.12355740


>> No.12355835

I work at shit ass Dunkin Donuts.

>Shitskins regularly handle doughnut prep with their bare hands, while I always put on gloves
>Their stray hairs somehow end up in cups, fucking icing buckets, powders, tables, which I end up removing
>Obligatory fruit flies hanging out near the food
>Idiot customers regularly go "I love this store and the employees XD"

>> No.12355848
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>> No.12356136

I worked at a local fast casual place and even talk of spitting in food would get you fired on the spot. There were cameras everywhere which the owner would sometimes randomly watch and mess with the stereo remotely to fuck with us during slow times. Worst thing was retards not knowing how to clean the drink nozzles though, and one bitch that sent out practically raw meat in a carry out order. The nastiest thing in that restaurant was probably the stupid squarespace touch register because everyone touches it. I would douse it in Lysol at least every shift but I think I was the only one.

>> No.12356174

some people like 0.01% are good people

>> No.12356195

It depends were you are
in some white town or villiage things are probably okey

In some city or ghetto or poor area the food is probably messed with

>> No.12356269

Have you ever worked in food service? And if so, how long? If you haven't, I would reserve assumptions like that and keep your opinions private. In my 8 years I have worked with people of all races and nationalities, and none of them ever even talked about contaminating food or tampering with it in any way whatever.

I do not doubt the possibility that there are bad eggs out there who mess with food, but I do not believe this disrespect is tied to race. But as for the OP's question, 'does this happen more often than we would like to believe', the answer from my own personal experience, and many others here, is a resounding 'No'.

>> No.12356319


>> No.12356399


>> No.12356436
File: 27 KB, 344x317, Eating a Vegan Sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not only does fast food taste like shit, but some people will fuck with your food because they're bored and feel justified in doing so.

>> No.12356439

Obviously they wouldn't talk about it, it's a felony to tamper with food and it would not only cost them their job but possibly jail time as well. I only know of the most infamous cases. However, the original question of "does this happen more often than we would like to believe" is very relative. I'll leave it at that, but if anyone think it's impossible that millions of disgruntled service industry workers never act out then I think you're naive. It's a shame, but there are a lot of shitty people in the world, and it's not directly tied to race or status as much as it's associated with a mixture of poor conditions and ingrained fucked-upped-ness.

>> No.12357583

>In my 8 years I have worked with people of all races and nationalities, and none of them ever even talked about contaminating food or tampering with it in any way whatever.
Why lie?

>> No.12357718

Depends on how often you think it happens.
I've worked with food for many years and I've never seen anyone intentionally do anything to the food, nothing like spitting in the food or throwing anything in there, what happens instead is that food will drop to the ground and it will still be used by some of the employees.
I've seen an entire batch of fish fillets get dropped on a dirty floor and get scooped up to be used without anyone even washing it.
The vast majority of employees will not use something that was dropped to the ground, but there will always be those two or three people who don't give a shit.
I'd say if you buy something there's a 1 out of 300 chance that the food was scooped from the ground and will give you mild food poisoning.

>> No.12357744

when i was 15 and working at burger king we never really washed any dishes we just sprayed them with water until they looked clean and put them back on the racks

>> No.12357747

Yeah but that was nearly 20 years ago.

>> No.12357755

damn right...like 1995 or so

>> No.12357762

When I was 15 the last thing I wanted in my burger king burger was someone's foot fun gas, but that may have been what I göt

>> No.12357816

Canadian here. Which state and what restaurant? Over here, absolutely no one tips at fast food places.

>> No.12357844

FACTS don't care about your FEELINGS

>> No.12357951

I worked in fast food for a year and I never saw anyone "sabotage" food that wasnt for another worker and even then it was in good fun

>> No.12357994
File: 772 KB, 420x340, bertstare.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to work in a deli
>literal 80 iq employee working with me
>see her go over to the three bay sink and open up a new roast beef
>she drops it in the sink
>picks it up and starts to slice it like nothing happened

>> No.12358027
File: 35 KB, 640x404, 1556551944557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one tips at fast food places ever you fucking amoeba brained waterhead.
take a fucking second to think before you type next time. now think slowly....


>> No.12358059

My mom grew up ugly but turned hot as an adult so she has a chip on her shoulder against everyone. I hate going out to eat with her and pray no one has done shit like that to me

>> No.12358062

Brotip: actual chefs don't wear gloves either, it's a fast food thing because the people aren't trustworthy.

>> No.12358075

Gloves are for the benefit of making people who don't handle food feel better. If you have clean hands, you don't need gloves. If you don't have clean hands, you won't have clean gloves. Boxes of gloves at less respectable places are like a petri dish of all the shit people didn't clean off their hands.

>> No.12358095

>imagine being this mad over nothing
It's okay autism boy, you can cry and scream all you want on the internet.

>> No.12358098

if youre stupid / lazy / fat / bad at cooking enough to eat fast food you deserve it

>> No.12358105

Happened all the time where I worked, not deliberately sabotaging food, but if something dropped on the floor, everyone from part-timer to the manager would just pick it up and toss it back into the container. It's the main reason I never eat takeaways. I'd like to think proper restaurants are a bit more responsible.

>> No.12358117

the absolute state of americucks

>> No.12358132

>retard shut-in weirdo is confronted with facts
>y..you are lying

>> No.12358134

I can't see that picture without hearing that dumb fucking cunt's voice saying "Burger King foot lettuce..." Fuck.....

>> No.12358157
File: 112 KB, 960x771, soylent-squares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine having an apple for a brain and thinking they can infer someones emotion from 2 sentences. wewlad.
have a square you square

>> No.12358241

>I only know of the most infamous cases.
And you judge solely based on those, completely ignoring the vast majority of cases where that doesn't happen, because it isn't interesting or headline-grabbing when somebody DOESN'T do something.

For your homework, I want you to search "confirmation bias".

>> No.12358246

I can confirm, if something goes on the floor and it doesn't break apart, it will be served

>> No.12358299

imagine being this much of a nigger that denies reality see >>12355313

>> No.12358320

food is srs bsns

>> No.12358323

I fucked her. Only when she was ugly though. Hope you weren't conceived in her teens, son.

>> No.12358338

I also feel like the vast majority of food workers wouldn't stoop this low, if at the very least because they don't want to risk losing their jobs

>> No.12358503

The thread is "Does this happen more often than we like to believe?" not "Does this actually happen at all?" Theres countless restaurants in the U.S. Of course it happens. But its still rare and usually just shitty places with shitty workers mixed with shitty customers. Theres not workers constantly fucking with people random for funsies at the risk of their job or a lawsuit.

>> No.12358634

Nah, I'm basing it mostly off of my feeling about human behavior which extends towards the entire population of this country, or perhaps the entire world. It's a negative view that there's a certain percentage of people that will do bad things if only they are given a little bit of power, they don't need a good incentive to do it. I think the amount of people that would do bad things is higher than what other people would think.

You're expressing some type of attribution bias. Since you have a standard of not fucking around with people's food, you attribute that standard to nearly every other worker. In reality, the other workers don't have any standards and will scratch their ass right before preparing their customer's burger with indifference.

>> No.12358651

woah so this is what being a nigger is like........ fascinating....

>> No.12358680


>> No.12358785
File: 1.34 MB, 750x1334, E917281C-CD04-4C34-857C-BF394FAC916D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only at shitty places that hire people who don’t give a shit about cooking and food.

>> No.12358813

two servings of inconvience please

>> No.12359335

>Nah, I'm basing it mostly off of my feeling about human behavior

and the truth comes out. it "feels" true, so it must be.

>> No.12359536

doubt it, every faast food place ive been to is usually very busy and on top of that a lot of the places ive been gives you a clear view of the kitchen from the counter.

>> No.12360080

lets not pretend you bout that action boi

>> No.12360106

>go to chick fila as only fast food place you visit
>it never happens ever

my pleasure

>> No.12360896


>> No.12361766


>> No.12361800

Their fault for not paying attention

>> No.12361813

>Their stray hairs somehow end up in cups, fucking icing buckets, powders, tables, which I end up removing
Fucking this.

>> No.12361827

You're legit autistic trash if you did it

>> No.12362318

Not intentionally no but when I was working in fast food I basically never washed my hands unless I came from the bathroom. Other wise I was handling raw chicken and touching all sorts of crap around the back that I had to use. Fry scoops, ladles, trays, etc.

>> No.12362401

YOU don’t tip at fast food restaurants. That’s why you get shit and snot in your food. Fucking poor ass flyovers I hope you all starve to death.

>> No.12362456

In high school I only fucked with the food of people who were cunts in the drive-thru. it was always fat women in little cars. I would roll their burrito in a way that it will unravel when you pull the wrapper off.

>> No.12362467


>> No.12362517

I used to work morning shift and the lady who trained me and my supervisor were always very serious about good hygienic practices, then again only boomers worked morning shift and they tended to be more respectful. Pic related probably happens when all the high school kids are working, we had to lock up all the gummy candies before they got there because they'd eat them all as well as steal and eat all of the cookies.

>> No.12362524


>> No.12362556

theres prob more nasty shit all over the restaurant than peoples bodies. At least they usually get washed everyday. I worked at a fancy burger restaurant and that place got cleaned like once a year. if i wasnt there people would let the meat grinder go unwashed because "its in the cooler". the place was kinda nice too just the owners were retarded

>> No.12362786
File: 1.46 MB, 1242x2208, FEE064BA-DE9E-4315-BE62-4DD12FBA750E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m screenshotting this entire thread and sending it to every news agency I can find. LOL

>> No.12362853

>has time to fuck around in the kitchen
That's a good sign of a shit restaurant with not enough people.

>> No.12363889

Yeah. I worked 3-4 food jobs before leaving the industry. I prepare all of my food myself. You would not fucking believe how nasty some of the people that work in kitchens are.

>> No.12364068

y'all ought to be paying more
for the wonderful immune system boost
keeps your body on its toes

>> No.12364217

>spits in your burger
That'll teach you for living better than me.
$15 an hour when?

>> No.12364265

Imagine other professions did this.

Like you get drawings back from an engineer and he left out a few support columns just as a "fuck you" because you make more money than him, or your surgeon coughs in your open chest cavity because he thought you were rude before the operation.

Why is the food industry full of such pathetic, bitter, degenerates?

>> No.12364305


Are you a fucking retard or something? you were so close...

>> No.12364772
File: 21 KB, 166x166, 1558047040866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here but this one time these blacks got mad at me at wendys i still don't know why. all i did was ask for hi c and said one second when i asked my friend if something was ok. i even said thank you and he ignored me.. usually stuff doesn't bother me but for some reason that kinda frustrated me

>> No.12364806

When I worked at cold stone we would often just spray stuff clean n sanitize it until end of day unless it had peanut butter on it because peanut fags

But even there and other supermarket delis no one ever purposely fucked with food or did anything to it that's fucking gross. Most people who work at these places eat the food too so they would be contaminating their own food too

>> No.12364840

At Dunkin Donuts I would give decaf coffee to rude customers because if you have enough energy to be an ass at 5 in the morning you don't need caffeine.

>> No.12364865

Imagine letting niggers handle your food.

>> No.12365604

why so racist?

>> No.12365618

>so what
Based alfa owner.

>> No.12365655
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>> No.12365675

Reasonable enough

>> No.12365804

Do you know any 15-16 year olds? What percentage of them would you trust to watch your house for 3 days? There's your answer.

>> No.12365829

this, there are cameras all over the restaurant, lobby, kitchen, etc. idk how people get away with this unless the manager turned the cameras off but I don't even think they can. maybe they were down when this meme pic was taken, who knows

>> No.12365831


>> No.12366911

in my 3 years doing fast food, didnt happen at all

>> No.12367164

>will give you mild food poisoning.
No and that's not what food poisoning is. Stop calling every fucking illness stemming from food "food poisoning" you spastic. You could've contracted a hundred different illnesses. Food poisoning isn't sitting on the toilet because you have a bit of the shits and a dicky stomach. Absolute retard.

>> No.12367204

Dude look at the shit that happened a couple nights ago at my local Wendy's dude.


>> No.12367272

3 people filming, one person bathing, zero people saw any problems with that. really makes you think