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File: 30 KB, 474x316, kratom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12354404 No.12354404 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's white hulu

>> No.12354424

im not sure this is cooking, but i think the one i liked a couple years back was the white maeng da or something like that
was amazing as a pre-workout boost, and i credit it with my ditching of liquor. the constipation is a real problem, though. and you build up a tolerance insanely quickly, so overall i'd pass. but if you're worried about developing an alcohol problem, or you want a boost for manual labor or the gym, it's the best thing going

>> No.12354426

Red Bali for general use, anti-anxiety, painkiller, and anxiety relief. Red Thai for basically getting drunk or substitution for harmful drugs. White Maeng Da because chamomile tea is little more than a placebo.

>> No.12354553

For me it's super green (mixed into yellow gatorade)

>> No.12354570

fucking love kratom

>> No.12354666
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How do you guys consume it? Dry powder in mouth and wash it down? mixed with liquid? Tea? I've tried to make tea recently, but it just tastes too bitter

>> No.12354675

Well Satan, I usually make a tea with my kratom. I countrract the bitterness by adding a little ginger, sugar, and lemon juice.

>> No.12354683

Kratom is a seasoning.

>> No.12354687

what does being high on kratom feel like?

>> No.12354689

isnt this shit illegal in the US?

>> No.12354697

The rat bastards over at the DEA where planning on making it illegal but they backed down after the public put them in their place. It’s less dangerous than cigarettes as long as you’re not an absolute retard who mixes it with actual opiates and/or stimulants.

>> No.12354701

Yes it makes people take a potato peeler to their face while humming gene kelly

>> No.12354710

Never, ever ever trust 4chan when it comes to safety of substances

Every other poster is solving captchas while nodding off to whatever or amped the fuck out

Thats the reality of this place

>> No.12354711

Took kratom for 3 years, quitting a few times in between. If you've never started it, don't do it. If you see you take it everyday, quit as soon as you can.It's not worth it. My last withdrawal was pure torture.

inb4 reddit

google reddit/quitingkratom and read some posts. its not as benign as people make it seem.

>> No.12354742

>getting addicted to kratom

just kys

>> No.12354747

Yeah well i'm a sucker for opiates.

I'm just begging people not to get addicted

>> No.12354749

either way i bought some super green melawi kratom but the taste is downright horrible, how do i consume it without almost throwing up?

>> No.12354754

Take it to 420chan. Goodbye

>> No.12354763


that shit looks like wasabi. you snort that and you'll be pretty fucking woke

>> No.12354769

Mix it with orange juice.

I had a container, would put some orange juice in there, some kratom, shake abit, let rest then down it. not bad

>> No.12354797

i did that once
and that made it even worse

>> No.12354847

How often do you use?

>> No.12354855

I talked to a guy at a local smoke shop and he said kratom is for recovering heroin addicts

>> No.12354867

Either >>12354769 or >>12354675

Mildly stimulating, like drinking a cup of strong coffee, paired with a relaxed euphoria and slight numbing sensation. It makes you feel loosey-goosey and more awake, perfect for relaxing after a long day of work or getting ready for that same work. It’s commonly used by day-laborers and students in SE Asia from what I understand, though they usually just chew fresh kratom leaves rather than using the dried powdered stuff.

>> No.12354875

With the right kratom strain, Oxycodone. I took kratom for a while and tried Dilaudedmg and it had nothing on my kratom high

>> No.12354878

The alkaloids in kratom are chemically similar to opiates and bonds to some of the same neural receptors in your brain that opiates bond to, so yes it actually is quite good for dealing with heroine withdrawals.

>> No.12354883

No it's not.

>> No.12354899

Aren't you not supposed to mix it with soda, boiling water, or high acidity before consumption as it lowers the effectiveness? In fact, ideally, you're supposed to consume it on an empty stomach and not consume any food for up to two hours after?

Seriously, if you get addicted to kratom you must be a retard who's taking massive doses and would do anything for a high.

>> No.12354917

Empty stomach and high acidity, yes.

And if taken everyday, you can become physically addicted to kratom, yes.

>> No.12354919

>Cant quit drinking? Take up drugs!

Just be a man and handle your liqour, or quit. If you need kratom to help you quit youre a weak-willed faggot

>> No.12354935

fair enough
im just saying what worked for me. i wonder though if you have been there
i wonder how bad your shakes were

>> No.12354951

ok i did kratom a few weeks ago and got a major stomach ache the night of. I was throwing up so much it was just bile and water after a certain point. It wasn't fun. Anyone know why this happened?

I may have used alcohol the same day but not enough to warrent that much nausea. Or does kratom and a bit of alcohol make for horrendous results? Eeeeither way, it wasnt very fun.

>> No.12354960

You had too much too fast.

Alcohol and kratom is a terrible combination

>> No.12354961

Never had that problem myself but I’ve seen a couple people have that reaction. Guess you lost the genetic lottery on this one. You could try mixing it with ginger for the anti-nausea properties.

>> No.12354963

Fuck no. Every locally-owned convenience store where I live carries it.

>> No.12354972

Ignore this. Wrong.

Is the likely answer. You have no tolerance for it.

>> No.12354982

Kratom wrecks testosterone, just like any drug that acts on opioid receptors. Just so you know.

>> No.12354984

yeah perhaps I had too much. I definitely wasnt consuming a large amount of alcohol to combo with it, i just had had some earlier in the day. How much is recommended for a first time user?

I tried the same dosage before but i didnt feel sick afterwords. I also think i had the same amount of alcohol. Not sure what happened.

>> No.12354993

i could be skewing the facts. I hardly remember, would it be advised, just NO alcohol, period, the day of ingestion?

>> No.12355002

I mix it with diet cranberry juice or orange juice in a blender bottle and shake frequently. That's the easiest way I've found.

>> No.12355016

This, My testosterone was in the single digits the last time I got blood work. I'm in my mid 20's. When I quit it shot up to high triple digits. Started gaining muscle like crazy, acne, family thought/thinks im on roids since I was taking kratom since I was 20/21

>> No.12355037

>Kratom wrecks testosterone
What about estrogen?

>> No.12355052

Goes down by testosterone(eventually converted to estrogen via a few intermediaries) also going down. Doesnt effect estrogen secretion on its own.

>> No.12355054

Toss n wash you queer

>> No.12355060

A teaspoon of kratom should be more than enough, maybe even just half a teaspoon. I’ve drank alcohol while on kratom no problem so I’m not really sure. Do what feels right for you.

>> No.12355108

god please if youve never taken kratom, do not do it.

only use if you have chronic pain or detoxing from opiods

>> No.12355125
File: 72 KB, 726x423, Kratom Legality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point alcohol is more regulated.

There's some areas that where it is expressly illegal, but a lot of areas you just have to be of age to by. Providing proof of ID really isn't watched though and it's up to states or counties to determine laws just like with any other substance including liquor.

Some states have pending legislation or towns/counties banning or some other restriction, but in general it's basically just a tea leaf (or pine rather).

>> No.12355151

Use a measuring teaspoon, it's almost consistent with flour weight. 2g per measuring teaspoon, which is the minimum most 150 lb people should start with, then add 1g (half tsp) every 45 mins if they don't feel the effect. MEASURING TEASPOONS AND EATING TEASPOONS ARE DIFFERENT. YOU CAN GET LIKE 10-12 GRAMS EASY ON AN EATER.

Keep in mind effects can wear off in as little as 4 hours so increasing the dosage the first time in 1 gram increments more than a few times, you should just stop and try again tomorrow at a higher starting dose. It will feel different.

>> No.12355342



I don't recommend making it illegal, but it should definitely be regulated for purity and quality. Long term use will change you, not for the better. Quitting will be hell, the longer you use. If you use, please limit to 2-3 times a week max, and try to take 1 week breaks if you can.

I used it to study and it helped relax me enough to ace through pharmacy school, but I kept using through rotations and residency, and quiting was pure hell

>> No.12356086
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I tried kratom a couple times. Dunno if I got particularly bad stuff, but I was nearly vomiting from the awful taste. I DID feel a bit high, but nothing that was worth the taste and indigestion.

>> No.12356102

Adderall got me into college

But when i tried using it again, it was hellish. The "fun" was gone. Hm.

>> No.12356529

I have been there. I also went to kratom to try to help. Thats how I formed my opinion...you arent fixing anything with that shit. You either need to learn to be completely substance free or find a way to moderate your vices. Swapping drug A for drug B is not a solution

>> No.12356539

you took too much, do 2 tsp to start

>> No.12356581
File: 30 KB, 400x400, ambien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is the most sedating kind? I used to take 7 of these bad boys a day and some other pills.

Nothing can compete with the euphoria it produces if you take a couple of them at once.

>> No.12356817
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>chamomile tea is little more than a placebo
No you just wern't using enough, i cold turkeyed off of fentanyl and that shit was all i could get and it help monumentally. Although i was drinking sleepy time (mostly chamomile) i'd put 5 or 6 tea bags per cup and a eat a benadryl and imodium i was only mildly flailing around but without the tea it was much worse

>> No.12356824

I can't stand druggies. Every druggie I've ever talked to in real life was dumb as rocks. It really put me off drugs permanently.

>> No.12356835


>> No.12356841

because only the dumb one talk about it, but its a good thing you didn't partake because you fit into that category

>> No.12356843

The bali is recommended for beginners, and produces a very relaxing state, and I find drunken tiredness bad walking included with slightly more dosage (as little as 5-6g) if near bed.

>> No.12356879

God damn, some of you people are taking shit way off the chart, here. I used Kratom while I was getting off liquor. It really helped because I actually had something to turn to when I felt an urge to drink. That little buzz and loosiegoosiness is just the trick, for me. I get drug tested for work, or else I probably would have turned to weed. Anyway, it helped me quit alongside some personal revelations. I don't use it much at all now, because it tastes like absolute death to me. Never had a problem stopping it, it was really just a tool to get over the booze withdrawal. Been sober a few months now, the longest I've gone without drinking since I was 15 or so.
>>12354919 what an insufferable faggot you are. Do you lack any sort of empathy or perspective that not everyone has your same brain chemistry? Your same drives and faults? What kind of insecure twat acts all holier than thou when it comes to getting sober? The ends justify the means when it comes to getting clean.

>> No.12356913

>only the dumb one talk about it
But... you all are talking about it right here, right now...

>> No.12357665

not him but arrogance and drugs dont mix well. kratom acts like an opiate and you can definitely get heavy withdrawals if you use it more than once or twice a week. Also, stop being an underage edgy faglord.

>> No.12357670

The means should always be suicide.

>> No.12358361

Grab a square of 2-ply toilet paper. Separate the layers (want thin for easy consumption). Place on center of scale and weigh 1g per square. Bring corners of square together and twist into kratom-pouch. Pinch the twist to prevent unraveling. Bag yourself 4 grams. Prior to consumption, cut the twist off at the pinch to remove excess tissue. Put some water in your mouth, drop baggie in mouth, suck more water from cup to force baggie to back of throat and swallow in a swift motion. Chug water to lube esophagus. Repeat as necessary. Wait 1-1.5 hours.

You've just parachuted drugs

>> No.12358903

You don't know shit about kratom or opiates. Let the adults talk.

>> No.12358905

On the internet... anonymously...

>> No.12358947

I’ve done it a few times it’s basically worthless

There is literally no reason to use it unless you have chronic pain or are addicted to opiates like other anons have said, anyone advocating it’s use for any other reason is a retard.

>> No.12358974
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>5 or 6 tea bags
Seems like you'd be better off going on Amazon to get an extract or something.

>> No.12359003

How does it change you? Do you become a milder version of an ex tweaker?

>> No.12359014

When I stopped, I gained 15 pounds of lean mass in under a week. My beard... MAN O MAN

>> No.12359027

for me, it's red 'nam

>> No.12359273

I am most likely older than you. How old are you, 18-9? When I was your age I did literally everything, from psychedelics trough opiates to stimulants. You are not edgy but you are very, very stupid.

>> No.12359466

I ate 4 gram I got as a freebee ordering coca leaves. Now that shit I can get into! Kratom did nothing whatsoever, but I do take codein so I might have some tolerance. Worth it to try again?

>> No.12359772

worth to try again if you got addicted to codeine and needed to stop

>> No.12359879

yeah but i did
and this was a while ago
the guy who gave you a real hard time over this was right insofar as the ends justify the means. kratom is insanely-mild by "gettin' high" standards
and i was clear that i would not recommend doing kratom, and that it's just what worked for me
i should say that i was a brutal alcoholic. i'd tell you but you wouldn't believe it. nothing in my life fell apart miraculously after two solid years of daily abuse of liquor, but i knew it was only a matter of time, so i replaced liquor for about two weeks with a bag of kratom and it fixed me up. this was a couple years ago and the only drug ive consumed since is caffeine