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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 96 KB, 900x899, tns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12351707 No.12351707 [Reply] [Original]

>Add some nutmeg
>Takes a bite
>violin starts playing
>MMM Delicious, such wonderful flavors

>> No.12351709

>so orange and foolish

>> No.12351728

>be 50 years old
>cosplay on YouTube for millennial nu males while cooking (a woman’s hobby)
>cry about the president on your cooking cosplay channel
Dudes a fucking homo

>> No.12351732
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>> No.12351734

He actually said it wasn't though. People interpreted as that.

>> No.12351809

No one would ever cover their ass when they grossly miscalculate. Come on now champ, it is time to put down the soy.

>> No.12351854

Did he force Ivy to transition to a boy? I have a feeling it was just to get woke/SJW viewership.

>> No.12351862

you fucking what
there's no fucking way he's letting his 7 year old daughter transition

>> No.12351863

It has been a couple of years now. Do you really still think calling the guy who is now risking war with Iran for no reason a fool? Their nuclear program had been dismantled. This is the guy who removed their incentive to keep it dismantled.

>> No.12351865

every ladle you buy is one less menses cycle for sweet ivy

>> No.12351883 [DELETED] 

We are FOR trump here, idiot. We stand for redpilled beliefs. If you are against trump you are soy, you are inferior, you are a woman lover, you love immigration, you love feminine things. WE LOVE ANIME, VIDYA, AND RACISM PLUS THE GOD EMPEROR TRUMP

praise KEK!

>> No.12351899

trump a shit but hillary worse

fair. the name needs to align with reality

>> No.12352027
File: 365 KB, 500x500, 7ECDF7DB-7888-4553-8E75-1BF74F310FE2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying too hard

>> No.12352028

>delivering freedom bad


>> No.12352031

Yes. Hopefully Trump was a lesson. If the Democrats don't get their shit together and learn to serve the people before the next election we are fucked. Like fall of Rome fucked. Mandarin will be the international language by 2030.

>> No.12352059

This but unironically.

>> No.12352159

>We are FOR trump here, idiot. We stand for redpilled beliefs
Don’t speak for me, queer.

>> No.12352228
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call this recipe... the Donald Drumpf! LOL! xD

I am frustrated :(((

>> No.12352240


>> No.12352245

he thought he was so smart and subtle, and now the internet will never let him forget

>> No.12352742

post butter lady

>> No.12352794

People wouldn't have cared nearly that much if he didn't do his disingenuous response video "I am frustrated" Even if he didn't do this to make a "subtle" political commentary you can't tell me he wouldn't have known about the implication and the response he would get.

>> No.12353156

>the internet
no just you and your other 2 or 3 leddit autists.

>> No.12353160

found the kike

>> No.12353229

wait but I thought being soy was reddit

>> No.12353232

>woman's hobby

The best chefs in the world are all men. This proves that women are even bad at performing their supposed jobs assign to their gender.

>> No.12353265

b r a i n l e t


>> No.12353314

Nice NPCspeak

>> No.12353323

Neo con faggot boomer

>> No.12353377

I'm frustrated

>> No.12353413
File: 3.03 MB, 250x163, TrumpSalt Mines Lib Tears.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12353430
File: 42 KB, 640x640, ee3bc228e30299502f342b8e2ce82284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people actually thought the orange fool recipe was a shot at trump

>> No.12353439

I tried his switchel recipe and didn't like it. But I also made his mushroom ketchup and loved it. Didn't taste mushroomy though - more like Leicestershire sauce

>> No.12353440

Holy shut that gif is hilarious. Saving it to spam everywhere in November 2020

>> No.12353458
File: 44 KB, 766x495, CHURN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite Townsends video. I must have watched this 12 times now - just before going to bed.


>> No.12353547

I'd totally smash that milkmaid jewess

>> No.12353565

she is like 10

>> No.12353600

Yeah churn that butter you fucking slut daddy likey

>> No.12353604

that's prime marriage material in the 18th century

>> No.12353995

The best hairdressers are also (gay) men.

>> No.12354003

A profession is not a hobby.

>> No.12354013

I like how she speaks so passionately about something so silly and also that she has a pretty face.

>> No.12354033

n-no men are BETTER THAN WOMEN!!!

>> No.12354060

only if you want to look like a gay man, desu

>> No.12354085

have sex

>> No.12354369

Not being able to let go of the same shitty and unfunny joke since fucking 2017 is reddit.

>> No.12354405
File: 484 KB, 574x516, 1542838443247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lmao everything is about le drumpf
can you reddit cryptokikes fuck off and not ruin the only cooking channel I enjoy

>> No.12354777

Make me

>> No.12354785

If you get raped sometime in the next week you will always wonder if he actually managed to track you down.

>> No.12354831

Wanna take my virginity

>> No.12354836

he's constantly high on nutmeg

>> No.12354864

>orange man bad
It’s trash

>> No.12354946

>someone may or may not like the biggest Israeli shill

kys yeah?

>> No.12354957
File: 14 KB, 640x480, d0a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
