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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 462 KB, 1536x2048, 9DEFF2E8-691A-40CC-B4C9-F10223203241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12349013 No.12349013[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My vegan sister of 15 days put this shit on my fish sticks

>> No.12349020

The suffering enhances the flavor, don't believe the shills.

>> No.12349024

Like she's 15 days old or your parent and her's got married two weeks ago?

>> No.12349026

She's right though. Those poor chickens suffered because you're a faggot.

>> No.12349027

Pretty impressive for an infant.

>> No.12349032

Eat the paper planet eater

>> No.12349034

your parents should be killed for feeding an infant a vegan diet

>> No.12349038

you're mad cause your sister's rejecting your choices
ignore her and grow up

>> No.12349041

She wants to have sex with you

>> No.12349047

Can fish be scared?

>> No.12349050

kek. just make her watch while you eat it.
>I did not want to die.
How does she know. Maybe the fish was suicidal.

>> No.12349054

The respond to predators by fight or flight, they are aware enough to know the difference between being alive and being dead. Meaning they understand that being eaten is bad and therefore have at least some concept of fear.

>> No.12349070

I'm a vegan by choice, also due to concerns of conscience. I say that if every meat eater can actually kill his food with his own hands, not from a safe distance with a rifle like a pussy, which is how factory farmed animals actually die, then they can continue to be carnivores. I have had to watch a pig being slaughtered right in front of me. The drained its blood from its neck into a bowl as it screamed to high heaven. Then it's screams became gurgly and this continued for what seemed like an eternity. I'll tell you this much, it's not like playing a horror game. It is true horror like I haven't experienced before or since. I'm still traumatized by that event.

>> No.12349076
File: 2.57 MB, 640x360, Haggis.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want me to go to an abattoir and push a button to turn on the carve-bot 5000, I'm happy to do that.

>> No.12349084

>I say that if every meat eater can actually kill his food with his own hands, not from a safe distance with a rifle like a pussy
Holy shit fuck you and your moral high horse. So their deaths should be painful and messy and not instant and painless? A gun is the most pain free and ethical way of killing something

>> No.12349088


>> No.12349089

Very few factories are fully automated. Chances are good that if you're eating relatively cheap food you are eating hand-slaughtered animals.

>> No.12349097
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The compassion vegans hold for animals is not held by the same people who have pushed veganism in the current era. Meat, eggs and dairy all lead to healthier and stronger humans when eaten in proper amounts - not debatable. Exclusion of these food sources is strictly negative for any and all human beings, not debatable. Because of veganism and population increases as well as environmental issues, in the next ten years canned tuna will be over five dollars a can and salmon and ocean fish will not be affordable for your average person. We will decline into a state where the lower classes of humans are vegan and weak and subjugated while the 1% continue to eat their lobster and crab dinners.


>> No.12349096

Go see what I saw and come back and then say that again. You won't.

>> No.12349099

So I stun it first. I can do that. I worked in a prison, we treat people way worse than we treat animals

>> No.12349102

fish don't have a neocortex and can't process higher emotions like fear
fish can't scream

>> No.12349111

lmfao. Go fucking die of malnutrition you retard. I say if youre gonna be vegan that you have no right to eat the plants unless you go pick them yourself.

>> No.12349115

>traumatized by death
obviously an american with an unhealthy view of death
I bet you cry when you see a sad scene in a movie faggot

>> No.12349118

Any time I read a thinkpiece on climate change, they advocate REDUCING meat consumption, never veganism. Reducing consumption of all food is something we desperately need to do in the first world anyway, and it will be healthier for us. Take your conspiracy stuff to /pol/

>> No.12349123

Your 15 day old sister can read and write?

>> No.12349124

I will say it again. First go see what I saw, then come back and talk shit. I bet you've never seen anything like it.

>> No.12349131
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Nope, read it from top to bottom and my verdict is still you are in fact a little pansy.

>> No.12349132

Fear is not a higher emotion. It's the basest emotion produced by the amygdala. Lern2brain

>> No.12349137

I didn't tell you to read it. I told you to go see it.

>> No.12349142

I've killed animals myself, you are literally just a faggot.

>> No.12349143

You could do that but they don't do that that's the point.

>> No.12349145

With bullets from afar

>> No.12349148

We don't need to reduce consumption we need to innovate.

>> No.12349149

Did you work in a sweatshop before wearing those clothes or using that computer/phone to post here?

Stop acting like you're Mother Theresa because you don't eat bacon

>> No.12349154

>go vegan
>few years later get B vitamin deficiency
>"np I'll just take B vitamins"
>find out there's no such thing as a vegan B vitamin supplement
vegans btfo

>> No.12349155

>So their deaths should be painful and messy and not instant and painless?
Yes. Because that's exactly the way they already are.

>> No.12349156

drowning, with a knife.
the rest of the world isn't america, we aren't pussies like you.

>> No.12349158
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Horror, and moral terror, are your friends. If they are not, then you'll become a faggot vegan

>> No.12349160

I don't understand. How do you innovate rampant obesity?

>> No.12349161

Problem is I watch Rick and Morty and have an IQ high enough to know you kill the animal before bleeding it.

>> No.12349163

I just checked by B vitamin jar, nowhere on there does it mention steak

>> No.12349171

Not really. My grandfather saw all his friends die on the beaches of normandy. It fucked him up for life and he lost his formerly fervent faith in God (he wanted to be a preacher and even went to a prominent theology university before enlisting)

>> No.12349173

it's made from animal products like stomach acid.

>> No.12349178

British bank notes use tallow in their production, doesn't make them un-vegan

>> No.12349200

Crocodiles are so ornery because they got all them teeth but no toothbrush.

>> No.12349203

Watchdog groups exist. They report what goes on inside factory farms. All you need to do is read the reports, which you obviously haven't done.

>> No.12349205

You reading things selectively and ignoring reality is your problem, not anyone else's
So it's vegan just because you say so? Delusional cult. You call people murderers for eating honey

>> No.12349212

Yeah it does. Impossible burgers are officially not vegan because it was tested on rats.

>> No.12349213
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Vegan aggression is obvious and should not be tolerated by anyone. These people pretend to care about diet and animal welfare, but it's just a paid cultural assault on the west. If it were Muslims eating meat they would quietly and respectfully observe their "traditions" and maybe even join in. I do not for a second believe there's a vegan who isn't white and isn't aggressive exclusively toward other whites. Meanwhile the whites who follow it become skinny and sickly, they lose a lot of fat sure, but their muscles also shrink down into little cables that will fit in inherently ball-crushing homosexual clothing like skinny jeans.

Purely designed to cause infighting and physical weakness. Anyway just dislocate one of her shoulders while being "playful", just yank really hard outward while the arm is extended at shoulder height and it'll pop right out.

>> No.12349214

>I say that if every meat eater can actually kill his food with his own hands, not from a safe distance with a rifle like a pussy,
There's a thing called division of labour. Do you pick all the cotton you wear? Do you mine the sylicon and gold necessary to make the chips in your computer? Do you produce yourself the electricity needed to power the dildo you push up your ass every night?
if we needed to personally slaughter animals to sustain ourselves, I can assure you 99.99% of the population would do so, with the occasional retard like you starving themselves to death.

>> No.12349220
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>he doesnt know

>> No.12349226

Being obese is the person's choice, I meant food manufacture and sustainability.

>> No.12349235

So being a faggot runs in the family

>> No.12349237

That's like saying overdosing on fentanyl is the person's choice. I suppose efforts to lift people out of addiction are trampling on their freedom.

>> No.12349244

based grammarian

>> No.12349246

Eating is not the same as highly addictive drug use, please.

>> No.12349248

Food causes chemical changes in your body. It is literally a drug

>> No.12349250

>Eating yourself to death is not eating yourself to death
that's you

>> No.12349251
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I shot 4 squirrels in the head with my air rifle yesterday from an average distance of 2", and listened to them scream and gurgle as they died.
Then I sliced them open and pulled out their guts, skinned them, rinsed their still-warm carcasses off with the water hose, and tossed them into the cast iron skillet with some bacon and fried them up and ate them with rice and gravy.
Shit was cash.
But then I'm not a faggot or vegan.

>> No.12349253

There's a difference. You're not killing something alive with cotton. Nobody suffers with computer chips.

>> No.12349254

breathing air causes chemical changes in your body. It literally is a drug.

>> No.12349256


>> No.12349259

I hope you have worms now, you psychopath.

>> No.12349264


>> No.12349265

>Cotton isn't alive
Cotton is a plant dipshit

>> No.12349273

Cotton doesn't scream at least. It doesn't have an amygdala.

>> No.12349295

I have found the solution. Lab grown meat is expensive and looks like will never be viable for mass-production at low cost. It will be far cheaper to genetically engineer cows pigs and chickens without an amygdala. Wa la. Bone apple tea.

>> No.12349314

Next time you're at the grocery store buy bulk packs of tuna, those 98 cent cans of vienna sausage, a buncha cartons of eggs, and some hot dogs, and fill her bed underneath her sheets and blankets. Spend like 50-60 dollars laying that gore down.

>> No.12349443

Oh boy she must not be very bright, and given the high heritability of intelligence you must be rather fucking dim as well.

>> No.12349477
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But meat is tasty. Fuck off.

>> No.12349480

>that complete indifference to cutting along guide lines
she wanted to trigger you but looks like she's got some collateral damage

>> No.12349617

It's produced by gut bacteria, no animal can produce B12

>> No.12349628

You don't kill the cotton plant when you pick it mongo

>> No.12349631

Where do they bleed pigs out without stunning them first? What kind of savage third world shit-hole do you live in?

>> No.12349641

Any country that allows halal meat including basically all of Europe and North America

>> No.12349645

Fish have amygdalas too, you turbotard

>> No.12349660

sounds like halal slaughtering. the more civilized pig kills happen by quick electrocution.

>> No.12349661


I will tell you now the only outcome of this is that I will become an extremely efficient Pig Killing Machine.

>> No.12349666

The larger point stands, and which is that the life of a pig inside the factory farm system is one long period of suffering before death. Stunning or quick electrocutions don't prevent that.

>> No.12349668

You might be surprised how many wild hogs get shot to death so cotton farmers can protect their crops, my retarded friend.

>> No.12349674

Fags fagging fags in a fag thread.

>> No.12349675
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but plants eat that poo. why b vitamins not in plants.

>> No.12349677

>halal pigs
C’mon now.

>> No.12349683

You missed his point but I will say the method a factory farmed animal is dispatched is negligible in the overall suffering they experience in thier lives. Which is a great deal.

>> No.12349690

What is this, Reddit? I bet you put these on yourself.

>> No.12349696
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>> No.12349702

>muh reddit
you fucking people with your reddit obsession.

>> No.12349703

You’re not changing minds here anon. Why don’t you make a shitload of money, buy a pig farm, and shut it down?

>> No.12349711

Shut the fuck up retard. Can’t even refute that OP probably did it himself.

>> No.12349717

I don't think anyone is expecting to change other people's minds when they post in vegan threads. People are stubborn donkeys.

>> No.12349720

It got him (You)s didn't it? Can't argue with results.

>> No.12349724

you need professional help

>> No.12349729

I thought vegans were about zero animal products.

>> No.12349740

>Nobody suffers with computer chips.
You have to be the dumbest motherfucker alive.

>> No.12349742
File: 1.71 MB, 1644x1101, F2DFEC77-E5EE-4FD6-B05C-E89E9286B9D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally a photo of the pigs being raised on a local ‘community supported agriculture’ farm that supplies my pork. They’re free range, no sow stalls, free to wallow, and fed plenty of varied foods taken from nearby farms (apples, pears, brassicas, spent brewery grain etc).
I don’t generally eat factory pork. Tell me more about what a bad person I am, you piece of shit.

>> No.12349747
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>> No.12349752

Do you enjoy paying $500 for eight slices of bacon? Must be nice.

>> No.12349762

Don't worry pigger, I won't eat you :)

>> No.12349771
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>Tell me more about what a bad person I am
No, but considering the post you're replying to, I'll tell you what a massive idiot you are.

>> No.12349774

>nobody suffers from computer chips



>> No.12349797

>Nobody suffers with computer chips.
Holy shit. My sweet, summer child...
Speaking of cotton.

Several years ago, I watched this video about agricultural students in Japan. One of the requirements for the program was for the students to raise a chicken to adulthood, then slaughter it themselves. It was really amazing.

>> No.12349823

I feel like speaking about cotton and textiles myself. Once upon a time cotton was mostly grown by slaves. Now most of the clothes you wear are sewn by slaves and child slaves.

>> No.12349825

vegans are so fucking lame, no wonder why they're so fucking hated.
yell that cunt to keep her fucking opinions to xirself and stop food shaming you.
also I believe that's aggravated harassment and you can get a tpo against her

>> No.12349828

>they are aware enough to know the difference between being alive and being dead.


>> No.12349841

>being unable to afford amazing quality free range bacon with sweet creamy fat for only a couple of dollars more per kilo
Get a job you fucking NEET.

>> No.12349851

>vegans are so fucking lame
Did you get your new vans yesterday, Skyler? What did you learn at school today? Don't stay too long at the skate park, you have homework to do.

>> No.12349859

>only a couple of dollars
likely story

>> No.12349869

>aversion of predators equates fear
cmon bud0

>> No.12349871
File: 1.05 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_20190519_201628698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat meat everyday, Rainbow Skyy.
I'm eating chicken right fucking now.
I'm having meat tomorrow, maybe more meat than I have thawed because fuck every insufferable vegan piece of human shit.
pic is my chicken, good as fuck too

>> No.12349889

tell her to knock that shit off or you'll give her the ol' cunt punt

>> No.12349904

>I'm eating chicken right fucking now.
Wow. What a badass you must be. I'm very impressed with you right now. My pussy is literally gushing.

>> No.12349914

That's pretty much the definition of fear. It's called the stress response, or the fight-or-flight response. It is fear defined.

>> No.12349926

>is a pussy
nice of you to admit such a thing

>> No.12349933
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vegan filth your front hole isn't self lubricating and you know it.

here's some sausages I'm pulling out to go with my burgers tomorrow, olivia

>> No.12349960

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little carnist? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at UC Berkeley, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on animal testing labs, and I have over 300 confirmed rescues. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top euthanist in all of PETA. You are nothing to me but just another meatcuck. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about animals over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of animal rights activists across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, bloodmouth. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your meat addiction. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can convert you to veganism in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my arsenal of facts. Not only am I extensively trained in logic and applied ethics, but I have access to the entire internal biome of the Lone Star Tick and I will use it to its full extent to get you banned from every butcher shop in town, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn animal abuser. I will shit tofu all over you and you will drown in it. Your stomach is a graveyard, kiddo.

>> No.12349967

>I am a big bad carnist
>My special powers include...eating chicken and...eating pork

>> No.12349971

She became vegan 15 days ago

>> No.12349983

I bet you think this is worth 2000 upvotes.
I'm gonna have 2 sausages with my burgers now.

>> No.12349984

No, they're about moralizing in a vain and futile attempt to lend meaning to their otherwise empty and shallow existence.

>> No.12350006
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This is an expression of misanthropy, not empathy for animals. Put simply, it's about people finding an excuse to express their resentment toward other humans, and not because they are concerned about animals suffering. Although it's possible your sister is just projecting her wounded child self onto animals... women have a tendency to do this in particular.

Just remember that when people act this way, it's because of hate, not love.

>> No.12350010

Good for you. Here's a cookie.

>> No.12350016

Why are people who eat meat so touchy? This is not your fragile ego or sexual identity that is being besmirched. You are not meat. You are what you eat though, and what you eat is clearly trash.

>> No.12350024

>I have had to watch a pig being slaughtered right in front of me. The drained its blood from its neck into a bowl as it screamed to high heaven
I didn’t know Muslims had Halal pork now.

>> No.12350044

if the cookie doesn't have beef jerky in it then I'll pass

>> No.12350056

The cookie is in fact made out of 100% cruelty to animals. Enjoy.

>> No.12350090

A steel rod is jammed in to their skull and kills them near instantly from the impact to the brain. I work in a meat processing plant.

>> No.12350092

I can literally taste the screams, thanks for this.

>> No.12350134

>Like she's 15 days old
I was generally curious myself.

From anon's description, it sounds like a 15yo girl who is vegan puts some spice he doesn't like on the fish sticks he cooks for her.
I wanted to know what it was.

>> No.12350143
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>> No.12350149

hang up the same thing on her plants so she dies of starvation

>> No.12350167
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>> No.12350179

Which fish don't actually have but they have a thing called the pallia which does the same job.
You can aversion train a gold-fish so they definitely feel fear.

>> No.12350205

>it's made from animal products like stomach acid
>Vitamin B
>It is made from
You have no idea what Vitamin B even is, do you anon....

>B vitamin deficiency
There are entire populations in the world that are vegan without detriment, it's entirely doable.
No, you can't just take a typical omnivorous diet and remove steak and continue but vegan diets are perfectly fine provided you don't have ridiculous body builder-tier demand for protein.

>> No.12350288


>> No.12350314

>Meat, eggs and dairy all lead to healthier and stronger humans when eaten in proper amounts - not debatable. Exclusion of these food sources is strictly negative for any and all human beings, not debatable.
I think a lot of vegans know this deep down, which is why they become more fanatical to deal with the thoughts in the back of their mind that veganism has flaws. They're trying to convince themselves that it's the perfect solution.

I think lab-grown meat will take care of the issues of population/price though, since it'll be cheaper and easier to produce large quantities.

>> No.12350350


Fish lack the self-awareness to understand death and chickens are incapable of screaming.

>> No.12350351
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>plant fertilizer is made of dead fish and animal dung

>> No.12350356

The solution is being vegetarian, sans eggs. Not too much suffering is involved with cheesemaking.

>> No.12350360

Every animal has a survival instinct. Fear is literally the fear of death. What a stupid comment.

>> No.12350364

can't argue with that

>> No.12350373

tell her you will consider eating a more plant based diet, and would thankful for any information you are likely to not have already, but that if she doesnt immediately apologize for trying to control what you do with your body, you will rape her and force her to have your child against her will.

>> No.12350395

Posting from Georgia?

>> No.12350399


I agree. What you just posted was, indeed, a very stupid comment.

>> No.12350414

Most vitamin B supplements are harvested from yeast you knuckle-dragging moron

>> No.12350440

Sounds like a lie, only kosher and halal are killed like that and pork is neither.

>> No.12350538

>15 days old
You can probably still abort her if you live in a blue state.

>> No.12350549

They taste better when they die afraid. The cirrcllll. The cirrrclll of liiiiiiiffffe.

>> No.12350553

>I'm still traumatized by that event.
Welcome to nature, you coddled freak.
Everything on earth that could eat you, will try if you give it enough

>> No.12350556

tell her every second a living cell from her body dies an excruciating death

>> No.12350560
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>> No.12350564

weird self portrait, but ok

>> No.12350581

Every animal on earth that could eat you, will try if you give it enough room.
Chickens will eat you, though they tend to wait until you're dead because of your size, they would eat you if you were smaller.
Dogs? Yup, they already do in some places.
Cats? ...
Fish? If you were smaller? 100% they'd eat you. They eat each other like it's going out of style.
Cows? No, they won't eat you, but the dogs will eat them, as will the cats. And the rodents. And the birds.
Oh, did I mention birds? They'd eat you in a heartbeat if you were small enough.
You're not eaten, daily, because you're too big, that's it.
If humans were smaller but still super smart and spiritual like we are?
They'd still eat us.
Your aversion to killing animals is sweet and notable.
Now if we could get you to be that way about unborn children.

>> No.12350986

put some bacon under her sheets before she goes to bed

>> No.12351006

Tell her that animal spirits don't consent to her attachment to them

>> No.12351165
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>> No.12351182

>put some bacon under her sheets before she goes to bed
do this instead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-6oA6CH0KU

>> No.12351196

I vote we you instead to put us out of the misery of enduring your insufferable faggotry a second longer.

>> No.12351221

Fish scream?

>> No.12351244

I once heard a fish gurgle and squeal when I was river fishing with some people. It was staked into the shoreline through a hook in its mouth. It let out a monstrous, wet roar after it had been there for a few minutes. Was pretty gnarly.

>> No.12351327

Write her a note something like
>Your fish stank pussy should cower when my gorilla dick needs a good scower

>> No.12351334

Sibling disputes can only escalate. Get those slogans custom printed onto shirts and constantly wear them around her.

>> No.12351673

Only English notes are not vegan, Scottish and Irish notes don't contain animal products.

>> No.12351694

He means she's been a vegan for 15 days.

Holy fuck how dumb are you? I mean I read it the way you did as well but my mind immediately pieced together the truth of the statement.

You though, you decided to type out that whole dumb ass stage 1 part and do a captcha without figuring it out.

Don't have kids.

>> No.12351773

haha, what if she retaliated by pulling his shirt off? And then she accidentally ran her fingers over his sweaty naked chest while holding eye contact? What do you think would happen?

>> No.12351780

Lmao are you talking about the way mudslimes butcher their pigs? Nobody outside of those towelheads actually bleeds a fucking animal out before killing them.

>> No.12351796

Have you tried playing Eternal Darkness? It's a very scary one.

>> No.12351825
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imagine getting this mad because you didn't get an intellectual grammar joke

>> No.12351840

>drowning animals
neck yourself pajeet

>> No.12351841

Ain't no game going to ever top Silent Hill 2. One of the few actually good games made.

>> No.12351856
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>> No.12351857

>sister of 15 days

>> No.12351868

that's such a cliched thing meatheads say
god you meatheads are retarded

>> No.12351872

Your suffering enhances my enjoyment.

>> No.12351891

i'm not suffering i'm lmaoing at you're life

>> No.12351907

Force feed her the fishy sticks.

>> No.12351918

Rifles are the product of a human mind - which is completely natural.

>> No.12351919

Is there anything more retarded and hypocritical than a vegan?
The answer is no.

>> No.12351926

ask her how many animals die during veggie harvest, getting shredded by combines, ran over by tractors, etc. It's a lot.

>> No.12351930

Shit on her selfie stick

>> No.12351935

And also how much environmental damage is inflicted by converting untamed land into plantations.

>> No.12351936

>173 replies omitted

What a surprise

>> No.12351943

Which seven replies were not omitted?

>> No.12351949

This is one of the soyest posts I've ever seen.

>> No.12351953

Stick around. You'll be surprised at some of the posts you see.

>> No.12351956

It literally does.

>> No.12351959

Hot take: people should be allowed to take whatever drugs they want even if it kills them.

>> No.12351961

*gives reddit gold*

>> No.12351965

Addiction is a different thing from actual want.

>> No.12351966

Just ignore her. Vegans thrive on attention. If you deny her attention she will eventually get disgruntled and stop the vegan act.

>> No.12351967
File: 37 KB, 600x400, sasha grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put "activated" labels on all her vegan "food".

>> No.12351968

Humanity will never allow that because nobody wants a repeat of the Chinese opium epidemic. A crashing society isn't fun for anyone who lives in it.

>> No.12351978

Some people just are vegetarian and don't announce the fact, you know.

>> No.12351980

you need to grow up along with the sister.
Sharing this funny image while keeping her anonymous yet providing enough details to entertain a bunch of people you don't know is truly a good move that makes the world a tiny bit better place.

>> No.12351988

How would I know if they don't announce the fact? Why are though so secretive about it? Slimy little shits.

>> No.12351989

Not secretive. It usually only "comes out" at dinner time.

>> No.12352043

There's an even higher tier of retardation above vegan. They think eating fruit is cruel unless the fruit falls from the tree first.

>> No.12352062

please stop I'm salivating and it's not even close to lunch time

>> No.12352116

>fish scream

>> No.12352120


>> No.12352127

In some places. In others, they're kept alive to bleed out faster, as their heart rate spikes to keep the brain alive from the lack of blood.

>> No.12352132

Oh hey, are you that omnivore who claims to be vegan despite eating fish and dairy products because you're one of those bitch smug assholes who only want the virtue points of being called vegan?

Yeah, I bet you are.

>> No.12352156

Incredible b8 m8 have a (You)

>> No.12352179

I think you mean me, and no I'm not the guy you're arguing with. Also I never claimed to be vegan, you just assume I am because I don't get triggered by the sight of a vegetable and start screeching autistically and making loud gagging noises. I'm sorry your parents didn't love you and pandered to your every childish tantrum but that doesn't make the rest of society "vegan".

>> No.12352198

You’re working yourself into a shoot

>> No.12352203


Fish do not have an amygdala and hippocampus that is structurally similar to those of humans. You are just spewing the horse shit you read by a few peta cuck biologists trying to sell everyone that fish feel pain and fish "know fear". There is also a difference between a response mechanism and knowing fear; i.e. being scared.

>> No.12352211

Rennet though?

>> No.12352221
File: 100 KB, 400x400, f50bac04-8411-402e-9fde-5802813451ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"uhhhnnh my vagina!! im a woman and my best arguements revolve around my genitals!!"

SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.12352246

Animal agriculture gets more subsidies then any other foods. Obviously Jews are getting plenty out of this. Look at what it's doing to the Amazon.

>> No.12352252

I also enjoy Chinese cuisine!

>> No.12352253
File: 104 KB, 518x479, Kashiwagi_slips_into_victory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting this buttblasted over a joke

>> No.12352267

But anon I'm lactose intolerant, how is exlcuding dairy not good for me?

>> No.12352272

it's pretty fun if you're doing a bunch of opium desu

>> No.12352276

pretty good band name

>> No.12352378

To this day, I still don't get the activated almonds things. I know it's a meme and where it comes from, but are there really people believing you can "activate" almonds in any way?

>> No.12352386

eat bugs goyim, meat not for peasants

>> No.12352435

Yet they won't eat eggs that fall from a chicken. Stupid cunts.

>> No.12352510

make the bitch buy her own printer cartridges and she'll stop *food-shaming* you

>> No.12352693

Soaking them ‘activates’ them by triggering an enzymatic growth response that starts unlocking many of the nutrients in the nut.
Very similar to the process used to malt barley for brewing.

>> No.12352862
File: 5 KB, 168x204, 1557929814509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how dare you kill an animal ethically with a gun at a safe distance? you have to murder it with your bare hands and let it die slowly
my god you are more dense than a black hole

>> No.12352868

chickens can't scream

>> No.12352873

this, you should get naked and wait in her bedroom for her

>> No.12352883

oh your only problem is you're an iphone poster
fuck you, you deserve it. i hate chickens and would kill 4 billion of them before giving a fuck about you

>> No.12352892

Make similar little stickers that say things like "the weak should fear the strong" and "if you're not a predator, then you're the prey" and put them on her bedroom door, the remote to the TV, etc, etc.

>> No.12352936

I have also seen food Inc you insufferable faggot

>> No.12352962

"If an nvidia factory is not currently on fire it will be on fire" -Sun Tzu

>> No.12352994
File: 30 KB, 960x960, 1554709287216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>safe distance with a rifle like a pussy
>was traumatized by a pig being slaughtered

Yeah everyone else is the pussy, not you right?
Have you ever tried to get within killing distance of an animal? Guess what you cant because literally every wild animal fucks off at the speed of sound whenever something comes near them; so unless you have an entire group coralling them like indians or you can chase them down to exhauation you arent catching shit.

Also domestic cats kill more animals than people, and they dont even kill them for food. So if you care about animals you should start dealing with them. Because they are responsible for making many native animals go extinct; and are directly caused by human introduction.

>> No.12353020

>yeah everyone else is the pussy, not you right?
I am available at anytime of the day for a fistfight or any type of sword or crossbow duel. I just purchased an automatic pistol crossbow. It's a mix between a gun and a crossbow, it's like a pistol but it fires arrows. I killed a goat with a shot in the stomach at point-blank range by alluring it with grass; the beast died three hours later. I will do the same with you. I know that you like grass, like all sheep do

>> No.12353096
File: 2.73 MB, 4128x3096, 20190515_013500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about I shoot you instead?

>> No.12353098


>> No.12353124


>> No.12353194

Actually the amygdala is generally relevant in assigning motivational salience to stimuli and plays a role in positive emotional processing too. "Amygdala is for fear" is just a common misconception.

>> No.12353205

>post threat
>upload image with timestamp to further reinforce the threat
what are you doing with your life anon

>> No.12353251

Give your sister the dick

>> No.12353276

Isn't this literally true, though? At the time of death all sorts of biological functions fire and chemicals are released, even more so with suffering. I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that making lobsters suffer brings out more flavor.

>> No.12353279

I'm a twisted fucking cycle path, you'll cowards don't even smoke crack.

>> No.12353294

You're only morally obligated to ignore someone's beliefs as long as they ignore yours as well. As soon as they start trying to convert you to Mormonism and or make you eat tofu, all bets are off and you're within your right - nay, obligation - to wreck their retarded beliefs whenever you get the chance.

>> No.12353307

This nigga understands reciprocity.

>> No.12353443

Retarded carnists don't like blood in their meat so they have to drain it while the heart is still beating.

>> No.12353483

Label her makeup with the animals used to make it. If she wants to play that game, then play that game.

>> No.12353493

I don't know where you get your shit hippy, the heart does not need to be pumping to drain the blood out, gravity does that just fine. If you want to complain about barbaric practices then protest halal and kosher meat where they ritually slit the throats to bleed out alive rather than a quick bolt to the brain.

>> No.12353505

Put a different sticker on it that says "my agony makes me taste more delicious"

>> No.12353524


>> No.12353529

Found the redditor :^)))))

>> No.12353535

I thought stress is bad for meat. Isn't that why they massage all the wagyu cows?

>> No.12353553

>pig slaughtering
You're a fucking dumbass

>> No.12353602

...you don't read too good do you, victor?

You're still an omnivore, you triggered snowflake. :D

>> No.12353614

have sex
no seriously, bend your sister over a table and insert your penis into her anus.

>> No.12353624

>I have had to watch a pig being slaughtered right in front of me. The drained its blood from its neck into a bowl as it screamed to high heaven. Then it's screams became gurgly and this continued for what seemed like an eternity.
Balkan here, I experienced the same but with humans instead of pigs. Fuck vegans, though.

>> No.12353639

>I say that if every meat eater can actually kill his food with his own hands, not from a safe distance with a rifle like a pussy,

Fuck your feelings billy! Get outside and punch that chicken to death like a man!

>> No.12353915
File: 82 KB, 571x515, 1533189849258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no sister