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File: 67 KB, 960x771, https _blogs-images.forbes.com_christinatroitino_files_2019_04_Groupshot_flatlay_clipped__3k-1200x964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12351229 No.12351229 [Reply] [Original]

So Soylent has released a new product called Soylent squared. They are soy based 100 calorie meal replacement bars. Each bar is $1. Was thinking about buying them. Anyone try these bad boys out?

>> No.12351248

Don't, the last bars they released were pulled from the market. I'd at least wait until user reviews come out

>> No.12351253

I don't know that sounds pretty sweet
Not having to eat lunch for only a seems like it would be great

>> No.12351282
File: 35 KB, 271x406, 0012569799998_p0_v2_s550x406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a Soylent green variety

>> No.12351283

>pulled from the market
>Not having to eat lunch

>> No.12351287

I'd rather be reading or playing on my phone during my break than eating

>> No.12351293

Why not both?
You can get & eat a normal lunch in less than 15m

>> No.12351297

My break is only like 10 minutes

>> No.12351300

>average adult man required 2,500 calories daily
>it would cost $25 to get a day's worth of nutrients from this thing

>> No.12351302

lol soy

>> No.12351303

unless you work a half or quarter shift or something that's illegal in the us I believe
I believe it's an hour unpaid lunch and then two paid 15 minute breaks (that they rarely let you take anyway so people fuck with their phones in place instead)

>> No.12351307

>100 kcal
>5g protein
this is a scam

>> No.12351314

>Food Recall Warning - Soylent brand Food Bar recalled due to reported illnesses

>> No.12351318
File: 190 KB, 1200x900, 546157AD-0060-4089-B2A0-8A24AFBE7496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path

>> No.12351320
File: 78 KB, 660x440, aHR0cDovL3d3dy5saXZlc2NpZW5jZS5jb20vaW1hZ2VzL2kvMDAwLzA1Mi81Nzgvb3JpZ2luYWwvYmFib29uLTEyMDQwOS5qcGc=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was made from Baboon Butts

>> No.12351322

Yeah I could say some shit but i'd be fired in a heartbeat and get evicted and shit
Not trying to sleep in the park again even though its warm now

>> No.12351330


>> No.12351335

Post Nutrition Labels.

>> No.12351351

fuck off kojimafag, caloriemate is meme trash and tastes like chalky ass, I seriously regret the $10 or whatever it was I paid to get one

>> No.12351352

as if the average adult man isn't a fatass who could use a caloric deficit

>> No.12351354

this is what you get when you vote to neuter your own unions

>> No.12351368

Naw fuck em

>> No.12351369

We don’t all live in America

>> No.12351391


These are all countries I've been to with fatasses everywhere and that's most of the countries I've been to. Yeah in places where they can't afford food they're a bit slimmer.

>> No.12351400
File: 230 KB, 960x1280, 1558194455073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fatasses everywhere
look me in the eyes and tell me youre lying

>> No.12351428

I took a trip to ol' Nihon a few months ago and I gotta say , they're getting rather plump over there

>> No.12351647

nah its an hour total usually a 15 min break 30 min lunch then another 15 min break unpaid. i always hated the jobs i worked like that dunno if its legally required though because 2/3 of the jobs ive had dont have any set breaks you just take a few minutes whenever you have time.

>> No.12351676
File: 544 KB, 800x1421, soylent-squared-ingredients-800x1421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>canola oil, corn syrup, soy protein are the top 3 ingredients
>30 dollars for 30 shit sized bars

>> No.12351819

Oh, well, in that case I'll give them a try. I thought they were made of soy.

>> No.12351874

Has anyone that isn't a Commiefornia soyboy every bought any of these products?

>> No.12351911

This is shit.

>> No.12352200

I got a pack of ten sent to me for "review" and they're not particularly good. The regular flavor tastes a bit like sweetened pancake batter without the vanilla, the consistency is just thick enough to not really be chuggable meaning you have to slowly drink this slop throughout a half hour/hour defeating the entire purpose of it being a meal replacement since you have to lug it around with you.
These bars I assume are meant to be the counter to that, less difficult to carry around, but you still have to carry them around with you. It's not replacing meals, it's replacing other snacks i'd bring with me. If I get the bars i'll try them but no way in hell would I ever spend my own money on it.

>> No.12352340
File: 112 KB, 960x771, soylent-squares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never has there been a more appropriately named food product substitute.
>pic related

>> No.12352371

At a $1 price point for me, it’s the McChicken

>> No.12352432

I dont get why people don't bake their own protein/fiber bars etc...that shit is jew tier expensive, at least liquid soylent is reasonably priced for what it's marketed for (I think?)

>> No.12352437

>black babies
>chocolate brownie flavor

Well memed my friend.

>> No.12352471

it did say brownie, i didnt have a choice

>> No.12352483
File: 13 KB, 650x650, benuts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brown soylent
>white dude
>brown babus

>> No.12352484

It's not. Nearly $3.50 per bottle, and considering you need like 5 or 6 bottles to get a full day's nutrients you're spending nearly $20 a day just to not be starving. These bars are even worse they're literally just candy bars.

>> No.12352513

This is absolute shit for the calories.

>> No.12352521

>Each bar is $1

So, 1 dollar - 100 kcal

McD Cheeseburger: 1 dollar, 300 kcal. Just as portable and handy, protein, carbs, fat.

So why exactly not getting a cheeseburger?

>> No.12352552

>Bald spot

>> No.12352582

>100 calories of soybeans
the absolute state of vegans

>> No.12352677

25g ? 100 cal? how can this be called a meal. why would i waste 1$ for such a shit?

>> No.12352785

I thought it was marketed as a food replacement for people who wanted a quick meal/not eat out at work desu. 3.50 is a lot for what it is, but I suppose it's cheaper than whatever my coworkers are spending on panera/chipotle etc...like every god damn day.

>> No.12352829

4chin is reddit now. chantards are soyboys

>> No.12352833

It's not a meal replacement unless you drink two of them, they're not filling at all even then, anyway.

>> No.12352884

Not true. Stop acting pathetic and having a little pissing contest about how hard your life is. Nothing about 100 calories is going to "replace" your lunch.

If you only get a fifteen minute break then you aren't working long enough to need a lunch.

>> No.12352894
File: 371 KB, 1332x1979, 1519992844832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12353501

So this is america