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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 249x300, drive thru speaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12345480 No.12345480 [Reply] [Original]

>"I'll have your total at the window!"


>> No.12345498

Retard, what does it matter either way? You know what you're ordering and if you're enough of a nigger to not be able to afford a """fancy combo meal""" you need to rethink your priorities before getting in a drive thru.
The reason the total will be given at the window is that the DT person is away from their register juggling other things, in many cases at fast food they may be making food for their prior customers or bagging it up and gathering condiments, napkins, etc. They take the order to move you somewhat quickly and can remember what you ask for but they won't have the fucking prices memorized.

>> No.12345505

because I want to know. if it's too much I'll just drive off.

>> No.12345508

You can't drive backwards though.

>> No.12345526

not all drive thru's are a cattle chute dum dum

>> No.12345531

Why would you design them any other way? It would be a waste of space.

>> No.12345533

Speaking from experience, it's because the person on headset is having to do somebody else's job at the same time and they're not physically standing at the computer. They're filling drinks or making food or taking cash or serving people at the register inside WHILE taking your order as well.

>> No.12345537

>waste of space
sure you're very familiar with that phrase

>> No.12345551


>> No.12345731

This. I work at a chain coffee place and if I can't give you a total right away it's because I'm doing two people's jobs or on the other side of the store. If you're too concerned with the total you should rethink your priorities when it comes to spending.

>> No.12345758

It's not about having enough money, it's about being able to hand you exact change. Give us the total you niggers

>> No.12345787

>it uses paper money and coins
What fucking year is it jesus christ get a debit card

>> No.12345798

Just get a (((debit card))) goy
Trust (((us))) with your money goy

>> No.12345814

If I could pay for fast food in small packets of gold dust, I would.

>> No.12345817

It's 2019. Get a debit card and stop holding up the line with your paranoid boomer bullshit.

>> No.12345820

>falling for the plastic jew

>> No.12345839

>holding up the line
I'll be able to pay no problem while your pathetic (((system))) goes down and everybody panics

>> No.12345844

Op kill urself it's not our fault ur 500 pounds and get fast food 3 times a day so you must be as efficient as possible, n go back to /pol/

>> No.12345875

i used to work fast food and i did this. they track drive thru times by timing the order from when you ring it in to when the vehicle leaves the drive thru. i would give my cook a drive thru headset, he would start making it even though he didnt have a ticket.

if you hold the order and not ring it in till it is prepared your drive thru times look awesome af. corporate restaurants look for shit like that and the manager is usually the one taking the orders and doing it. Got some good raises (for fast food) because i consistently had the best drive thru times on my shifts.

>> No.12345916
File: 101 KB, 1120x630, HP3893_DC_Module.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>debit card
>not paying 98% of the purchase price

financial retards ITT

>> No.12345921
File: 44 KB, 770x464, eye roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12345950

Cash is just as fast unless you have parkinson's or some shit. I see card users hold up the line more frequently than cash users. Cash just works. Cards and the machines reading them glitch out from time to time.

>> No.12345953

>I'm super fast with cash!
>As I fumble around my car searching for that extra penny I know I have because muh exact change.
>Them Jews will never get my infos!

>> No.12345956
File: 77 KB, 690x720, 1515034882632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks USD is worth anything
>He thinks bank NOTES are somehow significantly different than digital banking
Retards like you are why I use CryptoPay VISA debit. I keep my working digital money in BTC which will actually have value when the (((USD))) notes become worthless. BTC is actually scarce, deflationary, and based on MARKET VALUE.

My savings account is gold in various locations. I laugh at dumbasses like you who think by using notes printed by banks that you're somehow escaping the banking (((system)))

>> No.12345958

You're a dumb faggot. Fuck off.

>> No.12345965

>Still using cash.
>Not forcing the wagie to measure out your purchase in gold flake.

>> No.12345971

>cash isn't serialized and logged
>ATMs absolutely don't record who was dispensed what
>Places you spend it at don't immediately take it back to a bank allowing it to be logged again
>Millions of serial number records with date stamps and account numbers can't be stored on the space of a USB flash drive

>> No.12345990

Crash it

>> No.12346102

This anon knows what's up. If you do some wise Google searching, this tech came about in the mid 2000s when computing was starting to become able to handle logging literally all the cash in terms of storage and processing.

It started in Japan. It's a perfect country. Technologically active and extremely cash-centric. Residents literally pay their bills in cash by taking them to konbinis. Finding a place that takes cards in Japan is like trying to find a cash-only store in the US. This really pissed off US and other international marketers because at the time there was basically no credit card privacy laws in place. You basically could buy swaths of people's transaction info for pennies. Everyone traded, bought, sold, bundled or scraped as much together as possible. This was right when ad cookies and shit were taking off too so they could get digital ads to you based on your brick and mortar purchases.

These people *loathed* JPN. They couldn't track shit with their cash society and wanted those first world bucks. So they lobbied The National Diet (Congress for Japs) to start passing laws requiring that every cash serial withdrawal from ATMs be logged and collected by a national data bank as well as large cash deposits done by businesses. They spun it as a way to "track Yakuza money laundering" so it passed through with ease.

They wrote it like crafty bastards so that banks, financial institutions and a third type of company that sounded legit were the only ones with access to the data bank. However, this was actually a legal loophole so they could easily stand up shell companies to suck out the cash data for the cost of standing up these companies. The Japanese government was literally a data mule at this point. It wasn't perfect but they got what they wanted and were now able to track cash purchases.

>> No.12346104

Now as this took effect one of the major ATM makers in the states, NCR, had to start fitting these requirements. Counting machines also became a HUGE market overnight. None of them logged serial numbers at the time and in a few years Japanese banks would have to replace their fleets to stay complaint. Thus virtually every company making anything that could count JPY had to start scanning serials and storing them.

Naturally NCR and other companies just added the features into their existing products that were going worldwide. Why manufacture "yen compliant" software and take it out for other countries?

You can see where this is going and where we are today. The US and many other countries got a huge police boner with the prospect of automated tracking of cash. As more countries were starting to pass these lass, existing tracking ATMs got a huge competitive advantage. Other companies started to premptively add the tracking based on NCRs original data structure which has now become an international standard in banking.

So yeah, "cash privacy" fags you're HUGELY BTFO. The best way to avoid this is to withdraw cash FROM A TELLER. While the serial will be attached to the day and station you withdrew from, it's a layer of anonymity. Take out $100s or $50s because you need to spend these and get them broken down to $20s and such. Then you're fairly in the clear. You can do a third break though and it's virtually untraceable at that point.

The other option is getting money that has spent its time with drugs, illegal gambling, prostitution, etc. That money has moved around so long without ever hitting a bank "checkpoint" from so many origin sources at different times that it's also untraceable. This also makes it highly suspicious when the money is attempted to be laundered in significant amounts which is another plus to the govt. It's not proof but it's a real great way to get feds to be looking at your business with an anal probe until they bust you.

>> No.12346119

What the fuck

>> No.12346134

>Google searching
Wanna know how I know you are retarded?

>> No.12346144

All I meant by that is that the articles are out there but you have to get crafty, look for .co.jp news and use Google translate, etc. Start off with translating "Yakuza laundering money tracking law" to Japanese on Google NEWS (therefore actually published by reputable sources). Then follow what you find.