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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12333370 No.12333370 [Reply] [Original]

I’m curious as to how you grew up. What kind of dishes did your parents make that stood out? At what point did you start cooking for yourself/family? How rich or poor were you and how did that affect your relationship with food?
>be middle of the road comfy suburban family with a mom who can’t use enough paprika and a dad who makes a pot of noodles, beef, onion, tomato and in boomer fashion called it American Chop Suey.

>> No.12333377

fuck your thread 45 supporter

>> No.12333409
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Grew up in Md so most special occasions involved a bushel of crabs. Regular meals were pretty bad but enjoyable. Dad never cooked once.

My mom did make one dish that to this day is still one of my favorites ever. 2 cans of Campbell’s cream of chicken and two cans of Campbell’s cheddar cheese mixed together and heated on the stove. Cook and mix in a bag of broccoli florets and two large chicken breasts cooked and shredded up. Let it all simmer together for a little while and add salt and pepper. Serve over rice with some Italian bread on the side. Just reading this it doesn’t sound like anything special but I could literally eat this every day for every meal.

>> No.12333417

hahahaahahahahhahahahahahaha your world is crumbling hahahahahaahahahahahahaha

>> No.12333439
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My parents were workaholics. I was a latchkey kid. They gave us each $20 a day for lunch and dinner. We ate a lot of delivery pizza and Chinese food growing up. On the weekends our parents would take us into the city and see shows, go to museums, concerts, and we'd eat afterwards. My mother didn't know how to cook and the only "cooking" my father did was burning shit on the grill occasionally.

>> No.12333446

I grew up relatively well off in an upper-middle class family. Just a few generations ago we were poor Southern dairy farmers so that shows in our food occasionally. We would often have meals that were just rice, roasted meat, and cooked vegetables. Simple but wholesome and tasty. Stuff that stood out to me was when we would have fresh produce in the summer. Mostly we grew tomatoes, herbs, and zucchini in our backyard garden. Made for some decent Italian dishes, like bruschetta and spaghetti with meat sauce. We’d also use them as burger toppings when we had cookouts. My mom loved to have a tomato sandwich with a nice ripe tomato from the garden from time to time. Basically a thick slice of raw tomato sprinkled with salt and pepper on toasted bread with a little mayo spread on it. I came to enjoy them too eventually. My mom could make the best potato soup ever, loaded with bacon and super thick. Her cornbread muffins where incredible and are still the standard to which I judge all other cornbread. Not sweet, but savory and with a nice crisp crust. Some of my favorite classic dishes my mom would turn out are sloppy joes, meatloaf, and porkchops. She really knows how to make those right.

I started helping my mom in the kitchen when I was quite young, and I began cooking by myself at around 16-17 I think. I’m 25 now and I still love to cook. I think being kind of rich introduced me to a lot of different foods and ingredients early on which lead to me outgrowing my childhood pickiness pretty quick. I’m really very lucky to have all the things I had as a kid and to have such wonderful parents.
Also fuck Trump. All true patriots are socialists.

>> No.12333447
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>> No.12333448

>dad makes homemade stuff all the time
>jams, apple butter, all kinds of personal recipes and desserts
>takes us berry picking every year and morel hunting
My dad ruled
>mom makes homemade cornish pasties, tries out tons of new recipes on me and my brother
>not big on sweets though
Both my parents were pretty good cooks. My dad had way more time to do stuff than my mom though. His job wasnt as invasive in his personal life

>> No.12333451

>that pic
footfags need to be exterminated.

>> No.12333454

Your writing style is stilted and juvenile. Please consider doing better next time you decide to write a post. Thanks!

>> No.12333466
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Don't talk to DoubleSwee like that

>> No.12333471
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>> No.12333489
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Based Swee patrolling thots after transitioning.

>> No.12333671


>> No.12333736

I just volunteered at a meet that had one of these trannies in it. Honestly just thought it was a weak fat chick. Turned out to be a weak fat guy

>> No.12333795

We didn't have a lot of money, but my parents were very careful about nutrition. We never bought premade stuff, sodas, or junk food except as a special treat. We always had two vegetables and a protein for dinner, and I still follow the formula as an adult. We had tons of blackberry bushes, tomato plants, chickens for eggs, chestnuts, hickory nuts, squash, and herbs. My dad was great at growing tomatoes so we would always have too much. We cooked them down into sauce for days and put it in the deep freeze to last the whole year or trade with our neighbors for honey or venison until bears cleared out their hives. I love chestnuts and hickory nuts but they're so expensive to buy now. When I was a kid I just picked them up off the ground.

My parents are decent cooks, and my mom is an excellent baker. She was bad at cooking chicken breast when I was little though, I would dread those nights because she would just season it and put it on the uncovered skillet until it was a brick. I never understood picky eaters because the rule in my house was that if you ate what you were given, and if you didn't want it you were going to bed hungry.

>> No.12333827

> poor as fuck
> parents manage to pull it off every year
> thanksgiving was my favorite holiday because I actually got to eat without worrying about food.
> christmas was a little better, family would make tamales with the whole entire extended family. We put our differences aside for just one night to celebrate the company of each other.
> kinda sucks my extended family has become so bad hearted, everyone in my family fights over my grandma because they know she's going to die soon. Family has lost its meaning.

>> No.12335501


What are autism jeans?

>> No.12335597

>imagine getting this butthurt over a picture of a president

>> No.12335641

Grew up pretty neglected, ate a lot of fast food and junk food and sweet drinks but dont have diabetes still. So i stopped just in time. Thank you whoevers guarding me. Thank you my resilient body.

>> No.12335693
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My mom would bake cookies any time an occasion could even remotely call for it.
I didn't understand until I was in middle school that keebler elf cookues or Pepperidge farm cookies were just normal cookies for most of my friends. I always considered homemade cookies the default.
We had two ovens, but the second was only used on holidays and for baking cookies. She'd make increasingly larger batches as time went on.
I don't bake so much, but I've shared her recipe with students I teach. It feels good.

>> No.12335714
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DoubleSwee is a stand-up comedian now, it’s pretty based.


>> No.12335721
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>be 10 years old
>was a super picky eater previously, didn't even like eating meat/would only eat fried chicken skin and not the meat itself
>around this time start expanding palette, I once was blind and now I see, there's a lot of good food in this world
>go with parents to steakhouse, OK today's the day I face my fears and eat a steak for the first time
>order a steak, get it medium, scared as fuck when it was delivered to our table
>man up, cut off a piece take a bite, soft like butter and tastes amazing, God damn what have i been missing out on this entire time, eat the entire thing and declare to my parents that I have a new favorite food
>mom decides next week to cook us some steaks, I'm super concerned because she's a terrible cook, she only knows how to cook Chinese food (we're chinks) and is terrible with western recipes, she's also is very health conscious and refuses to follow recipes, will only use 1/4th butter, oil and salt even if it destroys the recipie/taste, and is also a complete and utter kike in regards to costs so refuses to purchase good quality ingredients, buys the cheapest and shittiest stuff
>mom busts out the electric grill that, years later I realized was purchased for like $25 on clearance from target, is a low powered piece of shit that doesn't heat evenly
>she pulls out of the fridge a sirloin that's surface has already oxidized, was on sale from Krogers, literally the cheapest cut
>refuses to season the steak (just put steak sauce on it!!!), uses spam to coat the grill before grilling, I'm fucking 10 years old and even I know this is fucked up
>supprise supprise it comes out and it looks fucking awful
>I hesitate, dad is already eating, can see him struggle to cut it because it's so tough, when he eats it takes him 30 seconds to chew and swallow because it's so shit
>he turns to me and whispers "I know it sucks but don't make a big deal, it's not worth it, it's just one meal and you'll have a million other meals in your lifetime"

>> No.12335725

My mum was always a great cook. My favorite food growing up was lasagna but I also remember her chicken marsala (lean chicken with a creamy mushroom sauce, served over rice) was great. As I got older we had less money but she still did great grabbing stuff from food banks and buying food stamps off people. I would help with the rent when I was in my teens but I never thought about having to buy food so we still ate good (as long as we had peanut butter and milk I was happy). She's still a great cook but has stopped eating dinner. It's kind of disappointng cause I kind of miss her food

>> No.12335727
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>I cut into it and try it, tastes nothing like what I had at the restaurant, bland as fuck, is completely overcooked, get confused and say it doesn't taste good and I want something else
>mom blows up at me, starts screaming at the top of her lungs, Asian mom style: "you wanted me to cook this for you, now you're gonna eat it", "I knew your picky days weren't over", "all this stuff costs good money you're not going to waste it"
>start crying (like serious, crocodile tears streaming down my face) because I can't stomach it, dad just shakes his head in an "I told you so" way
>an hour later I'm still fucking crying like a bitch, I haven't even eaten 1/4th of the steak
>mom finally storms out of the kitchen
>quickly open the back door leading to our yard, hurl the steak as far as I can
>close the door, return to my seat, she's back like 2 minutes later
>"where's the steak, what happened to it"
>"I finished it"
>"you didn't finish anything, what did you do with it"
>"I ate it all"
>she freaks out, calls me a liar, accuses me of being a bad son that wastes food
>my dad hears the commotion, tries to referee, "if he says he finished it who cares, it's not a big deal"
>mom freaks out at him too, she turns over the kitchen trash can and sifts through it like she's a detective looking for clues, meanwhile I'm still crying
>she finally notices the backdoor is unlocked, she figures it out
>I think to myself that since it's night time I might be safe because she can't prove anything without the evidence
>she fucking puts the leash on the dog (looking back I should have just fed it to my dog) and marches him through the back yard
>10 minutes later dog sniffs out the steak, mom returns even more pissed than before
>literally yells at me all night, non stop, dad just on the side shaking his head

Everything she's done, she meant well, she had good intentions. But in reality I had some dog shit parents.

>> No.12335745

Images like this don't just come together in a minute, you have to seriously sit there either raging blood out your ass or laughing it off.
Either way, you are butthurt, consider suicide

>> No.12335753

>Mom is a decent cook and has me taste test all the food for seasoning
>Divorced from dad, but he's present in life and monetarily responsible. He's an even better cook.
>They both are masters of southern style even though we don't live in south.
>Chicken and Rice
>Mac and Cheese
>Hellaciously good barbecue
>Homemade biscuits
>Authentic-ish mexican (from dad)
>Pot roast
>Lots of different soups from dad
I'm a better chef than both of them now thanks to Youtube and the internet. I cook as many styles as possible and just updated my cookware, which has made a huge difference.

>> No.12335764

Dude, this was your fault. Should have just ate the fucking steak. She was right about wasting food for sure.

>> No.12335781

Kek, should've just shoved the whole thing in your mouth and swallowed it

>> No.12335783

I grew up really poor and ate whatever was available. As an adult, I'll eat just about anything if it tastes good. Also, I hate picky eaters--especially fully fucking grown adults that are as picky as a 10 year old. What happened along the way to make them like that? I'm guessing they were spoiled as fuck as a kid and was allowed to eat McDicks during every meal for years on end/had the luxury of turning down "icky" vegetables.

>> No.12335800

What a spoiled little bitch of a kid you were. I'd have had my ass whooped for being such a defiant little shit.

>> No.12335802

It's hard to believe he would actually go out and say this but I've seen the current state of the comedy tag on streaming sites so I hope he's killing it

>> No.12335805

>be me
>go to Grandma's town for week
>bumfuck flyoverland
>go to a wedding
>after party lunch thing sounds decent
>go downstairs
>see some weird ass shit
>Hamburger Rice "Chinese Cassarole"
>rye bread and mayo with chips
>shitty pickles too vinegary
>The worst offender, was my grandma's tacos.
>left for the A&W afterwards. Fuck snalltowns. They got nothing of value.

>> No.12335814

White trash family. Best dinners were tostadas, sloppy joes and the traditional Thanksgiving meal where ma went all out.

>> No.12335863

She should've removed you from this world then and there yet here you are acting like a spoiled cunt on a basket-weaving forum

>> No.12335880

Parents were drug addicts and poor. Dad spent a lot of time in jail, and mom would steal food out of dumpsters to feed us so she could sell our foodstamps for cigs and drugs. I would sometimes eat things that were not food to quiet my stomach enough to sleep.

>> No.12335886

This post is the epitome of picky eater, makes things out to be way worse than reality and uses that to throw a shit-fit about anything served to him.
The rye bread sounds odd though, are you describing a sandwich or just several items next to each other??

>> No.12335906

pants he doesn't like

>> No.12335913

>that last line

You have no clue what you're talking about. Real Nationalists reject Capitalism and Socialism as modernist irrational shit.

>> No.12337101

Both parents were ok cooks even though we were poor. Lots of crisp sandwiches and poor excuses for stews. Then mum died and dad got more and more drunk, half the time we either ate chicken nuggets or corned beef with potatoes which were either over cooked or over salted. Grandparents and family on mums side is really well off so got to experience a lot of restaurants but shit father always ordered me well done steaks until I was old enough to know the difference.
Once i started cooking he would always stand over me and complain about something, he would try to do it playfully but it was just fucking annoying. He also refused to eat anything I made that was different.
The last time he tried to make a sunday dinner, he kept falling over when trying to smoke cutting his head and pissing himself. I finished it off it was ok.

>> No.12337298

this is why I hate chinks

>> No.12337333

Chicken = Dogs?